At 5 minutes when he just fucking bodies that peach is so disgusting, it barely takes 4 seconds and this man is dead and gone. In 10 seconds he went from having a chance to total defeat.
I've been keeping up with a few smash channel uploads, and today I've seen two of the best smash videos in a long time, and it just happens to be my birthday. This video was fucking amazing. Holy shit, those reads
love how in the evo clip against westballz you can see johnny's hands shaking from the nerves when he takes a drink of his red bull, i can only imagine how much of a rush that must feel like
ORLY's reaction to that reverse upward angled forward tilt looool Since it seems like Darkrain will never play again I have to decide who my favorite Falcon is, but I can't choose between n0ne and S2J
I love that so many of these Johnny stocks end up with his opponent laughing about the combo and S2J still looking like a stone cold killer (or even better, with a slight smirk).
I've wanted to say this for ages but that shrill shriek at the end of the last highlighted Johnny stock against Lucky was my buddy and I. The remaining spectators who witnessed that last match of the tournament was less than 10 people. Felt very privileged to witness that.
This is probably my second comment on this video but I had to revisit it years later. Hands down my favorite Smash player. So stoic most of the time, but capable of popping off and being so goofy. Incredibly hype Falcon.
6:11 "He's gotta grab the ledge. He's gotta grab the ledge." Goes straight offstage with the improvsied edgeguard. "Fuck you Scar." he said My favorite Johnny moment ever lmao
Ok wow, pretty sure that second bonus clip was actually one of the best ones on here. Edgegaurd scenario, the ledge hop stomp into perfectly spaced double jump to avoid/bait getup attack, into tomahawk upthrow, reverse up angle forward tilt, weak knee upair.... holy shit. Even ORLY popped off lol, his face said his name
I know Falcon is a volatile character, either gets destroyed or destroys, but when Johnny destroys someone its so balls to the wall and clean that I can't help but be amazed. Johnny's fucking nuuuuuuuts
It was great to see guy's like hungrybox and mew2king reacting to getting stomped like that. It's like there is nothing you can do to stop this guy when he get's rolling in a Johnny Stock.
Johnny's version of a pop-off is to hydrate
Or on the rare occasion manhandling a chair
This needs to be top comment
Tony C or perhaps an act of violence to an adolescent
The triple cup hydration
you know he's excited whenever he starts chewing his gum harder
10:05 Guy is straight shook by that f-tilt
that's ORLY from chicago. super homie. awesome dude.
i was too
Bro he was tight
I was too !!
the most classic johnny stock at #1. "I was up 100% and then Johnny grabbed me"
I love how nobody is ever upset about getting bodied by S2J. Everyone just laughs like "Yeah man, that was C L E A N."
Mark Carter I know right. It also helps that he doesn't make a huge deal out of it
Everyone except MacD he was pretty salty lol
Noel Ramos That’s because Macd is always butthurt
Felix Huppert i c what u did there
Ice gets hit wit an overexcited johnny waving around a chair
Ice: Man i'm just trying to hug you
man, johnny's so calm about his combos. if i could ever do half the stuff he could, i'd pop off so hard hbox would be jealous.
Or pick up a chair in his instance.
ya but then you see his hands shaking at 6:43 when he takes his headphones off. he's human too n shit
Crimson Fucker who?
Vegachamp wizzy. It’s a meme.
tstsdrtsdrtstststsdrtsdrtsts if you main falcon you have to have no soul or emotions like s2j, wizzy and none
@5:52 That was almost a real life Johnny Stock. Good thing Ice spot dodged in time
I would've flinched if I was in Ice's position too
I love how awkward it is for Ice, he is like "vhat de fahk?"
Eltrotraw true he has to preserve those good looks somehow
8:09 M2K smiling because he knows he just got styled on.
Bruh you know M2K laughed about that one during the drive home
8:33 I love how Hbox recognizes how awesome that combo was
melee players know style
Yeah M2k as well
he even fist pumps after Johnny gets it he's really into it haha
Someone has to pop off, jonny sure won't.
@@ubberJakerz if he does then the chair and the stage is done
You're always at kill percent againts Johnny.
SLIME lmao
You spawn at kill%
@@ubberJakerz as a smash ultimate player when it comes to hero your at kill percent no matter what
@@hyperbruh6413 lmfao 🤣
That guy's reaction at 10:00 to the forward tilt is hilarious!
that's ORLY from chicago. super homie. awesome dude.
daquist18 is that wario in the one clip where they’re screaming “oh really”
8:32 HBox' reaction makes that all the better.
S2J’s power is directly correlated to how much water he drinks, and that’s why after a Johnny stock, he has to drink lots of water
This is hands down one of the best Captain Falcon videos I've ever seen in my life
aw hell yeah you out the chair pop off
Finna smash him irl too
*Does Godlike falcon combo no one could ever replicate*
Johnny: Drinks water
@@jazzabighits4473 And a redbull
@@jazzabighits4473 and a mystery cup!
@@GameStrikerX2 The triple drink combo, signature Johnny
I'm so glad Johnny plays smash. We need this level of aggression/swag!
Johnny is the type of player where even if I want the other person to win... I still want Johnny to win.
Don't forget the water-drinking :P
And the Red Bull-drinking. And whatever was in the mystery cup.
8:30 hbox's reaction to actually getting hit with that is hilarious, you can only respect it
At 5 minutes when he just fucking bodies that peach is so disgusting, it barely takes 4 seconds and this man is dead and gone. In 10 seconds he went from having a chance to total defeat.
10:07 how do you even attempt an f-tilt like that
Idk if he was going for it. I've done it before on accident going for an up throw > knee but instead angled an ftilt
That shit was disgusting. Johnny is a god
You use the notches
Maybe he did it accidentally but he was prepared to follow it up. Probably has practiced everything lol
You gotta love the lil appreciative smiles on the opponents' faces after he pulls that shit off. Good sportsmanship and a love of the game
I love that both m2k and hbox give those combos the respect they deserve
5:28 brings me back. Playing melee on a crummy box tv w/ my friends, nostalgic
5:18 might be the most disgusting "BM" combo I've ever seen. And it was beautiful.
10:00 the technology, man
Just Johnny things.
Top 20 S2J Johnny Sips
His Falcon play at 7:13 is absolute poetry, and all the announcers can say is "this is a meatball sub?"
3:10 ends the game at 420 in true Johnny fashion
shame it wasn’t 4:20.69 but still sick tho
The best part about this video is that whoever gets comboed is always happier than S2J because they know they got to witness something sick
There's "get fucked"
but on a johnny stock you get
So Johnny, how does it feel to be the best in the world?
Johnny: *take a sip, walks away*
I love how whenever someone gets bodied by an S2J combo they smile.
He even got a smile out of M2K.
Easily my favorite player to watch. Able to pull off fucking incredible combos, and he just gets better and better as the years go on.
I love Johnny stocks. Agressive, precise, and helpless throughout it haha. Thank you GR
I’m convinced the last combo on lucky is the greatest falcon combo ever.
I've been keeping up with a few smash channel uploads, and today I've seen two of the best smash videos in a long time, and it just happens to be my birthday. This video was fucking amazing. Holy shit, those reads
S M O K E 2 J O I N T S
Love how everyone just smiles after getting destroyed by these, that's a sensation most ICs and Puffs never get to feel.
so s2j walks in, johnny stocks ur girls ass then shotguns a redbull. wyd?
Please no
Fist bump
Take it like a champ
love how in the evo clip against westballz you can see johnny's hands shaking from the nerves when he takes a drink of his red bull, i can only imagine how much of a rush that must feel like
ORLY's reaction to that reverse upward angled forward tilt looool
Since it seems like Darkrain will never play again I have to decide who my favorite Falcon is, but I can't choose between n0ne and S2J
Watching S2j play just feels so right
I love that so many of these Johnny stocks end up with his opponent laughing about the combo and S2J still looking like a stone cold killer (or even better, with a slight smirk).
Johnny Johnny?
Yes papa?
Taking stocks in 3 seconds?
No papa.
Telling LIES?
0:47 I didn’t know leafy plays in smash tournaments. Must’ve been rough for him after his channel died
SevenHours29 those techs tho
SevenHours29 he just uploaded a vid like 2 days ago
SevenHours29 his channel definitely isn't dead. I don't watch him, and I used to think he was, but he definitely isn't.
I've wanted to say this for ages but that shrill shriek at the end of the last highlighted Johnny stock against Lucky was my buddy and I. The remaining spectators who witnessed that last match of the tournament was less than 10 people. Felt very privileged to witness that.
Love how at 10:08 Orly takes a split second, looking to the side, as to confirm whether that UAFT really wasn't violating any conventions
It would be amazing to hear the crowd chant "Johnny stock!" when Johnny gets that combo going.
8:41 He already knew
This Captain Falcon turns Smash into DBZ fight.
I think it's dope how each player has their own style. Johnny's is being ridiculous at comboing
This is probably my second comment on this video but I had to revisit it years later. Hands down my favorite Smash player. So stoic most of the time, but capable of popping off and being so goofy. Incredibly hype Falcon.
Against s2j your whole set is a highlight reel
S2J my favorite smasher. It would be amazing to see him win a major. Need to check out his stream
6:11 "He's gotta grab the ledge. He's gotta grab the ledge."
Goes straight offstage with the improvsied edgeguard. "Fuck you Scar." he said
My favorite Johnny moment ever lmao
6:11: "He's gonna grab the ledge" 6:13: That's where you're wrong man
7:28 Can he live tho he asks. The knee answers no
Did he really have to grab the ledge tho?
Ok wow, pretty sure that second bonus clip was actually one of the best ones on here. Edgegaurd scenario, the ledge hop stomp into perfectly spaced double jump to avoid/bait getup attack, into tomahawk upthrow, reverse up angle forward tilt, weak knee upair.... holy shit.
Even ORLY popped off lol, his face said his name
This whole video was a rollercoaster omG
5:15 literally did the None and made it his own
5:57 S2J was about to bash that man's head in.
this whole video is great, S2J is amazing
a quick moment of silence for our boy milkman
Dan Miller I got fucked
That Dreamhack against Hungrybox with walljump into reverse light bair into knee is frightening
First Also Top 10 Chillindude Bodybags.
Mark Mode I second this
I third this
5:48 Johnny never pops off for the protection of his opponents. His power would be unable to be stopped if he every ceased withholding it.
In these moments, legend has it that S2J briefly becomes a Super Saiyan.
There are 2 falcons in the top 10 this year
Nothing like watching Johnny hit that Multi-Drink **sip** combo after a stock like that
Johnny always looks like he can do better after pulls these amazing combos lol
I know Falcon is a volatile character, either gets destroyed or destroys, but when Johnny destroys someone its so balls to the wall and clean that I can't help but be amazed. Johnny's fucking nuuuuuuuts
Shaun Li had to go into hiding after he pushed that button in black mirror. Glad to see he's a beast in melee.
Like a damn beautiful butterfly!
NaJk93 Flow like a butterfly, sting like a knee ;)
It was great to see guy's like hungrybox and mew2king reacting to getting stomped like that. It's like there is nothing you can do to stop this guy when he get's rolling in a Johnny Stock.
One of the hypest videos of all time
Lol the chair.
I love Jonny holy shit. All these Falcon players are personalities.
You know it’s real when Tafo gets hype af
I can imagine Jonny just trying to look as ice as possible but in his head he’s just high fiving himself
When Johnny smiles, the world smiles.
3:10 set ends at 4:20 Smoke 2 Joints confirmed
Sip 2 Jrinks
That second to last one was so dirty
5:57 mang0 just ROFLING
By far, my favorite top # videos, clutch2j
S2J: sit the fudge down lol
Opponent: cry’s in the inside
0:36 that was legit the only time I have seen falcon down tilt in melee
aw, man, you haven't seen this classic falcon combo with that beautiful down tilt?
Oh my god. That wall jump to reverse back air to knee on Hungrybox was one of the filthiest things I’ve ever seen.
8:00 I think that’s the fattest, cleanest cpt flacon combo I’ve ever seen
that up-angled forward tilt omg
*takes stock*
*takes sip*
Just another day. I love S2J
Calmy drinks his Redbull
I think I could see Hungrybox *enjoying* being combo'd in that clip. S2J is just that fun to watch. Even if you're the one hes comboing
The popoff at 9:07 is just fucking amazing
I just love how s2j looks like an old Asian man at work
Could watch these forever
reminds me of Shrek when they are in the wrestling rink and the lady screams GIVE HIM THE CHAIR! classic
where is when s2j tried to dair abate but then big heccin invisible celing made him go oof
That's not a Johnny Stock though...
Top 10 abate luigi moments thats where
Yung Nikey where*
RiftWalker wear*
heccin fuccin thicc boi did the twurtle doggo birb oof
5:52 That spot dodge by Ice though.
Johnny hits so hard that his opponents straight up vanish because they broke the sound barrier.
You know your combo is good when even HBox approves of it.