I agree with Andrew. In the pictures from ten years ago, to me you looked like an attractive skinny young girl in an attractive costume. Now you look like a mature, beautiful young woman in an equally attractive costume.
@@GinnyDi Well, I know what my next purchase is going to be - especially since I've gotten the hem a bit too narrow on a few circle skirts I've made recently.
It is the twitch streamers with the weird voices and animated avatar, right? That is a thing I just learned existed, like this week, and I am so very confused by it. I do not see the appeal. 🤔
@@probablythedm1669 When it started it was a good way for people without "traditional good looks" or people who wanted to keep their anonyminity while still being able to interact and entertain. It has of course broadened, and even people with existing fan bases are doing it. A good example is IronMouse who has an immune disorder/disease and she is basically now a bubble girl who is confined to her bed and needs assistance breathing with tubes. Normally a person in this situation, especially a girl, wouldn't want to set up a livecam and broadcast her actual environment, again, especially if they aren't looking for empathy or pity. It's a way she can be on twitch, and be accepted generally as just a normal (albeit lewd) person.
Honestly, being on MMOs at the time, in-game dating based purely on the avatar and three words of discussion was totally a thing. But yeah it's wild that 10 years later some live content creators make their content through an animated avatar. :)
Thank you 2011 Ginny! If it weren't for you stepping out of your comfort zone and trying cosplay we probably wouldn't have this amazing community of awesomely nerdy people! 💙
For reference, here are all the ✨Decade Discoveries✨ 5:48 Prioritize comfort 7:30 Invest in the right tools and learn about the right tools 9:43 Make a mock-up 11:04 Save custom or customized patterns 15:26 Do not fear dyeing 18:17 Be intentionally inaccurate 24:52 Sometimes hand-sewing is the best answer 29:31 Combine items to make them easier to wear Bonus Content: 7:15 Circle skirts are great 7:43 A rolled hem foot is a thing 8:29 Keep your leftovers 8:31 E6000 is stronger than hot glue, but both are good 12:41 The more complete the mock-up, the better 14:56 Matching the fabric can improve your cosplay 15:00 When dyeing, pay attention to the fiber makeup of the fabric, use the color wheel, and test dye swatches 12:34 Worbla can help make foam stronger 23:51 Tulle can help diffuse lights
"the fact that I made a fully boned corset for my first cosplay and it turned out OK is frankly a miracle" AGREED. When you mentioned it earlier in the video, I was like, wait, you did WHAT?
Funny thing is, most of these are life lessons for any craft or profession! “emphasize comfort, Invest in the right tools, Save custom templates/tooling, etc.” Congrats on 10 years, Ginny!
“I’m back! Heal, shield, spam heal, shield. My hair is naturally wavy.” Your story about feeling guilty of her praise was so heart warming. You made a real impact on her.
SOMEONE'S CUTTING ONIONS IN THIS HOUSE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's so fcking cool to see you remake this and express pride for your former self. I'm so grateful too that 2011 Ginny did a scary thing and now WE ALL GET TO ENJOY super cool, powerful art because of it!!!!!!
Lots of onions over there, way too much, it's reaching me all the way over here! 🤣🤣 Yeah, my eyes got a little moist at that description of the first cosplay experience and all the interactions!
What a journey! You look absolutely stunning in the new version of Codex, and it is insanely cool that Felicia Day name-dropped you to other people. Growth, we love to see it
This was so wholesome!! As someone taking their first steps into Cosplay land, one can only hope 2031 Louise looks back on her first outfit (Keyleth, RIP hand-sewing leaves on a full cloak) as you do for 2011 Ginny!
I loved how you said a shortfall in 2011 was your lack of confidence when Codex/Cyd was basically the poster child of lack of confidence. It’s only when Felicia was out of character, dressed as the character, that confidence showed in her poses.
This is so good! The "Decade Discoveries" were super helpful and the costume turned out amazing! So glad that 2011 Ginny decided to try something new :)
Seeing Ginny Di react to the news that Felica Day remembered her and still had her photo 🥲 just love seeing people get to hear about stuff like this and get that validation, even when embarrassment or impostor syndrome tells them it shouldn't be possible. So nice to see
2023 and just watching this one, now I just want to rewatch The Guild, it was so good! Great job Ginny, amazing original cosplay, even better follow-up!
This is SO good, what a lovely story and progression! I'm mega inspired now. The Guild was such a defining part of my nerdy life and why I started making videos, I can't believe its that old now!
The work and dedication you put into these projects never ceases to amaze. Meanwhile, I can’t stay focused on one thing for more than 2 hours. The hard work shows, the results are always awesome.
Man I remember that one time in our arts and crafts club in 5th grade, while the class was chatting and all the teacher stopped us all and said "Ok next week we're going to Dye" All of my friends looked at each other laughing and shocked "WE'RE GLING TO DIE?" Then she pointed at a reminder on the board that said "T-shirt Dying, Next Friday"
@@mistergiraffe9425 This was a GURPs game. We were facing an air elemental and fighting an invisible opponent gives massive penalties. I smile, "I'm going to cast dye." Person whose first GURPs game loudly says, "You have that spell?" Another experienced player, "No really, what are you going to cast." I grin again, "Dye, and I'll turn it pink." The groans as they realized. Even more when it ran off. Silly shy elemental.
This is fab! I can't wait until Felicia sees it. I love that you are so open about misconceptions, mistakes, and lessons learned. As a consumer of internet content it's so easy to see a finished product and think the creator is an expert who does everything perfectly. I think seeing you learn and grow is more inspiring than if we didn't get that part of the story. Thanks for being awesome!
This was literally the first cosplay process video I've ever watched, and it was really interesting. One thing that might make your life slightly easier, if you don't mind a suggestion: invest $10 to $15 in an inexpensive PVC pipe cutter, which you can get at Lowe's or Home Depot any time. This tool makes clean, smooth, straight cuts in PVC pipes in seconds with no sawdust, as opposed to cutting with a hack saw, which takes much more time and effort, and leaves you sanding the cut end as well as sweeping up PVC sawdust. (I built a PVC staff for my daughter's Rey costume years ago, and man, already having that cutter made the job so much easier!)
"This is where you live now?" I have had this conversation with all my cats, along with that sewing machine snuggle request while painting. This entire process was amazing. Loved it. Your skills are very obviously leveled up.
My spouse refuses to allow our cat access to a room either of us is machine sowing in since he once decided that the speed control pedal was the place to sit to figure out what his human was doing with the floppy fabric... He's a 10lb cat...
I feel ya. I don't sew, but there have been many times when I've gone back to my computer to see something like it saying there are no results in searching for "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".
This retroactive was awesome. I find it hard to ever see you as anything other than confident which is, yes, a statement of how far you've come. ("Everyone is nervous...")
dude this is insanely well done holy crap, i feel like i'm watching a show on freaking like HGTV or TLC or something. you have INCREDIBLE talent for the whole thing, presentation, delivery, setup, the editing it next level, the settings and stuff that you're shooting it in, just all looks super professionally done it is really impressive
This updated version is more accurate and shows improved skills due to practice and time, but I have to say your first cosplay as Codex was phenomenal. You did such a great job that it is easy to see why it created such a spark in you to continue cosplaying. Well done on both costumes.
Aww, your reaction to finding out how memorable you are to Felicia was adorable. As a cosplay noob I gotta say both look awesome though the 21 version of the outfit is brilliant. Also #DecadeDiscoveries.
This is great! I'm sure you probably know but Felicia has a TH-cam channel and streams on Twitch a lot! On Sundays she gets together and plays games with The Guild crew and they do D&D as their characters like once a month. I hope she sees your video, you guys are both awesome and make fantastic content, I'd love to see a collab someday!
I hope you continue to be proud of yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone to find out who you really are. Because what you've given back to all of us is amazing. Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
WOW, there are no words to describe your confidence and beauty. You look great, wonderful, stunning in this costume. You have done a wonderful job. I judge a lot of cosplay costumes, and you have blown me away with your simplistic beauty and fashion. You are Cinderella 2.0. Great job, Great video. And please thank your mom and dad for all their help and support.
Mock-ups are also very very good when you're trying to make your own patterns because sometimes a dress form might not be completely accurate or adjusting might be difficult for you!
oh my goodness, GINNY, this video is so lovely! I wrote out a bunch of responses but mostly I just want to say that I'm so proud of everything you'd done in the past ten years and so happy that you started cosplaying 10 years ago so that we could meet through cosplay too!!
My favorite part is the snapshots of "regular" Ginny in "normal" clothes. I've only gotten to see her as a youtuber so it's like getting to know someone more intimately!
You make an excellent point that you should and it's ok to go back to an old costume. I'm inspired now to go back and refurbish my first suit of leather ringmail armor I made 25 years ago...thanks Ginny D!
I find it so cool how you move, how you interact. I see you screaming inside : «i'm outside of my comfort zone, - fake it till you make it». So cool for a generation of nerds who need to fight social anxiety... Bravo! 🙂
Can't believe I just watched the entire video, as neither a crafter nor a cosplayer. It is a testament to how engaging you are. You are incredibly talented. Keep up the good work and keep on being your best, most creative self.
This was an amazing process to see I enjoyed seeing Felicia Day in The Guild and on the show Eureka; so it was cool to hear about your interaction with her and how she still remembers your costume from back than.
The one thing that made me watch this vid 'til the very end? An emotion it radiates, one that is very familiar and dear to me: the joy of doing what you love for a living! Never be afraid to chase your dreams, never cease to dream, and when Lady Fate smiles at you, don't hesitate and embrace Her! Well done, Lass, the costume as well as you catching Lady Fate! 👍
As someone else also commented, I was watching The Guild 14 year anniversary on Twitch and Felicia said how she likes seeing cosplay of Codex and that yours is a favorite. I saw people in the chat mentioning this video.
This is so delightful. The Guild and Felicia's work in general was a huge gateway to nerd culture for me, especially as a young woman who wasn't sure there would be a space for me there.
I came to watch this video because it's The Guild's 10 year anniversary, and Felicia just mentioned how good your cosplay of Codex looks! Said she wished she looked like your Codex.
It appears you've taken the lessons from The Guild to heart. Be yourself, do what makes you comfortable, but be willing to try things outside your comfort zone. The Guild was really a turning point in my mental health. It was the final push that let me realize that it's okay to not be "normal". Even a group of misfits can work towards a common goal and in the group their weaknesses can become their strength. I hope one day Felicia Day can see you in all your glory as Codex.
One minute ago, 100 views already. She's truly getting the praise she deserves. Side note: 2011 Ginny Di is adorable by the way- you've grown up so much :,)
This video is actually making me cry. For two reasons, the first being that The Guild was the first web series I was properly obsessed with when I was young, like real young, not even a teen yet. The second being the flood of memories of my first time cosplaying and how different I am now. There's something absolutely magical about one's first time cosplaying at a convention. Con culture makes it so that it's completely normal to go up to somebody completely out of the blue and gush about what they're wearing, and so as a pretty young kid (I was 10 when I did my first cosplay, all made by my mum who got me into it in the first place) it was the first time I felt like I was being noticed. People were coming up to me and saying nice things and asking for pictures and it was just so inexplicably amazing that I've never been the a con without a cosplay since.
This was a fantastic video. I've been a huge nerd and wanted to get into cosplay, but had no idea the steps that went into even where to start. There's so much more to think about than I ever would have known. People see a costume and think, "nifty". This is much more than just an outfit to put on!
Being purposefully inaccurate is so true! It’s hard to come to terms with at first, but once you do, you start to realize it’s way more fun to add your own flair to it anyway! My Giselle costume is made out of crushed velvet, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I think it's wonderful that your parents not only supported your first cosplay effort, they actively helped you! Cool parents indeed!!! BTW, you did an outstanding job!
One of my best friends and I used to live together and I remember her making garb and gear while we watched anime on our days off together. This reminded me of those really great memories. Thank you for reminding me of that memory as I miss the hell out of her and watching you work made me think of my friend who now lives out of state. You made me feel nostalgic as hell. I know that that is off topic and I am sorry.
Not only does this video help with cosplay advice (which I will likely use if I ever get off my lazy butt) but some of it can even apply to other hobbies, such as investing in the right tools, going for comfort over accuracy, etc. Great video Ginny!
Love how you're sharing the mistakes along with the lessons learned, it can be mentally draining trying to learn something and feel that your inspiration never gets it wrong
Also I have to say I don't know the first thing about sewing or creating a cosplay costume, but I found this fascinating! As a photographer it's really neat to see the work that goes into creating the cool costumes and pieces that I love to shoot. When I see a neat additional to a costume and geek out over it during the shoot it's so much fun to see the person light up and explain how much trouble that was to figure out and how rewarding it was when they got it (and how happy they are that I noticed it!).
corset for your first costume wow. I remember at a local sewing group we had new person tell us they plan to make a corset from scratch for a costume the whole circle as one suggested they buy a corset for their first costume.
I am so grateful I saw this video today. I've been following Ginny for a while and she's really encouraged me to get back into sewing, something that I've wanted to do for a long time. I ordered my patterns a couple weeks ago and my friends and I are going to purchase the fabric tomorrow! I'm so freaking excited! Ginny, thank you for making such amazing content. I learn so much not just about cosplay and creating characters but about being authentic to yourself and learning to trust yourself. You're a wonderful bean and I'm so glad to have found your corner of the internet.
14:42: "I always feel guilty when somebody praises something I've done that I know is flawed." The key words there are "I know." This was one of my "discoveries" when I was taking acting classes in high school. Our teacher/director drilled this point into us again and again: *you haven't screwed up unless the audience realizes it.* When you build something, you know it inside and out because you literally built the inside and the outside, and you end up intimately familiar with every little thing that went wrong. If the audience doesn't notice those problems... take it as a validation of your skill rather than something to be guilty over! You did such a good job that they didn't even *see* the flaws!
When you said that part about having the right equipment it's so true, the day I got my first high quality set of natural hair miniture painting brushes my reaction was like "holy shit balls!" It's great advice. You don't need to start with the best gear but if you use something alot don't hesitate to upgrade that gear. Lots of respect for fellow creatives. High five Ginny, keep up the awesome work, cant wait to see the next 10 years unfold.
Ginny you look so stunning in this new version of the cosplay and I am just so glad you shared your journey with us; we can see how much you have grown! such an inspiration ✨❤️ Thank you so much for the amazing content you post
I just love watching people make stuff honestly - this type of video is right up my ally! It's super interesting to see what happened in the span of 10 years!
This is one of my favorite videos you've ever made 💚 The throwbacks and lessons learned are so valuable, the pacing of the video is really great imo (and the transition/title shots are SO CUTE), and the conclusion is incredibly heartwarming. Thank you and brava!
Ginny executes these videos with such a high level of expert production that’s really impressive, but the way she talks to the camera is so fun and genuine. It’s like I’m at a friends house :-)
Even as 2011 Ginny, you + family = nailing it. I love "The Guild" and that song was a part of my life many years ago, even rewatched "The Guild" recently, so you did and are doing well, keep going!
2011 Ginny is *adorable*. 2021 Ginny has grown into some sort of magical costume fairy.
Now I wanna see her having some table top rpg artist design her as a costume faerie and her making it to cosplay herself as a costume faerie XD
“Magical costume fairy” I’m dead!
I agree with Andrew. In the pictures from ten years ago, to me you looked like an attractive skinny young girl in an attractive costume. Now you look like a mature, beautiful young woman in an equally attractive costume.
“Magical costume fairy” has me dead
I hope that Felicia Day eventually sees this :3
She has! She retweeted Ginny's finished photos!
@@VivaLaDnDLogs Yay!!
I Hope Jesse Cox sees this!
@@VivaLaDnDLogs the updated video? i mean i know it's been ayear but still.
@@MrOrchidion yep!
Well I just learned what a rolled hemmed foot is.
They're not even expensive!! I can't BELIEVE how many skirts I hemmed without it!!
@@GinnyDi Well, I know what my next purchase is going to be - especially since I've gotten the hem a bit too narrow on a few circle skirts I've made recently.
Roflmao! That reaction is glorious XD
It still bewilders me that Felicia Day's "Do you wanna date my avatar?" music video predicted the entirety of vtuber culture 10 years in advance.
It is the twitch streamers with the weird voices and animated avatar, right?
That is a thing I just learned existed, like this week, and I am so very confused by it. I do not see the appeal. 🤔
@@probablythedm1669 When it started it was a good way for people without "traditional good looks" or people who wanted to keep their anonyminity while still being able to interact and entertain. It has of course broadened, and even people with existing fan bases are doing it.
A good example is IronMouse who has an immune disorder/disease and she is basically now a bubble girl who is confined to her bed and needs assistance breathing with tubes. Normally a person in this situation, especially a girl, wouldn't want to set up a livecam and broadcast her actual environment, again, especially if they aren't looking for empathy or pity. It's a way she can be on twitch, and be accepted generally as just a normal (albeit lewd) person.
@@cloudsteele1989 I may have to find IronMouse's channel. That actually fascinates me.
Honestly, being on MMOs at the time, in-game dating based purely on the avatar and three words of discussion was totally a thing. But yeah it's wild that 10 years later some live content creators make their content through an animated avatar. :)
Was more like it reflected a strange mindset in MMO's at the time, which then evolved to the logical extreme of vtuber culture.
Thank you 2011 Ginny! If it weren't for you stepping out of your comfort zone and trying cosplay we probably wouldn't have this amazing community of awesomely nerdy people! 💙
For reference, here are all the ✨Decade Discoveries✨
5:48 Prioritize comfort
7:30 Invest in the right tools and learn about the right tools
9:43 Make a mock-up
11:04 Save custom or customized patterns
15:26 Do not fear dyeing
18:17 Be intentionally inaccurate
24:52 Sometimes hand-sewing is the best answer
29:31 Combine items to make them easier to wear
Bonus Content:
7:15 Circle skirts are great
7:43 A rolled hem foot is a thing
8:29 Keep your leftovers
8:31 E6000 is stronger than hot glue, but both are good
12:41 The more complete the mock-up, the better
14:56 Matching the fabric can improve your cosplay
15:00 When dyeing, pay attention to the fiber makeup of the fabric, use the color wheel, and test dye swatches
12:34 Worbla can help make foam stronger
23:51 Tulle can help diffuse lights
"the fact that I made a fully boned corset for my first cosplay and it turned out OK is frankly a miracle" AGREED. When you mentioned it earlier in the video, I was like, wait, you did WHAT?
On the Surface: Ginny makes a costume.
In actuality: Life lessons with Ginny Di that will leave you lighter, and wiser.
Funny thing is, most of these are life lessons for any craft or profession!
“emphasize comfort,
Invest in the right tools,
Save custom templates/tooling, etc.”
Congrats on 10 years, Ginny!
“I’m back! Heal, shield, spam heal, shield. My hair is naturally wavy.”
Your story about feeling guilty of her praise was so heart warming. You made a real impact on her.
SOMEONE'S CUTTING ONIONS IN THIS HOUSE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's so fcking cool to see you remake this and express pride for your former self. I'm so grateful too that 2011 Ginny did a scary thing and now WE ALL GET TO ENJOY super cool, powerful art because of it!!!!!!
Lots of onions over there, way too much, it's reaching me all the way over here! 🤣🤣
Yeah, my eyes got a little moist at that description of the first cosplay experience and all the interactions!
The photo of your dad with the staff at 23:15 makes him look like a) A Sorcerer and B) like that is all he's ever wanted in life
I don't think either of these are inaccurate observations tbh
GINNY THIS IS SO GOOD I"M SCREAMING. Your remake is phenomenal and watching the process is so informative! Here's to the next decade of creativity!
“In some ways I am capable of less now than I was 10 years ago” I feel like this is something I need to personally be ok with
What a journey! You look absolutely stunning in the new version of Codex, and it is insanely cool that Felicia Day name-dropped you to other people. Growth, we love to see it
This was so wholesome!! As someone taking their first steps into Cosplay land, one can only hope 2031 Louise looks back on her first outfit (Keyleth, RIP hand-sewing leaves on a full cloak) as you do for 2011 Ginny!
I loved how you said a shortfall in 2011 was your lack of confidence when Codex/Cyd was basically the poster child of lack of confidence. It’s only when Felicia was out of character, dressed as the character, that confidence showed in her poses.
I have a dream where one day Ginny Di and Adam Savage will collab to craft a awesome cosplay
Now I want to see that!
Please please please please pleeeeeeeze!
Now that would be awesome to watch!
Adam teaches Ginny aluminum casting for even better props?
I need this now
Big shout out to "discover, learn, improve" content. No genius starts that way, the best pros all learn as they go.
This is so good! The "Decade Discoveries" were super helpful and the costume turned out amazing! So glad that 2011 Ginny decided to try something new :)
What a wonderful video! And such a wonderful cosplay!
Seeing Ginny Di react to the news that Felica Day remembered her and still had her photo 🥲 just love seeing people get to hear about stuff like this and get that validation, even when embarrassment or impostor syndrome tells them it shouldn't be possible. So nice to see
2023 and just watching this one, now I just want to rewatch The Guild, it was so good! Great job Ginny, amazing original cosplay, even better follow-up!
This is SO good, what a lovely story and progression! I'm mega inspired now. The Guild was such a defining part of my nerdy life and why I started making videos, I can't believe its that old now!
The work and dedication you put into these projects never ceases to amaze. Meanwhile, I can’t stay focused on one thing for more than 2 hours. The hard work shows, the results are always awesome.
Glad to see your cat assistants are as "helpful" as mine and enjoy showing off their anatomy on camera as well. *grin*
"Do not fear dying" Ginny's advice for 2021 😜
Or short skirts
Man I remember that one time in our arts and crafts club in 5th grade, while the class was chatting and all the teacher stopped us all and said "Ok next week we're going to Dye"
All of my friends looked at each other laughing and shocked "WE'RE GLING TO DIE?"
Then she pointed at a reminder on the board that said "T-shirt Dying, Next Friday"
@@mistergiraffe9425 This was a GURPs game.
We were facing an air elemental and fighting an invisible opponent gives massive penalties.
I smile, "I'm going to cast dye."
Person whose first GURPs game loudly says, "You have that spell?"
Another experienced player, "No really, what are you going to cast."
I grin again, "Dye, and I'll turn it pink."
The groans as they realized. Even more when it ran off. Silly shy elemental.
Seasons don't fear the reaper
Nor do the wind, the sun or the rain
We can be like they are!
I would love to see Ginny sing "do you wanna date my avatar?" in this amazing cosplay!
This is fab! I can't wait until Felicia sees it. I love that you are so open about misconceptions, mistakes, and lessons learned. As a consumer of internet content it's so easy to see a finished product and think the creator is an expert who does everything perfectly. I think seeing you learn and grow is more inspiring than if we didn't get that part of the story. Thanks for being awesome!
Aw. I love Ginny's parents. They seem so great and supportive. How cool for them to get involved with her first cosplay. :)
This was literally the first cosplay process video I've ever watched, and it was really interesting. One thing that might make your life slightly easier, if you don't mind a suggestion: invest $10 to $15 in an inexpensive PVC pipe cutter, which you can get at Lowe's or Home Depot any time. This tool makes clean, smooth, straight cuts in PVC pipes in seconds with no sawdust, as opposed to cutting with a hack saw, which takes much more time and effort, and leaves you sanding the cut end as well as sweeping up PVC sawdust. (I built a PVC staff for my daughter's Rey costume years ago, and man, already having that cutter made the job so much easier!)
Oh man. That memory lane trip at the beginning. Such an innocent time. XD
These discoveries are so insightful and your growth is so amazing to watch.
Codex's costume always reminded me of what it would look like if Sailor Faerun We're a thing.
"This is where you live now?" I have had this conversation with all my cats, along with that sewing machine snuggle request while painting.
This entire process was amazing. Loved it. Your skills are very obviously leveled up.
My spouse refuses to allow our cat access to a room either of us is machine sowing in since he once decided that the speed control pedal was the place to sit to figure out what his human was doing with the floppy fabric...
He's a 10lb cat...
I feel ya. I don't sew, but there have been many times when I've gone back to my computer to see something like it saying there are no results in searching for "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".
This retroactive was awesome. I find it hard to ever see you as anything other than confident which is, yes, a statement of how far you've come. ("Everyone is nervous...")
dude this is insanely well done holy crap, i feel like i'm watching a show on freaking like HGTV or TLC or something. you have INCREDIBLE talent for the whole thing, presentation, delivery, setup, the editing it next level, the settings and stuff that you're shooting it in, just all looks super professionally done it is really impressive
I like how Ginny takes all of the credit for making the costume, even though clearly she was given a lot of help from those kitties
Cat butt is a necessary component to all successful endeavors. Just ask my cat, and her giant fluffy butt!
Super miss The Guild. Such a good time. Haha
Theres something poetic to getting over a gear of dying from Arya
And with this I know that I need to rewatch The Guild, damn that was a good show
This updated version is more accurate and shows improved skills due to practice and time, but I have to say your first cosplay as Codex was phenomenal. You did such a great job that it is easy to see why it created such a spark in you to continue cosplaying. Well done on both costumes.
Aww, your reaction to finding out how memorable you are to Felicia was adorable. As a cosplay noob I gotta say both look awesome though the 21 version of the outfit is brilliant.
Also #DecadeDiscoveries.
Who's cutting the damn onions! XD
This is great! I'm sure you probably know but Felicia has a TH-cam channel and streams on Twitch a lot! On Sundays she gets together and plays games with The Guild crew and they do D&D as their characters like once a month. I hope she sees your video, you guys are both awesome and make fantastic content, I'd love to see a collab someday!
When you're soo into cosplay that you cosplay your cosplay.
I hope you continue to be proud of yourself and stepping outside your comfort zone to find out who you really are. Because what you've given back to all of us is amazing.
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
2011 was 10 years ago? Jesus, now I feel hella old.
Also, great evolution, really shows how dedication and hard work can pay off.
WOW, there are no words to describe your confidence and beauty. You look great, wonderful, stunning in this costume. You have done a wonderful job. I judge a lot of cosplay costumes, and you have blown me away with your simplistic beauty and fashion. You are Cinderella 2.0. Great job, Great video. And please thank your mom and dad for all their help and support.
Mock-ups are also very very good when you're trying to make your own patterns because sometimes a dress form might not be completely accurate or adjusting might be difficult for you!
oh my goodness, GINNY, this video is so lovely! I wrote out a bunch of responses but mostly I just want to say that I'm so proud of everything you'd done in the past ten years and so happy that you started cosplaying 10 years ago so that we could meet through cosplay too!!
I love you for doing this, reminded me of nerd friends iv lost and the good times we had.
My favorite part is the snapshots of "regular" Ginny in "normal" clothes. I've only gotten to see her as a youtuber so it's like getting to know someone more intimately!
You make an excellent point that you should and it's ok to go back to an old costume. I'm inspired now to go back and refurbish my first suit of leather ringmail armor I made 25 years ago...thanks Ginny D!
Aww, the pictures of your parents helping you with your costume are so sweet.
I find it so cool how you move, how you interact. I see you screaming inside : «i'm outside of my comfort zone, - fake it till you make it». So cool for a generation of nerds who need to fight social anxiety... Bravo! 🙂
Can't believe I just watched the entire video, as neither a crafter nor a cosplayer. It is a testament to how engaging you are. You are incredibly talented. Keep up the good work and keep on being your best, most creative self.
i absolutely hope ginny di is still cosplaying as forty. she deserves it, and we as a society deserve it.
Looking back on your past self and being able to say you're proud of them is so nice.
Ok, but like... Ginny... I just searched "Felicia Day Codex" and your cosplay photo is the FOURTH image to come up! Keep up the great work!!
This was an amazing process to see
I enjoyed seeing Felicia Day in The Guild and on the show Eureka; so it was cool to hear about your interaction with her and how she still remembers your costume from back than.
The one thing that made me watch this vid 'til the very end? An emotion it radiates, one that is very familiar and dear to me: the joy of doing what you love for a living! Never be afraid to chase your dreams, never cease to dream, and when Lady Fate smiles at you, don't hesitate and embrace Her!
Well done, Lass, the costume as well as you catching Lady Fate! 👍
As someone else also commented, I was watching The Guild 14 year anniversary on Twitch and Felicia said how she likes seeing cosplay of Codex and that yours is a favorite. I saw people in the chat mentioning this video.
This is so delightful. The Guild and Felicia's work in general was a huge gateway to nerd culture for me, especially as a young woman who wasn't sure there would be a space for me there.
I came to watch this video because it's The Guild's 10 year anniversary, and Felicia just mentioned how good your cosplay of Codex looks! Said she wished she looked like your Codex.
It appears you've taken the lessons from The Guild to heart. Be yourself, do what makes you comfortable, but be willing to try things outside your comfort zone.
The Guild was really a turning point in my mental health. It was the final push that let me realize that it's okay to not be "normal". Even a group of misfits can work towards a common goal and in the group their weaknesses can become their strength.
I hope one day Felicia Day can see you in all your glory as Codex.
My heart gave a few extra beats with the full on costume... wow! I really hope Felicia Day sees this video so you can fangirl over each other.
Well done! Here's to another 10 years!
Edit: My brain as I'm watching the dying process: "Oh boy that's some good corduroy soup ya got there"
that corduroy looks softer and more flexible than EVERY pair of corduroy pants I've ever owned
One minute ago, 100 views already. She's truly getting the praise she deserves.
Side note: 2011 Ginny Di is adorable by the way- you've grown up so much :,)
I actually started my own codex cosplay years ago but never finished it 😅 this video is kinda inspiring me to finally finish it!
Do it man!!
i have to agree with natalie. but you have to post pics so we can all 😍 over it!
I love all the details and how you go into like "yea, do what feels good, and what looks good" It's awesome!
Omg, I'm not crying, you're crying. The final part made me emotional too ✨
Full respect to all the cosplayers out there. The time and energy that goes into your costumes, the level of craftsmanship... respect to you ❤️
Thunderous Applause
That was awesome. Thank you for bringing us along.
This video is actually making me cry. For two reasons, the first being that The Guild was the first web series I was properly obsessed with when I was young, like real young, not even a teen yet. The second being the flood of memories of my first time cosplaying and how different I am now. There's something absolutely magical about one's first time cosplaying at a convention. Con culture makes it so that it's completely normal to go up to somebody completely out of the blue and gush about what they're wearing, and so as a pretty young kid (I was 10 when I did my first cosplay, all made by my mum who got me into it in the first place) it was the first time I felt like I was being noticed. People were coming up to me and saying nice things and asking for pictures and it was just so inexplicably amazing that I've never been the a con without a cosplay since.
What a rollercoaster of a journey that started with that first step ten years ago.
Thanks for sharing your insights into cosplay.
This was a fantastic video. I've been a huge nerd and wanted to get into cosplay, but had no idea the steps that went into even where to start. There's so much more to think about than I ever would have known. People see a costume and think, "nifty". This is much more than just an outfit to put on!
That has to be the most adorable and inspiring video of yours I've seen. Thank you for sharing that journey!
Your energy is everything I am looking for in 2021 👏🏼
crafting and/or racing of any kind is just watchable IMO
Being purposefully inaccurate is so true! It’s hard to come to terms with at first, but once you do, you start to realize it’s way more fun to add your own flair to it anyway! My Giselle costume is made out of crushed velvet, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I think it's wonderful that your parents not only supported your first cosplay effort, they actively helped you! Cool parents indeed!!! BTW, you did an outstanding job!
One of my best friends and I used to live together and I remember her making garb and gear while we watched anime on our days off together. This reminded me of those really great memories. Thank you for reminding me of that memory as I miss the hell out of her and watching you work made me think of my friend who now lives out of state. You made me feel nostalgic as hell. I know that that is off topic and I am sorry.
Not only does this video help with cosplay advice (which I will likely use if I ever get off my lazy butt) but some of it can even apply to other hobbies, such as investing in the right tools, going for comfort over accuracy, etc. Great video Ginny!
Seriously dig your determined "getting work done face" you make when you were hammering the rivets.
Seeing baby Ginny pictures reminds of the Not Literally days! It's amazing to see how far you've come in 10 years!
Love how you're sharing the mistakes along with the lessons learned, it can be mentally draining trying to learn something and feel that your inspiration never gets it wrong
Also I have to say I don't know the first thing about sewing or creating a cosplay costume, but I found this fascinating! As a photographer it's really neat to see the work that goes into creating the cool costumes and pieces that I love to shoot. When I see a neat additional to a costume and geek out over it during the shoot it's so much fun to see the person light up and explain how much trouble that was to figure out and how rewarding it was when they got it (and how happy they are that I noticed it!).
corset for your first costume wow. I remember at a local sewing group we had new person tell us they plan to make a corset from scratch for a costume the whole circle as one suggested they buy a corset for their first costume.
Wonderful video! Such a great example of what goes into making a cosplay and a beautiful reflection on your growth. Congratulations on 10 years!
I am so grateful I saw this video today. I've been following Ginny for a while and she's really encouraged me to get back into sewing, something that I've wanted to do for a long time. I ordered my patterns a couple weeks ago and my friends and I are going to purchase the fabric tomorrow! I'm so freaking excited! Ginny, thank you for making such amazing content. I learn so much not just about cosplay and creating characters but about being authentic to yourself and learning to trust yourself. You're a wonderful bean and I'm so glad to have found your corner of the internet.
14:42: "I always feel guilty when somebody praises something I've done that I know is flawed."
The key words there are "I know." This was one of my "discoveries" when I was taking acting classes in high school. Our teacher/director drilled this point into us again and again: *you haven't screwed up unless the audience realizes it.* When you build something, you know it inside and out because you literally built the inside and the outside, and you end up intimately familiar with every little thing that went wrong. If the audience doesn't notice those problems... take it as a validation of your skill rather than something to be guilty over! You did such a good job that they didn't even *see* the flaws!
I think this would probably be very comforting to me if I didn't have 250,000 people constantly telling me about all the flaws in my work lol
When you said that part about having the right equipment it's so true, the day I got my first high quality set of natural hair miniture painting brushes my reaction was like "holy shit balls!" It's great advice. You don't need to start with the best gear but if you use something alot don't hesitate to upgrade that gear. Lots of respect for fellow creatives. High five Ginny, keep up the awesome work, cant wait to see the next 10 years unfold.
This is the most encouraging thing I've seen all month
Ginny you look so stunning in this new version of the cosplay and I am just so glad you shared your journey with us; we can see how much you have grown! such an inspiration ✨❤️ Thank you so much for the amazing content you post
I just love watching people make stuff honestly - this type of video is right up my ally!
It's super interesting to see what happened in the span of 10 years!
This is one of my favorite videos you've ever made 💚 The throwbacks and lessons learned are so valuable, the pacing of the video is really great imo (and the transition/title shots are SO CUTE), and the conclusion is incredibly heartwarming. Thank you and brava!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much!! This was a solid MONTH of work but I think it was worth it!!
@@GinnyDi SO SO SO worth it!! I can't wait to hear what Felicia Day thinks 💚
Ginny executes these videos with such a high level of expert production that’s really impressive, but the way she talks to the camera is so fun and genuine. It’s like I’m at a friends house :-)
Even as 2011 Ginny, you + family = nailing it. I love "The Guild" and that song was a part of my life many years ago, even rewatched "The Guild" recently, so you did and are doing well, keep going!