9:16 / 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라. 어떻게 생겼는가. 왜 그 가구가 좋은가. 11:38 / 당신이 어릴 때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라. 13:59 / 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가). 어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가. 16:26 / 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가. 어떤 음악가. 작곡가를 좋아하는가. 18:45 / 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가. 어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가. 21:08 / 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적이 있는가. 무엇인가. 누구와 갔는가. 왜 그것이 좋았는가. 23:31 / 당신은 어떤 MP3를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다. 26:11 / 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다. 상황을 설명하고. 2-3가지의 대안을 제시한다. 28:50 / 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가. 어떻게 그랬는가. 어떻게 해결했는가. 31:20 / 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가. 33:47 / 건강관련 이슈. 왜 이슈인가. 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가. 건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
1. 자기소개 / 2. 당신이 자주 가는 바에 대하여 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가 / 3. 당신은 누구와 주로 바에 가는가-언제 주로 가고-무엇을 주로 마시며-그곳에서 무엇을 하는가 / 4. 바에서 잊지못할 경험이 있는가-무슨일이었는가-왜 기억에 남는가 / 5. 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가-왜 그 가구가 좋은가 / 6. 당신이 어릴때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라. / 7. 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가)-어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가 / 8. 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가-어떤 음악가, 작곡가를 좋아하는가 / 9. 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가-어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가 / 10. 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적 이 있는가-무엇인가-누구와 갔는가-왜 그것이 좋았는가 / 11. (전화질문) 당신은 어떤 MP3 를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3 에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다. / 12. (전화) 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다-상황을 설명하고-2,3가지의 대안을 제시한다. / 13. 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가-어떻게 그랬는가-어떻게 해결했는가 / 14. 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가? / 15. 건강관련 이슈-왜 이슈인가- 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가-건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
1. (0:00) Self Introduction 2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to. What does it look like? 3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with. When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there? 4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar? What happened and why is it so memorable? 5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house? What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture? 6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child. How was it different from the furniture you have now? 7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture. Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem. 8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite musician or composer? 9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music? How has your taste in music developed and changed over time? 10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music? What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it? 11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy an mp3 player. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy. 12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve. You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it. Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives. 13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation. Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment? What was the problem and how did you solve it? 14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years? What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present? 15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently. Why are the issues and what are people saying about them? Talk about problems that are related to health in detail 스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
16:26 What kind of music do you listen to?Who is your favorite musician or composer? 18:45 How did you first become interested in listening to music? How has your taste in music developed and changed over time? 21:08 Do you have any experience of listening to live music? What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it? 31:20 How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years? What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present? (복붙)
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently. Why are the issues and what are people saying about them? Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
안녕하세요 선생님 항상 도움 많이 받고 있습니다 질문이 있어서 댓글 남겨요!!! 14번 문제에서 제가 답변을 요즘은 건강 유지가 쉬워 이유는 건강음식들이 많이 출시 했다 과거에는 많은사람들이 다이어트 기간에 음식을 먹지 않았어 하지만 지금은 건강음식 많이 출시해서 우리는 운동을 하면서 그것을 먹기만 하면된다 어쨋든 나는 건강음식이 출시해서 정말 도움되는거 같아 mp를 heathly food로 잡았는데 이런식도 괜찮을까요?
선생님 매번 감사드립니다 복 받으세요! 14번 질문입니다 과거에는 건강에 딱히 신경을 안쓴지라 각종질병에 쉽게 걸렸고 이러한 심각성을 알게된지라 요근래에는 규칙적인 운동 및 건강식품을 섭취하고 인터넷 서칭 통해 건강관련된 정보를 찾는다 이런식으로 얘기해도될까용 마지막 질문은 최근에 건강 관련하여 뉴스를 보았는데 요즘 사람들은 자극적인 음식을 많이 먹어서 질병 특히 암 발생률이 높아져서 규칙적인 운동 및 건강한 식품을 먹음으로써 건강을 되찾아된다 따라서 뉴스를 본 이후로 나 또한 식습관 및 규칙적으로 운동을하였다 이런식으로 얘기해도되나요? 아니면 차라리 뉴스를 보았는데 토마토 대해서 나왔고 몸에 좋다~~좋은 이유설명 이런식으로도 괜찮을까용
@@여우강사최나영 하...첫 시험 그리 잘 본거 같지는 않습니다. 기억나는 질문으로는 운동할때 무엇을 입느냐 과거의 폰과 지금의 폰의 차이점? 과거의 집과 현재의집 이정도 였던거 같아요 근데 한가지 질문이 한 2~3번 정도 중복되게 비슷한 질문을 계속 던지는데 앞에서 했던 대답그대로 질문을 다음 질문에 또 던져서 아주 난감했습니다....
1. 자기소개 / 2. 당신이 자주 가는 바에 대하여 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가 / 3. 당신은 누구와 주로 바에 가는가-언제 주로 가고-무엇을 주로 마시며-그곳에서 무엇을 하는가 / 4. 바에서 잊지못할 경험이 있는가-무슨일이었는가-왜 기억에 남는가 / 5. 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가-왜 그 가구가 좋은가 / 6. 당신이 어릴때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라. / 7. 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가)-어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가 / 8. 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가-어떤 음악가, 작곡가를 좋아하는가 / 9. 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가-어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가 / 10. 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적 이 있는가-무엇인가-누구와 갔는가-왜 그것이 좋았는가 / 11. (전화질문) 당신은 어떤 MP3 를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3 에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다. / 12. (전화) 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다-상황을 설명하고-2,3가지의 대안을 제시한다. / 13. 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가-어떻게 그랬는가-어떻게 해결했는가 / 14. 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가? / 15. 건강관련 이슈-왜 이슈인가- 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가-건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
1. (0:00) Self Introduction 2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to. What does it look like? 3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with. When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there? 4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar? What happened and why is it so memorable? 5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house? What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture? 6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child. How was it different from the furniture you have now? 7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture. Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem. 8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite musician or composer? 9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music? How has your taste in music developed and changed over time? 10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music? What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it? 11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy an mp3 player. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy. 12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve. You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it. Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives. 13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation. Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment? What was the problem and how did you solve it? 14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years? What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present? 15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently. Why are the issues and what are people saying about them? Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
1. (0:00) Self Introduction 2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to. What does it look like? 3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with. When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there? 4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar? What happened and why is it so memorable? 5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house? What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture? 6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child. How was it different from the furniture you have now? 7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture. Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem. 8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite musician or composer? 9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music? How has your taste in music developed and changed over time? 10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music? What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it? 11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy an mp3 player. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy. 12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve. You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it. Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives. 13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation. Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment? What was the problem and how did you solve it? 14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years? What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present? 15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently. Why are the issues and what are people saying about them? Talk about problems that are related to health in detail 스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
1. (0:00) Self Introduction 2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to. What does it look like? 3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with. When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there? 4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar? What happened and why is it so memorable? 5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house? What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture? 6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child. How was it different from the furniture you have now? 7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture. Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem. 8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to? Who is your favorite musician or composer? 9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music? How has your taste in music developed and changed over time? 10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music? What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it? 11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy an mp3 player. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy. 12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve. You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it. Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives. 13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation. Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment? What was the problem and how did you solve it? 14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years? What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present? 15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently. Why are the issues and what are people saying about them? Talk about problems that are related to health in detail 스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
9:16 / 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라. 어떻게 생겼는가. 왜 그 가구가 좋은가.
11:38 / 당신이 어릴 때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라.
13:59 / 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가). 어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가.
16:26 / 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가. 어떤 음악가. 작곡가를 좋아하는가.
18:45 / 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가. 어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가.
21:08 / 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적이 있는가. 무엇인가. 누구와 갔는가. 왜 그것이 좋았는가.
23:31 / 당신은 어떤 MP3를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다.
26:11 / 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다. 상황을 설명하고. 2-3가지의 대안을 제시한다.
28:50 / 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가. 어떻게 그랬는가. 어떻게 해결했는가.
31:20 / 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가.
33:47 / 건강관련 이슈. 왜 이슈인가. 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가. 건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
1. 자기소개 / 2. 당신이 자주 가는 바에 대하여 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가 / 3. 당신은 누구와 주로 바에 가는가-언제 주로 가고-무엇을 주로 마시며-그곳에서 무엇을 하는가 / 4. 바에서 잊지못할 경험이 있는가-무슨일이었는가-왜 기억에 남는가 / 5. 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가-왜 그 가구가 좋은가 / 6. 당신이 어릴때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라. / 7. 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가)-어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가 / 8. 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가-어떤 음악가, 작곡가를 좋아하는가 / 9. 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가-어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가 / 10. 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적 이 있는가-무엇인가-누구와 갔는가-왜 그것이 좋았는가 / 11. (전화질문) 당신은 어떤 MP3 를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3 에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다. / 12. (전화) 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다-상황을 설명하고-2,3가지의 대안을 제시한다. / 13. 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가-어떻게 그랬는가-어떻게 해결했는가 / 14. 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가? / 15. 건강관련 이슈-왜 이슈인가- 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가-건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
14번 house가 아니라 health아닌가여
@@workout_jin0 그런듯
@@workout_jin0 댓글 눌러보기 전까지 내 귀가 잘못됐나 의심하면서 3번 돌려들음
깜짝이야 내가 잘못들은줄알았네
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저도 house로 들어서 집 리모델링 그런거 얘기하는건가? 하고 한참을 고민했네요
1. 0:00 / 2. 2:17 / 3. 4:33 / 4. 6:55 / 5. 9:16 / 6. 11:38 / 7. 13:59 / 8. 16:26 / 9. 18:45 / 10. 21:08 / 11. 23:31 / 12. 26:11 / 13. 28:50 / 14. 31:20 / 15. 33:47
1. (0:00) Self Introduction
2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to.
What does it look like?
3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with.
When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there?
4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar?
What happened and why is it so memorable?
5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture?
6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child.
How was it different from the furniture you have now?
7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture.
Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem.
8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to?
Who is your favorite musician or composer?
9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music?
How has your taste in music developed and changed over time?
10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music?
What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it?
11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.
You want to buy an mp3 player.
Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy.
12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve.
You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it.
Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives.
13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation.
Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment?
What was the problem and how did you solve it?
14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years?
What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present?
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently.
Why are the issues and what are people saying about them?
Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
선생님 혹시 바에 관련된 질문들은 어떤 선택항목에 의한 질문인가요?ㅜㅜ 바에 가는걸 좋아하지 않아서 친구들이랑 자주 가는 술집이 있는데 거기는~ 이런식으로 돌려서 대답해도 상관없을까요??
선생님 모의고사 잘 보고 있습니다! 아직도 서베이에서 선택 안한 주제는 문제로 안 나오나요???
네 그렇습니다. 하지만 기본적으로 나오는 돌발 문제들이 있습니다
여러가지 모의고사 올려주셔서 너무 감사합니다👍🏻
선생님! 음악 카테고리도 선택해야만 나오나요? 아니면 돌발질문으로 나올 수 있나요?
선택해야 나와요
바에 대한 질문은 서배이랑 상관없이 나오는건가요!? 솔직히 경험이 없는데 만드려니 넘 어려워서요! ㅠㅠ
bar는 서베이에서 선택 안하면 안나와요
오늘도 찢 겼 다 . . . .
준석아.. 근육과 오픽은 똑같은거야 찢기고 회복하면서 더 커지는 거야.. 알겠지? 단백질 잘 챙겨먹고
@@백지수-x3w 명언이군요..
@@백지수-x3w ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
오늘 하체해야겠다..
@@백지수-x3w 감동적이네요
선생님 13번 문제 equipment 에 핸드폰도 포함이 될까요?
핸드폰 뮤직개짓에 넣어도 될것 같아요
16:26 What kind of music do you listen to?Who is your favorite musician or composer?
18:45 How did you first become interested in listening to music?
How has your taste in music developed and changed over time?
21:08 Do you have any experience of listening to live music?
What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it?
31:20 How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years?
What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present?
안녕하세요 여우오픽님^^
의정부에서 영어강사로 활동 중인
Jin이라고 합니다.
오픽 AL 모범답안 영상이 많지 않아,
여우 오픽님의 영상 활용이 가능한지
글 남깁니다. 감사합니다.
(출처 및 링크 포함)
네 ㅎ 그렇게 하세요
아뇽하세요 매번 잘 학습하고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ 이렇게만 나오면 IH받을 자신 있는데 두근거리네요..
연습을 많이하면 시험장에서 긴장되더라도 잘 하실 수 있을거에요 ㅎ
안녕하세요 선생님! 모의고사 잘 이용하고 있습니다. 혹시 13번에 핸드폰 액정이 부러진 경험을 말해도 괜찮을까요?
당연히 괜찮을것 같아요
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently.
Why are the issues and what are people saying about them?
Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
problem"s that are related"가 셀러브레이트 약간 이렇게 들림...
8. 16:26 / 9. 18:45 / 10. 21:08 / 11. 23:31 / 12. 26:11
piano도 furniture에 해당할까요??
piano 는 instrumnets에 들어가요
선생님 15건강이슈 부정적인 거만 말해야하나요? 집에서 홈트가 인기이다 이런거될까여
긍정적인거 얘기해도 될것 같아요.
질문하고 정확히 매칭 시키는게 그닥 중요한거 같지는 않아요
선생님 Background Survey 에서 '바'를 선택안해도 돌발로 나올수있나요 ?
백그라운드에 있는데 선택 안 한 문항은 절대로 나오지 않습니다
@@여우강사최나영 감사합니다!!!
사람들은 이것이 심각하다고 말한다. Many people are like “this is serious” 이렇게 써도 맞을까요..??
Many people say "this is serious" or "This is getting serious" 가 더 자연스러울것 같아요
@@여우강사최나영 i was like "~~" 처럼 직접화법 쓰는거랑은 다른가요?
안녕하세요 선생님 항상 도움 많이 받고 있습니다
질문이 있어서 댓글 남겨요!!!
14번 문제에서
제가 답변을
요즘은 건강 유지가 쉬워
이유는 건강음식들이 많이 출시 했다
과거에는 많은사람들이 다이어트 기간에 음식을 먹지 않았어
하지만 지금은 건강음식 많이 출시해서
우리는 운동을 하면서 그것을 먹기만 하면된다
어쨋든 나는 건강음식이 출시해서 정말 도움되는거 같아
mp를 heathly food로 잡았는데 이런식도 괜찮을까요?
당연히 괜찮을것 같아요
대답 너무 디테일하게 신경 안쓰시는게 더 유리합니다
2번에 바 얘기 나와서 아는 바가 게이바밖에 없어서 게이바라고 답한 내가 레전드
선생님 오픽 시험 답변에 fuxx 같은 욕설을 해도 되나요... 웃긴 답변하다 무의식적으로 해버렸는데
괜찮을거에요. 그 부분을 들었다는 보장도 할 수 없고. 대답을 처음부터 끝까지 꼼꼼하게 듣는 것 같지는 않습니다.
컴퓨터도 furniture질문에서 써도 괜찮은가요??
컴퓨터는 전자제품이라 가구에는 안 들어가지요.
선생님 좋은 영상 올려주셔서 감사드려요 🌝
혹시 5~7문제 furniture에서 티비나 냉장고에 대해서 말해도 될까요?
TV나 냉장고는 furniture가 아닙니다.
appliance에 속하죠
빠르고 정확한 답변 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ
혹시 그리고 바는 돌발질문으로는 안나오겠지요?
바(BAR)는 돌발 아니고 선택입니다. 백그라운드 서베이에서 선택 안 하시면 질문 안 나옵니다.
보통 오픽 답변 몇분이 적당한가요 보통 하나의 주제에 대하여 3개질문나오니 2분씩 채우기 너무 힘들던대..
1분~1분 30초 정도해도 충분히 등급이나올까요?
1분 정도면 충분해요.
2분까지 대답 할 필요 없어요
정말 아무것도안떠올라서그런데 14번 집 maintain에 관한거 예시하나만주시면안될까요?? Maintaining이 가구재배치는 안될거같구ㅠㅠ..
문제가 생겼을 때 해결하는 것이 문제인 것 같은데요, 무언가 망가졌다거나, 벌레가 생겼다거나로 하시면 될것 같아요
@@여우강사최나영 감사해용😄
여기서 영상 7~8개 보고 연습하면서 작년 11월에 IH 받았습니다 이제서야 인증하네요! 감각 잃지않기 위해서 한번씩 들어오려구요 감사합니다
제가 감사하죠, 이런 좋은 소식 들을 때마다 신나요 ㅎ
가구 문제는 돌발질문인가요?
네 맞습니다. 돌발입니다
커튼과 커튼봉은 가구가 아니겠죠..?
커튼이랑 커튼봉은 가구에는 안 들어갈것 같아요
선생님 2번문제 bar 묘산데 그냥 내가 가는 바는 가격이 엄청 싸 로 주제 잡아도 될까요?
당연하죠. 오픽 답변에 정답이 없습니다.
말만 잘하면 등급 잘 줍니다
술집/바 콤보랑 음악 콤보는 서베이에서 안 고르면 아예 안 나오나요??
네 그렇습니다
선생님 매번 감사드립니다 복 받으세요!
14번 질문입니다
과거에는 건강에 딱히 신경을 안쓴지라
각종질병에 쉽게 걸렸고 이러한 심각성을 알게된지라 요근래에는 규칙적인 운동 및 건강식품을 섭취하고 인터넷 서칭 통해 건강관련된 정보를 찾는다 이런식으로 얘기해도될까용
마지막 질문은
최근에 건강 관련하여 뉴스를 보았는데 요즘 사람들은 자극적인 음식을 많이 먹어서 질병 특히 암 발생률이 높아져서 규칙적인 운동 및 건강한 식품을 먹음으로써 건강을 되찾아된다 따라서 뉴스를 본 이후로 나 또한 식습관 및 규칙적으로 운동을하였다 이런식으로 얘기해도되나요?
아니면 차라리 뉴스를 보았는데 토마토 대해서 나왔고 몸에 좋다~~좋은 이유설명
이런식으로도 괜찮을까용
건강에 대해 준비하신 내용이 정말 신선해서 좋아보입니다. 건강에 대한 내용을 몇 줄이라도 준비해 두시면 시험 때 쓸 확률이 있는 편입니다. 잘 하셨네요 ㅎ
22.01.27 sung엽이랑 완료오~~
보통 14,15번 문제도 동일한 카테고리에서 문제가 나오지 않나요? 14번은 집이고 15번은 건강인데 이렇게 다르게 나올 수도 있나요?
14번 잘 들어보시면 maintain their health라고 들려요. 14번도 건강에 대한 질문이에요
이 정도 난이도면 보통 난이도 5-5인가요? 6-6인가요?
5랑 6 난이도는 똑같습니다
가구가 부서진 경험에 대해 말하는 질문에서 사실 가구에 문제가 있었던적은 없다, 그런데 가구말고 다른게 부서진적있다 말해도 괜찮나요?
맞습니다. 그렇게 대답하셔서도 진짜 괜찮은것 같습니다
마지막 문제 Tell me about 다음에 뭐죠 ..
health related issues that are in the news recently
@@여우강사최나영 처음에 house 라고 하는거같은데 뒤에는 health 라고 하는거같네유 ; ; ;
후 시험 2시간 30분 전....
시험 어땠나요? 긴장 안하셨어요?
뭐 물어보던가요?
@@여우강사최나영 하...첫 시험 그리 잘 본거 같지는 않습니다. 기억나는 질문으로는
운동할때 무엇을 입느냐
과거의 폰과 지금의 폰의 차이점?
과거의 집과 현재의집
이정도 였던거 같아요 근데 한가지 질문이 한 2~3번 정도 중복되게 비슷한 질문을 계속 던지는데 앞에서 했던 대답그대로 질문을 다음 질문에 또 던져서 아주 난감했습니다....
안녕하세요! 10번 라이브뮤직 질문에서 콘서트장 간 경험을 애기해도 되나요?? 라이브 뮤직이면 바같은데서 밴드가 공연하는 그런게 라이브 뮤직인가요.?
콘서트장 간거나 라이브 뮤직 바에 가신거 얘기하시면 되요.
13번에 piace of 라는건가요 뭐라는지 알려주실분 게신가요 ㅜㅜ
그리고ㅓ 14 15번문항 house라는건지 health라는건지도 궁금해요 ㅜㅜ
piece of equipment
Have you ever been in a situation you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment? what was the problem and how did you solve it?
1. 자기소개 / 2. 당신이 자주 가는 바에 대하여 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가 / 3. 당신은 누구와 주로 바에 가는가-언제 주로 가고-무엇을 주로 마시며-그곳에서 무엇을 하는가 / 4. 바에서 잊지못할 경험이 있는가-무슨일이었는가-왜 기억에 남는가 / 5. 당신의 집에 있는 좋아하는 가구를 말하라-어떻게 생겼는가-왜 그 가구가 좋은가 / 6. 당신이 어릴때 갖고 있던 가구와 현재의 가구를 비교하라. / 7. 당신은 가구에 문제가 생긴적이 있는가(부러졌는가, 얼룩이 생겼는가)-어떻게 그 문제를 해결했는가 / 8. 당신은 어떤 종류의 음악을 듣는가-어떤 음악가, 작곡가를 좋아하는가 / 9. 언제 처음 음악에 흥미가 생겼는가-어릴때부터 어떻게 음악 취향이 바뀌었는가 / 10. 당신은 라이브 음악을 들어본 적 이 있는가-무엇인가-누구와 갔는가-왜 그것이 좋았는가 / 11. (전화질문) 당신은 어떤 MP3 를 사야할지 친구에게 전화하여 MP3 에 대하여 3,4가지 질문한다. / 12. (전화) 당신은 친구에게 MP3 플레이어를 빌렸는데 망가졌다-상황을 설명하고-2,3가지의 대안을 제시한다. / 13. 당신 또는 당신이 아는 누군가가 물건을 망가트린적이 있는가-어떻게 그랬는가-어떻게 해결했는가 / 14. 당신의 나라에서 과거와 현재 집을 유지하는 것이 어떻게 바뀌었는가? / 15. 건강관련 이슈-왜 이슈인가- 사람들은 뭐라고 하는가-건강과 관련된 문제에 대해 이야기하라.
14. 집 아니고 건강이에요
1. (0:00) Self Introduction
2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to.
What does it look like?
3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with.
When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there?
4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar?
What happened and why is it so memorable?
5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture?
6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child.
How was it different from the furniture you have now?
7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture.
Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem.
8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to?
Who is your favorite musician or composer?
9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music?
How has your taste in music developed and changed over time?
10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music?
What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it?
11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.
You want to buy an mp3 player.
Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy.
12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve.
You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it.
Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives.
13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation.
Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment?
What was the problem and how did you solve it?
14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years?
What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present?
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently.
Why are the issues and what are people saying about them?
Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
1. 0:00 / 2. 2:17 / 3. 4:33 / 4. 6:55 / 5. 9:16 / 6. 11:38 / 7. 13:59 / 8. 16:26 / 9. 18:45 / 10. 21:08 / 11. 23:31 / 12. 26:11 / 13. 28:50 / 14. 31:20 / 15. 33:47
1. (0:00) Self Introduction
2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to.
What does it look like?
3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with.
When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there?
4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar?
What happened and why is it so memorable?
5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture?
6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child.
How was it different from the furniture you have now?
7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture.
Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem.
8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to?
Who is your favorite musician or composer?
9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music?
How has your taste in music developed and changed over time?
10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music?
What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it?
11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.
You want to buy an mp3 player.
Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy.
12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve.
You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it.
Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives.
13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation.
Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment?
What was the problem and how did you solve it?
14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years?
What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present?
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently.
Why are the issues and what are people saying about them?
Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
1. 0:00 / 2. 2:17 / 3. 4:33 / 4. 6:55 / 5. 9:16 / 6. 11:38 / 7. 13:59 / 8. 16:26 / 9. 18:45 / 10. 21:08 / 11. 23:31 / 12. 26:11 / 13. 28:50 / 14. 31:20 / 15. 33:47
1. (0:00) Self Introduction
2. (2:17) Please describe the bar you often go to.
What does it look like?
3. (4:33) Who do you usually go to the bar with.
When you go, what do you usually drink and what do you do there?
4. (6:55) Have you ever had a memorable experience at a bar?
What happened and why is it so memorable?
5. (9:16) Tell me about your favorite piece of furniture in your house?
What does it look like and why do you like that piece of furniture?
6. (11:38) Tell me about the furniture you had when you were a child.
How was it different from the furniture you have now?
7. (13:59) Have you ever had any problems with a piece of furniture.
Was it broken? did it have a stain? tell me what happened and how you solved the problem.
8. (16:26) What kind of music do you listen to?
Who is your favorite musician or composer?
9. (18:45) How did you first become interested in listening to music?
How has your taste in music developed and changed over time?
10. (21:08) Do you have any experience of listening to live music?
What was it? who were you with? and how did you like it?
11. (23:31) I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out.
You want to buy an mp3 player.
Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions about your friend’s mp3 player to help you decide which mp3 player to buy.
12. (26:11) I’m sorry but there’s a problem I want you to resolve.
You borrowed an mp3 player from your friend but you accidently broke it.
Call your friend, explain a situation and just suggest 2 or 3 alternatives.
13. (28:50) That’s the end of the situation.
Have you ever been in a situation where you or someone you know broke a piece of equipment?
What was the problem and how did you solve it?
14. (31:20) How has the way people maintain their health change in your country over the years?
What things are different about maintaing health from the past to the present?
15. (33:47) Tell me about some health related issues that are in the news recently.
Why are the issues and what are people saying about them?
Talk about problems that are related to health in detail
스크롤 계속 내리기 힘들어서 밑에 분이 만드신거 위로 올립니다~
1. 0:00 / 2. 2:17 / 3. 4:33 / 4. 6:55 / 5. 9:16 / 6. 11:38 / 7. 13:59 / 8. 16:26 / 9. 18:45 / 10. 21:08 / 11. 23:31 / 12. 26:11 / 13. 28:50 / 14. 31:20 / 15. 33:47