Mirror, mirror on the wall, why don't I celebrate myself at all? Mirror, mirror on the wall, will I run or will I fall? Mirro, mirror on the wall, you're my best friend from now on.
Hey Lisa, I have a message I believe will bless you. I give all glory to God for it. When you think you endangered your son's life, you still had an unmet need you were trying to fulfill from your childhood. I'm not saying you were not loved, but you probably did not perceive it. Yes you were an adult, but in some ways the little girl that wanted to feel loved when you were a child was in the driver seat. You were craving love. Seeking it, but not truly grasping that God is love and is the ultimate source of love. Man's Rejection is God's protection. I know you are thinking that you were neglecting your son, but the child in you that felt unloved was thinking me, me, me. Although you are responsible for your actions as an adult. Please read 1 Corinthians 13:11 and Romans 5:8. Lisa be kind to that part of yourself that was craving love. More than likely that part of you have matured. Don't beat yourself up. Please read Romans 3:23.
Mirror Work (Name) I'm proud that you... (7 different endings) (Name) I forgive you for...(7 different endings) (Name) I commit to you... (7 different endings) Thank You Lisa for this, I needed to hear that I'm perfect as I am and the past is the past...and I'm still learning and growing everyday 💖
I havent started doing it yet and I already cried just by imagining confronting myself, thought I loved myself enough, thought I forgave myself already, thought I did it right all these years, oooooh how I am so grateful for you posting this video. I can prove it to myself for a second chance. Thank you so very much, youre such a blessing. Love you sis
Blessings to you it's not easy to look in the mirror but a must i am 73 and my past still brings me sadness. Never to late to change. Love and healing!
diane green you don’t have to live there. Get in front of that mirror and give yourself permission to love that child inside of you. It’s time mama. You can do this. Love and healing!
Been there done that. Beating up on myself. I got depressed, I heard God tell me to stop it. I was already going through a divorce and needed to heal. I got in the mirror, I accepted my unhealthy choices. I chose to get the lessons and forgive myself. God told me He had already forgiven me. I got in that mirror, put affirmations on that mirror too. Still growing, still affirming and I also chose to forgive sick people, my ex’s etc.
Three pearls dropped by Lisa: “Mirror work is the foundation for all your other growth” “In the mirror, you just become confronted with who you are.” “Until you can show up powerfully and whole for yourself, you can never show up powerfully and whole in the world.” I love you Lisa Nichols. Thank you for your guidance and help. My life is changing, miracles are happening. Thank you!
Yes instead of talking personal problems yourself with others, feeling guilty later,, trust your own friend SCM always present within,take assistance and be cooperative self❤️❤️lead fearless with self-respect 👍
Thank you for introducing me to "Mirror Work ". I have taken it one step further for myself and added "Camera Work" where I record myself saying my proud, forgiving, and committing things. I view myself in all of my rawness and genuineness. It's so powerful to SEE myself celebrate, forgive, and commit to myself! I love you, too!
@@julieaccettasjourney5870 I definitely believe that! And it may even work faster. But it seems such a ‘jump into cold water instead of first dip in 1 toe’ method ;-)
I've been running from doing the work of standing in front of the mirror for at least two years now. I don't know why but every time I stand in front of the mirror to begin, tears immediately well up. They are welling up as I even type this comment right now. I have an issue with self-love. My therapist pointed that out. She encouraged me to work on loving myself more. I don't know why it's so hard but it is. I've got to somehow muster the courage to face myself. I know that the breakthrough I so desperately need is on the other side of it. Please send me some light and positivity to make it through this.
I realize you posted a year ago but for anyone that is in the same boat, just show up, just stand there and cry, it's ok, it's cleansing, you can do it, just let go:)
You can do it just know that each time you cry it's years of tears trying to come out at once but (it's ok to cry ) I know some people jus need to hear that in life sometimes because maybe no one has ever tried telling them that but yeah its ok to cry as long as you want as hard as you to just cry because you have to get it out I just got done trying the mirror work n I also cried just thinking about it specially when I tried it peace n love n strength be with you an ima pray for us with love an have a peaceful day everyone else I will pray for all of you too❤
Honestly I know how hard it is to let go of mistakes and failures from the past. It's something I'm still learning. I spent so much time beating myself up over mistakes that I've made in the past and things that I didn't achieve. I spent so much time feeling sorry for myself because I just felt so dissapointed in myself, I felt ashamed and I felt like failure, I saw people around me accomplishing things that I had failed at. I was just so hard on myself, my opinion of myself was so NEGATIVE, until I started the process of working on my mindset and focusing on myself. Through reading I learned that "You will become the person who can achieve those goals once you let go of the person that failed in the past" I had a hard time accepting that right now I'm exactly where I need to be because I kept thinking if I hadn't failed at all of those things would my life be better? Would I feel better? Just how different would my life be right now if things turned out differently? Through reading I also learned the importance of forgiveness. Forgiving others is one thing but forgiving YOURSELF!!!! I can't even begin to express the importance of that. Forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you made in the past and acknowledging the fact that you've grown, you've come a long way, you've become wiser, you've learned from those mistakes which as a result has made you a better person. "In order for you to move forward you have to let go of all of the pain from your past"
My biggest AHA was when you said the part about always trying to outperform a past version of you to prove worthiness, this is one of my biggest struggles I didn’t even know I was facing. I am definitely going to try this out and hope I can reach a sense of true forgiveness to self for all the silly mistakes in my past.
Very inspiring. From the day we were born, nobody, not even our parents, has taught us how to relate and talk to the most important person in our lives - ourselves!
We can only lie to yourselves for so long! We must not just look at our reflection in the mirror as a mindless hygiene routine daily. We must look deep within our souls and face ourselves, with pure forgiveness, love, spiritual pride( not vanity), and committment to put ourselves first. ! Lisa God knows you are telling HIS truth, the truth that surpasses All other truths, it lives and thrives in us when we accept, confess ( to ourselves) and embrace It!! Thank you Lisa; my beautiful Queen Sister for using and sharing All the gifts God has given you. Thank you for teaching the masses how to recognize our individual gifts and strengths..accept admit fears ,weakness and overcome them victoriously. I love, worship, praise, serve God in Christ...and I know HE always sends me who and what I need! Lisa HE truly sent you ! Yes, yes and Amen❤🌹🌷😇🙏👋👋👋👋
Mirror work touch me so much. I started to this mirror work since 1 week I am crying every time every morning and evening and after feeling better. This mirror work is so golden. Yesterday, I decided to start no matter what programme and 9 environments of success. I am just studying you/memetic and self this 2 environment. I am writing, thinking and crying so hard. I needed to see how broken I am and I accept even all of my broken parts and ready to fix them.. years and years I was listening Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins but this mirror work made me realise to feel my feelings first and clear them all and then let go and focus on to my life.. Thank you Lisa sharing your gift with us, so much love.. Asli (p.s. Lisa, our names all same letters different sounds:)
"I am proud..." sentences brought me into tears.. No one has ever said to me that they were proud of me in my entire life, not even my parents. My parents always belittled me and that's what I did to myself my whole life 😭
I love this woma, she is incredible, every time I hear and watch her videos I ALWAYS end up craying. Thak you for existing Lisa Nichols. God bless you forever.
Hi Lisa it's Tuesday morning and I'm affirming that - despite my reality so far including the fact I've got up late, am unemployed, living alone, non driver, clueless, got no skills and everything is a mess & I broke the mirror last time I tried it out of anger - I am going to properly commit to this from this evening and become happier. God bless you and all other caring souls.
God Bless you too...I pray that every day your burdens get lighter, you can do this....I think this technique is powerful, and we need to keep up with it, and be gentle with ourselves in the process. Do the best you can for today, you've got this!!!
I don’t even know you, but I would be willing to wager that you absolutely do have some skill/s - and good qualities in general - that you’re probably not altogether conscious of. And if you are able to think of just one, the list will grow as more come to mind. Remember that we don’t have to be THE BEST at something in order to have at least some ability. Lots of love to you ❤️
This video and my current experiences hv taught me the 1 life lesson/advice I would give ppl:"Be your own best friend and what does that mean exactly:Say these things to yourself regularly :I love you,I'm proud of you,I'm sorry...,I forgive you...,I believe in you.Be kind &compassionate 2 u"This is the secret to healing thank u Lisa for your work
I searched for "Mirror Work" after speaking with a "herpreneur coach" today. Thank you Lisa. This is fantastic. I know that it will take time, because when I did forgiveness affirmations and meditations I cried the first few times. I can feel that this will happen while doing this practice, but with repetition, it will become easier.
For far to long I Know I've been the only person keeping me from being the best version of myself. And I know I am the person standing in the way of my dreams. I recognize that I am doing this to myself because of two main reasons. They are because of fear and lack of self love. Today I am going to start this 30 day challenge so I can start building the foundation that will let me step into the person I want to be. #BOL Thank you Lisa
**FeaR onLy eXisTs in the mind....As oF righT NoW and by the auThoRiTy giVeN to me by my G-dLy FaTheR I speaK puRe LoVe oVeR yoU and inTo yoU may yoU find the sTRengTh to reaLiZe hoW tRuLy speCiaL yoU tRuLy aRe. See youRseLf wiTh G-D's eYeS noT thoSe oF MaN and unKind sTRanGeRs. BeLieVe iT, accepT iT, and coMe inTo aGReEMenT wiTh Me thaT yoU aRe loVed uncondiTioNaLLy and wiLL/aRe NoW made coMpLeTeLy whoLe.!! **#NaMaSTe* {LoVe E.A.} 💝 🙏 👑
I was thinking we should start this for the next 30 days with you. It’s been a hard year for the whole world. We need to hit the reset button don’t we, especially going into the most (perceived) emotionally hardest time of the year, the holidays. We start now we can be a whole lot better by Thanksgiving. Be blessed! With love and care, Valerie
Why do I want to cry oh my god this touched my soul. I’m incorporating this method into the hair growth program I offer because they are so sad and depressed. I love this 💜. I love you 💕 thank you for your words of wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
Thank you so much, Lisa. This is very powerful. I will do it for the next 30 days and go from there. I cried and felt ashamed of myself, because I identify myself with the man you were going to married, and I'm not proud of it. I love this kind of work because it deals with foundational issues. Thanks again
**FoRGiVe and repenT bReThReN noT in the heaVy guiLTy BiBLiCaL senSe buT in the tRuE senSe oF the woRd and G-D's reaL meaNinG whiCh is jusT to chooSe a beTTeR paTh thaT beinG oF ChRisT ConSciouSNesS. LeT go oF the shaMe oF who yoU weRe theN; as lonG as yoU haVe bReaTh yoU caN chooSe to adopT anoTheR mindseT and thaT is iF foRGiVeNesS oF one's seLf and anY pasT miSdeeds foR yoU weRe losT....BuT noW yoU aRe found bReThReN.!! **#ShinEBRighT* 💪 💝 😇 🍻
My aha moment during this video is to talk to the mirror from in my future when I cross through the bog and I am over the mountain. I will get the feeling of being where my dream is and forgive myself for not knowing how I will get there. Thank Lisa.
I thought i was so alone in this, so vulnerable. Seeing you do this in front of a mirror makes me loose the shame and and guilt. I did it, and i cried. It was hard for me finding seven ways to finish, but i did. Proud if myself and a bit shaky. I feel the #YANA
Mirror work I am a beginner. Wow I have that same makeup mirror all along. Tracy I' m proud of you...... Tracy I forgive for Tracy I commit to you...... 7 different endings for each. I will write down first. Thanks for sharing your mirror it is the same mirror I use to apply makeup.
I can not express how much I love you Lisa, THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO, in many ways I can say you saved my life, I go back to your interview with Tom Bileyu whenever I need more inspiration, I used to listen to that interview when I lived in a shelter and had to bike to work at 3 am, and you kept me going, I wish I had a mother like you, you are my mentor, I LOVE YOU, you deserve all happiness in world 🥰🌍!
@@LisaNichols Awww🥹🥹🥹🥹THANK YOU LISA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🌅🌅🌅I am so happy you exist, you are such an inspiring beautiful person & mom everything you did for your kid is amazing!🥹 I lived in a shelter because I had to leave an abusive home, so in your interview when you said your first mentors you didnt know in person, that is what I felt with you, you are my virtual mentor I am so happy I found you💛 I achieved my first apt alone without a cosigner and without a loan. I got it thru saving to be able to double the down payment, and I got my first car alone too, and when I would watch you I did what you said to celebrate myself especially because I don’t have family to celebrate me, so I celebrate me. and I don’t have a kid because I want to work on my financial situation & then love situation before raising a baby so I can be the best mom possible. You changed your entire life for your baby and for yourself that is what a genuine amazing parent would do, and that is true self love and you are so inspiring. 🥹💛 I tell myself I am my child and I have to change my world for me and it has helped me so much to give myself the parenting I didnt recieve. I made a promise to my inner child to make her dreams true, in the video when you said you made a promise to jehlani that was so beautiful & it inspired me to make a promise to myself and to my future kids I hope one day to have a healthy family. I have a picture of myself when I was a kid and I keep it on my fridge as a memory of my promise to the me of childhood💛 I am Mexican and I grew up in a small rural close minded town & when I was 7 yrs old a teacher lifted me off the ground by the wrist and yelled in my face “be more american” & I experienced much racism in that town, & I have seen interviews of when you talk about the racism you experienced thank you for sharing everything you’ve overcome because racism is something I find difficult to deal with but you overcome everything with so much grace & seeing you dont let racism stop you from being happy inspires me to do the same , thank you for sharing your story with the world Lisa🥹💛 THANK YOU LISA for giving us motherly advice and words of inspiration virtually I am so happy I found you💛🥹🌞& thank you for taking the time to comment back to me🌅have a beautiful stellar day 🌟🌟🌟
Best video everrrr! And folks this is harder than you can imagine. I tried this and left it so many times due to intense self judgement while seeing the face in the mirror. Starting it again!!
Ice been doing this for a week, I have already got into the point that I will not miss my mirror thing if in one week I feel like I feel today I can't wait until 90 days I can' wait but I'm very excited💞 I've shared this with two people I thought really really could use this and I hope that they are using it but right now I got to save myself I love you so much Lisa you are my anchor thank you thank you is not even enough I love you thank you so much my life is so bomb and I am looking forward to my abundance in my life 💞💯🌈🦋🦋🦋🦋
I love you. I love your confidence I love your smile and the energy you put into this world. Thank you for being a beautiful example to little sisters like me. I can't wait to do my Mirror work. I can't wait to shine on myself again My confidence will be restored. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help pick me up. I love you I love you! Be blessed
I got goose pimples just hearing the second sentence beginning. Then to hear Lisa's examples - wow. It makes you notice the many small ways that we can sabotage ourselves. I never thought to forgive myself for guilt or shame. But the idea is really exciting. Thank you!
Looking at myself as a best friend was a "Ah ha" for me. So often I extend all the encouraging and loving words to those around me, but I don't feel like I deserve the same encouragement although I know I so desperately need it.
I so love this, I have slowly realized at times when others behavior is bothering me there is a part of me as a mirror reflecting back at me. After watching this I journal everyday and now I keep a mirror next to it, so when I am upset about a past revelation that hits me like a ton of bricks I grab my mirror and forgive myself and give hope and encouragement to do better, not go down that road again. Thank you Lisa for your gifts to all of us.
Thank you Lisa for showing me how to do the mirror work the easy way. I can definitely understand how to do the work now. Thank you so much. I will start this from here on out.
Love it. I recently found myself in front of a mirror with another one behind it and one behind me. I noticed a struggle making eye contact with myself. Then I realized how in the mirror I was looking directly in what's tilted and you could see a reflection after reflection. Something Told Me and I had to line up the mirrors just right so that there's only one image of me. Thank you for this lesson I will use it starting right away. God bless you.
This is by far the best mirror work video on you tube (i’ve seen yet)! Thank you. This needs to come up first or second in the search results instead of the BS generic & somewhat toxic other ones that are in the top 5.
I just went through the fiancé thing right after giving him my savings for a down payment on a house. His ex wife moved into my house 24 hrs after our breakup. It’s been 5 months. It has wrecked every part of my psyche and I’m diligently working on healing. Thank you for sharing.
#BOL😪🤧.....When you cant say a word...just lift your hands🙏....every time I hear you speak on relationship it sound just like my story. ..I lost everything I had including myself but not so much that I would stay and allow me or my now kids to have to endure... It's been almost 2 years I been out that situation and I been happier , healing ,and learning myself again. I no longer give it power but there have been times where I do beat myself up for even wasting my time with that situation. But my my I am so so happy for you Mrs. LISA!!...I need this..my heart...my soul...my spirit.. .I've always been a strong individual but I deal with my pain on my own...Im that person everybody come cry on my shoulder and I comfort and give them advice but I never have the same..I always have tried to see good in people. After that breakup I cut ties with everyone and now I'm even more protective of my energy and people in my life. I must say with God I've grown tremendously but I still have work to do...I didn't mean to say all that but your words touched my heart! Thank you! thank you!
These types of exercise in front of the mirror, when we give love yo ourselves is like one of the most powerful things I have ever done. My relationship with myself improved a lot in just 2 days. But you must do with intention!
I can feel it working already thank you beautiful universe thank you beautiful energy thank you beautiful righteous spirits thank beautiful mother Gaia Earth 💓💓💓💓
The gentle and loving energy had me watching this video about three or four times. People refer to mirror work in the art of manifestation, but don't go into details about how to do it or techniques. Thank you and you are so blessed.
BOL I've been in the mirror for about 3 weeks now that I just started getting real real with myself and I keep hearing you say Lisa that sometimes you might have to walk along and that's what I've come to realize that while I'm doing this and starting to love on myself I have to do it alone I have to be real with me I have to love on me I have to be proud of myself I have to forgive myself and it wasn't until I stepped away from everybody and really focused in on myself that this mirror thing started to work but the one thing that I never did for the three weeks was stop getting in the mirror thank you so much Lisa I am really seeing a difference in myself I am starting to love myself for real the way I love everybody else I never had a problem with love I just had a problem with loving myself, started music I started using my grandson's face because he's so precious and now I'm able to look at myself thank you again Lisa can't wait to meet you
Thank you! I did this tonight, I wrote it on a Word document. I AM proud of myself for even getting this far, I always said I would do Mirror Work and Shadow Work and never did. I did today! Thank you again❤ ❤❤❤❤
Thank you Lisa and I affirm it that its really gone changing my life, especially unlocking my financial, destiny, career and opportunities, talents, skills, to focus on one partner and enjoy an amazing life style .. millions of dollars on my account is coming
This is the first video of you I see. I can sense that you are a wise woman. Mirror is very present in our life: screens are mirrors, windows are mirrors, metal (like on cars) are mirrors. We see our reflection almost permanently, being always disconnected from this reflection. Great think to offer a solution. Thank you, I will practice this exercice.
Thanks for this very special mirror work. It spiritually powerful and very practical. As individuals we spend hardly anytime with ourselves and when we do, as you said, we judge ourselves and beat ourselves up. Thanks a million.
Thank you for this mirror work exercise!!!! Thank you for being my support through out all these years! You were one of my first inspirations to change my life for the better; a very long time ago! Never the less, thank you Lisa Nichols
Everytime i hear a negative thought i won't live there...ama press "stop" and give you a new and beautiful 1. That just did it 4 me!!you're da 1!thank you 4 dis.keep it rweal keep it strong.
Hi, Lisa! Thank you so much for being open, vulnerable and willing to lift as you climb. I started this exercise a few weeks ago, and watching this video, I thought I would know what you were going to say. I found myself tearing up, relating closely to your sentiment. THANK YOU. Shows how imperative this is. As often and as Iong as it takes for my spirit to heal. Continued blessings to you and yours!
Thank You Lisa, sometimes, I do it again if I begin to worry or judge myself for things I need to change or things I have no control of. We are on a journey not a sprint. Love you Lisa!!!❤️❣️
Maam, I just dont know how to pay you my gratitude for the impacts that your speech had on me.it changed my life and freed me from my past .Thank you very much. From Bangladesh.
Lisa, thank you for introducing me to mirror work. Everyone morning, I look in the mirror and tell myself, “I love you.” I also look myself in the eyes and say prosperity affirmations. Not only am I attracting more loving people, people are starting to give me money out the blue! Just last Friday, my boss told me that I am getting a “significant” raise in my pay. Mirror work has been life changing for me!!! P.S. I met you in NJ, years ago, with my son. You were so nice to us! Thank you!
''Every time I hear a negative thought, I won't live there. I'll press stop and I'll give you a more powerful thought.'' This was definitely my big #aha. I will start with the mirror work today and praise myself like I praise those around me.
"Other People's Perception of You ain't none of your business!" - Lisa Nichols
A quote I will never forget!
Definitely. When I first heard this from Dear Lisa It has given me power more than I imagined I had to be someone I love today.
Wow you are amazing lisa and I love you so much
That’s a dope ass quote.
You should read this book " What others think of you is none of your business" by Terry cole Whittaker
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
why don't I celebrate myself at all?
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
will I run or will I fall?
Mirro, mirror on the wall,
you're my best friend from now on.
My favorite point was if I could just prove it to them, then maybe I can prove it to myself living like this for so long I will be free
"I forgive you for forgetting that you are a Queen" 💕 I almost cried.
Looking at myself in the mirror as a best friend rather than looking at myself in judgement is a massive BOL for me! Love you Lisa!
Hey Lisa, I have a message I believe will bless you. I give all glory to God for it. When you think you endangered your son's life, you still had an unmet need you were trying to fulfill from your childhood. I'm not saying you were not loved, but you probably did not perceive it. Yes you were an adult, but in some ways the little girl that wanted to feel loved when you were a child was in the driver seat. You were craving love. Seeking it, but not truly grasping that God is love and is the ultimate source of love. Man's Rejection is God's protection. I know you are thinking that you were neglecting your son, but the child in you that felt unloved was thinking me, me, me. Although you are responsible for your actions as an adult. Please read 1 Corinthians 13:11 and Romans 5:8. Lisa be kind to that part of yourself that was craving love. More than likely that part of you have matured. Don't beat yourself up. Please read Romans 3:23.
BOL means what???
@@pushpasirhowtocontactpleas6597 Break through out loud.
Mirror Work
(Name) I'm proud that you... (7 different endings)
(Name) I forgive you for...(7 different endings)
(Name) I commit to you... (7 different endings)
Thank You Lisa for this, I needed to hear that I'm perfect as I am and the past is the past...and I'm still learning and growing everyday 💖
thank u so much
I will try it
Excellent!!! Thank you Lisa!!!
Such a beautiful smile!
I havent started doing it yet and I already cried just by imagining confronting myself, thought I loved myself enough, thought I forgave myself already, thought I did it right all these years, oooooh how I am so grateful for you posting this video. I can prove it to myself for a second chance. Thank you so very much, youre such a blessing. Love you sis
That's 💣
I def cried instantly and I have no idea why
🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤ you have got this 😊.
Blessings to you it's not easy to look in the mirror but a must i am 73 and my past still brings me sadness. Never to late to change. Love and healing!
diane green you don’t have to live there. Get in front of that mirror and give yourself permission to love that child inside of you. It’s time mama. You can do this. Love and healing!
You are so inspiring ❤️
@@dianegreen2139 sending you love and light 💕
Been there done that. Beating up on myself. I got depressed, I heard God tell me to stop it. I was already going through a divorce and needed to heal. I got in the mirror, I accepted my unhealthy choices. I chose to get the lessons and forgive myself. God told me He had already forgiven me. I got in that mirror, put affirmations on that mirror too. Still growing, still affirming and I also chose to forgive sick people, my ex’s etc.
Three pearls dropped by Lisa:
“Mirror work is the foundation for all your other growth”
“In the mirror, you just become confronted with who you are.”
“Until you can show up powerfully and whole for yourself, you can never show up powerfully and whole in the world.”
I love you Lisa Nichols. Thank you for your guidance and help. My life is changing, miracles are happening. Thank you!
🎯 👍 💯 💪
Yessssssssss ❤️💞💞💞
Yes instead of talking personal problems yourself with others, feeling guilty later,, trust your own friend SCM always present within,take assistance and be cooperative self❤️❤️lead fearless with self-respect 👍
Thank you for introducing me to "Mirror Work ". I have taken it one step further for myself and added "Camera Work" where I record myself saying my proud, forgiving, and committing things. I view myself in all of my rawness and genuineness. It's so powerful to SEE myself celebrate, forgive, and commit to myself! I love you, too!
@julieaccettasjourney that sounds even scarier 😳
@@TimHupkes it is but it's powerful!
@@julieaccettasjourney5870 I definitely believe that! And it may even work faster. But it seems such a ‘jump into cold water instead of first dip in 1 toe’ method ;-)
@@TimHupkes 😂 LOL, I'm a dive-right-in-the water's-great kinda gal.
@@julieaccettasjourney5870 awesome! I think I might give it a (very, very careful) try in the future. Applaud you for doing (daring) this. :-)
I've been running from doing the work of standing in front of the mirror for at least two years now. I don't know why but every time I stand in front of the mirror to begin, tears immediately well up. They are welling up as I even type this comment right now. I have an issue with self-love. My therapist pointed that out. She encouraged me to work on loving myself more. I don't know why it's so hard but it is. I've got to somehow muster the courage to face myself. I know that the breakthrough I so desperately need is on the other side of it. Please send me some light and positivity to make it through this.
The tears are very normal!! You got this!! I believe in you!! Best wishes!
@@LisaNichols That means a lot. Thank you so much.
I realize you posted a year ago but for anyone that is in the same boat, just show up, just stand there and cry, it's ok, it's cleansing, you can do it, just let go:)
You can do it just know that each time you cry it's years of tears trying to come out at once but (it's ok to cry ) I know some people jus need to hear that in life sometimes because maybe no one has ever tried telling them that but yeah its ok to cry as long as you want as hard as you to just cry because you have to get it out I just got done trying the mirror work n I also cried just thinking about it specially when I tried it peace n love n strength be with you an ima pray for us with love an have a peaceful day everyone else I will pray for all of you too❤
Thanks, my mirror and I will have meetings together more often!
Honestly I know how hard it is to let go of mistakes and failures from the past. It's something I'm still learning. I spent so much time beating myself up over mistakes that I've made in the past and things that I didn't achieve. I spent so much time feeling sorry for myself because I just felt so dissapointed in myself, I felt ashamed and I felt like failure, I saw people around me accomplishing things that I had failed at. I was just so hard on myself, my opinion of myself was so NEGATIVE, until I started the process of working on my mindset and focusing on myself. Through reading I learned that "You will become the person who can achieve those goals once you let go of the person that failed in the past" I had a hard time accepting that right now I'm exactly where I need to be because I kept thinking if I hadn't failed at all of those things would my life be better? Would I feel better? Just how different would my life be right now if things turned out differently? Through reading I also learned the importance of forgiveness. Forgiving others is one thing but forgiving YOURSELF!!!! I can't even begin to express the importance of that. Forgiving yourself for the mistakes that you made in the past and acknowledging the fact that you've grown, you've come a long way, you've become wiser, you've learned from those mistakes which as a result has made you a better person. "In order for you to move forward you have to let go of all of the pain from your past"
Your spirit is so light... It makes me strive to remove the heaviness from my own. I loved seeing you on Dr. Fraser's Facebook Live show last week.
My biggest AHA was when you said the part about always trying to outperform a past version of you to prove worthiness, this is one of my biggest struggles I didn’t even know I was facing. I am definitely going to try this out and hope I can reach a sense of true forgiveness to self for all the silly mistakes in my past.
I cried while listening you Lisa … i’ve never looked to myself ilke a best firend..that is best advice ever.thank you 💞
I needed to come to the realization that I don’t allow myself to take breaks because I’m running from feeling unworthy 😮💨 whew! Thank you for this!
Very inspiring. From the day we were born, nobody, not even our parents, has taught us how to relate and talk to the most important person in our lives - ourselves!
We can only lie to yourselves for so long! We must not just look at our reflection in the mirror as a mindless hygiene routine daily. We must look deep within our souls and face ourselves, with pure forgiveness, love, spiritual pride( not vanity), and committment to put ourselves first. ! Lisa God knows you are telling HIS truth, the truth that surpasses All other truths, it lives and thrives in us when we accept, confess ( to ourselves) and embrace It!!
Thank you Lisa; my beautiful Queen Sister for using and sharing All the gifts God has given you. Thank you for teaching the masses how to recognize our individual gifts and strengths..accept admit fears ,weakness and overcome them victoriously. I love, worship, praise, serve God in Christ...and I know HE always sends me who and what I need! Lisa HE truly sent you ! Yes, yes and Amen❤🌹🌷😇🙏👋👋👋👋
Dito ❤️💣
So true, lies have limited power over us and will always dissolve in the truth of your being. Have the courage to love yourself free! ♡♡♡
I haven't yet tried but I believe it's truly going to be great! Thankyou so much !I can see Jesus trying to help me! God bless you!
Mirror work touch me so much. I started to this mirror work since 1 week I am crying every time every morning and evening and after feeling better. This mirror work is so golden. Yesterday, I decided to start no matter what programme and 9 environments of success. I am just studying you/memetic and self this 2 environment. I am writing, thinking and crying so hard. I needed to see how broken I am and I accept even all of my broken parts and ready to fix them.. years and years I was listening Jim Rohn, Anthony Robbins but this mirror work made me realise to feel my feelings first and clear them all and then let go and focus on to my life.. Thank you Lisa sharing your gift with us, so much love.. Asli (p.s. Lisa, our names all same letters different sounds:)
"I am proud..." sentences brought me into tears.. No one has ever said to me that they were proud of me in my entire life, not even my parents. My parents always belittled me and that's what I did to myself my whole life 😭
Amy I am so proud of you and you are so beautiful just like the rose on your profile 🌹
Gilda,I am so proud that you…have picked yourSELF up and are willing to take action in this New chance….I am NOW willing to SEE ..Y O U
I love this woma, she is incredible, every time I hear and watch her videos I ALWAYS end up craying. Thak you for existing Lisa Nichols. God bless you forever.
Hi Lisa it's Tuesday morning and I'm affirming that - despite my reality so far including the fact I've got up late, am unemployed, living alone, non driver, clueless, got no skills and everything is a mess & I broke the mirror last time I tried it out of anger - I am going to properly commit to this from this evening and become happier. God bless you and all other caring souls.
God Bless you too...I pray that every day your burdens get lighter, you can do this....I think this technique is powerful, and we need to keep up with it, and be gentle with ourselves in the process. Do the best you can for today, you've got this!!!
Good luck! You've got this. You do have many skills. Try to believe in yourself! I believe in you.
I P - thank you for being so honest 🌹 Your story sounds like so many of our stories. Stay strong ☮️
I don’t even know you, but I would be willing to wager that you absolutely do have some skill/s - and good qualities in general - that you’re probably not altogether conscious of. And if you are able to think of just one, the list will grow as more come to mind. Remember that we don’t have to be THE BEST at something in order to have at least some ability. Lots of love to you ❤️
This video and my current experiences hv taught me the 1 life lesson/advice I would give ppl:"Be your own best friend and what does that mean exactly:Say these things to yourself regularly :I love you,I'm proud of you,I'm sorry...,I forgive you...,I believe in you.Be kind &compassionate 2 u"This is the secret to healing thank u Lisa for your work
For 30 days. Game on. Thank you Lisa. Love you Lord.
I searched for "Mirror Work" after speaking with a "herpreneur coach" today. Thank you Lisa. This is fantastic. I know that it will take time, because when I did forgiveness affirmations and meditations I cried the first few times. I can feel that this will happen while doing this practice, but with repetition, it will become easier.
I needed to hear the commitment to my yes meaning yes and my no meaning no. I also needed to commit to putting myself above everyone else. ❤
For far to long I Know I've been the only person keeping me from being the best version of myself. And I know I am the person standing in the way of my dreams. I recognize that I am doing this to myself because of two main reasons. They are because of fear and lack of self love. Today I am going to start this 30 day challenge so I can start building the foundation that will let me step into the person I want to be.
Thank you Lisa
**FeaR onLy eXisTs in the mind....As oF righT NoW and by the auThoRiTy giVeN to me by my G-dLy FaTheR I speaK puRe LoVe oVeR yoU and inTo yoU may yoU find the sTRengTh to reaLiZe hoW tRuLy speCiaL yoU tRuLy aRe. See youRseLf wiTh G-D's eYeS noT thoSe oF MaN and unKind sTRanGeRs. BeLieVe iT, accepT iT, and coMe inTo aGReEMenT wiTh Me thaT yoU aRe loVed uncondiTioNaLLy and wiLL/aRe NoW made coMpLeTeLy whoLe.!! **#NaMaSTe* {LoVe E.A.} 💝 🙏 👑
just by listening to you talking to yourself i got emotional. I will start doing it
I needed to hear this today thank you!! I will try this for 30 days. Starting 4/16/2020. I will be back in 30 and see how it turned out!
We are counting on you.. good luck
Jordan, how did your 30 days go?
How did it go ?
I was thinking we should start this for the next 30 days with you. It’s been a hard year for the whole world. We need to hit the reset button don’t we, especially going into the most (perceived) emotionally hardest time of the year, the holidays. We start now we can be a whole lot better by Thanksgiving.
Be blessed! With love and care, Valerie
Why do I want to cry oh my god this touched my soul. I’m incorporating this method into the hair growth program I offer because they are so sad and depressed. I love this 💜. I love you 💕 thank you for your words of wisdom, guidance, and encouragement.
I thank God the day I stumbled across your channel. You are such a blessing! .. I tried mirror work for the first time today and boiii I cried..
Thank you so much, Lisa. This is very powerful. I will do it for the next 30 days and go from there. I cried and felt ashamed of myself, because I identify myself with the man you were going to married, and I'm not proud of it. I love this kind of work because it deals with foundational issues. Thanks again
**FoRGiVe and repenT bReThReN noT in the heaVy guiLTy BiBLiCaL senSe buT in the tRuE senSe oF the woRd and G-D's reaL meaNinG whiCh is jusT to chooSe a beTTeR paTh thaT beinG oF ChRisT ConSciouSNesS. LeT go oF the shaMe oF who yoU weRe theN; as lonG as yoU haVe bReaTh yoU caN chooSe to adopT anoTheR mindseT and thaT is iF foRGiVeNesS oF one's seLf and anY pasT miSdeeds foR yoU weRe losT....BuT noW yoU aRe found bReThReN.!! **#ShinEBRighT* 💪 💝 😇 🍻
My aha moment during this video is to talk to the mirror from in my future when I cross through the bog and I am over the mountain. I will get the feeling of being where my dream is and forgive myself for not knowing how I will get there. Thank Lisa.
Lisa Nichols is a huge inspiration to me.
I thought i was so alone in this, so vulnerable. Seeing you do this in front of a mirror makes me loose the shame and and guilt. I did it, and i cried. It was hard for me finding seven ways to finish, but i did. Proud if myself and a bit shaky. I feel the #YANA
Wow, i cried at the second one...so hard, my god...thank you Lisa for that opening anyway!!
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I needed this. Mirror Work with my Best Friend - ME! I'm all in. 100%.
For the first time, I am excited to do Mirror Work. Thank you Lisa
Mirror work I am a beginner. Wow I have that same makeup mirror all along.
Tracy I' m proud of you......
Tracy I forgive for
Tracy I commit to you......
7 different endings for each.
I will write down first. Thanks for sharing your mirror it is the same mirror I use to apply makeup.
I can not express how much I love you Lisa, THANK YOU FOR WHAT YOU DO, in many ways I can say you saved my life, I go back to your interview with Tom Bileyu whenever I need more inspiration, I used to listen to that interview when I lived in a shelter and had to bike to work at 3 am, and you kept me going, I wish I had a mother like you, you are my mentor, I LOVE YOU, you deserve all happiness in world 🥰🌍!
Happy to be of service!!! This is an amazing story and one that should be shared with the world! I believe in you!! Wishing you the best!!
@@LisaNichols Awww🥹🥹🥹🥹THANK YOU LISA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 🌅🌅🌅I am so happy you exist, you are such an inspiring beautiful person & mom everything you did for your kid is amazing!🥹
I lived in a shelter because I had to leave an abusive home, so in your interview when you said your first mentors you didnt know in person, that is what I felt with you, you are my virtual mentor I am so happy I found you💛
I achieved my first apt alone without a cosigner and without a loan. I got it thru saving to be able to double the down payment, and I got my first car alone too, and when I would watch you I did what you said to celebrate myself especially because I don’t have family to celebrate me, so I celebrate me.
and I don’t have a kid because I want to work on my financial situation & then love situation before raising a baby so I can be the best mom possible.
You changed your entire life for your baby and for yourself that is what a genuine amazing parent would do, and that is true self love and you are so inspiring. 🥹💛
I tell myself I am my child and I have to change my world for me and it has helped me so much to give myself the parenting I didnt recieve.
I made a promise to my inner child to make her dreams true, in the video when you said you made a promise to jehlani that was so beautiful & it inspired me to make a promise to myself and to my future kids I hope one day to have a healthy family.
I have a picture of myself when I was a kid and I keep it on my fridge as a memory of my promise to the me of childhood💛
I am Mexican and I grew up in a small rural close minded town & when I was 7 yrs old a teacher lifted me off the ground by the wrist and yelled in my face “be more american” & I experienced much racism in that town, & I have seen interviews of when you talk about the racism you experienced thank you for sharing everything you’ve overcome because racism is something I find difficult to deal with but you overcome everything with so much grace & seeing you dont let racism stop you from being happy inspires me to do the same , thank you for sharing your story with the world Lisa🥹💛
THANK YOU LISA for giving us motherly advice and words of inspiration virtually I am so happy I found you💛🥹🌞& thank you for taking the time to comment back to me🌅have a beautiful stellar day 🌟🌟🌟
Pozdrav hvsla iz srca prvi put vidim vas kanal fantastican raditi cu ovu vjezbu zelim sve nsjbolje pozdrav iz SLOVENIJE👍👍💛💛💛💛💛💛
My heart understands the pain of your story. Has taken a lifetime of healing. Blessings to you sister. ❤🙏
Best video everrrr! And folks this is harder than you can imagine. I tried this and left it so many times due to intense self judgement while seeing the face in the mirror. Starting it again!!
DR - I agree. It's more difficult than it seems. Good luck 🌹
Ice been doing this for a week, I have already got into the point that I will not miss my mirror thing if in one week I feel like I feel today I can't wait until 90 days I can' wait but I'm very excited💞 I've shared this with two people I thought really really could use this and I hope that they are using it but right now I got to save myself I love you so much Lisa you are my anchor thank you thank you is not even enough I love you thank you so much my life is so bomb and I am looking forward to my abundance in my life 💞💯🌈🦋🦋🦋🦋
I instantly felt chills and started crying at sentence #2.
I love you. I love your confidence I love your smile and the energy you put into this world. Thank you for being a beautiful example to little sisters like me. I can't wait to do my Mirror work. I can't wait to shine on myself again My confidence will be restored. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help pick me up. I love you I love you! Be blessed
Thanks! I am going to try this .. the forgiving is gonna be hard.. but I’m going to do it
Yesssssss 💞
I got goose pimples just hearing the second sentence beginning. Then to hear Lisa's examples - wow. It makes you notice the many small ways that we can sabotage ourselves. I never thought to forgive myself for guilt or shame. But the idea is really exciting. Thank you!
Looking at myself as a best friend was a "Ah ha" for me. So often I extend all the encouraging and loving words to those around me, but I don't feel like I deserve the same encouragement although I know I so desperately need it.
I so love this, I have slowly realized at times when others behavior is bothering me there is a part of me as a mirror reflecting back at me. After watching this I journal everyday and now I keep a mirror next to it, so when I am upset about a past revelation that hits me like a ton of bricks I grab my mirror and forgive myself and give hope and encouragement to do better, not go down that road again. Thank you Lisa for your gifts to all of us.
Thank you Lisa for showing me how to do the mirror work the easy way. I can definitely understand how to do the work now. Thank you so much. I will start this from here on out.
Love it. I recently found myself in front of a mirror with another one behind it and one behind me. I noticed a struggle making eye contact with myself. Then I realized how in the mirror I was looking directly in what's tilted and you could see a reflection after reflection. Something Told Me and I had to line up the mirrors just right so that there's only one image of me. Thank you for this lesson I will use it starting right away. God bless you.
This is by far the best mirror work video on you tube (i’ve seen yet)! Thank you.
This needs to come up first or second in the search results instead of the BS generic & somewhat toxic other ones that are in the top 5.
I realized there are many things that I haven’t forgiven myself for. A list of them poured out when you asked question two.
I just went through the fiancé thing right after giving him my savings for a down payment on a house. His ex wife moved into my house 24 hrs after our breakup.
It’s been 5 months. It has wrecked every part of my psyche and I’m diligently working on healing. Thank you for sharing.
#BOL😪🤧.....When you cant say a word...just lift your hands🙏....every time I hear you speak on relationship it sound just like my story. ..I lost everything I had including myself but not so much that I would stay and allow me or my now kids to have to endure... It's been almost 2 years I been out that situation and I been happier , healing ,and learning myself again. I no longer give it power but there have been times where I do beat myself up for even wasting my time with that situation. But my my I am so so happy for you Mrs. LISA!!...I need this..my heart...my soul...my spirit.. .I've always been a strong individual but I deal with my pain on my own...Im that person everybody come cry on my shoulder and I comfort and give them advice but I never have the same..I always have tried to see good in people. After that breakup I cut ties with everyone and now I'm even more protective of my energy and people in my life. I must say with God I've grown tremendously but I still have work to do...I didn't mean to say all that but your words touched my heart! Thank you! thank you!
Forgiving myself for my failures daily, I needed to hear that from someone. Thank u so much!
Looking at myself in the mirror was an empowering exercise that allowed me search deep inside me for the truth.
I will begin this effective today for 30 days. Thank you
That mirror work was tough, but thank you for walking me through it. I believe i'll be better.
Thank you for being my sister in prosperity. This was beautiful and I’m starting today
"Every day look in the mirror to see if your heart is a morning beauty-smile." SRI CHINMOY
Mirror work is definitely something I will take on to combat the continuous fall into negative space. Becoming a woman of evolution is the key!!
These types of exercise in front of the mirror, when we give love yo ourselves is like one of the most powerful things I have ever done. My relationship with myself improved a lot in just 2 days. But you must do with intention!
I literally found myself doing this, this morning. Right on time! Thank you!
BOL for the sentence that I commit to myself. I will start the mirror work in the morning.
Thank you Lisa i will say this from today and everyday.
Thank You Lisa ENTIRELY. 😊
Wow, the ending brought me unexpected tears.
What a beautiful person, what a example for the world ❤❤❤❤❤
Thank God for people like you thank you
I could listen to her 24 hrs.Thankyou Lisa for changing my Life❤🙏
I can feel it working already thank you beautiful universe thank you beautiful energy thank you beautiful righteous spirits thank beautiful mother Gaia Earth 💓💓💓💓
The gentle and loving energy had me watching this video about three or four times. People refer to mirror work in the art of manifestation, but don't go into details about how to do it or techniques. Thank you and you are so blessed.
BOL I've been in the mirror for about 3 weeks now that I just started getting real real with myself and I keep hearing you say Lisa that sometimes you might have to walk along and that's what I've come to realize that while I'm doing this and starting to love on myself I have to do it alone I have to be real with me I have to love on me I have to be proud of myself I have to forgive myself and it wasn't until I stepped away from everybody and really focused in on myself that this mirror thing started to work but the one thing that I never did for the three weeks was stop getting in the mirror thank you so much Lisa I am really seeing a difference in myself I am starting to love myself for real the way I love everybody else I never had a problem with love I just had a problem with loving myself, started music I started using my grandson's face because he's so precious and now I'm able to look at myself thank you again Lisa can't wait to meet you
did you continue? If yes did you have any improvements?
Beautiful lady: Your mirror coaching is very kind,generous,noble,sincere,loving,and very interesting. My respects and a warm hug from Venezuela.
perfect. exactly what I need to hear, allow and follow my heart to know the beautiful self that I am.
Great words, I'm proud of, I forgive and I commit!!!! Pure honesty.
Thank you! I did this tonight, I wrote it on a Word document. I AM proud of myself for even getting this far, I always said I would do Mirror Work and Shadow Work and never did.
I did today! Thank you again❤ ❤❤❤❤
Thank you Lisa and I affirm it that its really gone changing my life, especially unlocking my financial, destiny, career and opportunities, talents, skills, to focus on one partner and enjoy an amazing life style .. millions of dollars on my account is coming
It makes me feel empowered, I have wings again... Thank you Lisa.
This is the first video of you I see. I can sense that you are a wise woman. Mirror is very present in our life: screens are mirrors, windows are mirrors, metal (like on cars) are mirrors. We see our reflection almost permanently, being always disconnected from this reflection. Great think to offer a solution. Thank you, I will practice this exercice.
Thanks for this very special mirror work. It spiritually powerful and very practical. As individuals we spend hardly anytime with ourselves and when we do, as you said, we judge ourselves and beat ourselves up. Thanks a million.
Thank you for this mirror work exercise!!!! Thank you for being my support through out all these years! You were one of my first inspirations to change my life for the better; a very long time ago! Never the less, thank you Lisa Nichols
I’m willing to do the work starting today.
Everytime i hear a negative thought i won't live there...ama press "stop" and give you a new and beautiful 1.
That just did it 4 me!!you're da 1!thank you 4 dis.keep it rweal keep it strong.
I asked the Universe for inspiration and guidance, and here you are. Thank you for this. It is the confirmation that I needed.
I am starting to do this for the next 60days. I am learning to commit to me and be consistent. Thank you for always challenging me
Hi, Lisa! Thank you so much for being open, vulnerable and willing to lift as you climb. I started this exercise a few weeks ago, and watching this video, I thought I would know what you were going to say. I found myself tearing up, relating closely to your sentiment. THANK YOU. Shows how imperative this is. As often and as Iong as it takes for my spirit to heal. Continued blessings to you and yours!
Lisa you are very proud for us I love you dear....love you so much
Thank You Lisa, sometimes, I do it again if I begin to worry or judge myself for things I need to change or things I have no control of. We are on a journey not a sprint. Love you Lisa!!!❤️❣️
her words brings tears in my eyes. Thank you love
I wanna be Just Like you Lisa!!
I can't wait to meet you, you are my mentor & I love you!!!!💜💜💜♥️♥️♥️💜💜💜💜
Maam, I just dont know how to pay you my gratitude for the impacts that your speech had on me.it changed my life and freed me from my past .Thank you very much. From Bangladesh.
Lisa, thank you for introducing me to mirror work. Everyone morning, I look in the mirror and tell myself, “I love you.” I also look myself in the eyes and say prosperity affirmations. Not only am I attracting more loving people, people are starting to give me money out the blue! Just last Friday, my boss told me that I am getting a “significant” raise in my pay. Mirror work has been life changing for me!!! P.S. I met you in NJ, years ago, with my son. You were so nice to us! Thank you!
I'm telling this to my daughter right away, thank you. 😊
Brought tears to my eyes just watching her do the mirror work......
''Every time I hear a negative thought, I won't live there. I'll press stop and I'll give you a more powerful thought.''
This was definitely my big #aha. I will start with the mirror work today and praise myself like I praise those around me.
Why am I in tears???
Because you are "cleaning" yourself!!!
Deep sadness coming up. Bless you sweet beautiful soul for having the courage and conviction to polish your inner diamond! 💜❤💛