NG Wing-Mui (吳詠梅女士) Ms NG Wing Mui, well known as “Mui E” (Auntie Mui), is a master singer in both Cantonese operatic song yuetkuk and Cantonese narrative singing naamyam. Mui E began singing these two genres in her teens. Having been a professional singer since she was seven, Mui E made a name when she was thirteen. Since the 1930s she has made music with all of the most celebrated artists of Cantonese music, names we now only read from books. With eighty something years of practice and performance experience, Mui E excels in the two genres of yuetkuk and naamyam and is now considered a grand master artist of shiniang qiang (style of the blind female singers). In her early years she learnt from gushi (blind male singers) Liu Jiu and shiniang (blind female singers) Renxin and Yinjiao, capturing the essence of Cantonese naamyam singing. In addition to being a gifted singer, Mui E is also a very talented instrumental performer. She is especially skilled in two musical instruments, the long-neck plucked lute qinqin and the hammered dulcimer yangqin. In the 1940s, the prominent Hong Kong Cantonese musician, Siu Tit-hung, composed the famous piece “Flowing Water and Moving Clouds”. Chan Luk-Ping of Macau set this melody with lyrics and turned it into a well-known piece of Cantonese operatic song yuetkuk, “My Man Returns Late”. At thirteen, Mui E premiered the song and immediately gained a reputation in Hong Kong and Macau. Knowing of Mui E’s talent and fame, Siu went to Macau and played his musical instruments to Mui E’s singing. After their ensemble, he offered to take her as a disciple. At seventeen, having met her future husband, Mui E became a wife and home-maker, devoting herself totally to her family. Her heavenly singing disappeared from public performance for almost three decades. After raising five children, Mui E resumed to music making in her mid-forties, collaborating with the leading singers and musicians in the field. Since the 1980s, Mui E stopped singing in public but kept active as an accompanist and continued to perform with generations of singers and musicians. Her voice was heard again unexpectedly in 1996. It was on an occasion when she tried to help a senior male master singer get back to the right track after getting lost musically during a recording session of naamyam. Recognizing Mui E’s unique voice in the style of shiniang qiang, Yu Siu Wah, Director of the Chinese Music Archive at the Chinese University of Hong Kong repeatedly invited Mui E to sing naamyam since 2005 but was declined many times. Mui E preferred to stay low profile. After many persuasions and invitations, eventually in 2008, Mui E sang excerpts from the voluminous classic work “Counting the Five Hours at Night” (Tan Wugeng) at the Hong Kong Central Library. Her singing amazed the hall. Those who knew that particular singing style were excited to hear it again for it had not been heard for decades and they deemed Mui E a born again shiniang. Nevertheless, she is not a blind shiniang, the audience only attributed the title to her solely because of the musical style she accomplished. Mr. Sum Bing-wo, the renowned Macau music connoisseur and writer, was there that evening. Having just finished listening to Mui E’s “First Hour”, Sum immediately telephoned the Cultural Department of Macau and announced in excitement that he just heard the true cultural bearer of Cantonese naamyam. In 2009, Mui E was invited to sing at the Nan Lian Garden for the Hong Kong Arts Festival. Her singing moved the audience to tears. The Legislative Councilor Margaret Ng Hoi Yee (who is also a barrister and has learned the classical instrument of the scholar, guqin) and several cultural celebrities went backstage to greet her in person after the show. Subsequently, Macau TV invited Mui E to do a complete performance of “Counting the Five Hours at Night” on television. Only after that event did the Macau SAR Government realize such an amazing successor to the art of Cantonese naamyam and such a rare national treasure. It is for her mastering of the style of shiniang qiang of naamyam singing that the Macau government named her the cultural bearer of naamyam. The art of naamyam has subsequently been proposed to the Beijing central government as an item of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) with Mui E as one of the representative artists. Mui E received the Award of Distinction from the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government in February, 2012. Subsequently Mui E was nominated by the Macau SAR Government to the central government in Beijing as the successor of Cantonese Naamyam music - in particular, the shiniang qiang, with the title of “bearer” of ICH endorsed in August 2013. Mui E is now eighty-eight and has lived in Hong Kong for decades. She has played musical accompaniment for many big names in the Cantonese music field for over seventy years, including playing the qinqin for renowned naamyam singers, Kum Ming-Chiu and Au Kwan-Cheung and making CD recordings with them. Her qinqin accompaniment carries a pure tone and her technique has reached an exalted state. It is said that her accompaniment is like a shadow following its master, blending with the singing effortlessly. Currently, this voice of the bygone age of Mui E’s is embraced as the treasure of our cultural heritage, an invaluable tradition cherished through her unique devotion and commitment to the genre. In order to hand down this heritage of her art, she has taken talented students of naamyam and became more active in performance, despite her approaching ninety years of age. Mr Chairman, for her distinguished artistic contribution and her devotion to the continuation of the Cantonese art of naamyam as a national bearer of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cantonese singing, may I present Ms NG Wing-mui to you for conferment of the degree of Doctor of Humanities honoris causa.
NG Wing-Mui (吳詠梅女士)
Ms NG Wing Mui, well known as “Mui E” (Auntie Mui), is a master singer in both Cantonese operatic song yuetkuk and Cantonese narrative singing naamyam. Mui E began singing these two genres in her teens. Having been a professional singer since she was seven, Mui E made a name when she was thirteen. Since the 1930s she has made music with all of the most celebrated artists of Cantonese music, names we now only read from books. With eighty something years of practice and performance experience, Mui E excels in the two genres of yuetkuk and naamyam and is now considered a grand master artist of shiniang qiang (style of the blind female singers). In her early years she learnt from gushi (blind male singers) Liu Jiu and shiniang (blind female singers) Renxin and Yinjiao, capturing the essence of Cantonese naamyam singing. In addition to being a gifted singer, Mui E is also a very talented instrumental performer. She is especially skilled in two musical instruments, the long-neck plucked lute qinqin and the hammered dulcimer yangqin.
In the 1940s, the prominent Hong Kong Cantonese musician, Siu Tit-hung, composed the famous piece “Flowing Water and Moving Clouds”. Chan Luk-Ping of Macau set this melody with lyrics and turned it into a well-known piece of Cantonese operatic song yuetkuk, “My Man Returns Late”. At thirteen, Mui E premiered the song and immediately gained a reputation in Hong Kong and Macau. Knowing of Mui E’s talent and fame, Siu went to Macau and played his musical instruments to Mui E’s singing. After their ensemble, he offered to take her as a disciple. At seventeen, having met her future husband, Mui E became a wife and home-maker, devoting herself totally to her family. Her heavenly singing disappeared from public performance for almost three decades. After raising five children, Mui E resumed to music making in her mid-forties, collaborating with the leading singers and musicians in the field. Since the 1980s, Mui E stopped singing in public but kept active as an accompanist and continued to perform with generations of singers and musicians.
Her voice was heard again unexpectedly in 1996. It was on an occasion when she tried to help a senior male master singer get back to the right track after getting lost musically during a recording session of naamyam. Recognizing Mui E’s unique voice in the style of shiniang qiang, Yu Siu Wah, Director of the Chinese Music Archive at the Chinese University of Hong Kong repeatedly invited Mui E to sing naamyam since 2005 but was declined many times. Mui E preferred to stay low profile. After many persuasions and invitations, eventually in 2008, Mui E sang excerpts from the voluminous classic work “Counting the Five Hours at Night” (Tan Wugeng) at the Hong Kong Central Library. Her singing amazed the hall. Those who knew that particular singing style were excited to hear it again for it had not been heard for decades and they deemed Mui E a born again shiniang. Nevertheless, she is not a blind shiniang, the audience only attributed the title to her solely because of the musical style she accomplished. Mr. Sum Bing-wo, the renowned Macau music connoisseur and writer, was there that evening. Having just finished listening to Mui E’s “First Hour”, Sum immediately telephoned the Cultural Department of Macau and announced in excitement that he just heard the true cultural bearer of Cantonese naamyam.
In 2009, Mui E was invited to sing at the Nan Lian Garden for the Hong Kong Arts Festival. Her singing moved the audience to tears. The Legislative Councilor Margaret Ng Hoi Yee (who is also a barrister and has learned the classical instrument of the scholar, guqin) and several cultural celebrities went backstage to greet her in person after the show. Subsequently, Macau TV invited Mui E to do a complete performance of “Counting the Five Hours at Night” on television. Only after that event did the Macau SAR Government realize such an amazing successor to the art of Cantonese naamyam and such a rare national treasure. It is for her mastering of the style of shiniang qiang of naamyam singing that the Macau government named her the cultural bearer of naamyam. The art of naamyam has subsequently been proposed to the Beijing central government as an item of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) with Mui E as one of the representative artists. Mui E received the Award of Distinction from the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government in February, 2012. Subsequently Mui E was nominated by the Macau SAR Government to the central government in Beijing as the successor of Cantonese Naamyam music - in particular, the shiniang qiang, with the title of “bearer” of ICH endorsed in August 2013.
Mui E is now eighty-eight and has lived in Hong Kong for decades. She has played musical accompaniment for many big names in the Cantonese music field for over seventy years, including playing the qinqin for renowned naamyam singers, Kum Ming-Chiu and Au Kwan-Cheung and making CD recordings with them. Her qinqin accompaniment carries a pure tone and her technique has reached an exalted state. It is said that her accompaniment is like a shadow following its master, blending with the singing effortlessly.
Currently, this voice of the bygone age of Mui E’s is embraced as the treasure of our cultural heritage, an invaluable tradition cherished through her unique devotion and commitment to the genre. In order to hand down this heritage of her art, she has taken talented students of naamyam and became more active in performance, despite her approaching ninety years of age.
Mr Chairman, for her distinguished artistic contribution and her devotion to the continuation of the Cantonese art of naamyam as a national bearer of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cantonese singing, may I present Ms NG Wing-mui to you for conferment of the degree of Doctor of Humanities honoris causa.
一九九六年,香港中文大學音樂系教授余少華參與南音名家甘明超的錄音拍和,因緣際會得以記錄梅姨高超曲藝的一段軼事。甘明超當時已是八十三歲,錄音時稍稍失神,在環迴的南音樂句中茫茫然失了方向,未能收結。當時梅姨為甘明超拍和,見情勢不妙,於是開腔相助,帶他重入記憶,錄音得以完成。由於南音的旋律和行腔有不斷的重覆,它的過序(或稱過門) 特別如是,很有點「微模簡約」的樂風。和不少粵樂小曲一樣,南音樂句的連接很容易令唱者或演奏者「困雞籠」。若果稍不留神,會游不出週而復始的旋律汪洋,無休止地唱奏下去。就是甘明超這樣資深的名家和老手一不留神,也會自困。梅姨當年的說法是:「遊花園了!」。她的開腔相助是把唱者在遊花園後帶到出口,使一眾樂手與唱者不致在旋律上迷途,能連上結尾,完成全曲。
主席先生,吳詠梅女士體現並繼承了嶺南獨特的非物質文化財產,為國家級南音說唱代表性承傳人。為表揚吳女士成就非凡的藝術人生,本人謹恭請 閣下頒授榮譽人文學博士學位予吳詠梅女士。