Rude And Oblivious Women


ความคิดเห็น • 402

  • @richardross7219
    @richardross7219 ปีที่แล้ว +138

    I'm a dinosaur so, I still hold a door for people(more often men than women). Its a risk with young women but I can tolerate an "I can do it myself". I was in line at the grocery store and I was next. There was a middle aged women holding ice cream so, I offered to let her go ahead of me. She made some kind of remark about chivalry being dead(what had I just demonstrated?). I and 3 other guys in line said in unison "and feminism killed it". We didn't even know each other. Good Luck, Rick

    • @troycarpenter3675
      @troycarpenter3675 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Destiny for you 4 men to have all been there at the appointed time

    • @thomasdragosr.841
      @thomasdragosr.841 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      "...feminism killed it"... BINGO!

    • @davidrodgers9558
      @davidrodgers9558 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      It's shocking how men have all lived the same life with women .. And can finish a nother man's statements ... But women say it's not happening...

    • @jonathanfarley2023
      @jonathanfarley2023 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Men aren't supposed to hold doors open for men.

    • @richardross7219
      @richardross7219 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@jonathanfarley2023 BS. Extend courtesies to everyone. The way that you behave shows the type of man you are. Being polite is just being considerate of others. It is not weakness. Almost all of the men, when I was growing up were veterans. They were polite but, you better not cross them. It sometimes was amusing when a dumb*ss would cross one of them and then get a good beating. The cops(fellow vets) usually hauled the jerk away.

  • @justsomeguy2943
    @justsomeguy2943 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My father was complaining that women seemed to EXPECT a door to be held for them WITHOUT gratitude over 20yrs ago.

  • @dennydevoe1854
    @dennydevoe1854 ปีที่แล้ว +94

    I once was trying to teach my son a lesson about opening doors for people. I opened a door for a woman I didn't know and she promptly told me she could open the door herself. She taught my son a better lesson than I could've about modern women. Love your talks Jen.👍

    • @k1mgy
      @k1mgy ปีที่แล้ว

      I wrote of a similar experience in my comment, above. I hope it did not teach your son to give up.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I wouldn't go out of my way to hold a door open, as I live in a security building, but if it's someone I know, and their hands are full I would of course, as people have done to me

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว

      @Jesus Sausage Anger? I didn't sense any anger, yes she said the word but that was more to wake us up. It appears that they are strict with the daughter, but, they seem loving too.

    • @daveshore8671
      @daveshore8671 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Jesus Sausage you don’t know her old stuff and you’re trying to make her someone else. She’s progressed. And she’s genuine. Women won’t and can’t save you. You have to save you. She’s just an example for women and she’s engaging.

    • @dejavu666wampas9
      @dejavu666wampas9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Jesus Sausage - Wow. You got something against this woman, or what. Almost, but not quite, makes me want to know what you said to her that made her block you. But, I don’t really care, so don’t waste your time on it.
      As for expecting thank you’s, when you do a kindness to someone, you should expect a thank you. It’s called manners, in the old ways of doing things.

  • @bigm383
    @bigm383 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    I still open doors and don’t really care if I’m thanked or not. I live up to my standards and don’t worry that those standards aren’t reciprocated.

    • @canoelicker
      @canoelicker ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This ⬆️ !

    • @thomasdragosr.841
      @thomasdragosr.841 ปีที่แล้ว

      ...and deep down I think they like it.

    • @abelflores5976
      @abelflores5976 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It’s called common courtesy and having class-which, unfortunately a good part of our population does not have…I’m 100% with you.

  • @Dipperdap1
    @Dipperdap1 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    I refuse to comply. I always hold the door. I always smile at the women and I try to compliment them. It's what a gentleman does. I taught my three sons to do the same. Politeness and being a gentleman never goes out of style regardless of how women react.

    • @theallseeingmaster
      @theallseeingmaster ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Exactly! It is 'what a gentleman does'.

    • @thundercho
      @thundercho ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Kindness is a choice, not a weakness. Good on you.

    • @jimbalazy6386
      @jimbalazy6386 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm so olde school holding doors open for everyone. Yes there are nasty ungrateful women but I still get my dig of politeness in!

    • @jennifersmith1985
      @jennifersmith1985 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yep, a person should exhibit manners and be polite because it is the right thing to do. How other people react to it is on them.

    • @stephendavis4241
      @stephendavis4241 ปีที่แล้ว

      This isn't about chivalry, it's about politeness!

  • @treeroot7636
    @treeroot7636 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I live in the Northern Midwest, and people hold doors open for me all the time (I wear ankle lengths skirts (never pants) and modest tops, I say thank you regardless if it's a man or woman. I try to return the favor given opportunity. It's really a gesture of kindness towards a stranger I still appreciate.

  • @snakeplissken44
    @snakeplissken44 ปีที่แล้ว

    There's something seriously wrong with people that don't say thank you when you hold the door for them.

  • @ajax1137
    @ajax1137 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I've been told by women numerous times- "I've got it" or "I can get my own door, thanks." I actually hold the door for dudes coming in behind me but not for women.
    I watched a well-dressed women attempting to add oil to her SUV at a gas station. I didn't offer to add the oil for her, I tossed her a clean rag from my trunk with a "here ya go" so that she could at least wipe her hands when she was done and I walked off. She's lucky she got even that.

    • @jennifersmith1985
      @jennifersmith1985 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I think it was nice of you to even do that, lol!

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The women may have thought that you were looking at their asses.

    • @theblytonian3906
      @theblytonian3906 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I agree. Other than for my wife and family, females get short shrift from me these days. I was brought up in a different epoch and in my prime years was fortunate enough to enjoy the conservative traditional customs of the Wardroom with its observed etiquette, social grace and manners, so I don't like it, but am done with dealing with disrespectful combative slags the hostile social environment toxic feminists have created today. Not putting up with their BS any more. Fini. Ende.

    • @thomasdragosr.841
      @thomasdragosr.841 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If they give me that "I can do it" line I just say "I'm sure you can, but your welcome"...

    • @misterm5325
      @misterm5325 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Same here. It has been about 6 years since I stopped holding the door for women under most circumstances. It was hard at first to do that but over time I've learned to enjoy it.

  • @baronofgreymatter14
    @baronofgreymatter14 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    When I open doors or let someone pass in front of me in a supermarket, I make the gesture exaggerated. Like a sweeping arm motion smile bow thing and a smile. Maybe an "after you please" . It's fun it's surprising for the person and 99% of the time they at a minimum give a smile back.

    • @k1mgy
      @k1mgy ปีที่แล้ว

      This is my standard approach as well. Good show, brother!

  • @fifthward1983
    @fifthward1983 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    its not about being thanked or not , its about being yelled at and called the devil for trying to be polite , never again, i slam the door shut in their faces . hope it makes them feel strong and empowered.

  • @deplorablecovfefe9489
    @deplorablecovfefe9489 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hate people that don't answer greetings.

  • @Kevin.Boyle007
    @Kevin.Boyle007 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Jennifer, you are a breath of fresh air in today's modern world. Never give up. Your message is needed now more than ever!

  • @legionletrebouchet2190
    @legionletrebouchet2190 ปีที่แล้ว

    This gem of a Woman is a breath of fresh air. Respectfully, Legion Le Trebouchet

  • @deepsleep7822
    @deepsleep7822 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was brought up, taught to hold the door for women and men if their arms/hands are full of stuff. I still hold the door for my ex, although we rarely interact anymore. I hold the door for my daughter. I had a arm full of items, one time, and a woman and I approached the same door. She was like half a step ahead of me. She briefly glanced my way, opened the door, proceeded through it and let it close on me. She was approximately my age or younger. I was dumbfounded at the rudeness and struggled a bit to get the door open. Unbelievable.

  • @DominiqueFrancon
    @DominiqueFrancon ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I ALWAYS hold the door for anyone when in proximity. I ALWAYS look a man in the eye and say “thank you” when a door is held open for me. This is basic manners 101. Just yesterday, I was walking toward the door of the grocery store and a man was about 10 feet from entering the store and stopped with his grocery cart. I looked at him and asked “are you waiting for me?“ He said yes. I said “thank you very much“ and walked through the door. Anyone who opens a door for me receives eye contact and a sincere thank you. I am on a one woman crusade to bring back basic manners and common decency by example. It’s not that hard! It makes me feel good and it makes the other person feel great.

    • @jennifersmith1985
      @jennifersmith1985 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's not hard at all, and I do the same. Godspeed sister!

  • @frankd8778
    @frankd8778 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I try to always look to see if someone is behind me, and if there is I hold the door for them

  • @marcuschauvin7039
    @marcuschauvin7039 ปีที่แล้ว

    I always say thank you when someone does something nice for me.

  • @dickwhite7046
    @dickwhite7046 ปีที่แล้ว

    I open the door for people all the time with no expectation of anything. I'm doing it for me, not them....

  • @joshholibaugh2151
    @joshholibaugh2151 ปีที่แล้ว

    Holding the door is more about me fulfilling my place in the world as a man, then about the other person

  • @dianerubio
    @dianerubio ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have noticed an alarmingly sharp increase in the lack of compassion, empathy, kindness, interest, happiness, excitability about life in the general population in the last few months only. I’ve been a professional entertainer for over 16 years full-time. So I’ve been seeing thousands of people throughout a decade and a half and only recently have I seen this amazing decline. My theory is that there is probably more drug use, among all other negative factors. Which is affecting the chemicals in peoples brains, making it harder for people to enjoy life.

  • @freerangecitizen
    @freerangecitizen ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m from New Orleans, been in Northern California for 20yrs, still hold the door open for all of it flows. I’ll wait a few seconds for women and I’ll hop to it very quickly to hold it for the very elderly with patience and grace. I’ve been scoffed at by women a few times but I stand by my manners in the face of arrogance:)

  • @witblitsfpv1265
    @witblitsfpv1265 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't say "you're welcome", just close the door again just before they enter. If you're lucky they hit it. 🤣

  • @jonwick5824
    @jonwick5824 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    No... you really should do that! 44 yo male here. I hold the door for women all the time and it's about 50/50 on who says 'thank you' and who doesn't. I do the, "you're welcome" thing when they don't say thank you.

  • @samtheman6769
    @samtheman6769 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have noticed a lot of people especially young people will just walk through with no acknowledgement whatsoever you held the door. Even had them push through as your trying to walk through yourself.

  • @PierceThirlen2
    @PierceThirlen2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I just held the door for a old BLIND woman with a white cane and she cursed me for doing it! I'm 68, I'm old school and I hold the door for EVERYONE! I also thank people that hold the door for me. But for the most part, even here in Murderapolis MN people hold the door for you and will often thank you. If they don't thank me, so what? I don't do things for the accolades. I do things because it is the right thing to do.

  • @foreverfundone
    @foreverfundone ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, say the "your welcome!" Maybe they'll learn for next time.

  • @mimicotom
    @mimicotom ปีที่แล้ว

    Never had a woman chastise me for holding a door open, but I did have an older woman thank me for being a gentleman.

  • @PlumbNutz
    @PlumbNutz ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was reading a story online about a woman that transgendered into a man. The first time he/ she went out into public as a man he/ she was going into a building and expected the person in front of them to hold the door open but when the person did not he/ she walked right into the door LOL

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว

      That is something that trans youth need to hear and understand.

  • @pauldench1299
    @pauldench1299 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree with you, those are the little things that oil the wheels of a happy life

  • @qua7771
    @qua7771 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hold the door open when people are too far away just to create an awkward moment when where they feel they have to walk faster.

  • @aspiringmen4374
    @aspiringmen4374 ปีที่แล้ว

    I NO longer give my chivalry for free. Nor share ANY of my happiness ie trip, concerts, events, dinners.
    . All of that is now reserved ONLY for a woman I’m involved with. Currently none!!
    I’ve had 7y of women using me for all of my attention & overheard one bragging to another at a fundraiser i have hosted for 18y for ALS/MD, that she “don’t need a partner or husband because she has guy friends like me, to do things with”. I interjected and informed her “ had” ‘ & i left to her to find her own ride home.

  • @aminemohamed4899
    @aminemohamed4899 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, Mrs J.M this is called common decency! not a big detail, but now it is called the ancestors knowledge!

  • @DIYCameraGuy
    @DIYCameraGuy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m a hold the door open type of guy. It doesn’t matter if is a man or woman. I don’t care if a thank you is reciprocated. I does suck when woman give you a dirty look or say something snide like “I’m capable of opening my own door” for a while I stopped opening doors for women after several attacks. Now I don’t care. I act as I wish and simply enjoy being kind.

  • @rogerpenndorf1510
    @rogerpenndorf1510 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am 76 this needs to come back . Great thoughtscJen !!

  • @PastorPeewee20
    @PastorPeewee20 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am in a wheelchair and always open doors for everyone etc but I'm older than those of today's dating pool

  • @zaphods2ndhead193
    @zaphods2ndhead193 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not acknowledging that I held the door open for someone is an annoyance. What bothers me worse is if there is a person (man or woman, but women are much worse) in front of me that gets to the door before me and, knowing I am behind them, just allows it to close in my face when they could have held it for a second or two. That happened to me all the time when I still worked in an office building. Now I work from home and live, not exactly in, but on the edge of the country where chivalry still reigns.

  • @nomaam-br549
    @nomaam-br549 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was raised to do all the things associated with gentlemanly behaviors and did it religiously until my divorce but no more. I've been exposed to and made aware of the behaviors of modern women and my EX confirmed it.
    I show women absolutely zero courtesies anymore.

  • @stimpsonjcat67
    @stimpsonjcat67 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I suspect most of them genuinely think they are more important than you. I have been noticing a trend lately where I try to be nice to people; most don't care or are even hostile. The door is a good test of this. But the trend is that when you do this to another person who is also going through life trying to be happy. They now jump out at you more. "Oh hey! You're a nice person, so glad to meet you!"
    And that makes me happy.

  • @frankd8778
    @frankd8778 ปีที่แล้ว

    I say the same thing when people act like you owe them

  • @dirtwhisperer658
    @dirtwhisperer658 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I stopped holding doors for women. After a few smart remarks and a few times of not saying thank you and just walking by without even looking I quit. I will still do it for men tho and I get a thanks every time.

    • @misterm5325
      @misterm5325 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm on the same page. I once held the door for a guy and in the corner of my eye I saw an attractive woman a few steps only to let the door go and turn my back on her as if she wasn't there.

  • @rnt45t1
    @rnt45t1 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    I have realized, since the virus lockdowns, that people have become absolutely insufferable. I'm a single, 33 year old male and am basically invisible to other humans out in public. I live alone, work from home, and do everything alone. When I do go to the store, it's obvious I am nothing more than a physical impediment in the immediate space of others. If I even so much as get an acknowledgment of my existence, it's often from other older men who are also by themselves. Everyone else, from the cashier to the bank teller, treats me as an inconvenience to their day. I've given up dating, and the idea of having a wife some day. I just don't think it's going to happen.
    So, you are not wrong that people everywhere have just become rude.
    For all those red-piller's out there, I am not fat, I'm in shape, I am tall, and I clean up and take care of myself. I'm not conventionally "unattractive." I'm just invisible.

    • @ajax1137
      @ajax1137 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      It's a horrible game and the only way to win, is not to play. Solitude isn't evil or sad, it's bliss and peace...if you do it right.
      You sound like a good dude. I'd take you to the gun club or out for a sail in boisterous weather, any day.

    • @overcomethepull
      @overcomethepull ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Brother, there are many “types” of people out there. Your brain is seeing a story that it wants to see. I promise you, you can think differently and what you see in the world will change.

    • @darbirhian
      @darbirhian ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You need to work on your social skills and confidence.

    • @aspiringmen4374
      @aspiringmen4374 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Im right with ya bros. Same here unless im on my Harley, then women “ want to ride for free”. My attitude now is. Keep stepping Lady.

    • @brentmorris8467
      @brentmorris8467 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      " You become or you get what you think about most of the time" You are the creator of you. You have created your life so far. Be DELIBERATE in your thinking going forward, become anything you want. There is joy everywhere. Love ya Brother!

  • @saturnguytwelvesg127
    @saturnguytwelvesg127 ปีที่แล้ว

    Came for the sunflower, stayed for the truth bomb.

  • @reydelostontos7131
    @reydelostontos7131 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know where you live, but where I live it's pretty rare for people to not thank you for holding a door, or not holding a door for someone.

  • @patrickmcguire4744
    @patrickmcguire4744 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Preach it, Darlin! I have been in the online dating scene for couple of months having become a widower for the past year. I advertise myself as old fashioned and having been taught to treat women as special, including opening doors for them. Even if I don't get a thank you or even an acknowledgement of my act, I still feel that I have done my duty.
    Well, guess what. I have had women "like" me from all over the country because of these old fashioned values I hold. Many of them I will never meet simply because they are so very far away. Nevertheless, it's encouraging to know that there are good women out there who appreciate these values.
    And best of all, I may have found the love of my life. A woman who, among other things, appreciates my old fashioned values.

    • @SteveSmith-zz4ih
      @SteveSmith-zz4ih ปีที่แล้ว

      Hope it goes ok, but look for red flags, yes there are nice women out there but i worked with women for 30yrs and i never trusted 95% of them, the lazier they were the less i trusted them! A infamous man once said "don't try to understand women because women understand women and they hate each other", or words to that effect.

    • @doughartley3513
      @doughartley3513 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yep, totally relate

  • @Wsportys
    @Wsportys ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You just taught me how to be a parent before I became a parent 💓 Great advice!

  • @starseeker2793
    @starseeker2793 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The other day I went through an actual grocery line with a cashier. She was upset and didn’t want to be there. Against my better judgment I tried to cheer her up by talking to her and trying to make light of the situation, saying that she was closer to the end of her day than the beginning. She looked at me like I had kicked her puppy and said, “Why are you talking to me?” “I have a boyfriend.” I had no intention of anything other than trying to lift her up and she beat the chivalry right out of me. I no longer acknowledge any woman at all and IF I must talk to them, it is about the situation only. They deserve only basic human respect and nothing beyond that.

  • @richardcranium5839
    @richardcranium5839 ปีที่แล้ว

    modern living has everyone so busy no one stops to smell the roses anymore. simple lessons in life are being lost.

  • @oldenyz3148
    @oldenyz3148 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many of us older guys have given up on the women in the USA particularly the northeast.
    Tired of the endless hypocrisy, mixed messages, unbelievable entitlement and general negative energy, just not worth it.

  • @mullenbobby8081
    @mullenbobby8081 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Proverbs 21:3= To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. This is the scripture i thought of after watching this video. Very Good Advice!

    • @pnned8706
      @pnned8706 ปีที่แล้ว

      T͟h͟a͟n͟k͟s͟~͟~͟f͟o͟r͟ ͟w͟a͟t͟c͟h͟i͟n͟g͟!͟!͟

  • @ThePlainsOfKish
    @ThePlainsOfKish ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I work in the food service industry and the amount of times I say “thank you!” or “welcome in!” or “have a nice rest of your day!” and am met by either silence or just a blank stare is quite saddening. I could almost say discouraging at times but every now and then you’ll meet a jolly person that reciprocates the same attitude.

    • @jennifersmith1985
      @jennifersmith1985 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am truly baffled by this! Has the majority of people forgotten how to relate to other people?

    • @jimreimers4213
      @jimreimers4213 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Keep on doing what you're doing. I'm glad you do.

    • @dejavu666wampas9
      @dejavu666wampas9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jennifersmith1985 - Given the complete focus on small screens these days, I’d say yes, people have forgotten how to interact with an actual person. Manners have been laid aside. Sad, actually.

  • @leoantonio
    @leoantonio ปีที่แล้ว

    “I probably shouldn’t do that…but it’s frustrating!” This really captures it.

  • @koffee3336
    @koffee3336 ปีที่แล้ว

    On a train and some woman pushed her bag right in front of me and giggled implying that it was my job to move her oversized bag without even saying hello or asking. I pushed her bag right back at her to her amazement. Women killed chivalry. They're independent and don't need men and i am too happy b/c they never thanked me for holding the door.

  • @kevingaddis7276
    @kevingaddis7276 ปีที่แล้ว

    Been married to my lovely wife for 28 + years and she has never opened her own door or put on her own coat.

  • @misterm5325
    @misterm5325 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm in the northeast so most people's default setting is to go out of their way to be rude. That being said I'll hold the door for kids and old people. Maybe one of the fellas if he is no more than 3-4 steps behind. Women typically no. From my experience they have been the rudest and most ungrateful/hostile sometimes in those situations.

  • @tomcaldwell5750
    @tomcaldwell5750 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I work in a supermarket and I try to say Hello to as many customers and coworkers as possible and I am appalled that the majority do not even acknowledge that they heard me say Hello. Sad world we live in. The average person living in the USA is spoiled, rude and self centered. On a happy note that is one beautiful flower near the end of the video.

    • @s0nnyburnett
      @s0nnyburnett ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At my store half the customers don't even speak english so I don't even bother greeting people.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I tell you honestly that friendly, "Hello," might be the only one they get that day. It can really mean a lot to someone who needs it.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@s0nnyburnett there is a corner grocery store in Vancouver, which is famous for having a cashier that can speak several languages so she can greet her customers.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I was on a cruise to Alaska last month, and I met a good cross section of Americans, and they were very friendly to me. I was quite overwhelmed by them actually. It's still hard to adjust to being home in Vancouver. 😆

    • @tomcaldwell5750
      @tomcaldwell5750 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@visaman she is amazing. I wish I could meet her and tell her what a wonderful person she is. Having managed a convenience store for over 10 years, I guarantee that she has loyal customers who could easily shop at another store but because of her excellent customer service they go out of their way to patronize her store. She is angel in disguise 😇

  • @moi-meme4788
    @moi-meme4788 ปีที่แล้ว

    You are a beam of light in these dark days ,if i could find a woman like you i would be happy ever after

  • @b-dogs1038
    @b-dogs1038 ปีที่แล้ว

    If someone kept the door open & I slunk thru without saying thanks.
    I would be ashamed & embarrassed. •That’s what gets me..the no shame from ppl 😂

  • @michaelwinter5292
    @michaelwinter5292 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Used to do this all the time but just sick of being verbally abused every time I did things like this. After getting yelled at and called a misogynist toxic pig for offering a pregnant lady on a train I just kinda gave up. Really find it hard to know what to do any more.

  • @azranger4
    @azranger4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Jennifer, you look stunning today! And the color of the flower just POPS! super colorful and second to you of course..Lol. Well, i guess I'm just old school people's manors have just flown out the window. Your reward system is a nice way to instill those kind gestures into your daughter, good idea. Have yourself a magical day and like always, Thx for the greats videos! Keep ROCK'n it! ✌️ Capt'n Ron

  • @Mmolesy
    @Mmolesy ปีที่แล้ว

    I always make sure to thank a man who holds the door open for me. And giVe them eye contact and a smile. ☺️

    • @Holy_Moley
      @Holy_Moley ปีที่แล้ว

      She thanks me by grabbing my privates. I hope she only does that to me!!

  • @johnlynn6291
    @johnlynn6291 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where I live holding doors and saying thank you for it are still pretty common. I live on the outskirts of one of the most rapidly growing cities in the USA. In the more trendy parts of town it might be different, but here people still do it.

  • @brodylee3426
    @brodylee3426 ปีที่แล้ว

    While it's not holding the door open, I've had waiters and restaurant workers give confused looks when I wipe my table and stack plates. It just seems like a good thing to do to make their work easier.

  • @modernexistence4206
    @modernexistence4206 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks Jennifer Moleski

  • @adnomo
    @adnomo ปีที่แล้ว

    You have the makings of a great mom.

  • @FFE-js2zp
    @FFE-js2zp ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If you’re doing favors for humans with an expectation of gratitude that’s you’re problem. Never do a favor looking for self actualization. That’s not a favor.

  • @beth5795
    @beth5795 ปีที่แล้ว

    If you do something kind (holding door open) and you get upset if they don’t thank you, then your “kind” act wasn’t kind, it was to feel good. It was for something in return. It is entitled. Don’t be the person that passively says “your welcome”. Not indicative of altruistic character.

  • @DasDutchman56
    @DasDutchman56 ปีที่แล้ว

    Come to the Missouri Ozarks. We still have manners here!

  • @yaohshalom
    @yaohshalom ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hold doors, and say thank you.

  • @brianpryor3374
    @brianpryor3374 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Appreciate that background....COUNTRY GREENZ....

  • @kellymiller3136
    @kellymiller3136 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish there were more women like you.

  • @ulasbolan4528
    @ulasbolan4528 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's the second most beautiful sunflower. You're the first. Thank you for giving and enjoying dopamine.

  • @cavelleardiel
    @cavelleardiel ปีที่แล้ว

    There are certain cultures that do things that we see as rude but in their way of living it is not. I live in a very multicultural area and have had to adjust my thinking. I still open doors for people and thank them when they do.

  • @doughartley3513
    @doughartley3513 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes, I am a dinosaur too. Where I live in Canada opening doors is typically done however when it comes to younger women (below 30) I will still open the door but worry if I’m going to be scolded doing so. It’s a risk I take.

  • @darkomen42
    @darkomen42 ปีที่แล้ว

    I live in the south so it's still the exception for someone not holding a door or saying thank you for doing so.

    • @pnned8706
      @pnned8706 ปีที่แล้ว

      T͟h͟a͟n͟k͟s͟~͟~͟f͟o͟r͟ ͟w͟a͟t͟c͟h͟i͟n͟g͟!͟!͟

  • @richardhardy4243
    @richardhardy4243 ปีที่แล้ว

    Loved the ending of video when another dopamine hit was commencing.....the sugar rush of an Amazon truck pulling up!

    • @pnned8706
      @pnned8706 ปีที่แล้ว

      T͟h͟a͟n͟k͟s͟~͟~͟f͟o͟r͟ ͟w͟a͟t͟c͟h͟i͟n͟g͟!͟!͟

  • @kevingaddis7276
    @kevingaddis7276 ปีที่แล้ว

    I always hold the door for all women.

  • @truthseeker8844
    @truthseeker8844 ปีที่แล้ว

    My own damn sister who grew up with me opening doors for everyone, now has a problem with me opening doors for her. And offering to lift something heavy for her? That’ll elicit an angry “I can lift it by myself!”
    Although she doesn’t claim to be a feminist, she sure has adopted the traits of one. It’s a sad sight to see my own kin succumb to that mind virus.

  • @dennqus1
    @dennqus1 ปีที่แล้ว

    My dopamine hit is a beautiful woman in a flowered dress with long hair without tattoos and purple hair. So thank you for the dopamine hit and I’m good for the day.

  • @doozowings4672
    @doozowings4672 ปีที่แล้ว

    It is no longer the "norm" for people to see the advantage of taking on the world together. Women see that as a violation of "strong independent" woman . The norm is men are moving on ...

  • @vikingshark2634
    @vikingshark2634 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Conflating rudeness with strength and acting oblivious because it makes her feel independent. This is a side effect of living in a world that revolves around the self, and constantly having narcissism and solipsism validated.

  • @williamsaloka9043
    @williamsaloka9043 ปีที่แล้ว

    My first reaction is to be Chivalrous, I have always held this as a good "way to be". Not anymore. That Age is over.

  • @bwillan
    @bwillan ปีที่แล้ว

    I will hold open a door for anyone that is coming up behind me. I don't do it for the thank you. More often than not the guys will say thank you. About half of women don't.

  • @pete6300
    @pete6300 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I get crazy looks all the time for saying thank you to door holders and have a good day to cashiers/service workers.

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว

      I say "you too," almost automatically now. Especially to delivery men

  • @superfark5914
    @superfark5914 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I literally told my 8 year old son 2 weeks ago that he is old enough now for me not to have to remind him to say thank you and or please to people. Told him that if he doesn't say thank you to someone who gives him something from now on that what he is given will go in the trash. I love your ticket idea! like it better than what I told my son so will use that idea with him now! It takes a villiage to raise kids!

  • @joeheath6413
    @joeheath6413 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @kennethkmak2477
    @kennethkmak2477 ปีที่แล้ว

    Manners have been lost.

  • @browncoaster
    @browncoaster ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't know where some of you all live but here in the Midwest or at least in Missouri we hold doors for everybody and most always get a thank you in return.
    I know that's not the full point of the video but I am pleased to live in an area where we both extend and receive graciously courtesies from each other.
    Honestly, I'm interested in knowing where people live that they're getting rude results from from holding doors.

  • @saysflushable
    @saysflushable ปีที่แล้ว

    You should hold a door open and not expect a thank you. Almost everyone says thanks.

  • @samtheman6769
    @samtheman6769 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If someone’s a few steps behind me I don’t care man woman or child I hold the door it’s just the right thing to do. I’ve been ripped to shreds by feminist women that either think I’m flirting or being misogynistic. No ma’am I don’t hold the door cause your a woman I hold the door because I’m a gentleman. But honestly men got tired of being ripped a new one for holding the door so they stopped 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • @visaman
      @visaman ปีที่แล้ว

      That can be dangerous if you hold the door for everyone, they could be theves.

    • @jasonmajere2165
      @jasonmajere2165 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Shut it in their faces next time lol and give them a little salute wave.

  • @social_sigma369
    @social_sigma369 ปีที่แล้ว

    Opening doors is for me whether I get a thank you or not.

  • @jth_printed_designs
    @jth_printed_designs ปีที่แล้ว

    If I hold a door open for someone and they don't say thank you I just think "You weren't raised right, and you're an a-hole"

  • @tjwiersma4406
    @tjwiersma4406 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First, as a man married for 27 years to a wonderful woman, I enjoy your perspective. Secondly, as a man of an older age, it is hard to give women compliments without sounding like you are hitting on them or are a creepy old dude. I wish that was different because I know how much women think about how they look and what they are wearing.

  • @canoelicker
    @canoelicker ปีที่แล้ว

    I understand the frustration with holding the door for no acknowledgment. But as frustrating as it is, I made a rule for myself - I won't become like that. If I did, I would be the same as the person that doesn't acknowledge it and just be one person closer to everyone being greedy & self-involved.
    I won't do that.

  • @jackiek4159
    @jackiek4159 ปีที่แล้ว

    Completely agree with you here Jen! People are so detached from reality and don't appreciate kind gestures from loved ones or anyone anymore and it's so sad to see! That sunflower was also so beautiful! Sending love to you girl! 🙏🏻💞✨

  • @josephpsmithe
    @josephpsmithe ปีที่แล้ว

    I’ve got 103 tickets and I’d like the remote control car please. Oh, that’s 3,000 tickets…..

  • @leapingfury
    @leapingfury ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I hold the door open for people almost daily and they're appreciative. And people also hold the door open for me quite often. I live in Tucson, Arizona. Maybe that's just a weird place to live. I don't have the experience of people being unfriendly.

    • @pnned8706
      @pnned8706 ปีที่แล้ว

      T͟h͟a͟n͟k͟s͟~͟~͟f͟o͟r͟ ͟w͟a͟t͟c͟h͟i͟n͟g͟!͟!͟

  • @Dave-hc6pp
    @Dave-hc6pp ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’ve always made it a practice to hold doors for women and men. Every once in a while I had the person who would stroll through the door like me opening it was their birthright. In those cases I simply say, “you’re welcome” and smile at the dirty look.
    On a different note, both of my knees have gotten to bone on bone. You can hear my meniscus grinding in both knees. That means I’m now confined to a walker. A cane when I have enough pain pills in me(prescribed). People go out of their way to be helpful. Doors are held open for me, people offer to help me with my groceries, the employees at my local supermarket are exceptionally nice. Six months ago I would have agreed with you that people are more rude. Now that I’m basically a cripple, I would rethink my opinion. Yes, I say thank you.

  • @honestlee3556
    @honestlee3556 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree! Im going to listen again. I think I heard the F word 🙊🐝

  • @Jheckard85
    @Jheckard85 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How many people are talking to each other through their phone as they walk by that same person on the street. I bet it happens more times than you could even count. SAD

    • @pnned8706
      @pnned8706 ปีที่แล้ว

      T͟h͟a͟n͟k͟s͟~͟~͟f͟o͟r͟ ͟w͟a͟t͟c͟h͟i͟n͟g͟!͟!͟

    • @Jheckard85
      @Jheckard85 ปีที่แล้ว

      You make good content Jennifer. I am jealous of your property. That's my dream. Trying to make the funds to start a homestead. That's my dream so everytime you do one of your shorts I'm usually like🤩

  • @stevengiles346
    @stevengiles346 ปีที่แล้ว

    I used to hold a door open for a woman but don’t do it anymore. I will for a woman I know. I will hold it for men since they will say thank you. No issues there.