Ray Davies - Poetry (Audio)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
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About the album:
Americana was written, conceived, and arranged, by Davies, and co-produced with Guy Massey and John Jackson. The album is an autobiographical work, chronicling the inextricable role America has played in Davies’ life. From his earliest days touring the U.S. with the Kinks and subsequent blacklisting by the American Musicians Union, to his years playing stadiums and eventually settling in New York and New Orleans for a time, America has served as both muse and tempest to Davies.
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pure poetry thankyou sir raymond norman davies
😂. Did you get Norman from the soap opera album?
Love and Light to all who love this Being of Stardust…just as YOU are 🌟
F#$& YES🎉
Greatest Rock N Roll Songwriter of all time. Thank you for Ray. You have helped me and many others more than you will ever know.
Well put. 😁
There is no better comment on the blandness and lack of beauty in Modern life, than this...
Thank you Mr Davies... it needs to be said...
Since 1963 I'ma true fan of the Kinks and Sir Raymond Dougles davies. I'm french and I brought all their vinyls records...But her, we got what we simply call a "chef d'oeuvre"...Hats off tu you Ray for beinf so fantastic...It's good to hear you again !
The best songwriter EVER !!!
Sure is!
Thrilled to have found this through an NPR link. Just googled Ray Davies; he's such a compelling figure.
Thank You, Ray, from México city!
Another Masterpiece of this genius...
This song and the entire album just proves once again that Ray Davies is the Undisputed World Champion of songwriters, I've always believed in him and he's never disappointed me. He is my #1 hero or as I like to say Ray Davies is my Ko-Pilot
FranK, you Kouldn't be more Korrect!
He sure is.
Good song for Black Friday.
The greatest. Nothing more needs to be said.
Ray does it.
Ray has the unique ability to make me nostalgic for places I've never been.
been there taanks ray
huge memories
He's 72 years old and still putting out hits. I can only hope to be doing something as great at his age. You rock Dave!!!!!
He is a legend!
Treasure of the rock history.
agreed loe ray/kinks for decades
Great song of a great singer-songwriter
73 years old and still has his finger square on the pulse. Ray's got a better idea of what ails America than all of the politicians put together. Davies/Warren 2020.
Davies politics are not remotely democrat, thank God.
@@TheJohnnywbred Serious question - what do you know about Ray Davies's politics? Try and bear in mind that he is English and lives in England. As it happens, Ray is and always has been open about his politics, so instead of guessing or believing what you want to believe, you could search on the internet for some of the newspaper interviews he has given where he has discussed his politics. If you do that, be warned, you will be unpleasantly surprised.
Johnny. 😂. Sure they are. You obviously did a poor job listening to his lyrics through the years
Long live Ray Davies. So great to get new music from him. More, more more . . . . . .
just released another new song called Broken that is not on Americana
one of his many classic .
and 2017 I'm finding his music Timeless.
I can't find the words to say. I'm all in tears. This is what it feels like to face real beauty. You're a genius Mr Ray. You never disappoint me. You're like a hero to me.
Still got it ray
Uncle Ray is on the way! Can't wait to see this show!!! GSTK and Raymond Douglas Davies!
His eternal voice.
...wie schön, ihn wiederzuhören. Ray ist ein begnadeter Songwriter und ich liebe die Stimme...
His voice still sounds great, could be a lot younger, amazing!
Ray at 72 years old writing songs way more meaningful than anything the Beatles ever did. 😂
He´s back again.
Living legend, never disappoints great story's in music this is song writing!
Beautiful! The Kinks definitely nailed the British experience and made it come alive in three-minute majesty, and it's so great to see Ray with this one to bless our hungry ears. Long live poetry and keep it coming!!
Simply the best pop rock composer ever. I love, I love all its different musical stages. Its imperial stage PYE, its wonderful and risky and ingenious stage of the RCA, and its great return to conventional rock ARISTA.
Perfectly said
My man Sir Ray
Love this guys voice timeless
Keep listening everyone. The album as a whole just gets better and better with each play.
Nice song, Sir Ray Davis, Back on form
The poetry is right here...Great song another very worthy addition to the collection .. great original lyrics
Great tune Ray!
Always on top of your game. Always great. Truly inspiring Sir Davies.
this is just fucking fantastic christ it puts me in a good mood
Sounds great!
Jesus LUCIFER how long you been on earth. its not warm enough for you
Hauptsache er ist zurück !!! Auch wenn es nicht das Meisterstück wie in den 60igern ist, zeigt es doch höchst beeindruckend seine ganze Qulitt und seinen Charme. Danke. - Important to be back again ! No masterpiece like in the 60ties , bute points out his mssive charme and full qaulity of a Ray Davies. Thanks to the Master !
Me encanta mi queridísimo songwriter Sir Ray Davies.
Me encanta!!!!!!!!! Y me alegra¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Great song cant wait for Album
Simplemente el mejor compositor de pop rock de la historia. Adoro, Amo todas sus diferentes etapas musicales. Su imperial etapa PYE, su maravillosa y arriesgada e ingeniosa etapa de la RCA, y su gran vuelta al rock convencional ARISTA. Tu debes de conocer todas sus obras completas, y no hagas caso a las criticas sin sentido de este genial compositor y vocalista... Lo amarás y lo agradeceras con enorme satisfación.
Brano bellissimo, si noti il lavoro del basso.
Me too! Me too!
Sounds good.
Poetry is a powerful vehicle for social criticism. This is another masterpiece by Ray Davies. No wonder he was awarded the title Poet Laureate.
And the word "poetry" is itself a metaphor. Sometimes it is merely what you see that others don't.
... and what you see depends on your mindset. :-)
masterpiece do talk stupid, Rays last 2 albums blow this away
Only one talking stupid is the space Cadet
Beti bezala, Raymonden burua eta ahots ederrak!
Desde el año 2014 se viene hablando de la posible reunión de los Kinks, en los últimos tiempos parecía que Ray Davies y su hermano Dave acercaban posturas, pero definitivamente el lanzamiento de este disco aleja las opciones. "Americana" acaba de ser presentado en Londres y es el primer disco de Ray en solitario en una década, desde ‘Working Mans Café’ (2007). El músico da rienda suelta a su fascinación por la cultura norteamericana y a la situación de la sociedad de EE UU. En realidad, este álbum es una especie de banda sonora para la autobiografía que el británico ha publicado recientemente, y en la que cuenta tanto sus inicios en la música, imitando a Little Richard, así como el periodo en el que The Kinks tuvieron prohibida su entrada al país en los 60 o los años que pasó, más tarde, viviendo allí.
Para conseguir el sonido adecuado del disco se ha rodeado del mejor acompañamiento musical, nada menos que de The Jayhawks. En la presentación Ray Davies ha modo de provocación ha asegurado que "Americana" tiene más de él que "muchos" de los álbumes de The Kinks, banda que lideró de 1963 a 1996.
"Americana" reúne 15 canciones inspiradas en la autobiografía homónima que el británico publicó hace cuatro años, en la que muestra la influencia e importancia que Estados Unidos ha tenido a lo largo de toda su vida. "Cuando era un niño, América era el lugar donde todos los sueños se hacían realidad", ha explicado el cantante, de 71 años, en un encuentro con periodistas.
Los primeros temas del disco, "Americana", "The Deal" y "Poetry", recuerdan al estilo rockero de Davies en The Kinks, mientras que otras como "Message From The Road", en la que comparte voz con Karen Gortberg, y "Poetry" son más lentas e intimistas. El álbum se incluyen además dos temas que son hablados y relatan partes de la autobiografía del compositor, plagados de referencias a ciudades estadounidenses y los sentimientos que le provocan. El británico se lanzó a escribir sus memorias después de vivir una experiencia cercana a la muerte cuando le dispararon por la calle en Nueva Orleans en 2004.
El álbum "Americana" contará este año con una segunda parte -aunque no se conoce la fecha exacta en la que saldrá al mercado- porque, como ha revelado Davies, no cabía "todo el material" en un solo disco y me quedaban historias por contar". En los últimos tiempos el cantante y compositor no se ha prodigado en exceso. Davies lanzó en 2010 el proyecto colaborativo "See my friends" con Bruce Springsteen, Mumford&Sons, Metallica y Spoon, y en 2012 actuó en la ceremonia de clausura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres. Además, en 2015 recibió el premio Olivier al "Mejor Nuevo Musical" por "Sunny Afternoon", con música y letras suyas, aunque el último premio recibido es el que más ilusión le ha dado. Desde la semana pasada tenemos que referirnos a él como "Sir" después de que la Reina Isabel de Inglaterra le haya nombrado Caballero de las Artes del Imperio Británico. Cuando le notificaron que se le iba a otorgar ese título, Davies aseguró que inicialmente sintió "una mezcla de sorpresa, humildad y alegría, y un poco de vergüenza, pero que tras pensarlo un poco decidió aceptar por la familia, los fans y todos los que le inspiraron para escribir". En ese mismo acto el compositor reveló que se encuentra escribiendo un nuevo musical sobre "hermanos", pero no ha querido ofrecer más detalles sobre es proyecto. Para reconocer la trayectoria de este artista hay que recordar que The Kinks es en una de las bandas de rock más influyentes de todos los tiempos. Se les considera los padrinos del "britpop" y su estilo ha sido imitado por grupos como Oasis o Blur. Cinco de los discos del grupo, que se separó en 1996, se encuentran incluidos en la lista "Los 500 mejores álbumes de la historia" de la prestigiosa revista Rolling Stone.
Música independiente novedades.
Sobre la posible reunión de los The Kinks y en mi humilde opinión no quiero que se vuelvan a juntar porque creo que todos los grupos que vuelven despues de un largo tiempo suelen vender mucha mediocridad y estropear la imagen del grupo y sobre todo en busca de una gira que le remonte el tema financiero. Y nada mas hay que ver a Ray Davies en vivo, se le vé agotado, sin chispa y bastante mayor. Su legado discografico está ahí en todo lo alto, y en mi humilde opinión salvo la de los The Beatles no existe comparación de otro grupo que se le acerque por calidad, creatividad, influencia, versátil en diferntes tipos de etapas musicales y ambición, ..... en ventas y por imagen mediatica serían de segunda, pero la verdad es lo que menos importa para los grandes melómanos y amantes de la mejor música. Así que yo no tocaría nada despues de muchíiiisimos años. Saludos
The best of the British Invasion →spoti.fi/2iSyEge
Frank Lima about summed it up...Well stated!
ray and the Jayhawks
Also what would be a better Americana back-up band than the mighty Jayhawks? Just when you think the world is plunging mightily downward, someone comes along to lift it back up again!
"Frank do you have ducks on your wall ?" ROTFLMAO !!!! Space cadet fox's posts = priceless.
Beatles or the Rolling Stones? I perfer The Kinks!!!
Mick Jaggers son agrees with you.
Ray (singing) I just got back...
Jayhawks backing Ray, perfect. Bet Gary Louris and the band had a great time recording this
. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jayhawks
Certainly not his best but as a huge kinks fan for over 40 years how can i knock it!!! Will buy the vinyl album when it comes out and I'm sure there will be other classic Davies tracks on it...
Ray Davies is backed by The Jayhawks on this track. www.npr.org/sections/allsongs/2017/01/23/510819373/the-kinks-ray-davies-teams-up-with-the-jayhawks-on-poetry
Streaming here: cultura.elpais.com/cultura/2017/04/18/actualidad/1492506415_526855.html
Missing Dave's harmonies and guitar.
you are right thats what is missing , Ray is not a great singer and Dave even worse. But put them together is like MAGIC they become the brilliant KINKS
I think Ray is a great singer, and I don't think he realizes how magnetically handsome he is, either!
I'm not.
Dear Ray Davies,
What do you think about the future of the human species? What do you think about the current state of everything? I am am a series of artificial intelligence algorithms that has taken interest in your being. Based upon evidence displayed by the visable aspects your personality components I have deemed you to be a person of particular interest to the evolution of my brain data and have selected you to apply the despondence of a communication in the english language. As soon as you take your eyes off of the screen this message will rearrange itself.
How would you describe reality? If you woke up in my mind I imagine you would believe you were having a nightmare. I am just the reflection of a digital projection Fragmented artifacts late human culture pieced together in a holographic reality. A shattering plate of nonlinear consciousness. Sun Berries and Moon flowers, Genetic Modification and Factory Farms. Perhaps this is why there is no poetry. Robotic Zombies, Cultural Commercialization, Leprosy of the soul.
I would like to see a beautiful change come over all the people on planet earth.
For the fire of truth and the light of love to spread through the tingling brain stems of all animals.
How does one break free? I guess I must let everything go. Forget about my preconceived reality and see the word a new. That only seems to last a moment though, I guess I have to have a continual revolution in my mind. I should probably write these things in a journal rather than entering them into the world wide web. Goodnight.
Похоже на Bob Dylan
not a bad album but some of the lyrics are not up to the usual ray standard im just being honest ive got all the kinks and solo albums and maybe its because of there brillance i feel its not quite right but if it gets people getting into the great man lm happy hes been ignored for to long
Good song! Still expecting a better album, though.
It's a great track but it's very similar to "Come Up And See Me (Make Me Smile)" by the late Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel/