I can vouch for the protection of our mother. I witnessed this miracle in india during the 2004 tsunami. The water devastated the town but did not miraculously enter the Marian Shrine (Annai Velankanni- Our lady of good health where our lady is said to have appeared in india). I was in the church when the tsunami hit and the water did not enter the church but went all around 🙏🏼
Amen. Beautiful!! Thankyou Most Blessed mother, for your love and protection over this Lady, and us all. Thankyou I love you Blessed Mother. Amen. Thankyou so much for sharing Nisha. ✝️🙏📿✝️🙏📿❤️💙❤️💙💕💕☘️☘️
I was just at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help last Friday. My husband and I stopped on our way up to Door County. It was beautiful, and so peaceful. We arrived just in time to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with one of the priests who reside there. I encourage everyone to go to the Shrine.
I can attest to the purple scapula. My next door neighbor's house caught on fire in 2020. We had just moved into our newly built homes only months earlier. Several fire trucks arrived on the scene. I have this beautiful scapula hanging in our home chapel. We were all in the chapel at the time and my big brother priest was visiting from Italy as well. The fire mysteriously stopped with little damage to my neighbor's house and none to mine. I attribute this miracle to this scapula.
My late father, Robert Allen was healed as an infant through this Shrine and Blessed Mother's intercession! August 15, 1937. He was a 4 month old infant paralyzed shortly after birth due to a medical intervention. My grandfather and uncle traveled to the shrine and prayed a novena on their knees around the altar. My father moved his legs for the first time at the same moment and never suffered any medical issues related to the initial injury for his entire life. I travelled to the Shrine for the 75th anniversary of this healing with 8 of my children. It is my hope to return again one day. Also, reading the book on the Peshtigo fires and the miraculous safety at the Shrine was amazing.
Christine Bacon, your family might benefit from hearing about the life of Father Ubald from Africa. He passed last year. I was cured of an injury during a Eucharistic healing Mass that he gave at my parish in 2019. His story is amazing and his healing ministry is legendary.
I am from the Oneida tribe and have gone twice to this shrine. The first time was with my brother who wasn't sure about his Catholic faith. I went again with my daughter to pray for my brother who died after learning about his cancer. He dedicated himself to Christ and his Mother after we had gone to mass at the shrine three years before. I now watch Father Aytona fill in for the priests from EWTN!
We visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in 2021... my wife was insistent that we go. I however was not all that convinced of any merits. WOW was I wrong! I found this to be spiritually uplifting and certainly blessed and Holy place of God and His power of Grace via intercession through the Blessed Mother. While there I received a call from a family member that my brother and sister-in-law were in the hospital both with extreme and life-threatening COVID... so I immediately took the opportunity to send up prayers to the Lady of Good Help for their healing... and YES everyone recovered. Our day at the Shrine was one of the most serene and peaceful days with many interior thoughts, prayers, reflections on the Love of God and his great MERCY.
My husband and I took a pilgrimage, just outsells from Florida to Wisconsin with spiritual stops along the way! Our Lady of Good Help was the main event and I had an amazing experience!
The Statue of the Blessed Mother in the lower level is so special. I prayed the Rosary in Latin on the rosary trail, and a little kitty followed me the whole way. No one else was there - it was in early spring. Very Holy place!
Absolutely loved the story, thank you so much for sharing. Our Blessed Mother is looking for us to repent, believe and trust God and Jesus. ˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
This Holy shrine of Mother Mary is soaked with pure grace. I was blessed to go many years ago when there was only the church... it has grown and pilgrims are coming in greater numbers today.. You won't regret going and listening to the quiet heartbeat of Mary in the Apparition Chapel. The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement is offering a conference there this weekend, 3rd year at this Holy Shrine. Mary's message of love and repentance remains consistent in all ages, in all places, to all hearts. Forever grateful to you Christine for being a part of Mary's Cause!
In the 70s I was fortunate to go to Our Lady of Good Help to discern whether I was being called to religious life. During one of the evenings I left my bed and went down to the cript where Mother appeared. There were 100s of crutches surrounding the walls. So many healings. I felt an incredible closeness that night to Mary. 30 years later when I was visiting there I experienced a physical healing. Mother is so good. If you go there you WILL experience PEACE!
Our Lady of Good Help is full of Grace! There have been many miracles which the Bishop called in the Mayo Clinic to document! I myself had experienced a miracle through my daughter! Praise be Jesus Christ and His Mother!
Love loved loved your own story, Christine Bacon, about trusting in God's providence when you were so impoverished...I could certainly relate to your story when I had to leave my husband and left, with children, in poverty. Thank you so much for your beautiful story...it is so encouraging, especially with what is coming for humanity.
Thank you for sharing this about the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. I live just 30 miles from the Shrine so I go there often. You did an amazing job explaining about Sister Adele and Our Blessed Mother's appearance there. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Me too...I just stare at the 2 year olds...wishing I could cover them in scapular with prayer..like dip em in demon repellant extra strength. Talking to others people's children seems very tricky...eeep.
Definitely getting a purple scapular for our family and children. Going to start the consecration to Mary very soon. We must share our blessings and these special graces!
I had gone thru the same thing. One time I didn’t have money to buy milk nor food for my 3 yr old. I was left there at the register. Luckily my father came from outta town and was visiting and helped us. My heart goes out to all striving single parents. Mary help us. ❤✝️🙏
Please 🙏🙏🙏🙏 pray for me and my children...my kids William and Ann really need prayers... just lost my mother in April and my elderly father is ill...my children are sad because they are very close to their grandparents
Belgium needs Adele as a patron with all that's happening there in both Church and secular matters. We need her patronage here too for the same reasons.
Saint Bernadette said that she learned how to make the Sign of the Cross with due reverence by watching Our Lady in The Grotto during the apparitions at Lourdes.
When I was helping my friend to enter the Church, I realized for the first time, how simple yet complex the Catholic faith is. In listening to Adele's story, I'm reminded of it and have a new realization to add...the simplicity and complexity of the Catholic Faith mimicks the duality of Jesus...he was born poor, lived simply, but in truth, is King. I see this difference in the multiple adoration chapels in my area...some extremely plain and simple...others with a throne suited for The King
I’m in MN also and went there this past July. The thing I noticed in the grotto was the warmth inside which I initially thought was warmth from all the candles that are lit inside because it’s a small space. I mentioned the warmth to my husband after we left because it was a beautiful warmth not a sticky, hot, kind of warmth. My husband said he noticed that too and he happened to look at the thermostat on the wall and it was a perfect 78 degrees which is unusual he said because the grotto is half underground and the outside temp was only 70 so it’s unusual that it would be so warm inside the grotto. I have no doubt it was the warmth of heaven inside. It’s a beautiful place.
Please do a more specific video on what led up to Bishop Ricken’s making his decision. Almost 140 years had passed. What changed? What were the particulars that led to his decision? It was during the depths of the pandemic while praying the rosary daily that knowledge of Our Lady of Good Help first came to me. “Why didn’t the nuns in Catholic school teach me about this?” I wondered. Now I know-because I am not currently 12. * * *. The fire story reminds me of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Our Lady quick to help, during a fire that ravaged the French Quarter in New Orleans. The Ursuline nuns held up her statue that they had brought from France and prayed the rosary. As the fire approached the area of the cathedral and Ursuline convent, the wind shifted. Fire did not touch their area. Our Lady: sometimes very, very quick to help, sometimes in heaven’s quickness of time, but always with good, good help. Blessings.
"Pray!!" - out of the mouths of babes. So precious. Great share!! .... Thank you, ladies, for a great video about Our Lady of Good Help. Great to remember and reflect...
I've just moved here to Wisconsin from Chicago... so grateful to God I'm blessed...been to the Shrine few times..going tomorrow 🙏...every time we go something good always happens we get a blessing 🙌...my son Michael fell asleep in the car once in parking lot and felt a woman's hand petting his head..I think 🤔 it was our Lady he was born Aug 22nd her feast day... the statue of our lady at the Shrine resembles Melania trump no kidding
Jesus said...Be NOT afraid, I go before you, always. Come, follow ME and I will show you rest. Put up a crucifix in your home, holy water by the front door. Never leave without blessing yourselves with it. The name of Jesus is what makes the demons run. Plead The name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and St Micheal the Arc Angel to cover and protect you. Pray to your guardian angel daily and you will have no reason to be upset, excited nor afraid. Alright?
@@sheilasullivan1950 Thanks Shiela..yes try to sprinkle holy water 💧 every night everywhere..pray to Guardian angel daily w/7 Glory bes.......have huge crucifix downstairs with saints and big pictures of blessed Mother..love arts especially religious art... leaving the nativity set up also not putting it away anymore 🙏
Everyone should know that this fire was on the same evening as the Great Chicago Fire!! I have read articles previously that they think perhaps a meteor broke up and started both fires. I live just into the border of Illinois so only about 4 hours from the shrine. Have wanted to go since 2010 when I first heard of it! After this I think I may go for the 3 day weekend for Columbus Day (which my school system in Chicago now calls Indigenous People Day.)
You won't regret it.. It is So peaceful there. I lived near there growing up. Went as often as I could after I learned to drive... It's a wonderfully humble place.
what a nice video. I decided at 10 after seeing the story of Fatima to become Catholic. After an experience at 15 after fasting and prayer I asked God to show me what was the right church. At 19 I became a Catholic. 1.2 million acres?
I've done both the St Louis de Montfort consecration and the Mary's Mantle consecration. 2021 was an amazing year. The other day I was feeling quite oppressed. Fr Rippeger says to says the prayers of consecration and the oppression will lift. So I did that the other night. I immediately felt it leave and then the next day I found out there was also an underlying medical condition that may have given an opportunity for the oppression to enter. I'm dealing with the medical condition which will take time, but the oppression is definitely gone.
My 2 sisters and I have health problems. My brother in law was kind enough to take me to our Lady's shrine. But we didn't ask for help. Next time we want to go and ask for help. I know we will get help.
Thankyou Ladies for a lovely story on the 1st Saturday of the month. It prompted me to say the Rosary . There is a shrine in New York City called Our Lady of The Rose's Mary help of Mothers. Not approved but just as worthy to be honored as those that are. Thankyou Holy Trinity and our Holy Mother. Amen.
The other thing is the mysteries of the rosary teach the entire catechism of the church. The promises of Christ, what we are supposed to do (The Kerygma), our authority, the Armour we can wear into battle, and of course the 5 little stones that Mary tells us in Medjugorje. The Luminous mysteries are necessary to cover it all.
Madre Dios! Marie! Ma Mere! Mary! My Mother! Mystical Rose! Flower God chose! His Son's repose! You held Him first in your precious womb You cared and watched over the bloom And finally beneath the Cross's gloom O Mother most fair! You are always there! In You now we place our care Into your tender heart Our pledge is to become part To you we pray impart The Master's Loving Art!
Theres A Young Family Man Ñame Gabriel Castillo . In Sugarland Tx. He Is A Remarkable Catholic Teacher Who Teaches Young People About God And Mary. This Young Man Is Real Close To Our Lady Of Fátima. Should See His TH-cam Videos.👍❤️
We’re there Monday ( 8.15.22) got lost for almost 1/2 hour amidst the cornfield due to road construction. -[ This may be our 5th year of our pilgrimages to Our Lady of Good Help consequently in the course of every Feast of Assumptions. ] Perchance we’ll meet you soon in next year in Green Bay, WI.
There is an annual pilgrimage to the Shrine on the first Saturday in May. It is the Walk to Mary, a 21-mile walk from the National Shrine of St. Joseph on the campus of Saint Norbert College in De Pere to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. There are options for shorter routes for those who don't think they can walk the entire length, plenty of rest areas along the way, and volunteers who line the entire route to provide first aid, emergency services, and other assistance, even a ride for those who have simply had enough. I highly recommend a pilgrimage then, if you can schedule it. It's well attended! Hotels get booked early. I'd estimate there were at least a thousand pilgrims -- maybe more -- this past May, our first experience.
Meditatio by John Joseph She is there...she is always there..from the Absolute abandonment Of the Cave..to the Absolute abandonment Of the Cross..she is here She is always here ❤ Whether sharing a room With Rodan and Rembrandt..or Hanging From Hooks in beer Filled night air...she is There..she is always There...
When you mentioned nuns wearing traditional habits...I immediately thought of a video I just saw from pints with Aquinas where Matt was talking to Sister Natalia and Sister Gabriella about the time they befriended a biker gang, in which they made lifelong friendships....it all started because they were seen in their habits.
We need to pray for her, but I totally agree... Very upsetting to see her page. Sadly, all of the new age is steering people in the wrong direction. God will use them for His own Good. 🙏✝📿
Meditatio by John Joseph Our Almighty Father Chose His Ideal student Mary and she Alone Kept Perfect Attendance Even to the Father's Final class.... The Crucifixion
I am 81 years old. I am sure I will go to hell. I thought I was ok. But after hearing you I up the creak. I say daily rosaries but I am distracted. I am ill. All the doctors do is up the meds. I am a sinner. But I love God. These mystics are telling me the opposite. I was a happy person. I surrounded my self to God. Then I am told if I dont pray for this or that I am bound for hell. I have your. Book and am afraid to open it. Help me.
Dear Maria, if you love God and confess your sins, you are NOT going to hell. Never did any message we give says that if you don't pray for this or that, you are bound for hell. Please reject that message and those thoughts, they do not come from God or from us. God loves you, and God bless you.
That is about 30 Minutes from the house I grew up in a very rural place called Champion Wisconsin. If you get the chance to go.. Go... It is approved by the Vatican. That is the "Lady of Good Help." Umm.... It is not in the middle of the US.. It is the most East of the Midwest. We are closer to the East then the West. Heart Land yes because of all the faithful farm families. Middle of the US? erm... not really.. o.o I was born and raised in Wisconsin.. most people forget we are even there lol And... Champion is in the North East.... I am from Door County.. is on the way to my house. lol Sorry but... Its in the middle of nowhere.. If you can't get the right directions, you won't find it. God Bless!
✝️💖✝️💖✝️💖✝️💖✝️ It would be really nice, prayerful n truly CATHOLIC if by your example, we do/say the sign of the Cross before n after saying a prayer? It has always hurt me that you don’t do this for as long as I’ve been watching your UTube channel? And u didn’t do it again this time for the prayer??? I still love you guys heaps! ✝️💖✝️💖✝️💖✝️
Local parishes in southeast Wisconsin sponsor trips up there. The Shrine of Saint Maximilian Kolbe at Marytown (Libertyville, Illinois) also sponsored a trip, I think. I'd also check out pilgrimages by Steve Ray, a wonderful convert and evangelist for the Faith. He's always taking groups on pilgrimages around the world. Maybe they do one in the US.
@@QueenofPeaceMedia Yes. Btw centuries ago, the word "ghost" meant the thing the word "spirit" means now, an immaterial being. The word "ghost" today means something else, an apparition of dead material person. The language is different now, I love tradition but this aspect is I think misguided (maybe it sometimes comes from rejecting all modern, particularly Vatican 2). Personally I also love the latin origin of "spirit", rather than the germanic of "ghost".
The Litany of the Holy Spirit uses both forms. I wrote a song based on that litany. For me the song turned our that the Holy Spirit is gentle and calm. But, the Holy Ghost is exuberant and and loud. Later I learned that in the Irish tradition, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as a wild goose. Geese are bossy and noisy. They always want to round you up and don't let you get away with anything. And, that's what my song portrays. And, it seems to me it is important that the Holy Spirit can be whatever it needs to be for our good.
I can vouch for the protection of our mother. I witnessed this miracle in india during the 2004 tsunami. The water devastated the town but did not miraculously enter the Marian Shrine (Annai Velankanni- Our lady of good health where our lady is said to have appeared in india). I was in the church when the tsunami hit and the water did not enter the church but went all around 🙏🏼
Just love miracles
Amen. Beautiful!! Thankyou Most Blessed mother, for your love and protection over this Lady, and us all. Thankyou I love you Blessed Mother. Amen. Thankyou so much for sharing Nisha. ✝️🙏📿✝️🙏📿❤️💙❤️💙💕💕☘️☘️
I was just at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help last Friday. My husband and I stopped on our way up to Door County. It was beautiful, and so peaceful. We arrived just in time to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with one of the priests who reside there. I encourage everyone to go to the Shrine.
Awesome. I live in Door County.
@@suziohern4946 Our friends have a place in the backwoods of Ephraim, so we go up every year to visit. You live in a beautiful area!
Our first trip to Champion was on our way home from Door County, our favorite vacation spot.
I grew up near there. I miss it so much.
I can attest to the purple scapula. My next door neighbor's house caught on fire in 2020. We had just moved into our newly built homes only months earlier. Several fire trucks arrived on the scene. I have this beautiful scapula hanging in our home chapel. We were all in the chapel at the time and my big brother priest was visiting from Italy as well. The fire mysteriously stopped with little damage to my neighbor's house and none to mine. I attribute this miracle to this scapula.
My late father, Robert Allen was healed as an infant through this Shrine and Blessed Mother's intercession! August 15, 1937. He was a 4 month old infant paralyzed shortly after birth due to a medical intervention. My grandfather and uncle traveled to the shrine and prayed a novena on their knees around the altar. My father moved his legs for the first time at the same moment and never suffered any medical issues related to the initial injury for his entire life. I travelled to the Shrine for the 75th anniversary of this healing with 8 of my children. It is my hope to return again one day. Also, reading the book on the Peshtigo fires and the miraculous safety at the Shrine was amazing.
Christine Bacon, your family might benefit from hearing about the life of Father Ubald from Africa. He passed last year. I was cured of an injury during a Eucharistic healing Mass that he gave at my parish in 2019. His story is amazing and his healing ministry is legendary.
I am from the Oneida tribe and have gone twice to this shrine. The first time was with my brother who wasn't sure about his Catholic faith. I went again with my daughter to pray for my brother who died after learning about his cancer. He dedicated himself to Christ and his Mother after we had gone to mass at the shrine three years before. I now watch Father Aytona fill in for the priests from EWTN!
We visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in 2021... my wife was insistent that we go. I however was not all that convinced of any merits. WOW was I wrong! I found this to be spiritually uplifting and certainly blessed and Holy place of God and His power of Grace via intercession through the Blessed Mother. While there I received a call from a family member that my brother and sister-in-law were in the hospital both with extreme and life-threatening COVID... so I immediately took the opportunity to send up prayers to the Lady of Good Help for their healing... and YES everyone recovered. Our day at the Shrine was one of the most serene and peaceful days with many interior thoughts, prayers, reflections on the Love of God and his great MERCY.
My husband and I took a pilgrimage, just outsells from Florida to Wisconsin with spiritual stops along the way! Our Lady of Good Help was the main event and I had an amazing experience!
What happened?
The Statue of the Blessed Mother in the lower level is so special. I prayed the Rosary in Latin on the rosary trail, and a little kitty followed me the whole way. No one else was there - it was in early spring. Very Holy place!
You didn’t take it home ? Was it homeless?
The eyes on that statue seem to come to life for me.. I never want to leave the cript.
Absolutely loved the story, thank you so much for sharing. Our Blessed Mother is looking for us to repent, believe and trust God and Jesus. ˚ ◌༘♡ ⋆。˚ ꕥ
This Holy shrine of Mother Mary is soaked with pure grace. I was blessed to go many years ago when there was only the church... it has grown and pilgrims are coming in greater numbers today.. You won't regret going and listening to the quiet heartbeat of Mary in the Apparition Chapel. The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Movement is offering a conference there this weekend, 3rd year at this Holy Shrine. Mary's message of love and repentance remains consistent in all ages, in all places, to all hearts. Forever grateful to you Christine for being a part of Mary's Cause!
In the 70s I was fortunate to go to Our Lady of Good Help to discern whether I was being called to religious life. During one of the evenings I left my bed and went down to the cript where Mother appeared. There were 100s of crutches surrounding the walls. So many healings. I felt an incredible closeness that night to Mary. 30 years later when I was visiting there I experienced a physical healing. Mother is so good. If you go there you WILL experience PEACE!
Our Lady of Good Help is full of Grace! There have been many miracles which the Bishop called in the Mayo Clinic to document! I myself had experienced a miracle through my daughter! Praise be Jesus Christ and His Mother!
Love loved loved your own story, Christine Bacon, about trusting in God's providence when you were so impoverished...I could certainly relate to your story when I had to leave my husband and left, with children, in poverty. Thank you so much for your beautiful story...it is so encouraging, especially with what is coming for humanity.
I have heard of this apparition before, but I don't think a lot of people know about it. Thank you for sharing this.
I’m a PA resident for my 57 years. Never heard of it either 👌😭🙏
Thank you for sharing this about the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. I live just 30 miles from the Shrine so I go there often. You did an amazing job explaining about Sister Adele and Our Blessed Mother's appearance there. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Hi Suzi your friend in Christ Jeanne
It is so beautiful but hidden. You can feel the presence of Mother ❤️
I am SO worried for our country and our children.
Me too...I just stare at the 2 year olds...wishing I could cover them in scapular with prayer..like dip em in demon repellant extra strength.
Talking to others people's children seems very tricky...eeep.
Just went there …..it is truly calming and such a wonderful place.
I was just there this past weekend! It was great. My devotion to Mary has been renewed.
Definitely getting a purple scapular for our family and children. Going to start the consecration to Mary very soon. We must share our blessings and these special graces!
I had gone thru the same thing. One time I didn’t have money to buy milk nor food for my 3 yr old. I was left there at the register. Luckily my father came from outta town and was visiting and helped us. My heart goes out to all striving single parents. Mary help us. ❤✝️🙏
Please 🙏🙏🙏🙏 pray for me and my children...my kids William and Ann really need prayers... just lost my mother in April and my elderly father is ill...my children are sad because they are very close to their grandparents
Praying for all of you and your mother's soul! 🙏❤🙏
I will remember you all in my rosary tonight. Amen. God Bless And Protect you and yours Always AMEN 🙏✝️📿✝️🙏✝️📿💕💕☘️☘️☘️
Belgium needs Adele as a patron with all that's happening there in both Church and secular matters. We need her patronage here too for the same reasons.
I love watching your videos and constantly on the look out for them.
Thank you from Australia 🇦🇺
Yes, Mama Mary intercedes...thank you for sharing your experience.😇
Christine is also a beautiful shine of our Lady of Guadalupe in La Cross, Wis , is so peaceful place as well as Holly hill in Hubertus wis .
Teaching Catechism, Sign of the Cross, and how to approach the Sacraments... 🙏✝📿Amen
Saint Bernadette said that she learned how to make the Sign of the Cross with due reverence by watching Our Lady in The Grotto during the apparitions at Lourdes.
When I was helping my friend to enter the Church, I realized for the first time, how simple yet complex the Catholic faith is. In listening to Adele's story, I'm reminded of it and have a new realization to add...the simplicity and complexity of the Catholic Faith mimicks the duality of Jesus...he was born poor, lived simply, but in truth, is King. I see this difference in the multiple adoration chapels in my area...some extremely plain and simple...others with a throne suited for The King
Thank you Jesus for letting your mother save me I will always be devoted to you and your mother Jesus
I consecrate my family to Mary. Planning to consecrate my whole house and land to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus
Planning trip soon. Loved this. Thank you.
Thank you for the info. I live in Minnesota!! Never heard of the shrine, but will definitely be going!!!
I’m in MN also and went there this past July. The thing I noticed in the grotto was the warmth inside which I initially thought was warmth from all the candles that are lit inside because it’s a small space. I mentioned the warmth to my husband after we left because it was a beautiful warmth not a sticky, hot, kind of warmth. My husband said he noticed that too and he happened to look at the thermostat on the wall and it was a perfect 78 degrees which is unusual he said because the grotto is half underground and the outside temp was only 70 so it’s unusual that it would be so warm inside the grotto. I have no doubt it was the warmth of heaven inside. It’s a beautiful place.
Thank you for telling us about Our Lady of Good Help.
I really needed to hear this.
I went there June 2020. Beautiful. I definitely got Grace’s for going
Please do a more specific video on what led up to Bishop Ricken’s making his decision. Almost 140 years had passed. What changed? What were the particulars that led to his decision? It was during the depths of the pandemic while praying the rosary daily that knowledge of Our Lady of Good Help first came to me. “Why didn’t the nuns in Catholic school teach me about this?” I wondered. Now I know-because I am not currently 12. * * *. The fire story reminds me of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Our Lady quick to help, during a fire that ravaged the French Quarter in New Orleans. The Ursuline nuns held up her statue that they had brought from France and prayed the rosary. As the fire approached the area of the cathedral and Ursuline convent, the wind shifted. Fire did not touch their area. Our Lady: sometimes very, very quick to help, sometimes in heaven’s quickness of time, but always with good, good help. Blessings.
Thank you very much , for beautiful story. My be God bless you all
"Pray!!" - out of the mouths of babes. So precious. Great share!! .... Thank you, ladies, for a great video about Our Lady of Good Help. Great to remember and reflect...
Wow! I'd heard of Our Lady of Good Help, but didn't know the apparition took place in Wisconsin! Maybe I can visit there one day.🙏🏻
Ive been to the apparition. I did the 21-mile pilgrimage. It was life changing.
I've just moved here to Wisconsin from Chicago... so grateful to God I'm blessed...been to the Shrine few times..going tomorrow 🙏...every time we go something good always happens we get a blessing 🙌...my son Michael fell asleep in the car once in parking lot and felt a woman's hand petting his head..I think 🤔 it was our Lady he was born Aug 22nd her feast day... the statue of our lady at the Shrine resembles Melania trump no kidding
Jesus said...Be NOT afraid, I go before you, always. Come, follow ME and I will show you rest.
Put up a crucifix in your home, holy water by the front door. Never leave without blessing yourselves with it. The name of Jesus is what makes the demons run. Plead The name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and St Micheal the Arc Angel to cover and protect you. Pray to your guardian angel daily and you will have no reason to be upset, excited nor afraid. Alright?
@@sheilasullivan1950 Thanks Shiela..yes try to sprinkle holy water 💧 every night everywhere..pray to Guardian angel daily w/7 Glory bes.......have huge crucifix downstairs with saints and big pictures of blessed Mother..love arts especially religious art... leaving the nativity set up also not putting it away anymore 🙏
Everyone should know that this fire was on the same evening as the Great Chicago Fire!! I have read articles previously that they think perhaps a meteor broke up and started both fires. I live just into the border of Illinois so only about 4 hours from the shrine. Have wanted to go since 2010 when I first heard of it! After this I think I may go for the 3 day weekend for Columbus Day (which my school system in Chicago now calls Indigenous People Day.)
So good, thank you ladies for making this video!
Yes we need more pilgrimage l in America, Our Mother of help in Wisconsin waiting for us to come I think.
You won't regret it.. It is So peaceful there. I lived near there growing up. Went as often as I could after I learned to drive... It's a wonderfully humble place.
what a nice video. I decided at 10 after seeing the story of Fatima to become Catholic. After an experience at 15 after fasting and prayer I asked God to show me what was the right church. At 19 I became a Catholic. 1.2 million acres?
The late Father Ubald said champion is the Lourdes of the USA
Thank you both so much! What a beautiful story ! This was truly a hidden gem.
I've done both the St Louis de Montfort consecration and the Mary's Mantle consecration. 2021 was an amazing year.
The other day I was feeling quite oppressed. Fr Rippeger says to says the prayers of consecration and the oppression will lift. So I did that the other night. I immediately felt it leave and then the next day I found out there was also an underlying medical condition that may have given an opportunity for the oppression to enter. I'm dealing with the medical condition which will take time, but the oppression is definitely gone.
Love you, ladies!!! Hod bless you! ♥️🙏👸
I am allway looking for your videos I just Love whaching your videos ❤️❤️
You should do a pilgrimage for all of us . . . We would love to go along!!!
My 2 sisters and I have health problems. My brother in law was kind enough to take me to our Lady's shrine. But we didn't ask for help. Next time we want to go and ask for help. I know we will get help.
Thank you Ladies!
Thank you for your insight may you be blessed for sharing
The nun that brought me back to the Church wears a habit. I think it's very holy.
Thankyou Ladies for a lovely story on the 1st Saturday of the month. It prompted me to say the Rosary . There is a shrine in New York City called Our Lady of The Rose's Mary help of Mothers. Not approved but just as worthy to be honored as those that are. Thankyou Holy Trinity and our Holy Mother. Amen.
Our Lord is an awesome God!
We just went to the Mary’s Walk this Saturday, about 5, 000 people
Thank you and God Bless you both 🙏♥️
I want to go here so bad.. Can't wait. I will one day!
I always enjoy listening to you two ladies, thanks. BTW . . . KNEEL, FOR I AM THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN. WoW!
Thank you Christine!
I will make a trip there very soon . So wonderful to have that near home !
I had never heard about it .
Let me know when there is a pilgrimage so I can go. I love our lady. 🙏
The other thing is the mysteries of the rosary teach the entire catechism of the church. The promises of Christ, what we are supposed to do (The Kerygma), our authority, the Armour we can wear into battle, and of course the 5 little stones that Mary tells us in Medjugorje. The Luminous mysteries are necessary to cover it all.
I have one of the blessed scapulars hanging above the entrance of my home, and during a recent hail storm my house/roof didn't receive any damage.
Madre Dios!
Marie! Ma Mere!
Mary! My Mother!
Mystical Rose!
Flower God chose!
His Son's repose!
You held Him first in your precious womb
You cared and watched over the bloom
And finally beneath the Cross's gloom
O Mother most fair!
You are always there!
In You now we place our care
Into your tender heart
Our pledge is to become part
To you we pray impart
The Master's Loving Art!
Theres A Young Family Man Ñame Gabriel Castillo . In Sugarland Tx. He Is A Remarkable Catholic Teacher Who Teaches Young People About God And Mary. This Young Man Is Real Close To Our Lady Of Fátima. Should See His TH-cam Videos.👍❤️
We’re there Monday ( 8.15.22) got lost for almost 1/2 hour amidst the cornfield due to road construction. -[ This may be our 5th year of our pilgrimages to Our Lady of Good Help consequently in the course of every Feast of Assumptions. ] Perchance we’ll meet you soon in next year in Green Bay, WI.
There is an annual pilgrimage to the Shrine on the first Saturday in May. It is the Walk to Mary, a 21-mile walk from the National Shrine of St. Joseph on the campus of Saint Norbert College in De Pere to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion. There are options for shorter routes for those who don't think they can walk the entire length, plenty of rest areas along the way, and volunteers who line the entire route to provide first aid, emergency services, and other assistance, even a ride for those who have simply had enough.
I highly recommend a pilgrimage then, if you can schedule it. It's well attended! Hotels get booked early. I'd estimate there were at least a thousand pilgrims -- maybe more -- this past May, our first experience.
Thank you so much God bless you both 💕
When exactly in May, so I can plan it?
It seems more east. How wonderful it would be to visit!
Visiting Our Lady of Good Help along with other devotees October 19th, 2022
Wisconsin ❤️🔥🙏🏼🌹planing to go soon ! ❤️🔥🙏🏼🌹
Meditatio by John Joseph
She is there...she is always there..from the
Absolute abandonment
Of the Cave..to the
Absolute abandonment
Of the Cross..she is here
She is always here ❤
Whether sharing a room
With Rodan and Rembrandt..or Hanging
From Hooks in beer
Filled night air...she is
There..she is always
Love you both . Love your show
Where in Wisconsin?
@@connieandrews8822 in Brown County, approximately 15 miles east of Green Bay.
I visited there and want to go again.....
Hello Christine, could you maybe once invite Immaculee Ilibagiza on your show? She wrote the book on the Lady of Kibeho.
When you mentioned nuns wearing traditional habits...I immediately thought of a video I just saw from pints with Aquinas where Matt was talking to Sister Natalia and Sister Gabriella about the time they befriended a biker gang, in which they made lifelong friendships....it all started because they were seen in their habits.
Beautiful 🌷🌷🌷
I love you both 💟
Ma Marys beauty is hevenly wow super
We need to pray for her, but I totally agree... Very upsetting to see her page. Sadly, all of the new age is steering people in the wrong direction.
God will use them for His own Good. 🙏✝📿
@@eyesofamessenger AMEN MY FRIEND 💜💜💜🌷🌷🌷
@@CristianaCatólica 😘✝📿
Been there. Just beautiful
Christine, you’re from Wisconsin?!
Hello from Oshkosh!
Center of US is Kansas!! KCI airport a great center or driving I-70 east and west
Where did you get that mosaic image of our lady of Guadalupe?? I want it! ❤🥰
Meditatio by John Joseph
Our Almighty Father Chose His Ideal student
Mary and she Alone
Kept Perfect Attendance
Even to the Father's
Final class....
The Crucifixion
I am 81 years old. I am sure I will go to hell. I thought I was ok. But after hearing you I up the creak. I say daily rosaries but I am distracted. I am ill. All the doctors do is up the meds. I am a sinner. But I love God. These mystics are telling me the opposite. I was a happy person. I surrounded my self to God. Then I am told if I dont pray for this or that I am bound for hell. I have your. Book and am afraid to open it. Help me.
Dear Maria, if you love God and confess your sins, you are NOT going to hell. Never did any message we give says that if you don't pray for this or that, you are bound for hell. Please reject that message and those thoughts, they do not come from God or from us. God loves you, and God bless you.
I believe the Guardian Angles of America were introduced there.
Archangel Sardus (Strength of GOD) and Sultra
That is about 30 Minutes from the house I grew up in a very rural place called Champion Wisconsin. If you get the chance to go.. Go... It is approved by the Vatican. That is the "Lady of Good Help."
Umm.... It is not in the middle of the US.. It is the most East of the Midwest. We are closer to the East then the West. Heart Land yes because of all the faithful farm families. Middle of the US? erm... not really.. o.o
I was born and raised in Wisconsin.. most people forget we are even there lol
And... Champion is in the North East.... I am from Door County.. is on the way to my house. lol
Sorry but... Its in the middle of nowhere.. If you can't get the right directions, you won't find it.
God Bless!
How do i get these scapulars? My whole family lives in Calif.
They are available here: www.queenofpeacemedia.com
Great video but this isnt the ONLY approved apparition in the US. What about Our Lady of the Ozarks for starters?
I have been like 4 times is super with wife and 4 kids
It would be really nice, prayerful n truly CATHOLIC if by your example, we do/say the sign of the Cross before n after saying a prayer?
It has always hurt me that you don’t do this for as long as I’ve been watching your UTube channel? And u didn’t do it again this time for the prayer??? I still love you guys heaps! ✝️💖✝️💖✝️💖✝️
When will the movie come out The Warning 😇
Do you know of any organized pilgrimages that go there?
Local parishes in southeast Wisconsin sponsor trips up there. The Shrine of Saint Maximilian Kolbe at Marytown (Libertyville, Illinois) also sponsored a trip, I think. I'd also check out pilgrimages by Steve Ray, a wonderful convert and evangelist for the Faith. He's always taking groups on pilgrimages around the world. Maybe they do one in the US.
Very touching. I hope I get there.
Need to fix the Queen of Good Success to Good Help in first paragraph
Saint Bernadette signed herself...”IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND THE SON, AND THE HOLY GHOST” not Holy Spirit!
She didn't speak English. She was French. In France, they say, "Au nom du Pere et du Fils et du Saint-Esprit."
A ghost is dead.. The Holy Spirit is not dead... God Bless.
I went in June 2020 it was very emotional. My son lived in Green Bay and I so wish he had gone before his death on October 16, 2019
@@QueenofPeaceMedia Yes. Btw centuries ago, the word "ghost" meant the thing the word "spirit" means now, an immaterial being. The word "ghost" today means something else, an apparition of dead material person. The language is different now, I love tradition but this aspect is I think misguided (maybe it sometimes comes from rejecting all modern, particularly Vatican 2). Personally I also love the latin origin of "spirit", rather than the germanic of "ghost".
The Litany of the Holy Spirit uses both forms. I wrote a song based on that litany. For me the song turned our that the Holy Spirit is gentle and calm. But, the Holy Ghost is exuberant and and loud. Later I learned that in the Irish tradition, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as a wild goose. Geese are bossy and noisy. They always want to round you up and don't let you get away with anything.
And, that's what my song portrays. And, it seems to me it is important that the Holy Spirit can be whatever it needs to be for our good.
The Holy State Of Wisconsin. Ray E K's State
Study Mary..learn Christ
To Jesus through Mary