Most important part is right at the end of the press conference around 56:00. It will take 2 years to implement once it's become law, so early 2026. Lots of time to ensure that this never comes to pass
Miliony Polaków tego nie chce Zwykłych ludzi nie związanych z pis. W takich ważnych tematach winno obowiązywać referendum. Zwłaszcza, że problem migracji jest sztucznie wywołany. Z tym problemem nie mamy nic wspólnego i dlaczego w imię solidarności mamy w ogóle podejmować jakiś temat. Problem migracji, to problem dawnych państw kolonialnych i ich obecna wola zadość uczynienia. Nawet juz po czasach kolonialnych wiele mocarstw eksploatowało np Afrykę zamiast w nią inwestować i to są problemy. Trzeba pomagać tam. Można demokratyzować i rozwijać ich gospodarkę, a nie wprowadzać celowy chaos do europejskich krajów. Na siłę budować społeczeństwo multikulti, które się nie sprawdza. Budowanie państw niby tolerancyjnych i bezwyznaniowych, czyli nam narzuca się wyrzekanie swojej wiary, a tamci islamu się nigdy nie wyrzekną. Nie tolerują nawet żartu z islamu i gotowi za to zabić. Nas można obrażać i bezczeszcząc świątynie i symbole. Dlatego to błedna i utopijna polityka. Jeszcze im łodzie podstawiają i transportują do Europy. Ale im gorzej tym lepiej. Dlatego nawet sama inicjatywa, to nieporozumienie.
Any EU country govermant can't just say no to this policy, they have to accept certain amount of immigrants or they will be fined 20 000 euro for 1 person. It doesn't matter what was the policy of these countries before, how much they were protecting their citizens for illegal immigration - they have to surrender to that policy paying for the supidity of the other countries rules. Poland by example, we accepted about a 1 million legal immigrants from Ukraine because of war. It was simple thing, natural because they were in great need so polish peoples open their houses and hearts for them because I'm sure they would do the same for us. Very rare they were in some camps, mostly peoples private homes, some appartments. BUT! It doesnt't matter now. They are counting the illegal imigrants only! Look... In example.. An immigrant comes to Italy -> Italy is sending him by bus to some other country and recived 20 000 euro for it. What does it look like? Getting money for a person. Human trafficking. Slave andlars were doing the similar deals. It was just illegal then. And now?? It's just sick!
_"Every member state actually taking responsibility... flexible and voluntary contributions"_ now holds individual countries accountable, not the EU. Still unable to admit a flawed at the core European program - the EU.
This is what happens when economic migrants get priority treatment from the governments over locals, I am not saying that some of the homeless are not on the streets by their own fault, but often they have contributed to the system before they ended on the streets, while they were still working and paying taxes, while incoming wawes of IL-LEGALS behave like someone owns them favors overhere... and they are entitled to everything, that their own countries failed to provide them, now we supose to provide them ... We have brought this upon ourselves by voting traitors each and every elections
ask the people how much immigration THEY want!
zlikwidować parlament europejski to banda szkodników takie jest moje zdanie.
Nie no, to od razu trza go zamknąć jak już się wypowiedziałeś!
THE HELL WITH EP UNIA..we do not need them..
Most important part is right at the end of the press conference around 56:00. It will take 2 years to implement once it's become law, so early 2026. Lots of time to ensure that this never comes to pass
Let's see how they handle Putin's migrant smuggling program.
Miliony Polaków tego nie chce Zwykłych ludzi nie związanych z pis. W takich ważnych tematach winno obowiązywać referendum. Zwłaszcza, że problem migracji jest sztucznie wywołany. Z tym problemem nie mamy nic wspólnego i dlaczego w imię solidarności mamy w ogóle podejmować jakiś temat. Problem migracji, to problem dawnych państw kolonialnych i ich obecna wola zadość uczynienia. Nawet juz po czasach kolonialnych wiele mocarstw eksploatowało np Afrykę zamiast w nią inwestować i to są problemy. Trzeba pomagać tam. Można demokratyzować i rozwijać ich gospodarkę, a nie wprowadzać celowy chaos do europejskich krajów. Na siłę budować społeczeństwo multikulti, które się nie sprawdza. Budowanie państw niby tolerancyjnych i bezwyznaniowych, czyli nam narzuca się wyrzekanie swojej wiary, a tamci islamu się nigdy nie wyrzekną. Nie tolerują nawet żartu z islamu i gotowi za to zabić. Nas można obrażać i bezczeszcząc świątynie i symbole. Dlatego to błedna i utopijna polityka. Jeszcze im łodzie podstawiają i transportują do Europy. Ale im gorzej tym lepiej. Dlatego nawet sama inicjatywa, to nieporozumienie.
Any EU country govermant can't just say no to this policy, they have to accept certain amount of immigrants or they will be fined 20 000 euro for 1 person. It doesn't matter what was the policy of these countries before, how much they were protecting their citizens for illegal immigration - they have to surrender to that policy paying for the supidity of the other countries rules. Poland by example, we accepted about a 1 million legal immigrants from Ukraine because of war. It was simple thing, natural because they were in great need so polish peoples open their houses and hearts for them because I'm sure they would do the same for us. Very rare they were in some camps, mostly peoples private homes, some appartments. BUT! It doesnt't matter now. They are counting the illegal imigrants only! Look... In example.. An immigrant comes to Italy -> Italy is sending him by bus to some other country and recived 20 000 euro for it. What does it look like? Getting money for a person. Human trafficking. Slave andlars were doing the similar deals. It was just illegal then. And now?? It's just sick!
_"Every member state actually taking responsibility... flexible and voluntary contributions"_ now holds individual countries accountable, not the EU.
Still unable to admit a flawed at the core European program - the EU.
303 passengers on fight grounded in France Paris from Dubai to Nicaragua /USA /Canada Mainstream media silent
This is what happens when economic migrants get priority treatment from the governments over locals, I am not saying that some of the homeless are not on the streets by their own fault, but often they have contributed to the system before they ended on the streets, while they were still working and paying taxes, while incoming wawes of IL-LEGALS behave like someone owns them favors overhere... and they are entitled to everything, that their own countries failed to provide them, now we supose to provide them ... We have brought this upon ourselves by voting traitors each and every elections
What percentage of these immigrants does each of the 27 countries have to take in ,what is a share amount?
So I guess it makes the European Parliament Official,s racist and far right ?
I wish the UK and Switzerland were in the European Union. (A new improved version)
Finally, after 8 years.....
He ?
Let’s gooooo🎉🎉🎉🎉
so are the crusades back on or what if not I go back to cryosleep