I love this alot makes me proud to have a imam like imam Ali A.S 💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕 💕Ya Ali A.S💕
ya ALLAH,ya MOHAMAD,ya ALI,ya HASSAN,ya HUSSEIN,ya ABAL FADEL,ya ALI AL SAJAD,ya ALI AL ASGAR, ya ALI IBIN MOHAMAD,ya MUSA IBIN JA3FAR,ya ALI IBIN MUSA,ya HASSAN EL 3ASKARI,ya MAHDI (3),I think I said it all but yes these are all the grandsons and great grandsons of our prophet MOHAMAD s.a.w so where is the mistake?why are we kafri?why are we rawafed?common man we are very peaceful Shia who won't kneel or sell our rights,hayhat mina al zila
EMAN OF ABU TALIB IN THE LIGHT OF QURAN Certain Scholars basing their opinion on hadeeths are of the view that Hazrat Abu Talib didn’t recite testament of faith (Kalima) in his life time and adhered to the religion of Hazrat Abd Al-Muttalib, therefore, he was a non-muslim; and that Prophet Muhammad (SW) stated, ‘I shall pray for your forgiveness till I am refrained to do so’. In support of their opinion they refer to Sura Tawba Verse-113 that states, ‘It is not for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the forgiveness of idolaters even though they may be near of kin (to them) after it hath become clear that they are people of hell-fire’. However, in the same Sura Verse-23 it is stated, ‘O you who believe! Don’t take your fathers and your brothers for guardians if they love unbelief more than belief; and who ever of you takes them for a guardian are the unjust’. Additionally, in verse 80 of subject Sura it is mentioned, ‘Ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah will not forgive them; this is because they disbelieve in Allah and the Apostle, and Allah does not guide the transgressing people’. Surah Tawba was revealed in 9 Hijra and Hazrat Abu Talib died about two years before the commencement of Hijra year. Additionally, in Verse-22 of Sura Majaadila that was revealed in 2nd Hijra it is stated, ‘You shall not find people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers, sons, brothers or their kinsfolk ’. If the proclaimed view is accepted, then how it is possible for the Prophet to pray for forgiveness when it is contrary to the orders given in earlier Verses 23 and 80 of Sura Tawba and Verse-22 of Sura Mujaadila, assuming Hazrat Abu Talib was a non-muslim. No action of the Prophet is against the will of Allah (Sura Najm Verse-3). Under subject evidence the Verse-113 of Sura Tawba cannot be applied to Hazrat Abu Talib. Let us examine the status of Hazrat Abu Talib in the light of Quran. It is stated in Quran-e-Mubeen that, ‘you remember me and I will remember you’ (Sura Baqara Verse-152) and ‘remember Allah as you remember your fathers ’ (Sura Baqara Verse-200), implying remember Allah as you glorify your fathers. In the same context it is stated that, ‘remember Ibrahim, surely he was a truthful man, a prophet’ (Sura Maryam Verse-41); ‘remember Nuh, surely he was a grateful servant’ (Sura Isra Verse-3); ‘remember Musa, surely he was grateful servant, and was a messenger, a prophet’ (Sura Maryam Verse-51); and ‘remember Ismail, Al-Yasha and Zulkifl who were all of the best’ (Sura Saad Verse-48). Zulkifl was not a prophet and he had provided shelter to a prophet for few nights who had come to take refuge because of threat to his life from the prevailing king. In Sura Adhuha Verse-6 Allah states, ‘Did He not find you (Muhammad) an orphan and give you shelter?’ If Zulkifl’s remembrance, who gave shelter to a prophet for few nights is remembrance of Allah, then Hazrat Abu Talib who provided shelter, protection and cared Prophet Muhammad (SW) more than his own children for many years, and this act is attributed to Allah, would not his praise be remembrance of Allah! On Allah’s command to Prophet Muhammad(SW), ‘warn your nearest kinsmen’ (Sura Shu’araa Verse -214) and that, ‘declare openly what you are bidden and turn aside from the polytheists’ (Sura Hijar Verse-94), the first Islamic meeting was held at the house of Hazrat Abu Talib which is also known as dawat dhil ashira. In this meeting despite opposition fromAbu Lahab, Hazrat Abu Talib asked those present to listen to the message of the Prophet carefully, and later continued providing unflinching support under severe enmity for the cause of Islam. It is stated, ‘Indeed, those who struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah are the truthful ones’ (Sura Hujraat Verse-15); ‘Allah is with those who guard against evil’ (Sura Baqara Verse-194); ‘do not incline or seek help from those who are unjust’ (Sura Hood Verse-113); and that, ‘withdraw from the polytheists’ (Sura An’aam Verse-106). Additionally, in Sura Nisaa Verse- 139 and 144, Allah commands, ‘do not take unbelievers as friend or guardians rather than believers, do you wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves? “...Oh (Isa) I shall keep you away from the falsehood of disbelievers...” (Sura Aal-Imran Verse-55). If Allah has so much regard for the sanctity of Hazrat Isa (AS) then what would be the status of those personalities who brought up the Prophet? The person in whose house the first Islamic meeting was held, in whose house the prophet lived for many years, from whose house Prophet’s marriage procession proceeded, who read marriage bondage of the holy Prophet and Hazrat Khadija and that the Prophet never disassociated from him, then that personality of Hazrat Abu Talib reflects a character of a believer, pious, truthful person, rather than that of a nonbeliever or polytheist. In Sura Yunus Verse-105, Allah refers to his religion as Deen-e-Hanif (upright religion i.e. Islam). All prophets from Hazrat Nuh (AS) to Hazrat Muhammad (SW) were followers of subject Deen (Sura Shura Verse-13). Allah commands in Sura Rume Verse-30, ‘turn your face towards Deen-e-Hanif ’. Similarly in all ages there were people who adhered to Deen-e-Hanif. In Sura Momin Verse-28, Allah refers to a believing man of Firon's people. Moreover, in Sura Kahf, the People of Cave are referred to as believers, and Allah gave an example for the believers of wife of Firon, Asiya who was a believer (Sura Tahrim Verse-11). “ Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but was an Upright person: a Muslim” (Aal-e-Imran Verse-67). Similarly, in Sura Tawba Verse 128 it is stated, ‘indeed we sent a Messanger from fine personalities’. Both Hazrat Abd Al-Muttalib and Abu Talib were custodians of Kaaba and Muslim because, `...No men can be custodians of Kaaba except the rightous: a Muslim` (Al-Faal Verse-34). The Prophet was son of Abdullah meaning the servant of Allah that testifies that Hazrat AbdAl-Muttalib had belief in Allah. In Sura Yasin Verse-4 it is stated, ‘surely you (Muhammad) are on the right path (sirat-e-mustaqeem)’, and according to Sura An’aam Verse-163, ‘Muhammad (SW) is the first Muslim in this Universe’. As such, Prophet Muhammad (SW) was on the right path since his birth. Therefore, that personality who provided shelter, guarded and supported the Prophet for years was also on sirat-e-mustaqeem rather than on the path of unjust. In Sura Alhamd Verse-7, Allah has promised to bestow favours on such people. Allah always rewards goodness with goodness (Sura Rahman Verse-60). The person who is considered believer, truthful and pious by Allah, grading him as pagan or polytheist, would indeed be injustice of the highest order and Allah does not like the unjust (Sura Shura Verse-40).
STATUS OF HAZRAT ABU TALIB IN THE LIGHT OF QURAN “Surely Allah chose Adam and Nuh and the descendants of Ibrahim and the descendants of Imran above all the creatures” (Chapter Aal-e-Imran Verse - 33). In the light of Quran, there are three personalities to whom the referred name Imran in subject verse can be attributed to: the father of Hazrat Musa (AS), the father of Hazrat Maryam (SA) and Hazrat Abu Talib whose real name is Imran. There was no issue from Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Eysa (AS) [Jesus] never married; therefore, the question of their descendants doesn’t arise. As such, the reference to Aal-e-Imran in subject verse can only be attributed to Hazrat Abu Talib father of Hazrat Ali (AS). Furthermore, the three personalities mentioned in Verse - 33 above, Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Nuh and Hazrat Ibrahim, are always addressed with the suffix title of Elay-s-Salaam. As such, it will be against the tenets of justice not to use subject suffix title with the fourth person referred to as Imran who is Hazrat Abu Talib. Moreover, the event of Mobahela is the highlight of Chapter Aal-e-Imran, and the personalities who went for Mobahela along with the Prophet Mohammad (SW) are the progeny of Hazrat Abu Talib son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib [Hazrat Abu Talib and Hazrat Abdullah father of Prophet Mohammad (SW) were from the same mother]. It is evident that Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) has been given the honour of suffix title of Elay-s-Salaam by Allah (ST) and categorizing him as pagan or polytheist will be injustice of the highest order, and “Allah doesn’t like the unjust (zalaymeen)” (Chapter Shura Verse - 40).
no no no no one more hit to shia come onn what is wrong with you?im also shia but it is not right to say ya ali you have to say ya allah .i dont know if u r really shia or acting like a shia in order to destroy shiaism god knows best but who ever u r please stop it
Best noha ever. Love the tribute in the end to shared Ustad Sibte Jafar
Ya Ali ( AS) Madad!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labaik Ali ibn abi talib as
This is too good, such a beautiful nauha! Ya Ali (as) Madad!
Ma sha allah :) ali ali ali ali ali ali ali ali :)
Ya Ali Ya Ali
Subhan Allah. ...Ali Ali! !
Tijani brother are Just awesome
This was my little 4 year olds favourite noha. So beautiful. Love the tribute in the end to Shared Sibte Jafar.
Ya Ali madaat
I love this alot makes me proud to have a imam like imam Ali A.S
💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕💕Ya Ali A.S💕
💕Ya Ali A.S💕
Ya Ali Madad
Raazia Marzia Ya Rama Madad
Amazing lyrics....n an amazing nawha
Ya Ali Madad ❤️. Nice noha ❤️
Mashallah good job
I practice it every day and I'm reading the Noah on my mangles I love it and it will be in my heart
Ya rabbi sallim Alan nabi wa aale he🕋
❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇 Nice noha Ya ali madad
ya mola ali madad
So Beautiful!!! And NOHA perfect
Ya Ali (as) Madad...
My Life is sacrified on Ali
Labbayk Ya Mola (A)
Mashaallah,,Ya Ali (AS) Madad..
Mashalla what a nice noha
Yaa Ali as
Let the truth out! They can try to hide it but the truth will always pervail!
Labbaik Ali
Ya Ali madam had hadier
Ya Ali
ya ALLAH,ya MOHAMAD,ya ALI,ya HASSAN,ya HUSSEIN,ya ABAL FADEL,ya ALI AL SAJAD,ya ALI AL ASGAR, ya ALI IBIN MOHAMAD,ya MUSA IBIN JA3FAR,ya ALI IBIN MUSA,ya HASSAN EL 3ASKARI,ya MAHDI (3),I think I said it all but yes these are all the grandsons and great grandsons of our prophet MOHAMAD s.a.w so where is the mistake?why are we kafri?why are we rawafed?common man we are very peaceful Shia who won't kneel or sell our rights,hayhat mina al zila
Subhanallah Ya Ali (a.s)
Heart teaching noha
Mashallah nice
Mola mushkil kusha madad
Very good
@ amber bharwani
Sayyed Mahdi al-Modarresi (regularly appears on Ahlulbayt TV, Sky Channel 824. He is a lecturer).
Plz write the lyrics in the discription also. BTW great noha
Ya Ali Madat
Very Nice. Geo.
Salaam. Brilliant words and keep up the good work. Would it possible to have translation to the Arabic on the video please? Well done again
The best very good❣☝️
MashaAllah !!!!!
I liked it. Very good.
Mashallah. .. waiting for your 2014 album madly. Hope you will upload it as soon as possible on your channel. .. allah taalah ap ko ajar de.. Aameen
Ya ali madat
that voice is Sayed Muhammad Baqir Al-Qazwini
Jite raho,!!!
amazing mashallah
but who is it speaking at the beginning
Jo Ali a.s kai aashiq hai vo like zaror karai video aur comment ko
Who recited the speech?
Sayed Mahdi al Modarressi
Certain Scholars basing their opinion on hadeeths are of the view that Hazrat Abu Talib didn’t recite testament of
faith (Kalima) in his life time and adhered to the religion of Hazrat Abd Al-Muttalib, therefore, he was a non-muslim; and
that Prophet Muhammad (SW) stated, ‘I shall pray for your forgiveness till I am refrained to do so’. In support of their opinion they refer to Sura Tawba Verse-113 that states, ‘It is not for the Prophet, and those who believe, to pray for the forgiveness of idolaters even though they may be near of kin (to them) after it hath become clear that they are people of hell-fire’. However, in the same Sura Verse-23 it is stated, ‘O you who believe! Don’t take your fathers and your brothers for guardians if they love unbelief more than belief; and who ever of you takes them for a guardian are the unjust’. Additionally, in verse 80 of subject Sura it is mentioned, ‘Ask forgiveness for them or do not ask forgiveness for them; even if you ask forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah will not forgive them; this is because they disbelieve in Allah and the Apostle, and Allah does not guide the transgressing people’. Surah Tawba was revealed in 9 Hijra and Hazrat Abu Talib died about two years before the commencement of Hijra year. Additionally, in Verse-22 of Sura Majaadila that was revealed in 2nd Hijra it is stated, ‘You shall not find people who believe in Allah and the latter day befriending those who act in opposition to Allah and His Apostle, even though they were their fathers, sons, brothers or their kinsfolk ’. If the proclaimed view is accepted, then how it is possible for the Prophet to pray for forgiveness when it is contrary to the orders given in earlier Verses 23 and 80 of Sura Tawba and Verse-22 of Sura Mujaadila, assuming Hazrat Abu Talib was a non-muslim. No action of the Prophet is against the will of Allah (Sura Najm Verse-3). Under subject evidence the Verse-113 of Sura Tawba cannot be applied to Hazrat Abu Talib. Let us examine the status of Hazrat Abu Talib in the light of Quran.
It is stated in Quran-e-Mubeen that, ‘you remember me and I will remember you’ (Sura Baqara Verse-152) and ‘remember Allah as you remember your fathers ’ (Sura Baqara Verse-200), implying remember Allah as you glorify your fathers. In the same context it is stated that, ‘remember Ibrahim, surely he was a truthful man, a prophet’ (Sura Maryam Verse-41); ‘remember Nuh, surely he was a grateful servant’ (Sura Isra Verse-3); ‘remember Musa, surely he was grateful servant, and was a messenger, a prophet’ (Sura Maryam Verse-51); and ‘remember Ismail, Al-Yasha and Zulkifl who were all of the best’ (Sura Saad Verse-48). Zulkifl was not a prophet and he had provided shelter to a prophet for few nights who had come to take refuge because of threat to his life from the prevailing king. In Sura Adhuha Verse-6 Allah states, ‘Did He not find you (Muhammad) an orphan and give you shelter?’ If Zulkifl’s remembrance, who gave shelter to a prophet for few nights is remembrance of Allah, then Hazrat Abu Talib who provided shelter, protection and cared Prophet Muhammad (SW) more than his own children for many years, and this act is attributed to Allah, would not his praise be remembrance of Allah!
On Allah’s command to Prophet Muhammad(SW), ‘warn your nearest kinsmen’ (Sura Shu’araa Verse -214) and that, ‘declare openly what you are bidden and turn aside from the polytheists’ (Sura Hijar Verse-94), the first Islamic meeting
was held at the house of Hazrat Abu Talib which is also known as dawat dhil ashira. In this meeting despite opposition
fromAbu Lahab, Hazrat Abu Talib asked those present to listen to the message of the Prophet carefully, and later continued providing unflinching support under severe enmity for the cause of Islam. It is stated, ‘Indeed, those who struggle hard with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah are the truthful ones’ (Sura Hujraat Verse-15); ‘Allah is with those who guard against evil’ (Sura Baqara Verse-194); ‘do not incline or seek help from those who are unjust’ (Sura Hood Verse-113); and that, ‘withdraw from the polytheists’ (Sura An’aam Verse-106). Additionally, in Sura Nisaa Verse- 139 and 144, Allah commands, ‘do not take unbelievers as friend or guardians rather than believers, do you wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves? “...Oh (Isa) I shall keep you away from the falsehood of disbelievers...” (Sura Aal-Imran Verse-55). If Allah has so much regard for the sanctity of Hazrat Isa (AS) then what would be the status of those personalities who brought up the Prophet? The person in whose house the first Islamic meeting was held, in whose house the prophet lived for many years, from whose house Prophet’s marriage procession proceeded, who read marriage bondage of the holy Prophet and Hazrat Khadija and that the Prophet never disassociated from him, then that personality of Hazrat Abu Talib reflects a character of a believer, pious, truthful person, rather than that of a nonbeliever or polytheist.
In Sura Yunus Verse-105, Allah refers to his religion as Deen-e-Hanif (upright religion i.e. Islam). All prophets from Hazrat Nuh (AS) to Hazrat Muhammad (SW) were followers of subject Deen (Sura Shura Verse-13). Allah commands in Sura Rume Verse-30, ‘turn your face towards Deen-e-Hanif ’. Similarly in all ages there were people who adhered to Deen-e-Hanif. In Sura Momin Verse-28, Allah refers to a believing man of Firon's people. Moreover, in Sura Kahf, the People of Cave are referred to as believers, and Allah gave an example for the believers of wife of Firon, Asiya who was a believer (Sura Tahrim Verse-11). “ Ibrahim was not a Jew nor a Christian but was an Upright person: a Muslim” (Aal-e-Imran Verse-67). Similarly, in Sura Tawba Verse 128 it is stated, ‘indeed we sent a Messanger from fine personalities’. Both Hazrat Abd Al-Muttalib and Abu Talib were custodians of Kaaba and Muslim because, `...No men can be custodians of Kaaba except the rightous: a Muslim` (Al-Faal Verse-34). The Prophet was son of Abdullah meaning the servant of Allah that testifies that Hazrat AbdAl-Muttalib had belief in Allah. In Sura Yasin Verse-4 it is stated, ‘surely you (Muhammad) are on the right path (sirat-e-mustaqeem)’, and according to Sura An’aam Verse-163, ‘Muhammad (SW) is the first Muslim in this Universe’. As such, Prophet Muhammad (SW) was on the right path since his birth. Therefore, that personality who provided shelter, guarded and supported the Prophet for years was also on sirat-e-mustaqeem rather than on the path of unjust. In Sura Alhamd Verse-7, Allah has promised to bestow favours on such people. Allah always rewards goodness with goodness (Sura Rahman Verse-60). The person who is considered believer, truthful and pious by Allah, grading him as pagan or polytheist, would indeed be injustice of the highest order and Allah does not like the unjust (Sura Shura Verse-40).
English lyrics please
ya means oh!
Does anyone know who the reciter is at the start? And which lecture it is?
From Sayed Mahdi al Modaressi. Type in his his name and "imam Ali". It should show up.
i think naoori sardar
+Ahsan Zaidi it's Sayed Mahdi modaressi.
Ali and Rama are the one and same
@amber bharwani
Sayyed Modarressi ^^
Paul Walker
This is nice but why not 'ya allah'
“Surely Allah chose Adam and Nuh and the descendants of Ibrahim and the descendants of Imran above all the creatures” (Chapter Aal-e-Imran Verse - 33). In the light of Quran, there are three personalities to whom the referred name Imran in subject verse can be attributed to: the father of Hazrat Musa (AS), the father of Hazrat Maryam (SA) and Hazrat Abu Talib whose real name is Imran. There was no issue from Hazrat Musa (AS) and Hazrat Eysa (AS) [Jesus] never married; therefore, the question of their descendants doesn’t arise. As such, the reference to Aal-e-Imran in subject verse can only be attributed to Hazrat Abu Talib father of Hazrat Ali (AS). Furthermore, the three personalities mentioned in Verse - 33 above, Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Nuh and Hazrat Ibrahim, are always addressed with the suffix title of Elay-s-Salaam. As such, it will be against the tenets of justice not to use subject suffix title with the fourth person referred to as Imran who is Hazrat Abu Talib. Moreover, the event of Mobahela is the highlight of Chapter Aal-e-Imran, and the personalities who went for Mobahela along with the Prophet Mohammad (SW) are the progeny of Hazrat Abu Talib son of Hazrat Abdul Muttalib [Hazrat Abu Talib and Hazrat Abdullah father of Prophet Mohammad (SW) were from the same mother]. It is evident that Hazrat Abu Talib (AS) has been given the honour of suffix title of Elay-s-Salaam by Allah (ST) and categorizing him as pagan or polytheist will be injustice of the highest order, and “Allah doesn’t like the unjust (zalaymeen)” (Chapter Shura Verse - 40).
Not ya Ali
no no no no one more hit to shia come onn what is wrong with you?im also shia but it is not right to say ya ali you have to say ya allah .i dont know if u r really shia or acting like a shia in order to destroy shiaism god knows best but who ever u r please stop it
+samil ahmadzade lol does this guy think li is god or something?
that is wrong very wrong
samil ahmadzade yes it is shirk if i am not wrong.
i mean what they do is wrong not you you are right)
agr to shia ho kai yai bat kr rha to tu sharam kai marai doob mr ya phir kafir ho ja.
Ya Ali madaat