Do not miss our Interview Question video series 25 Important ASP.NET Interview Questions : 30 Important C# Interview Questions : 25 Angular Interview Questions : 5 MSBI Interview Questions :
Want to Learn MVC 5 in 2 days start from the below video :- The following syllabus has been covered in Learn MVC 5 in 2 days Learn MVC 5 in 2 days Lab 1 : - Simple Hello world(20 Minutes) Lab 2 : - Explain MVC Routing(10 Minutes)? Lab 3 : - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?(20 Minutes) Lab 4 :- Explain Model and Strongly typed views (20 minutes)? Lab 5 : - Explain Model Binders(10 minutes)? Lab 6 :- Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms ? (30 minutes) Lab 7 :- Explain TempData , Peek and Keep ? (10 Minutes) Lab 8 : - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?(31 Minutes) Lab 9 : - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC? (10 Minutes) Lab 10 : - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?(20 minutes) Lab 11 : - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?(45 minutes) Lab 12 : - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?(10 minutes) Lab 13 :- How to implement Ajax using Json and Jquery in MVC ? (60 Minutes) Lab 14 : - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes) Lab 15 :- How to deploy MVC Application on IIS ? (10 minutes) Lab 16 :- How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC? (50 Minutes) Lab 17 : - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development ? (10 Minutes) Lab 18 :- How to implement MVC with Angular ? (60 minutes) ? Lab 19 :- Can we Overload MVC Action methods ? (10 Minutes) Lab 20 :- How to improve Reusability using Angular ? (20 Minutes) ? Lab 21 :- What is the need of WebAPI in MVC ? (30 Minutes) Lab 22 : - How to do exception handling in MVC? (30 Minutes) Lab 23 :- How to do update and delete using MVC , WebAPI , EF and Angular? (30 Minutes) Lab 24 : - How to use MVC Webgrid?(30 minutes) Lab 25 :- How to implement Validation using Angular and MVC (30 minutes)? Lab 26 :- What is SPA (Single page application)? Lab 27 :- How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue ? (42 minutes) Lab 28 :- Explain the importance of DisplayModes ? (10 minutes) Lab 29 :- How to do unit testing with MVC projects (30 minutes)? Lab 30 :- How to implement SPA using Angular Routing ? Lab 31 :- How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI ? Lab 32 :- How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC ? Lab 33 : - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC? Lab 34 :- What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC? Lab 35:- Bundling and Minification. Lab 36 :- Layout pages in Razor Lab 37: - What are ActionFilters in MVC? Lab 38: - What is WebAPI (Theory)? Lab 39: - How can we create and consume WEB API (Practical)? Visit us at for more details
That was an excellent description of MVC. I wish I had found it sooner. I have spent many hours trying to piece together an understanding of MVC, ASP.NET, OWIN, and WS-Federation. This has helped a lot. I think I have all the correct pieces. It's just a matter of understanding how to use all of them together. This is a great start.
I am a graduate coming from a school that only taught rad development. That being said I have been trying to develop my own application, and hit a lot of bumps when developing with web forms. MVC is so foreign looking to me that I was too intimidated to try it, so I was stuck in a depressive situation. My first issues with MVC was like where the hell is this separation of business logic and design? Where is this data access layer that I am so use to? I watched and read a lot of information on MVC, and nothing clicked. When I watched this video for some reason everything just clicked, and I am not intimidated to approach MVC anymore and give it another shot! I really appreciate you taking the time for making this video and helping me out, that is why I am taking my time to thank you sir. Have a great day :)
I like the introductory history, but you perhaps should mention that the Visual tools were created in an era PRE-INTERNET, and thus made more sense back then. This is implied later, but might as well state that up-front.
nice video!! actually i'm using web applications... i'd like to change to MVC, but it`s hard "losing" all that i`ve already made.. ASAP i'll move to MVC... thanks for sharing, good explanations...
Very nice video, but as far as I remember it was Borland that came with the RAD tools first. Borland C++ Builder and Borland Delphi (Windows Pascal) first and due to thier succes Microsoft made Visual Studio?
This is well-explained. ASP.NET MVC with bootstrap/jquery/kendo ui controls/areas/repositories/entity models/view models/custom models (shared VM components)/entity framework/LINQ...can get quite complex and in the last 1.5 years I've been using it I couldn't find ANY example projects that manage the high complexity of a real enterprise application. This was a disappointment, but I sure learned a lot by doing.
+Fu Dan Chu - You're not the only one brother. I've worked for lots of major corps, including HP and others over the years, and I've never seen this work in real life on a HUGE, enterprise level application (or set of). No one I've seen has done it. And I'm not talking about 300,000 lines of code. I'm talking about 3-10 million lines of code, etc. BIG projects. Go to work at any large company, and you won't find MVC implemented except a bit here and there. Most MS shops will be plain-old ASP.NET. And it's not because there hasn't been time. MVC has been around for many years now. The uptake rate has been low, and still is.
Hello Sir, Thank you for such a nice video. I've completed my ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC training and at present working in a Startup. I'm working on a project using MVC. I find MVC easier that ASP.NET. Since I started my career with MVC,and never got a chance to work on ASP.NET, this may be the reason I find it easier. I want to ask- if I have to work on a project using ASP.NET ,will it be tough to catch up with the process, though I know it. Kindly clear my doubt. Thank You.
Where are all the other videos of 16 hours training sequentially.. I have gone through first video and then it come to like you have 2 and half hours of training.. Can you plzz provide the link where i can find all the videos in proper sequence.. These videos are really helping me a lot... Thanks in advance..
good video.. MVC is good, but ... webform is fully operational.. page cycle is diferent but so easy... MVC is for certain types of project. Sadly microsoft is slowly abandoned webforms
Thank you for your contribution. I am Raj from England , I have a question which I was asked in an interview by a computer Scientist at University Collage London. He Asked me " Can you write a compiler that takes your C# code and complies it" and I have no clue what to say ,it was very embarrassing. Please explain how a single person can write a compiler,is it possible and please suggest some books that I can learn from. Thank you for your answer in advance.
Yes a single person can write a complier, but why would you want to? You would just be reinventing the wheel. There are many compliers out there. C# converts to MSIL which is interpretive and is why .NET languages can be platform independent. Compliers on the other hand generate machine code aka assembler which is processor specific.
northgork thanks for reply. I understand what you mean but didn't understand why I was asked, perhaps he was testing my skills. If I am learning a programming language, do I have to learn compilers first ? . Hey thanks anyway. :)
Umar Jan Well as I specialize in c# I would not expect that type of question either so they are the ones that should be embarrassed to ask such a silly question. Perhaps they wanted a faster runtime as MSIL is interpretive but c# has special data types specifically for speedy processing. It also has threading which is true multitasking. I would not want to work for anyone that thinks c# needs a complier, obviously they have lost the plot and do not understand .NET so its best you do not work for people like that :)
I think the interviewer was asking if C# could be compiled into machine code at build time. Simple answer is, yes, C# or any other language can be compiled into machine code, its just a language. The MS c# compiler compiles c# to the intermediate language, MSIL, and then the CLR JIT compiles at run time. He was probably asking to see if you understand the whole process.
But if we use Linq with dB first approach it super slow for big applications ,if we use web form with it fast ,but asp net with if we use again we want to learn razor view big heck
I don't agree with your assertions that the page-load method in webforms is complicated, that's nonsense. In webforms ASP.NET you simply check the Page.IsPostBack property to determine if the page is loading for the first time or it its a result of a post on an already loaded web form. How is that complicated? You would just code if (!IsPostBack) { do some first time page load logic}. That is the same as the default View action in MVC when a view is rendered for the first time. Its a fallacy to suggest webforms are more complicated than MVC. If anything, MVC is more complicated than webforms so your "complicated" argument is in fact incorrect, especially when you consider that just learning the MVC and how it treats the model, is really complicated. Oh and lets not mention how MVC does not have a true drag and drop form preview, kind of anti RAD don't you think? I suggest you rethink your arguments if you really want to purport MVC is better than Webforms. Also, in your cartoon are you suggesting MVC doesn't have code-behind? Also rubbish. Code-behind is just a term that means the code is executed on the server, which in MVC is the controller code. In fact, those html designers come wannabe real developers should wise up, server side processing is essential in any transaction and the very idea you can do everything with just client side html, css and jquery is idiotic...
Must be our words have been misunderstood.Page_load event is not complicated it is unnecessary, in short the complete page life cycle is unnecessary. If you want to hit "btnBuy_Click" event why do you have to do through a page life cycle ( init , load , render) , hit directly and execute the logic for that method and get the response. That's what MVC does straight to the point. Code behind i meant is which is attached to the view. Yes i agree that the code has moved to the controller and is not attached to a view.
.NET Interview Preparation videos Obviously you do not really understand that these events are optional and in some cases very handy, but you do not have to use them, you simply do not put any code in these events. The event in question (eg button click, list box click etc) will still fire so just code in that event. As webforms is based on winforms it includes these optional events of which you are so critical of. You also do not really understand MVC either. MVC is just an old design pattern that VS implements using ASP.NET and the related MVC .NET assemblies. You can implement your own MVC easily in webforms if you want to. Your point about "straight to the point" is very misleading. In MVC ASP.NET you get inundated with a mountain of jquery, a weakly typed client side script language, to make up for the loss of server side controls that form the RAD GUI you speak highly of which is lost in MVC ASP.NET. Do you seriously think jquery isn't complicated and error prone?
+northgork - Well said. These folks obviously do not work in the Real World, and don't really see what's being used "Out There", or how it actually works under the hood.
sorry to bother you right now after 4 years of comment, there are so many tools and commands available to byepass page life cycle as far as projects are delivered faster
I respect your opinions, but I mostly dont agree. MVC is another thing that was invented for certain types of project, but not really needed. I work as a programmer, as a .NET programmer, and in my almost 10 years of experience I builded smalls, mediums and larges scale web application, using only WebForms, and I never was in the need of even find how to use MVC, simply because webforms bring me all I needed. Of course that I always have to use another third party products, specially jQuerys things, js, css, etc, but it is really easy to implement that kind of stuff in any web app. By the way, the page life cycle that you mention as a disadvantage, is in fact and advantage. I use it very often specially in the Site.Masters pages. Another thing is: If you want to reuse code, you need to use classes. Very simple. Classes. My advice for you people that are learning Web Apps is: if you know WebForms, dont waste time learning another thing that dont make things easy for you in any matter.
Indeed, it's fairly common knowledge that because one needs in depth understandings of HTML, JS, and CSS, as well as the fact one must actually code much more, MVC is generally a bit less productive on a per-developer basis. Also, MVC really shines with high-transaction sites, but a great many ASP.NET projects aren't high-transaction. Google, Amazon, Twitter, et al drive the need for technologies like MVC, but few sites in the overall grand scheme of the internet have such requirements.
But Now a days every company whatever small or large based, want MVC approach only. So I am little bit confused can simplify to me why they want MVC architecture only and which prospectus MVC architecture is best like for client side for development side?
my respect to the people in microsoft who invested so much knowledge and time, but due to the volume of requirements for explaining the new paradigm, php is going to wipe the floors with the mvc while they answer 'em all and might even cause microsoft to drop it. surely there are clearly some (not many) advances over the web forms approach, but this just won't beat their 'being lightweight' (time consuming wise) when creating web apps. and please don't intentionally repeat 'not possible with web forms'... you know that a merely experienced programmer could easily provide solutions or workarounds to every challenge being put in front of him and, on top of it, in a very tight timeline. one more thing... the wisely controlled app workflow is what makes an app great. divide the classes intelligently, use the html and what not to control the view state and don't worry 'bout the hosting server cause it's got lots of threads and ram for you available to support your app's appetite. i do use the mvc, but i never felt the need to promote it over the web forms, not once...
The behind the scenes complexity is irrelevant so long as the programmer doesn't have to directly deal with it. Webforms is superior for delivering a finished product faster. If programmers are so concerned of inefficient backend code, might as well write machine code then....
MVC reduces developer productivity - this is well known. It is not "better", and in fact, could be worse for projects that are acceptably monolithic - which may not be high transaction sites, but let's face it - most websites aren't, really,. Interestingly, MVC is more recommended for large teams/groups of teams, and understandably so, even though the individual productivity might not be as high as with Webforms. Also, leading with a fat-shaming image is kind of insensitive and inappropriate. Also, shows your bias, rather than objective reasoning.
Great video. One small mention though, maybe drop the "he" and replace it with "they" or he/she. This is the modern world and I know a lot of great programmers who are women :)
Do not miss our Interview Question video series
25 Important ASP.NET Interview Questions :
30 Important C# Interview Questions :
25 Angular Interview Questions :
5 MSBI Interview Questions :
Brother you explained MVC so beautifully well, that you achieved what dozens of others could not do. Thank you so much
Smells like some badass teaching skills are being applied in the background of this whole channel, congrats! Very well presented videos!
Want to Learn MVC 5 in 2 days start from the below video :-
The following syllabus has been covered in Learn MVC 5 in 2 days
Learn MVC 5 in 2 days
Lab 1 : - Simple Hello world(20 Minutes)
Lab 2 : - Explain MVC Routing(10 Minutes)?
Lab 3 : - Explain ViewData, ViewBag, TempData & Session Variables?(20 Minutes)
Lab 4 :- Explain Model and Strongly typed views (20 minutes)?
Lab 5 : - Explain Model Binders(10 minutes)?
Lab 6 :- Why MVC and MVC vs Webforms ? (30 minutes)
Lab 7 :- Explain TempData , Peek and Keep ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 8 : - Explain Data Annotations and HTML Helpers classes?(31 Minutes)
Lab 9 : - What is the need of ViewModel in MVC? (10 Minutes)
Lab 10 : - How can we use Entity Framework in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 11 : - How to implement viewmodel, partial view and webgrid?(45 minutes)
Lab 12 : - What is the difference between ActionResult and ViewResult in MVC?(10 minutes)
Lab 13 :- How to implement Ajax using Json and Jquery in MVC ? (60 Minutes)
Lab 14 : - What is the use of Async Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes)
Lab 15 :- How to deploy MVC Application on IIS ? (10 minutes)
Lab 16 :- How can we do Windows and Forms Authentication in MVC? (50 Minutes)
Lab 17 : - How can we use MVC areas for better modular development ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 18 :- How to implement MVC with Angular ? (60 minutes) ?
Lab 19 :- Can we Overload MVC Action methods ? (10 Minutes)
Lab 20 :- How to improve Reusability using Angular ? (20 Minutes) ?
Lab 21 :- What is the need of WebAPI in MVC ? (30 Minutes)
Lab 22 : - How to do exception handling in MVC? (30 Minutes)
Lab 23 :- How to do update and delete using MVC , WebAPI , EF and Angular? (30 Minutes)
Lab 24 : - How to use MVC Webgrid?(30 minutes)
Lab 25 :- How to implement Validation using Angular and MVC (30 minutes)?
Lab 26 :- What is SPA (Single page application)?
Lab 27 :- How to Organize MVC project and Understanding CORS issue ? (42 minutes)
Lab 28 :- Explain the importance of DisplayModes ? (10 minutes)
Lab 29 :- How to do unit testing with MVC projects (30 minutes)?
Lab 30 :- How to implement SPA using Angular Routing ?
Lab 31 :- How to create decoupled systems using MVC DI ?
Lab 32 :- How can we have multiple submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC ?
Lab 33 : - What is the importance of AntiForgery in MVC?
Lab 34 :- What is the importance of ValidateInput and AllowHTML in MVC?
Lab 35:- Bundling and Minification.
Lab 36 :- Layout pages in Razor
Lab 37: - What are ActionFilters in MVC?
Lab 38: - What is WebAPI (Theory)?
Lab 39: - How can we create and consume WEB API (Practical)?
Visit us at for more details
One of the best conceptual videos that I have seen. Beautifully explained! Thank you for the amazing concept clarification,
That was an excellent description of MVC. I wish I had found it sooner. I have spent many hours trying to piece together an understanding of MVC, ASP.NET, OWIN, and WS-Federation. This has helped a lot. I think I have all the correct pieces. It's just a matter of understanding how to use all of them together. This is a great start.
One of the best explanations out there on the topic. Many thanks
Awesome Video. This does a real nice job of explaining the advantages to MVC. Now I need a good example application.
Finally someone that can explain why!!!! Thank you!!!!!
what a wonderful presentation simple professional excellent and clear Thank you Sir
your explanations are soooooo good! love listening to your videos
Very nice...Now I am getting interest in MVC. Because of this lectre losts of confusion is removed......Thank you.
I love to hear all the tutorials from you.
great way of explaining the differences! thank you so much!
Beautifully explained.
I am a graduate coming from a school that only taught rad development. That being said I have been trying to develop my own application, and hit a lot of bumps when developing with web forms. MVC is so foreign looking to me that I was too intimidated to try it, so I was stuck in a depressive situation. My first issues with MVC was like where the hell is this separation of business logic and design? Where is this data access layer that I am so use to? I watched and read a lot of information on MVC, and nothing clicked. When I watched this video for some reason everything just clicked, and I am not intimidated to approach MVC anymore and give it another shot! I really appreciate you taking the time for making this video and helping me out, that is why I am taking my time to thank you sir. Have a great day :)
wow just loved this .well presented
Many Love and Respect From Afghanistan, Sir
The diagram helped a lot. Thank you
Excellent video Sir. Thanks from Mexico.
exactyl what I was looking for...
thank you for clarifying things for me ...
kudos man! .. good job
great........ clearing all confusion thnks shiv sir....
Good video to understand why MVC !!
Thanks sir... actually u can also hits the MVC concept...great teaching skills 🤘
wow you are awesome .. vry nice tutorial .. vry nicely explain .. excited to learn from further video tutorial .. Thanks alot !!!
I like the introductory history, but you perhaps should mention that the Visual tools were created in an era PRE-INTERNET, and thus made more sense back then. This is implied later, but might as well state that up-front.
Thanks for the video. Simple and clear.
Awesome explanations.
well presented thanks for sharing with us
nice video!! actually i'm using web applications... i'd like to change to MVC, but it`s hard "losing" all that i`ve already made.. ASAP i'll move to MVC... thanks for sharing, good explanations...
no need to switch to MVC unless you have very big project with big budget
Very nice video, but as far as I remember it was Borland that came with the RAD tools first. Borland C++ Builder and Borland Delphi (Windows Pascal) first and due to thier succes Microsoft made Visual Studio?
This is well-explained. ASP.NET MVC with bootstrap/jquery/kendo ui controls/areas/repositories/entity models/view models/custom models (shared VM components)/entity framework/LINQ...can get quite complex and in the last 1.5 years I've been using it I couldn't find ANY example projects that manage the high complexity of a real enterprise application. This was a disappointment, but I sure learned a lot by doing.
+Fu Dan Chu - You're not the only one brother. I've worked for lots of major corps, including HP and others over the years, and I've never seen this work in real life on a HUGE, enterprise level application (or set of). No one I've seen has done it. And I'm not talking about 300,000 lines of code. I'm talking about 3-10 million lines of code, etc. BIG projects. Go to work at any large company, and you won't find MVC implemented except a bit here and there. Most MS shops will be plain-old ASP.NET. And it's not because there hasn't been time. MVC has been around for many years now. The uptake rate has been low, and still is.
You are an awesome tutor!!
Hello Sir, Thank you for such a nice video. I've completed my ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC training and at present working in a Startup. I'm working on a project using MVC. I find MVC easier that ASP.NET. Since I started my career with MVC,and never got a chance to work on ASP.NET, this may be the reason I find it easier. I want to ask- if I have to work on a project using ASP.NET ,will it be tough to catch up with the process, though I know it. Kindly clear my doubt. Thank You.
Good explanation liked it
very nice intro well explained difference
Good explanation. But I still want to use RAD to design my do you design your views? Type html? Or use aspx files (webforms)?
+Garrett Marshall For technical query mail us at
thank so much , great video to start learning MVC
should we use single page application or multiple views in mvc
Where are all the other videos of 16 hours training sequentially.. I have gone through first video and then it come to like you have 2 and half hours of training.. Can you plzz provide the link where i can find all the videos in proper sequence.. These videos are really helping me a lot...
Thanks in advance..
MVC course is available under .NET paid subscription. For more details visit
Nice and Simple.............
good video.. MVC is good, but ... webform is fully operational.. page cycle is diferent but so easy... MVC is for certain types of project. Sadly microsoft is slowly abandoned webforms
Is it necessary to learn WF or asp.netweb forms before learning MVC.
Thank you for your contribution. I am Raj from England , I have a question which I was asked in an interview by a computer Scientist at University Collage London. He Asked me " Can you write a compiler that takes your C# code and complies it" and I have no clue what to say ,it was very embarrassing. Please explain how a single person can write a compiler,is it possible and please suggest some books that I can learn from. Thank you for your answer in advance.
Yes a single person can write a complier, but why would you want to? You would just be reinventing the wheel. There are many compliers out there. C# converts to MSIL which is interpretive and is why .NET languages can be platform independent. Compliers on the other hand generate machine code aka assembler which is processor specific.
northgork thanks for reply. I understand what you mean but didn't understand why I was asked, perhaps he was testing my skills. If I am learning a programming language, do I have to learn compilers first ? . Hey thanks anyway. :)
Umar Jan Well as I specialize in c# I would not expect that type of question either so they are the ones that should be embarrassed to ask such a silly question. Perhaps they wanted a faster runtime as MSIL is interpretive but c# has special data types specifically for speedy processing. It also has threading which is true multitasking. I would not want to work for anyone that thinks c# needs a complier, obviously they have lost the plot and do not understand .NET so its best you do not work for people like that :)
I think the interviewer was asking if C# could be compiled into machine code at build time. Simple answer is, yes, C# or any other language can be compiled into machine code, its just a language. The MS c# compiler compiles c# to the intermediate language, MSIL, and then the CLR JIT compiles at run time. He was probably asking to see if you understand the whole process.
well explained!!
Gudmrng sir i want dotnot where company side what program they will do pls can u guide
But if we use Linq with dB first approach it super slow for big applications ,if we use web form with it fast ,but asp net with if we use again we want to learn razor view big heck
I don't agree with your assertions that the page-load method in webforms is complicated, that's nonsense. In webforms ASP.NET you simply check the Page.IsPostBack property to determine if the page is loading for the first time or it its a result of a post on an already loaded web form. How is that complicated? You would just code if (!IsPostBack) { do some first time page load logic}. That is the same as the default View action in MVC when a view is rendered for the first time. Its a fallacy to suggest webforms are more complicated than MVC. If anything, MVC is more complicated than webforms so your "complicated" argument is in fact incorrect, especially when you consider that just learning the MVC and how it treats the model, is really complicated. Oh and lets not mention how MVC does not have a true drag and drop form preview, kind of anti RAD don't you think? I suggest you rethink your arguments if you really want to purport MVC is better than Webforms.
Also, in your cartoon are you suggesting MVC doesn't have code-behind? Also rubbish. Code-behind is just a term that means the code is executed on the server, which in MVC is the controller code. In fact, those html designers come wannabe real developers should wise up, server side processing is essential in any transaction and the very idea you can do everything with just client side html, css and jquery is idiotic...
Must be our words have been misunderstood.Page_load event is not complicated it is unnecessary, in short the complete page life cycle is unnecessary. If you want to hit "btnBuy_Click" event why do you have to do through a page life cycle ( init , load , render) , hit directly and execute the logic for that method and get the response.
That's what MVC does straight to the point.
Code behind i meant is which is attached to the view. Yes i agree that the code has moved to the controller and is not attached to a view.
.NET Interview Preparation videos Obviously you do not really understand that these events are optional and in some cases very handy, but you do not have to use them, you simply do not put any code in these events. The event in question (eg button click, list box click etc) will still fire so just code in that event. As webforms is based on winforms it includes these optional events of which you are so critical of.
You also do not really understand MVC either. MVC is just an old design pattern that VS implements using ASP.NET and the related MVC .NET assemblies. You can implement your own MVC easily in webforms if you want to.
Your point about "straight to the point" is very misleading. In MVC ASP.NET you get inundated with a mountain of jquery, a weakly typed client side script language, to make up for the loss of server side controls that form the RAD GUI you speak highly of which is lost in MVC ASP.NET. Do you seriously think jquery isn't complicated and error prone?
northgork So how many ASP.NET webform developers code with out events NONE. MVC framework template ensures that those bad habits are off.
.NET Interview Preparation videos If you what to avoid unnecessary page cycles why not use PAGE METHODS?
+northgork - Well said. These folks obviously do not work in the Real World, and don't really see what's being used "Out There", or how it actually works under the hood.
Great explanation!!
I found the page lifecycle very disturbing and a nightmare to debug!!
sorry to bother you right now after 4 years of comment, there are so many tools and commands available to byepass page life cycle as far as projects are delivered faster
awesome video
Very nice and informative video (Y)
I respect your opinions, but I mostly dont agree. MVC is another thing that was invented for certain types of project, but not really needed. I work as a programmer, as a .NET programmer, and in my almost 10 years of experience I builded smalls, mediums and larges scale web application, using only WebForms, and I never was in the need of even find how to use MVC, simply because webforms bring me all I needed. Of course that I always have to use another third party products, specially jQuerys things, js, css, etc, but it is really easy to implement that kind of stuff in any web app. By the way, the page life cycle that you mention as a disadvantage, is in fact and advantage. I use it very often specially in the Site.Masters pages. Another thing is: If you want to reuse code, you need to use classes. Very simple. Classes. My advice for you people that are learning Web Apps is: if you know WebForms, dont waste time learning another thing that dont make things easy for you in any matter.
Indeed, it's fairly common knowledge that because one needs in depth understandings of HTML, JS, and CSS, as well as the fact one must actually code much more, MVC is generally a bit less productive on a per-developer basis. Also, MVC really shines with high-transaction sites, but a great many ASP.NET projects aren't high-transaction. Google, Amazon, Twitter, et al drive the need for technologies like MVC, but few sites in the overall grand scheme of the internet have such requirements.
100% agree
But Now a days every company whatever small or large based, want MVC approach only. So I am little bit confused can simplify to me why they want MVC architecture only and which prospectus MVC architecture is best like for client side for development side?
my respect to the people in microsoft who invested so much knowledge and time, but due to the volume of requirements for explaining the new paradigm, php is going to wipe the floors with the mvc while they answer 'em all and might even cause microsoft to drop it. surely there are clearly some (not many) advances over the web forms approach, but this just won't beat their 'being lightweight' (time consuming wise) when creating web apps. and please don't intentionally repeat 'not possible with web forms'... you know that a merely experienced programmer could easily provide solutions or workarounds to every challenge being put in front of him and, on top of it, in a very tight timeline. one more thing... the wisely controlled app workflow is what makes an app great. divide the classes intelligently, use the html and what not to control the view state and don't worry 'bout the hosting server cause it's got lots of threads and ram for you available to support your app's appetite. i do use the mvc, but i never felt the need to promote it over the web forms, not once...
It was so helpfull.. Thanks a lot sir.
great intro
Best video tq
It's ammazing.....
MVC can builds a ERP?
Frank Gao yes
very good
Nice video
I want to become a please send that videos
Coupling data with a view is hard in webforms
I want full 16 hours videos lab by lab
...can u give any link?
MVC 16 hours video series is paid, for more details visit
Your Video tutorials are not sequential . Seen first video and not found 2nd one
But for developers I still think web form provides a better web experience unlike mvc creates a complex structure.
The behind the scenes complexity is irrelevant so long as the programmer doesn't have to directly deal with it. Webforms is superior for delivering a finished product faster. If programmers are so concerned of inefficient backend code, might as well write machine code then....
MVC reduces developer productivity - this is well known. It is not "better", and in fact, could be worse for projects that are acceptably monolithic - which may not be high transaction sites, but let's face it - most websites aren't, really,. Interestingly, MVC is more recommended for large teams/groups of teams, and understandably so, even though the individual productivity might not be as high as with Webforms.
Also, leading with a fat-shaming image is kind of insensitive and inappropriate. Also, shows your bias, rather than objective reasoning.
Nice Video, but Powerbuilder will always be better than anything Microsoft could possibly create.
Great video. One small mention though, maybe drop the "he" and replace it with "they" or he/she. This is the modern world and I know a lot of great programmers who are women :)
Again I say! Why so complicated? Why ? Can't understand why mvc is better!
rebecca singer Whats funny here?
rebecca singer fuck you then..
I really hate WebForms