Holy cow are they good. It's hard to believe people can actually do that. Anyone that knows juggling knows that as the numbers increase the degree of difficulty increases exponentially. This is just awesome.
@JKxXxDIABOLOxXxJK It used to be a limit of 10 points, and points off from the stepping forward. They probably did a 40 point routine, but the limit was 10.
I had a class with Vova! I knew he could juggle, but had no idea how famous he is!
Holy cow are they good. It's hard to believe people can actually do that. Anyone that knows juggling knows that as the numbers increase the degree of difficulty increases exponentially. This is just awesome.
lol I love the part where Penn is like 'they're doing 9 clubs back to back, just because they hate me'
Vova was 17 and olga 14
Thank you Vova, for making dropping-all-your-clubs-at-the-end-of-successful-tricks cool
1:32 the catch that boy made.. bloody hell...
Amazing 👍👍👍
You're right! Let's just stick in a random kickup during 8 clubs!
Wow amazing
The commentators are the best xD
Lol, it’s Penn Jillette.
Oh, Olga!
Thanks, just making sure.
I like that last facial expression, like "fuck yeah, I just did that and you can suck it".
@NovaStraCe yes it is...is penn jillette..is a juggler too
The announcer keeps calling him Volva, it's Vova
as he said, they had to make some minor corrections. but still incredible o.O
That's what he is saying.
They did two small mistakes but adding 3 extra clubs and their flawless routine and tricks should definitely make up for that.
They can almost form an entire bowling lane
They look like PX3 Vegas.
Got here from NerdCubed. :)
@JKxXxDIABOLOxXxJK It used to be a limit of 10 points, and points off from the stepping forward. They probably did a 40 point routine, but the limit was 10.
I think they are hilarious.
@NovaStraCe It says at the beginning Penn Jillette.
"I thought the commentators were Penn Gilette and Ben Jennings."
Yes, they were Penn Jillette and Ben Jennings.
Whats the name of the music, please.
Brilliant juggling, as always.
Never thought I'd say this about someone named Olga but she's not half bad looking
vF3ARv1 jjjj
they stepped forward
Olga looked bored with 9 insane
My biceps hurt now.
@boneheadproductions1 That would be awesome..
it said they were trained by jason garfield who is in the chriss bliss diss video
Nerdcubed brought me here.
nice man
those commants :p
It wasn't possible in 2004. Rules changed since then.
who won.
thats penn julettes voice!
By using an eighth one.
when was that
"snatches it out of the air like a vaccuum cleaner" ummm WHAT
its f*cking cool
is the wjf still on ESPN2?
how do you pass 7 clubs ( or balls)???
is that Madden?
9.86? wow, what happened to the last .14 points? lol.
9.86 from? how many can you get?
@@Galchenko bro that was 14 years ago 😂 i was 14 when i wrote that 😅
@@JannisKas I see. I just accidentally stumbled across your comment and decided to answer. :-)
the guy kinda looks like bad luck brian.
brian 9gag
2500th view
Vova is the best club Jugglers ever right?
No, wes peden is
No, Anthony Gatto is the best in solo club judging.
But Vova is better than Anthony in club passing.
I bet they save money by buying in bulk.
it is even possible to get more than 10 points in wjf competitions =/
"SHUT UP!!!"
Que estilo estos pirobos xd
Great juggling, not as into the commentary from John Madden!
That's Penn Jillette not John Madden.
lol, oh.
haha yea wtf