The emperor had many last straws for me. But I was Done done when he chose this moment to continue attacking Ruyi over her baby. He can't admit that he's the true failure in all his relationships with his women and children. All Ruyi did was suffer because of him. Other women attacked her, but the foundation was him.
Tuberculosis. It was a HUGE problem in China for many decades...if not hundreds of years.....because if you said unlucky words, spitting would make you lucky again. The sputum dried on the roads and the TB germs would become spores....when the weather was dry, the powdery spores would fly up and infect other ppl.
@LizbethGerow she lived a long life 96 ...the hospital stay was very hard on her family, it left scars on her as you can imagine being separated from your family for so long.
It wasn't about having faith in Ruyi. He was about self and how he looked. Ruyi has done nothing but be faithful her whole life with her actions over the words the fake would give to the emperor. He chose to be an ass.
He may have been a long-reigning Emperor and a good one, but he was a despicable human being, abhorrent man, disgusting father and foul husband. He allowed his jealousy, superstitions, penchant for palace rumor and gossip, the lure of astrologer's hocus pocus, his insatiable ego and inferiority complex cloud his judgment, eradicate all common sense, and believe/trust the most treacherous in his palace with ulterior motives while punishing, exiling, destroying those most loyal to him. He deserved, in the end, to be alone and lonely, consumed by guilt, remorse and regret with no one he could trust. In all his abuse of Ruyi, emotional, physical, social, mental it never broke her: she remained dignified, respectful, graceful, honest, trustworthy and loyal, even unto death protecting those few who loved her like Hailan. By refusing to be visited by Hailan, Hailan was hurt but understood it was for her own protection: if she isn't associating with Ruyi, she can't be blamed for anything, framed for anything concerning Ruyi, and she can live her life in the wretched, sick and twisted harem the best she can. Ruyi had a target on her back from Day 1 and once her aunt and mother were deceased, she had no clan behind her for support, concern or protection. She was completely alone. Anyone who befriended her ended up demoted, tortured, threatened, exiled, executed so to protect them, she closed them out of her life. It is no wonder she longed to return to the days of her youth when she was carefree, happy, loved, cherished and free.
The emperor had many last straws for me. But I was Done done when he chose this moment to continue attacking Ruyi over her baby. He can't admit that he's the true failure in all his relationships with his women and children. All Ruyi did was suffer because of him. Other women attacked her, but the foundation was him.
Tuberculosis. It was a HUGE problem in China for many decades...if not hundreds of years.....because if you said unlucky words, spitting would make you lucky again. The sputum dried on the roads and the TB germs would become spores....when the weather was dry, the powdery spores would fly up and infect other ppl.
TB..affected so many lives. My mother had it as a child. She spent 4-5 years in a TB sanatorium.
@@radbabs2000 WOW! frightening!! I hope that your mother is well, now. All the best to you and yours!!
@LizbethGerow she lived a long life 96 ...the hospital stay was very hard on her family, it left scars on her as you can imagine being separated from your family for so long.
Hongli had so little faith in Ruyi. 😢
It wasn't about having faith in Ruyi. He was about self and how he looked. Ruyi has done nothing but be faithful her whole life with her actions over the words the fake would give to the emperor. He chose to be an ass.
Can you put the clips in order????
He may have been a long-reigning Emperor and a good one, but he was a despicable human being, abhorrent man, disgusting father and foul husband. He allowed his jealousy, superstitions, penchant for palace rumor and gossip, the lure of astrologer's hocus pocus, his insatiable ego and inferiority complex cloud his judgment, eradicate all common sense, and believe/trust the most treacherous in his palace with ulterior motives while punishing, exiling, destroying those most loyal to him. He deserved, in the end, to be alone and lonely, consumed by guilt, remorse and regret with no one he could trust. In all his abuse of Ruyi, emotional, physical, social, mental it never broke her: she remained dignified, respectful, graceful, honest, trustworthy and loyal, even unto death protecting those few who loved her like Hailan. By refusing to be visited by Hailan, Hailan was hurt but understood it was for her own protection: if she isn't associating with Ruyi, she can't be blamed for anything, framed for anything concerning Ruyi, and she can live her life in the wretched, sick and twisted harem the best she can. Ruyi had a target on her back from Day 1 and once her aunt and mother were deceased, she had no clan behind her for support, concern or protection. She was completely alone. Anyone who befriended her ended up demoted, tortured, threatened, exiled, executed so to protect them, she closed them out of her life. It is no wonder she longed to return to the days of her youth when she was carefree, happy, loved, cherished and free.
Ele foi cruel
TB affected his bones.