Anyone who has lost their home or been displaced knows how impossibly hard it is to cope and adapt to a new place, especially relying on the kindness of other people to survive. The strength they're showing and the desire to learn the language and assimilate to be good guests (or maybe permanent residents) despite being broken inside, and the kindness of the German couple and all the people in the country who are helping them, is extremely touching
This is worrying. What if all these Ukrainians resettled and gained new citizenship, they can outcome of elections and shape local politics. They will start to demand equal rights. If this is not stopped now, they will seize or blackmail local government to address a Ukrainian’s interests.
It's a very complex issue and our hands aren't clean, eniterly, either. Let's highlight, in this discussion, to what this, specific, German family decided to do. Cheers!
@@carmisti This couple are undoubtedly amazing people for helping. I'm just curious what they think/thought about helping Ukraine from the military point of view. If Ukraine had better weapons before February 24 (as Ukraine was begging), then perhaps there would be less destruction. I mean, ruSSians rolled in basically uncontested because it was so overwhelming. And obviously we need armored vehicles today in big numbers
I just hope the German government can actually do the same thing and start increasing shipments of supplies and weapons to Ukraine again. For the last nine weeks they have been slowly decreasing at a steady pace the amount of supplies being sent over there. There are plans to send surface-to-air vehicles but appallingly they won’t be heading over there until July. The training could’ve been done much earlier than that but German bureaucracy in their army is too stickler for the rules so they are still doing nowhere near enough by comparison to what they could be doing to help Ukraine. Hopefully the mobile armoured howitzers will be heading over there in a week or more, but it’s critically needs to happen ASAP and all the other supplies need to increase otherwise Germany is letting the side down very badly.
We hope you all will soon return to Ukraine and rebuild your lives again in peace and freedom and it’s so good to see many people in Germany and other countries reaching out to help the Ukrainian people at this very sad time!! Blessings to all helping with love, kindness and compassion we need this in our world❤️
Why? Let's hope this war will end with mutual diplomacy instead of Fighting. We want peace not the fight. This war just a fault of Ukrainian diplomacy and could easily be stopped before it started. Hope, There will be peace soon and no NATO in Europe.
@@lucianoosorio5942 , I think It's social democracy is better than the Capitalism or the Communism. Do you really know about world politics? Read about Cuban missile crisis first and also please explain what was the necessary of NATO after the fall of USSR? This would could be in more peaceful place with the diplomacy but counties wanted just war. There are no strong leadership in Europe after the Markel and Europe is suffering for this leadership vacancies. Currently, what is Russia is doing it's just a act of provocation by the US, nothing else.
Great little family, God bless you. And hopefully people also would do their best to help, of course. Thanks to their host family in Germany of course.
My heart goes out to the Ukrainians and others like the Afghans who had to leave their homelands and start over. You know they must have had a terrible time and hard adjustments to make. I imagine it is like being raped in many ways. Some people got raped in every way, and this is were I am including sexual, although most of these kinds of victims are usually women.
Afgans got one trillion dollar to fix themselves yet they did not... they will never do it... yet they spent a few billions on Ukraine and that's it...shame on you...
Todos con el doctor Gustado petro en Colombia el es educación de calidad cultura inversión social desarrollo ciencia amor y respeto a la vida no mas masacres de mas bandidos y asesinos gobernando el país..
How terrible for this mother and daughter to lose their beloved father. I am so upset that he didn't escape with his family. I just want this conflict to end. Please. Make a Peace Settlement. Please President Putin and President Zelenskyy. There is no victory here. Compromise is best.
@@sollte1239 I did notice that, after I had written this. It was at the memorial site in the video that they mentioned it happened in 2014, I think. Still, it is terrible that he a family man had to fight. It deosn't ease the pain.
@@peace-now excactly, imagine having to die in defence of your freedom, just because a megalomaniac Putin can't wait to exterminate what he doesn't like! Imagine being left alone because of pacifist clowns like you! 🇺🇦❤️🔥🇺🇦SLAVA UKRAINI
SugarTomAppleRoger, And What their father was doing in Donbas few years ago? Was he killing innocent civilians of eastern Ukraine? Or, perhaps, he actively participated in May, 2014 massacre of civilians in Odessa?
@@realpolitick1468 and who say/think that? But you think just the opposite, right!? Both BS... But what has this to do with any "whataboutism"? There good and bad People around the World, no matter what nationality/race. So what you try to make here! Yes, bad ukraine People exists. And good Russians exist too. And now? 🤔
*GERMAN ROYAL FAMILY: "As many times as it takes U.S. Military ordered by my strict authority in all Royal Crowns to force my missing Kidnapped/Adopted Royal Family of Twins home." ― יהוה "Ken" Jehovah the Messiah of Israel (God of Gods and King of Kings)*
Nanking Massacre, It's the opposite. Russians are being harrased by Ukrainians. One example, six years child beaten up simply because he was speaking Russian.
Good job they have better life and safe in Germany. Better all civilian and Ukrainian soldiers will leave or surrender to Russia to save their lives. Let Pres. Zelenskyy leave in Ukraine then he will know what he did to his Ukrainian people. God want peace not a war🙏🙏🙏
You clearly don’t have a clue how geo politics works, the rest of the world is busy with their own problems closer to home or their respected region. The rest of the world help only goes as far as thoughts 🙏🏽 And prayers, maybe some humanitarian aide, that’s it.
@@johnnyflores5954 weird statement.. Thousands of volunteers are fighting along with Ukrainians and several billions are donated from western societies and governments!
Anyone who has lost their home or been displaced knows how impossibly hard it is to cope and adapt to a new place, especially relying on the kindness of other people to survive. The strength they're showing and the desire to learn the language and assimilate to be good guests (or maybe permanent residents) despite being broken inside, and the kindness of the German couple and all the people in the country who are helping them, is extremely touching
This is worrying. What if all these Ukrainians resettled and gained new citizenship, they can outcome of elections and shape local politics. They will start to demand equal rights. If this is not stopped now, they will seize or blackmail local government to address a Ukrainian’s interests.
Cheap workers what else... 😂😂😂
Respect to this german family and lots of admiration to them and to the mother and daughter , who suffer but are so strong !
God Bless 🙏❤🙏❤
These German's are great people and the world thanks them. Them speaking on the humanity shows it's not about vanity, it's an innate human action.
The are funding Putin’s war and you thank the Germans?
It's a very complex issue and our hands aren't clean, eniterly, either. Let's highlight, in this discussion, to what this, specific, German family decided to do. Cheers!
This couple are undoubtedly amazing people for helping. I'm just curious what they think/thought about helping Ukraine from the military point of view. If Ukraine had better weapons before February 24 (as Ukraine was begging), then perhaps there would be less destruction. I mean, ruSSians rolled in basically uncontested because it was so overwhelming.
And obviously we need armored vehicles today in big numbers
So great they almost took over the world by force
I just hope the German government can actually do the same thing and start increasing shipments of supplies and weapons to Ukraine again. For the last nine weeks they have been slowly decreasing at a steady pace the amount of supplies being sent over there. There are plans to send surface-to-air vehicles but appallingly they won’t be heading over there until July. The training could’ve been done much earlier than that but German bureaucracy in their army is too stickler for the rules so they are still doing nowhere near enough by comparison to what they could be doing to help Ukraine. Hopefully the mobile armoured howitzers will be heading over there in a week or more, but it’s critically needs to happen ASAP and all the other supplies need to increase otherwise Germany is letting the side down very badly.
We hope you all will soon return to Ukraine and rebuild your lives again in peace and freedom and it’s so good to see many people in Germany and other countries reaching out to help the Ukrainian people at this very sad time!! Blessings to all helping with love, kindness and compassion we need this in our world❤️
Good luck to them,glad they're safe.
Hats off & Salute to the great German 🇩🇪 hosts!
May their New Beginnings be very blessed. Amen.
Thank you Martin and Cornelia.
Good luck Sascha and Anna.
I wish you two all the best here in Germany and I hope everything works out.
Welcome to Berlin, and all best for you guys!
Yeah try eating food with no money... 🤗🤗🤗
this is truly heart breaking people cannot leaved there own country
🙏 Thank you to the good people of Berlin. Good luck Anna & Sasha 💙💛
Let’s hope Ukraine win this war. They’re the underdogs. Protect your country, Slava Ukraini
Why? Let's hope this war will end with mutual diplomacy instead of Fighting. We want peace not the fight. This war just a fault of Ukrainian diplomacy and could easily be stopped before it started. Hope, There will be peace soon and no NATO in Europe.
@@mahmudhassan9021 first of all what’s better: Autocracy or democracy? Ask yourself
@@lucianoosorio5942 usa DEMOcracy?! Hhhhhhhh ok clown troll.
@@lucianoosorio5942 , I think It's social democracy is better than the Capitalism or the Communism. Do you really know about world politics? Read about Cuban missile crisis first and also please explain what was the necessary of NATO after the fall of USSR? This would could be in more peaceful place with the diplomacy but counties wanted just war. There are no strong leadership in Europe after the Markel and Europe is suffering for this leadership vacancies. Currently, what is Russia is doing it's just a act of provocation by the US, nothing else.
@@lucianoosorio5942 ,Also Read 'The Republic' by Plato and you will understand what the exact meaning of Democracy.
bravo, fantastic coverage, thanks from vancouver canada
What a wonderful story!❤️
We need a lot more of these stories! How wonderful ❤️🇺🇦
Pray and pray 🙏
Shows the pure humanity
And this is what it looks like when people learn the RIGHT lessons from their countries history (looking at you, Russians).
@@smoker9275 🤔🤷♂️❓
Great little family, God bless you. And hopefully people also would do their best to help, of course.
Thanks to their host family in Germany of course.
Very delightful story, though very tough.
With 350€ a month, u wont be able to save up much...thats about the amount u will spend for food only in Germany.
700 Euro for 2 people is not much, but it will funktion. If they find a flat, that will also get paid
Very true, at least it's something. Food is cheap in Germany ateast compared to Amerika
My heart goes out to the Ukrainians and others like the Afghans who had to leave their homelands and start over. You know they must have had a terrible time and hard adjustments to make. I imagine it is like being raped in many ways. Some people got raped in every way, and this is were I am including sexual, although most of these kinds of victims are usually women.
Weren't they displaced in 'defence of democracy', 'toppling of dictators' and presence of WMDs?
Afgans got one trillion dollar to fix themselves yet they did not... they will never do it... yet they spent a few billions on Ukraine and that's it...shame on you...
I'm sorry but i just have a question are anna and sascha speaking Russian or Ukrainian or surzhik
Insurance related case of can neighboring countries properly secure peace of mind????
Heartwarming story, a good proof that Germany has changed 🙏 now Stolz send the weapons you have promised
Nice place house foodies goodies..👍🏽
Todos con el doctor Gustado petro en Colombia el es educación de calidad cultura inversión social desarrollo ciencia amor y respeto a la vida no mas masacres de mas bandidos y asesinos gobernando el país..
Its a shame.
Yes I agree to become hero you have to have a wilen or vectim or create one!
Shame how the men were forced to stay by law. At least the women and children were able to find a bit of comfort in the Western world.
If the men dont stay there wont be a Ukraine to return to
What comfort? Ukraine is much poorer than Russia. What was the west offering Ukraine that was better?
@@paulblichmann2791 Ukraine was not poorer than Russia.
@@paulblichmann2791 Ukraine was much richer than Russia.
Keep your lame leftist pacifism nonsense to yourself!
Ukrainian MEN has the will to defend their independence!
Keep whining, no one cares for cowards
Germany, today, is the model for the better humanity...This is awesome!!
Фашисты у вас в генах!
German pacifism and greed are the major reason for this tragedy! They denied Ukraine access to NATO to comfort megalomaniac Putin!! 😡
How terrible for this mother and daughter to lose their beloved father. I am so upset that he didn't escape with his family. I just want this conflict to end. Please. Make a Peace Settlement. Please President Putin and President Zelenskyy. There is no victory here. Compromise is best.
So sad but worth it to free Donetsk. Vstavay Donbas!
He died not this year in the war.....
@@sollte1239 I did notice that, after I had written this. It was at the memorial site in the video that they mentioned it happened in 2014, I think. Still, it is terrible that he a family man had to fight. It deosn't ease the pain.
@@peace-now excactly, imagine having to die in defence of your freedom, just because a megalomaniac Putin can't wait to exterminate what he doesn't like!
Imagine being left alone because of pacifist clowns like you!
SugarTomAppleRoger, And What their father was doing in Donbas few years ago? Was he killing innocent civilians of eastern Ukraine? Or, perhaps, he actively participated in May, 2014 massacre of civilians in Odessa?
' Whenever there is a war Germany rejoices'- a saying in my country. All that qualified working force will give boost yo their economy
Don't cry it's putins dreams to see you defeated. Stand glory.
Hallo Deutschland 🇩🇪😂🙋♀️
German taxpayers money for free 🤑🤑🤑
Welcome in Germoney 💸💸💸
Hope DW will cover the story of drunk Ukrainians beating up a Pole because he tried protecting a girl they were harassing.
And why is it so important to you? 🤔
@@Cyril_Sneer because..Western media is..always true..and totally unbiased..and totally aren't pushing a narrative.. *Right?*
@@realpolitick1468 and who say/think that?
But you think just the opposite, right!?
Both BS...
But what has this to do with any "whataboutism"?
There good and bad People around the World, no matter what nationality/race.
So what you try to make here!
Yes, bad ukraine People exists.
And good Russians exist too.
And now? 🤔
Krakan, Actually they killed him with a knife.
@@jolamakowska5948 oh. Still horrible way to treat their hosts.
BTW have the police probed it?
*GERMAN ROYAL FAMILY: "As many times as it takes U.S. Military ordered by my strict authority in all Royal Crowns to force my missing Kidnapped/Adopted Royal Family of Twins home." ― יהוה "Ken" Jehovah the Messiah of Israel (God of Gods and King of Kings)*
Hungry for that € wellfare 🙉
i hope russians in berlin didnt harras ukrainian
Russians outside of Russia are laying low.
They are not a popular people in the world right now.
Nanking Massacre, It's the opposite. Russians are being harrased by Ukrainians. One example, six years child beaten up simply because he was speaking Russian.
prorussian mental problem
Slava russia ❤Russia pjutin ❤and chechenya❤ musliman ❤🥇🇵🇸🤲🇵🇸🤲❤🙌 and Palestine hamas.
"palestine" never existed
Good job they have better life and safe in Germany. Better all civilian and Ukrainian soldiers will leave or surrender to Russia to save their lives. Let Pres. Zelenskyy leave in Ukraine then he will know what he did to his Ukrainian people. God want peace not a war🙏🙏🙏
Better Russians surrender to Ukraine so nobody have to seek asylum in Germany.
Ryet another probaganda
This is super wierd and kinda creepy if you don't mind me saying. Just sayin'.
_"Helping people fleeing war is super weird and kind of creepy"_
*-- E4T6, 28 May 2022*
Your comment is "super weird and kinda creepy".
Yeah that didn't go very well ... Ukraine lost again... 😶
You clearly don’t have a clue how geo politics works, the rest of the world is busy with their own problems closer to home or their respected region. The rest of the world help only goes as far as thoughts 🙏🏽 And prayers, maybe some humanitarian aide, that’s it.
@@johnnyflores5954 weird statement.. Thousands of volunteers are fighting along with Ukrainians and several billions are donated from western societies and governments!