Treće mesto SRBIJA SENIORI GSS 2021.- Milojević Predrag GSS 407
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 31 ม.ค. 2025
- Golubarski Savez Srbije predstavlja najuspešnije takmičare u 2021. godini. U ovom video klipu predstavljamo Milojević Predraga GSS 407 iz Kumodraža - Beograd koji je sa rezultatom od 13 časova 16 minuta i 36 sekundi zauzeo 3. mesto u SENIORSKOM PRVENSTVU SRBIJE 2021.
The Pigeon Association of Serbia represents the most successful competitors in 2021. In this video clip, we present Milojević Predraga GSS 407 from Kumodraž - Belgrade, who took the 3rd place in the SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP OF SERBIA 2021 with the result of 13 hours 16 minutes and 36 seconds.