44: AN CƯ rồi mới LẬP NGHIỆP có còn đúng không? Tại sao khó để không quan tâm đến máu mủ? | Nhi Le

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 453

  • @caohaiha5019
    @caohaiha5019 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bài học hôm nay :
    - Bạn chẳng thể giúp bất kỳ ai ngoài chính mình.
    - Bạn hãy tiếp tục yêu thương gia đình mình nhưng không được mù quáng.
    - Tỉnh thức là trải nghiệm của từng cá nhân và không thể dạy được.
    - Vũ trụ cho bạn bài thi nhưng sẽ cho bạn thời gian để thi nhưng nếu bạn không chịu thì bạn sẽ nhận tiếp bài thi khác để cảnh báo bạn.
    - Vũ trụ sẽ không cho cái bạn muốn mà sẽ cho bạn cái mà bạn xứng đáng.
    - Không phải ai tỉnh thức rồi cũng sẽ đi tu. Không phải thầy tu nào cũng tỉnh thức.
    - Hạnh phúc nó ở bên trong chứ không phải bên ngoài.
    - Khi bạn sống không đúng với sứ mệnh của mình bạn sẽ luôn cảm thấy đau khổ và không hạnh phúc.
    - Đàn ông nên ăn mặc tươm tất và đơn giản để phụ nữ tập trung vào tính cách của bạn
    - Khi vô thức của bạn là những điều tiêu cực thì hành động của bạn cũng là tiêu cực.
    - Con người là bình đẳng và những thứ bên ngoài sẽ không áp đặt được bạn là người như thế nào.
    - Chỉ khi bạn sẵn sàng thì người giáo viên đó mới xuất hiện.
    - Không có sự ngầu nhiêu nào hết tất cả là sự lựa chọn của chính bạn.
    - Khi bạn muốn tìm thứ bạn muốn tìm thì điều đó xuất hiện.
    - Nếu như bạn chưa sẵn sàng vũ trụ sẽ gửi bất cứ điều gì cho bạn.
    - Vũ trụ cho bài thi của tất cả mọi người là công bằng nhưng việc chọn thi hay không là quyền lựa chọn của bạn.
    - Vạn vật điều bị điều khiển bởi không gian và thời gian không riêng trái đất mà tất cả ngoài vũ trụ.
    - Có con sẽ làm bạn tích cực khi bạn chọn tích cực . Bạn có thể trở thành người cha người mẹ theo ý muốn của bạn.
    - Có con bạn sẽ mất rất nhiều thứ (thời gian, sức khỏe, vật chất..)
    - Mỗi lần con bạn thấy tiêu cực thì hãy cho con nhiều hướng lựa chọn tích cực.
    - Để hiểu một vấn đề lớn thì bạn phải biết về những cái nhỏ tạo nên vấn đề đó.
    - Hãy học đi học lại đến khi bạn thật giỏi vấn đề đó chỉ chuyển qua học cái khác khi bạn thật sự giỏi .
    - Có kiến thức => cái nhìn tổng quát=> sự công tâm đối với mọi người
    - Để điều khiển được cảm xúc Lắng nghe cảm xúc và thiền định nhiều hơn.
    - Vì cảm xúc sẽ điều khiển tư duy để thay đổi ngược lại bạn cần có thời gian để tập luyện.
    - Khi bạn lý trí quá nhiều bạn sẽ trở nên khô khan, và khi bạn tình cảm quá nhiều bạn sẽ trở nên yếu đuối và ủy mị.
    - Cách để cân bằng cảm xúc và lí trí là tập thể dục, thiền, đọc sách,suy nghĩ tích cực.
    - Hiểu và trải nghiệm thì nó mới trở thành kiến thức của bạn

  • @NgaNguyen-wk2dl
    @NgaNguyen-wk2dl 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Bài học e học được:
    - Khi đang lập nghiệp tập trung lo cho sự nghiệp trc khi an cư.
    Nhà là tiêu sản và bạn chỉ cần 1 chỗ để ngủ
    -Nên tự hào mình phát triển hơn hôm qua là dc
    -Lợi và hại khi có con
    Lợi: trưởng thành hơn theo mặt tích cực, thấy được mục đích mình sống rõ ràng hơn, làm cho mình sống trách nhiệm hơn và làm sao dạy con một cách đúng đắn
    Hại: mất ăn, mất ngủ
    -Chỉ có mạnh mẽ mới tạo thêm tình yêu thương
    -Vũ trụ luôn đưa cho bạn những thứ mà bạn có thể làm được ngay lúc đó và vừa sức với bạn,và luôn đưa cho bạn sự giúp đỡ

    • @tienvanhi
      @tienvanhi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      👌👌👌_ Admin #nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoarch

  • @hoangdao3126
    @hoangdao3126 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from 44: AN CƯ rồi mới LẬP NGHIỆP có còn đúng không? Tại sao khó để không quan tâm đến máu mủ? | Nhi Le
    - Why do I always behave like that? (Heal)
    + If I am unconsciously always behaving like that without finding common ground in the results of my life up to the present time, you are preventing me from succeeding.
    + When I dare to speak about my past in front of the crowd and live honestly with it, that is truly powerful.
    + Problem: I have to create value for someone before I dare to make friends 👉Reason: I always feel guilty and have low self-esteem with people who are better than/better than me because since childhood I have always been haunted by the words "You are not Having a university degree/high school degree means you're not as good as other people." Since realizing that people are equal, I have been ready to make friends with people who are better than me.
    - Tại sao tôi luôn hành xử như vậy? (Chữa lành)
    + Nếu tôi đang vô thức luôn hành xử kiểu như vậy mà không tìm được điểm chung trong kết quả cuộc đời của tôi cho đến thời điểm hiện tại tức là bạn đang ngăn cản tôi thành công.
    + Khi tôi dám nói cái quá khứ của mình trước đám đông và sống trung thực với điều đó thì đó mới thực sự mạnh mẽ.
    + Vấn đề: Tôi phải tạo giá trị cho ai đó thì tôi mới dám kết bạn 👉Lí do: Tôi luôn mặc cảm, tự ti với những người giỏi như/hơn tôi vì từ nhỏ tôi luôn ám ảnh với mấy câu "Mày không có bằng đại học/ bằng cấp 3 tức là mày không bằng người ta". Từ khi nhận thức được con người là bình đẳng thì tôi đã sẵn sàng kết bạn với những người giỏi hơn mình.

  • @handuong9418
    @handuong9418 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Em học được:
    - Phân biệt tài sản và tiêu sản. Lạc nghiệp trước khi an cư.
    - Thời gian cũng chính là kẻ thù lớn nhất.
    - Tất cả mọi thứ đều có sự liên kết với nhau chứ không phải là sự ngẫu nhiên.
    - Được và mất của việc có con.
    - Công tâm bắt buộc phải có kiến thức mới có thể có cái nhìn tổng quát của vấn đề.
    - Bài học về hình dạng của nước.
    - Bài học dừng 3s để có thể điều khiển được cảm xúc.
    - Phải biết cân bằng giữa cảm xúc và lý trí của mình sẽ thấy hạnh phúc hơn.

    • @tienvanhi
      @tienvanhi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      👍👍👍_ Admin #nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoarch

    • @vanessaschunk262
      @vanessaschunk262 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ❤❤❤#nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoach

  • @nhu_y_ng
    @nhu_y_ng หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Sometimes you need to get lost to truly find yourself
    - Awakening is slow, but it’s worth the wait
    - Home can either help you or hold you back
    - Having less can often bring more peace
    - You don’t need luxury when you’re young, focus on growth
    - Be proud of who you are today, you’ve made progress
    - True happiness comes from within, not from outside things

  • @06.nhuhuynhngocanh17
    @06.nhuhuynhngocanh17 หลายเดือนก่อน

    live 44
    1. hãy biến tiêu sản thành tài sản
    2. con người k cần phải mua 1căn nhà để sống đâu
    3. nhà cửa mình ở là tiêu sản vì vẫn phải trả tiền nước này nọ
    4. nếu mình phải kiếm tiền để trả thứ gì đó thì cái đó nó đang điều khiển mình
    5. tình yêu ba mẹ mình cũng rất mù quáng nên phải lý trí trong chuyện tình cảm gđ
    6. sinh học đã chứng minh là máu mủ lúc nào mình cũng sẽ thương yêu
    7. tỉnh thức đến với mình là món quà không có kiếm điều đó
    8. luôn đặt câu hỏi với chính bản thân minh
    9. từ từ đặt câu hỏi càng lớn
    10. con người mình biết hết á nhưng chỉ là mình đang tự dối lòng th
    11. 1ng nào đó chỉ đến với mình chừng ấy thời gian và dạy cho mình những bài học, sau khi dạy xong thì mình và họ sẽ kết thúc
    12. vũ trụ chỉ cho mình những bài học khi mình đã sẵn sàng
    13. mỗi bài giảng mình sẽ nhận những bài học khác nhau và thời điểm khác nhau
    14. nỗi sợ đến từ cái tôi
    15. vũ trụ k cho cái mình muốn nhưng sẽ cho cái phù hợp với mình trong lúc đó
    16. hạnh phúc là ở bên trong
    17. mỗi người đều có sứ mệnh riêng
    18. mình phải làm thứ mình giỏi, chứ không phải thứ mình thích
    19. thời gian là kẻ thù lớn nhất của con người
    20. con gái k cần phải đẹp nhưng cần phải tinh tươm sạch sẽ
    21. cho giác quan thứ 6 được phát huy tác dụng
    22. luôn có mẫu số chung trong kết quả của cuộc đời mình
    23. ko baoh là quá muộn khi mình biết thay đổi
    24. khi mình sẵn sàng thì ng thầy mới đến
    25. cho phép bản thân đc thể hiện cảm xúc ( nhưng trong khoảng tg nhất định)

  • @vannguyen6946
    @vannguyen6946 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Học Nhỉ Lê cách gọt dũa cảm xúc , cân bằng cảm xúc và lí trí , Nhi Lê là bức tranh muôn màu…. Khiến mọi người kéo ghế sát zô….

  • @mrloc3011
    @mrloc3011 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44
    -You should only compare yourself today with yourself yesterday
    -Discipline with small habits
    -If you want to achieve something, you must pay a worthy price
    -Nothing is random, everything come to you when you are ready
    -Awakening is a gift

  • @linhtranthikim363
    @linhtranthikim363 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thời gian là cái quý giá nhất cần dùng hợp lý

  • @rivonnguyen3604
    @rivonnguyen3604 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live 44
    1. assets that feed you, liabilities that swallow you
    2. love your family but don't use too much emotion
    3. awakening is not for everyone
    4. Integrity is strong
    5. "the pat on the shoulder of the universe"
    6. find Nhi when you're having problems

  • @thanhtram2985
    @thanhtram2985 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bài học live 44
    - Vũ trụ rất công bằng.
    - Vũ trụ chỉ cho bạn thứ bạn xứng đáng có được.
    - Không có gì ngẫu nhiên, mọi thứ sẽ đến khi bản thân sẵn sàng đón nhận.
    - Khi bản thân mạnh mẽ mới khiến con cái cảm thấy được yêu thương và giúp con mạnh mẽ.
    - Để có tầm nhìn lớn và dài hạn thì không ngừng học hỏi, học càng nhiều khía cạnh càng tốt. (3). Góc nhìn đa chiều.
    - Cân bằng giữa cảm xúc và lí trí khiến người khác dễ tiếp thu kiến thức, lời nói của chính mình.
    - Tìm hiểu sứ mệnh của bản thân (bản thân làm gì ít thời gian hơn người khác và có tài năng trong việc đó) và làm theo sự dẫn dắt của vũ trụ (không thì vũ trụ cho đăng xuất khỏi trái đất).
    🥰Cảm ơn chị Nhi và Nhi Lê team🥰

  • @Anhthoinan
    @Anhthoinan 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live #44
    - Happiness is inside, not affected by anything outside.
    - Compare yourself with yourself yesterday, don't compare yourself with anyone else.
    - If you understand and experience it, it becomes your knowledge
    - Learn what are liabilities and assets
    -True to yourself

  • @hoangkhacsonle8166
    @hoangkhacsonle8166 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lessons today
    1. If I want to start a business, I must first invest in myself.
    2. Do what self good at.
    3. Keep things as simple as possible.
    4. When I was ready, the mentor appears.
    5. I can only be fair when I have knowledge.
    6. Learn to balance, control the mind and emotions.

    • @vanessaschunk262
      @vanessaschunk262 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ❤❤❤#nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoach

  • @minhduy3321
    @minhduy3321 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from live 44:
    - During young aged, you do not need a big house or live in a building with beautiful view. Instead, investing yourself.
    - Sometimes, you have to do not care your family.
    - Humans are born having love between their families.
    - Be proud of yourself today because you have matured than yesterday.
    - Less is more.
    - Do not care about reason why if it does not solve problem.
    Thanks Ms.Nhi and her team for doing this video.

  • @Fooandfamily
    @Fooandfamily 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bài học rút ra từ livestream số 44:
    - Ở thời điểm hiện tại nên lập nghiệp trước rồi mới an cư
    - Đầu tư vào bản thân mình trước tiên vì bản thân mình là khối tài sản lớn nhất
    - Luôn tự hào về bản thân mình tốt hơn ngày hôm qua
    - Hạnh phúc đến từ bên trong mình
    - Thời gian là kẻ thù lớn nhất của chúng ta
    - Ăn mặc tươm tất, gọn gàng, càng đơn giản càng đẹp
    - Để công tâm phải có kiến thức, có cái nhìn đa chiều
    - Vũ trụ chỉ cho mình những thứ mình xứng đáng
    - Cảm xúc lái tư duy, nhận diện và điều khiển cảm xúc là điều khiển được tư duy
    - Hít thở 3 giây trước khi trả lời hay phản ứng lại một sự việc
    #nhile #nhiletinhthuc #nhilelive #cuocsongmy #duhocmy #duhoccanada #vietkieumy #vietkieuuc #nguoivietonuocngoai #cuocsongcanada #cuocsongnguoiviettaimy #nhilelifecoach #nhilefoundation

  • @nhungdo3081
    @nhungdo3081 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bài học: - lí do chơi với người yếu kém hơn mình vì mình tự ti,muốn giúp đỡ người khác,con người là bình đẳng
    - hạnh phúc xuất phát từ bên trong con người
    - thời gian thật sự của 1 người chỉ có tầm khoảng 10 năm
    - vũ trụ chỉ đem đến điều bạn cần khi bạn sẵn sàng,trao cho người xứng đáng

  • @ThucNguyen-tq2vr
    @ThucNguyen-tq2vr หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44
    - I deserve to meet the people I meet
    - There is nothing wrong with working and playing with people better than me
    - Accept that I am ignorant and continue to learn
    - Everything is the same, I can pick it up and put it down
    - My ego is still very big, learn to live with it
    - Are fancy houses, fancy cars, and social status really what I need, or is it just my ego
    - Being awake is a gift

  • @huyennguyen-hd9dm
    @huyennguyen-hd9dm 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - have the career and then settle down
    - love for family comes from gene, but love is love and don’t be blind
    - awawakeness is a gift, when you ask many questions for yourself
    - the universe is always generous, you deserve what you deserve
    - awakeness is understand myself

  • @anhgiang-nz5tr
    @anhgiang-nz5tr 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lesson from live 44
    - You can only help yourself; love your family but don’t be blind.
    - Happiness comes from within, and the universe gives you what you deserve, not what you want.
    - Everyone is equal, and external things don’t define who you are.
    - When buying a house, consider if it’s an asset or a liability.
    - A profession and a business are different.
    - Love doesn’t mean being blind, and nothing in life happens by chance.

  • @ĐứcNguyễndanh-r7u
    @ĐứcNguyễndanh-r7u 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - starting a career is knowing that you are good at, what you want and what field you excel in so that you can do it excellently,spending lese time than others
    - when you're young, you should focus on investing in yourself,your intellgence and your knowledge to find a job that suits your talent, thinking,and capital abilities
    - learn to love knowledgeably,not blindly
    - everything around me is giving me a certain lesson that I must learn
    - the teacher appear when the student is ready

  • @footballdlsenglish3951
    @footballdlsenglish3951 ปีที่แล้ว

    bài học 44:
    an cư lập nghiệp không còn quan trọng ( hiêu đc thế nào là tiêu sản , tài sản)'
    đừng đi tìm tỉnh thức.
    bỏ quá khứ đừng quan tâm quá khứ và sống với thực tại
    nên tự hào bản thân hôn nay hơn hôm qua đừng nhìn xa
    đừng so sánh bản thân với ai khác
    vũ trụ cho bạn những thứ bạn xứng đáng.
    tu là duyên. Không phải ai tu là đều tỉnh thức
    hạnh phúc là bên trong không phải bên ngoài.
    Giác quan thứu 6 luôn ở đó
    không có 1 sự ngẫu nhiên nào

  • @trantra1352
    @trantra1352 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live #44
    - Get lost first, then settle down
    - Please continue to love your loved one's family but don't be too blind
    - Don't go looking for awakening because it's a dish gift
    - Don't avoid the exam from space
    - Be proud of yourself for today I'm better than yesterday
    - Happiness is within you
    - You can only succeed when you do what you are good at

  • @dothithaonguyen21
    @dothithaonguyen21 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lesson from live 44:
    - When you buy a house, you need to know whether it is an asset or a liability.
    - A profession is different from starting a business.
    - Love doesn’t mean being blind.
    - The universe doesn’t give you a test that you have to answer right away.
    - Life is a series of connections.
    - Thinking and doing are two different things.
    - Nothing in life happens by chance.

  • @lanhngo95
    @lanhngo95 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44
    - Compare yourself with yourself yesterday, don't compare yourself to anyone else
    - People don't want to hear what you say, they just want to hear what they want to hear
    - The universe is very generous to everyone, it only gives you what you deserve.

  • @AnnHoang10
    @AnnHoang10 ปีที่แล้ว

    My lessons:
    - pay urself first.
    - be patient. Focus on ur process.
    - less is more.
    - do more with less.
    - when smt is wrong, check ur belief systems and heal urself.

  • @minhthu1513
    @minhthu1513 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    lessons from live 44:
    1. Establish your career before settling down.
    2. Each person lives only once, do what the universe urges you to do.
    3. Focus not on what you lose, but on what excites you.
    4. Only strength can create love.

  • @thanhtram2985
    @thanhtram2985 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from livestream 44
    - love with awakening
    - choice equal outcome
    - animal, ego, love bad thing
    - meditation
    - i am happy, happy from inside
    - do your best with your gift
    - I only live one

  • @thutranminh118
    @thutranminh118 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hôm nay e học đc là
    Khi đang chưa có tiền, cuộc sống chưa ổn thì ko nên an cư.
    Khi mà một người đến với mình thì sẽ luôn dạy cho mình điều gì đó
    Vũ trụ sẽ đưa cho bạn bài học đúng thời điểm, hãy tập trung vào cách giải quyết nó chứ ko phải ngồi than khóc.
    Đàn ông càng đơn giản thì càng được.
    Điều khiển dc cảm xúc của mình, hãy chia nhỏ nó và vứt đi những cảm xúc vụn vặt, chỉ nuôi dưỡng những cảm xúc tích cực
    Em cám ơn chị, e vẫn xem lại các live của chị ạ ❤️

  • @trungsaurieng
    @trungsaurieng 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    #trabai26_03_2022 Kim Trung
    Lesson from livestream 44:
    - Nhận biết tiêu sản tài sản
    - Nhận biết dấu hiệu của vũ trụ, vũ trụ luôn cho mình những thử thách mình có thể vượt qua
    - Less is more
    - Không có sự ngẫu nhiên, khi bạn mở tâm mở trí cơ hội tự đến với bạn

  • @AnhNgoc-ev3ld
    @AnhNgoc-ev3ld 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from nhile live 44
    - Distinguish between property and property
    Love your family but don't use too much emotion
    - Awakening is not a trend
    - Choice
    - Being true to yourself is powerful
    - The universe won't send out exams when you're not ready
    - People when needed to find

  • @baongoc7841
    @baongoc7841 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from Live 44:
    1. Having a job and money before choosing to buy anything products
    2. Awakening is a gift
    3. Take lessons from life , if you don't wanna be in trouble with bigger lessons
    4. Take over the missions from the universe
    5. You don't need to be beautiful but clean

  • @suphuongnhi
    @suphuongnhi 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lesson from live 44:
    - What other people want to hear is not necessarily advice, they only want to hear what they want
    - If you want to find awakening, ask questions within
    - Don't force yourself to stay awake
    - Finally, come to this life to take exams, return assignments, and contribute
    - Lessons from the universe should not be avoided
    - Know when your ego is talking.
    - The universe only gives you what you deserve, you have to pay the price worth it

  • @huynhnhuo2891
    @huynhnhuo2891 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from live 44
    - a house that you have to spend money on every day is not an asset
    -love family but must use reason to analyze and not love blindly
    -usually people just want to hear what they want to hear
    -Awakening is not about finding answers, but about asking yourself questions
    -The universe never gives you what you are not ready for and cannot bear
    -Not everyone who becomes a monk is awake
    -Happiness doesn't lie outside, happiness lies within you, you have to be the one to be happy first

  • @nguyenlinhtam297
    @nguyenlinhtam297 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live 44
    - Love
    - Teammate
    - Be grateful every day
    - Check your ego every day, meditation is doing nothing
    - The ego was born to keep me from dying
    - Anger is my chance to know the truth

  • @the-july1045
    @the-july1045 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lessons from Live 44
    - You don’t need to settle down before starting a business.
    - Loving someone doesn’t mean ignoring reality.
    - Awakening is a gift.
    - The universe gives you lessons when you’re ready for them.
    - Don’t avoid solving the problems in your life.
    - Don’t compare yourself to others, only to who you were yesterday.

  • @vannguyen6946
    @vannguyen6946 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Đón noen nghe NhiLe trò chuyện lại càng thấm ! Có thể giả nhưng ko thể thật ,,,,

    • @vannguyen6946
      @vannguyen6946 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Nước là hình thức dễ nhất để so sánh với cảm xúc , cảm xúc lái tư duy …hít thở 3 nhịp thở để tư duy điều khiển cảm xúc …

  • @nguyendung830
    @nguyendung830 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44
    - The simpler the dress, the more beautiful and time-saving
    - Everything is connected, not random.
    - Be confident to make friends with people who are better than you and learn from them
    - People are equal, parents do not define you
    - Making friends and making friends with people weaker than you to help them is not strong

  • @MaiTran-pt9ib
    @MaiTran-pt9ib ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from Nhile live 44
    - Other times and people's thinking also change and depending on the situation, what the ancients taught is applied or not.
    - A home can be an asset or a liability if you don't understand it well.
    - Home is an asset when it earns you and vice versa.
    - Our loved ones are part of us and cutting them off is impossible and we often choose to ignore them and ignore them.
    - Awakening is a gift and it takes many things to achieve.

  • @tuantran-wt5lg
    @tuantran-wt5lg 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Anh rất thích coi video của Nhi. Anh không bỏ một video nào.

    • @mocan18
      @mocan18 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      🥰🥰🥰🥰_Admin #nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoarch

  • @hadinh1696
    @hadinh1696 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lessons from live 44
    -When you do not live according to your mission, you will always feel miserable and unhappy
    -When you want to find what you want to find, it appears
    -The way to balance emotions and reason is to exercise, read books, and think positively
    -Understanding and experiencing is your knowledge

  • @tuongvynguyen9245
    @tuongvynguyen9245 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    - hạnh phúc nằm ở bên trong bản thân
    - vũ trụ luôn cho cơ hội ,phải biết nhận biết và lắng nghe
    - nếu muốn làm thứ mình muốn phải trả giá còn thứ mình cần làm là thứ được vũ trụ ban cho
    - trân quý thời gian để tận dụng và làm điều có ích
    - ko coa gì là ngẫu nhiên nếu bạn sẵn sàng và tìm kiếm
    - không ngừng học hỏi update kiến thức
    - chỉ nên so sánh bản thân ngày hôm nay vs ngày hôm qua
    - nhận ra mẫu số chung của những hành động vô thức của mình để đặt câu hỏi để hiểu bản thân
    - để công tâm phải có kiến thức và cái nhìn đa chiều
    - phân biệt dâu tu tieu san va tai san
    - k nên an cư r lập nghiệp

  • @khaiphan6152
    @khaiphan6152 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Focus on your career and invest in yourself first.
    - Genetics make you have feelings for your parents.
    - listen to cosmic signals and listen to your senses.
    - The universe gives you a lot.
    - Proud that today is better than yesterday.
    - Happiness comes from within.
    - as simple as beautiful.
    - To have a broad vision, what you need to do is to constantly study and always learn new things like a blank piece of paper.
    - The success of a teacher is to make students eager to learn.

  • @tuyentran-qw2tr
    @tuyentran-qw2tr 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Focus on your career and invest in yourself first.
    - Genetics make you have feelings for your parents.
    - listen to cosmic signals and listen to your senses.
    - The universe gives you a lot.
    - Proud that today is better than yesterday.
    - Happiness comes from within.
    - as simple as beautiful.
    - To have a broad vision, what you need to do is to constantly study and always learn new things like a blank piece of paper.
    - The success of a teacher is to make students eager to learn.

  • @quynhtran9045
    @quynhtran9045 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - don't be constrained by the old notion of "settling down first, then starting a career"
    - starting a career first gives you the financial capability to settle down later
    - need to change your mindset, live simply, and save to invest in the future
    - use reason to control your emotions, don't let them affect your path to success
    - loving your family doesn't mean you have to depend on them
    - focus on your own goals and dreams
    - your success brings joy to your family
    - don't care about the gossip, prove it with your actions

  • @2ndkd-dinhhuy
    @2ndkd-dinhhuy 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live #44:
    - Distinguishing between assets and liabilities is essential.
    - Strive to excel in what you excel at.
    - Avoid comparing yourself to anyone; compare yourself to who you were yesterday.
    - People don't care about what you want; they only want to hear what they want to hear.
    - Focusing too much on mistakes can foster a sense of weakness within you.
    - The crucial thing is the attitude with which you face challenges.

  • @nguyenanhnguyen9785
    @nguyenanhnguyen9785 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from live 44
    - Asking a question from inside not outside
    - Be a gentel
    - Question and find the anwser
    - Quality question
    - Understand that we have a gift when come here focus to growing with that gift not the other's gift
    - What do Universe want to tell me at this moment
    - Look and belief in the flag
    - Universe have a plan for each person
    - Sign is there dont ignore it
    - Choice equal outcome

  • @THTThu2906
    @THTThu2906 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from 44
    Invest in yourself, in your work before you settle down
    - when you love you must love smart
    - If you don't solve your problem, your children will be affected by it.
    - Don't compare who should just compare you.
    - proud to be better than yesterday
    - happiness in yourself
    - you don't have to be beautiful but you have to be clean

  • @thanhmaitran660
    @thanhmaitran660 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from NhiLe live 44
    - Everyone who comes into this life has their own gifts and awakening is not a gift for everyone.
    - No one can escape the test that the universe gives them.
    - Challenges are there until we overcome them.
    - The universe always gives us gifts that carry messages that direct us to the path we need to go.
    - You are happy when you are grateful for what you have and learn to see things from different perspectives

  • @noo1636
    @noo1636 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bài học rút ra
    Trước khi muốn làm việc gì đó chúng ta phải học,học, học
    Học phân biệt cái nào là tài sản cái nào là tiêu sản

  • @nguyenanhnguyen9785
    @nguyenanhnguyen9785 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from Live 44
    - Emotion reflect other, happy come from inside
    - Learn to find money first not use
    - Ego control
    - Universe prepare a journey for each person

  • @nongdong123
    @nongdong123 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bài học rút ra:
    - Lập nghiệp rồi mới an cư
    - Còn trẻ nên lập nghiệp trước
    - Yêu thương gia đình của bạn không được mù quáng
    - Vũ trụ cho bạn những bài thi phù hợp với sức của bạn
    - Vụ trụ cho bạn cái xứng đáng nhận được , không cho cái bạn muốn
    - Hạnh phúc đến từ bên trong bạn , yếu tố bên ngoài không làm bạn hạnh phúc
    - Thời gian là khẻ thù lớn nhất của bạn
    - - Không có một sự ngấu nhiên nào trong cuộc sống
    - Vô thức tiêu cực dẫn đến hành động tiêu cực ra kết quả tiêu cực
    - Vũ trụ gửi bài thi cho bạn khi bạn sẵn sàng
    - Bạn không điều khiển được một ai đó làm điều gì trong cuộc sống
    - Cảm xúc tội lỗi xây dựng nên tính cách yếu đuối
    - Tập luyện nhận diện cảm xúc

  • @nguyenhotrucquynh
    @nguyenhotrucquynh 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Livestream 44
    - Take care of yourself first -> love with logical
    - Ask inside you -> universe will give lessons what you can handle
    - Compare yourself yesterday and today
    - Happy inside -> Happy with yourself
    - Time is important-> do not waste time
    - “Less is More”-> Learn fashion on internet
    - Parents never define who you are
    - When the students are ready, teachers come
    - Self development

  • @hangvo-yw9ip
    @hangvo-yw9ip 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bài học rút ra:1 lập nghiệp trước.tiêu sản tài sản.2 con cái là tiêu sản.3 bài học dòng nước 4 tất cả mọi thứ không ngẫu nhiên mà có sự liên kết.5 cân bằng lí trí và cảm xúc

  • @Thanhhuong20012
    @Thanhhuong20012 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - The younger you are, the better off you are at starting a career instead of settling down
    - Love does not mean blindness
    - The universe always gives you lessons, but knows you are ready
    - The universe is always fair to everyone, and rewards each person accordingly
    - Happiness comes from within, not from others
    - No need to be beautiful but be simple.
    - The gain of having children: Being chosen as a parent. The loss: Time, health, spirit, money.... Having children when you are truly ready
    - Sin builds a weak personality, strength creates a strong love and strong personality
    - Fairness when you have professional knowledge, a general view

  • @NNgoDat
    @NNgoDat ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons From Live #44
    - To be fair, you must have knowledge and have a multi-dimensional view
    - The universe shows you what you deserve
    - Emotions drive thinking, identifying and controlling emotions is controlling thinking
    - Breathe for 3 seconds before answering or reacting to an event
    - Help yourself first
    - Ask questions within yourself
    - Everyone comes into your life for a period of time and teaches you something
    - Compare my selves yesterday with today

  • @minhthuong216
    @minhthuong216 ปีที่แล้ว

    - Identify assets and liabilities
    -focus on your career
    - compare today's selves with yesterday's to become better
    - when yoy are ready the teacher appear
    - you have to learm how to pass the exam sent by the universe or you don't want to receive more difficult exams
    - everyone is equal
    - the past where you were born, doesn't define who yoy are.
    - respect yourself
    - there is no randomness
    - everyone's exam is the same. But what's important is the attitude you face it.

  • @thupham8574
    @thupham8574 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44
    - The universe always reminds you to face challenges to learn valuable lessons
    - Youth doesn't last forever.
    - Things don't naturally get better on their own. Only through practice do we grow and improve.
    - Take time to reflect on your life experiences to understand the issues you're facing.
    - The universe gives everyone the same test; the difference lies in how each person approaches it.
    - Your children learn from your actions.

  • @huongvo8002
    @huongvo8002 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44
    • The universe never gives you things you are not ready for or unable to handle
    • Proud that today I am better than yesterday
    • The universe is generous to everyone
    • The universe gives you what you deserve
    • Practicing practice is fate
    • Happiness is inside you
    • Less is more
    • When the student is ready, the teacher appears
    • Emotional awareness and control of your own emotions

  • @tranoanh6094
    @tranoanh6094 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from Nhi Lê Livestream 44:
    - I understand when I buy a house is it an asset or a liability.
    - My house is a liability because I use money to operate it.
    - Invest in yourself first, go to school to have financial literacy.
    - invest in world certified stuff like stocks, stocks...
    - I got a job first, not a job.
    - Use your talent to do it.
    - I was born to care for my loved ones.
    - I have to use reason to analyze, I have to do what I want.
    - I set a goal to go the way I want.

  • @thanhhai1141
    @thanhhai1141 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from livestream 44
    - Happiness always lies within yourself
    - Keep trying and constantly upgrading yourself
    - Learn to balance your reason and emotions
    - You understand whether what you buy is an asset or a liability
    - Time is also the biggest enemy
    - Take 3 seconds to control your emotions
    - The universe always gives us new lessons to upgrade ourselves

  • @Leopodcast29
    @Leopodcast29 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Focus on your career
    - Differentiate between reason and emotion
    - Invest in yourself
    - Not everyone is awake
    - The universe always gives you signals

  • @daocuong2014
    @daocuong2014 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Xin trân thành cảm ơn NHI LÊ ❤️
    Nghe Nhi nói mà mình nổi da gà, vũ trụ Vận hành như vậy? Thì liệu có một đấng toàn năng nào đó ngoài kia điều khiển không Nhi? Và đồng thời như bao kiếp con người khác như Đức Phật &Chúa &các đạo khác ... Họ đến trái đất để truyền lại cho đời đời sau. Vậy họ là tay, chân (đệ tử) của đấng toàn năng đang Vận hành vũ trụ này ?😇😇😇

    • @mocan18
      @mocan18 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều 🥰🤩😆_Admin #nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoarch

    • @vanessaschunk262
      @vanessaschunk262 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ❤❤❤#nhile #nhilefoundation #nhilelifecoach

  • @TinhNguyen-yj9nu
    @TinhNguyen-yj9nu 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    -Young people worry about their career first
    -Invest in yourself to know what you're good at
    -Family love is inherent, but one should also distinguish between reason and emotion

  • @quynhnga5587
    @quynhnga5587 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from live#44:
    - Start a business before settling down, and decide to buy yourself a house because maybe that house is your liability.
    Humans have 3 classes:
    + Subclass means eating, sleeping, resting, sex, physiological needs, and survival.
    + Ego class means that you have to eat, drink to luxury, stay at home beautiful, are the things you want to show outside (want but not necessary)
    + Last layer: you love yourself, love all your ugliest things,...
    - The universe always presents you with challenges that you can overcome, and have the power to overcome.

  • @longnguyenduy6650
    @longnguyenduy6650 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live 44
    - Compare yourself to yourself yesterday
    - Discipline with small habits
    - Investing in yourself is always the most profitable
    - Meditation is not thinking

  • @nhitruong8885
    @nhitruong8885 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - people focus on what they want to hear
    - question more inside you to find wakening
    - be kindness
    - focus on what you do
    - Universe always give you lesson for you
    - Do diferent when you see red fleg
    - anyone appear in your life to teach you something

  • @Nghiem_Thanh
    @Nghiem_Thanh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - when you buy something you need to understand is it an asset or a liability
    - Loving your loved ones does not mean blindly improving yourself before you want to know someone.
    - The more you avoid difficulties, the more difficulties you face
    - you should compare yourself with yesterday's self versus today.
    - you deserve what you have
    - when you're ready the new teacher appears
    - nothing is random, you need to send a signal into space to get an answer

  • @huyenphan8252
    @huyenphan8252 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    -Lessons from livestream number 44:
    - need an environment to practice what has been learned.
    - Awareness is finding yourself, the purpose is to understand more about people and love the environment.
    - learn to step out of your comfort zone
    - Leaving college is just the beginning of the school of life.
    - don't care about detractors.
    - Own yourself and take responsibility for your actions.
    #nhile #nhiletinhthuc #nhilelive #cuocsongmy
    #duhocmy #duhoccanada #vietkieumy #vietkieuuc #nguoivietonuocngoai
    #cuocsongcanada #cuocsongnguoiviettaimy #nhilelifecoach #nhilefoundation #msnhi

  • @trangnguyenthuy2736
    @trangnguyenthuy2736 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from livestream 44:
    1. Should build your career based on your own mission before you settle down
    2.Awakening comes only to those who are ready
    3.Nothing is a coincidence, it's all about the arrangement of the universe
    4.The universe only gives you a test and the way to face it is up to you
    5.Strong people are those who are true to themselves
    6. Balance emotion and reason

  • @longnguyenduy6650
    @longnguyenduy6650 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live 44
    - Distinguish between assets and liabilities
    - Love your family but don't use too much emotion
    - Option
    - Being true to yourself is strong
    - The universe will not send you the test when you are not ready

  • @homanlien
    @homanlien 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Live #44:
    - Happiness comes from within.
    - When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
    - Nothing happens by chance in one’s life. The universe won’t send lessons unless you’re ready.
    - You have to learn to balance emotions and reason for a happier life.

  • @BicBappp
    @BicBappp 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Distinguish between property and consumption
    - Everyone who comes to our lives is a signal of the universe
    - No one succeeds without having to go through failure
    - As long as you’re a little better than yesterday, you can
    - Don’t think you’re perfect and don’t want to develop it anymore
    - Learn to control your own emotions

  • @thuytienNova
    @thuytienNova 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from livestream 44
    - When buying anything, distinguish it as an asset or a liability
    - Focus on starting a business before settling down
    - Invest in knowledge in yourself
    - Work is you change your time to get a salary, establishing a business is using your talent, what you do best to bring out.
    - Time is the greatest enemy
    - Love yourself and be yourself

  • @ThanhTruc-sx8yf
    @ThanhTruc-sx8yf ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from livestream 44
    - Learn for yourself first, before you want to help anyone else
    - People just want to talk, not listen
    - Speak when they really want to change
    - Do before you ask
    - awakening is when you ask questions within yourself, not seek answers
    - learn to be yourself don't try to force yourself to learn something you don't like

  • @thisisme-k2q
    @thisisme-k2q 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Live #44:
    1. Happy is from inside and your soul. Therefore, the collocation of "mở lòng" is not true. If you love yourself, around you is love and love.
    2. If you are scared and do not wanna learn the lesson. The Lesson comes again and harder

  • @minhtrung6578
    @minhtrung6578 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44
    1. Settle down and then start a career is no longer true at the present time. Clearly distinguish whether a house is a liability or an asset. Start a career first
    2. Don't compare yourself to anyone, only compare yourself to yourself yesterday
    3. Happiness is within yourself. It has nothing to do with the outside
    4. Nothing in this world is random, everything is arrangement

  • @quannga1289
    @quannga1289 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from LIVE #44
    - Time power
    - Be yourself
    - Identification => Control
    - Wearing simple clothes = Beautiful
    - Work you are good at = Success

  • @khanhvytran2586
    @khanhvytran2586 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Nhile Livestream#44
    - You should not buy a house immediately
    - When you're young, start a career first
    - As you evade the universe's test, the difficulty gets harder and harder
    - The universe always gives you lessons when you are ready
    - TH-cam is a paradise for learning
    - Need purity more than beauty

  • @huakimngan05
    @huakimngan05 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44
    + Invest in starting a business first
    + Compare who you are today with who you were yesterday
    + You have to pay the price for what you want
    + Happiness comes from within you

  • @lizz4663
    @lizz4663 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    lesson from live 44
    1. The biggest investment is investing in your career and yourself
    2. Should proud of yourself better everyday
    3. Nothing is random. When you are ready to listen, what you need will come
    4. Your attitude will determine the results you get
    5. Must look at things from many perspectives. Knowledge will help you get an accurate view

  • @lanvien4955
    @lanvien4955 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44:
    - Awakening is a gift
    - Being true to yourself is strong
    - The universe always sends the test when you are ready
    - People like to hear what they want.
    - You should not compare yourself with anyone except yesterday's friend
    - If you want to achieve something, you have to pay a worthy price

  • @loverain307
    @loverain307 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lessons from #44
    - Spiritual awakening doesn’t always lead to renunciation, and not every monk is awakened.
    - True happiness is internal, not dependent on external factors.
    - Listening to your emotions means acknowledging what you’re feeling rather than ignoring or suppressing them.
    - Meditation helps because it gives you time to reflect and understand your emotions deeply without being overwhelmed by them.
    - Emotions have a strong influence on your thoughts and decisions.
    - Striking a balance between both-using logic to guide decisions while still being in touch with your emotional needs.

  • @chinhoang0238
    @chinhoang0238 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from live 44:
    - Have a stable occupation before settling down.
    - People don't want to hear what you say, they just want to hear what they want to hear.
    - The universe always gives you the lesson you're ready for.
    - Be proud of yourself today better than yesterday.
    - You are not as weak as you think.
    - Happiness is not open to acceptance, because happiness is inside you.
    - There is no randomness.

  • @quangdangvan3475
    @quangdangvan3475 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Live 43
    - Lessons on breaking out of the cocoon
    - Love yourself
    - There is no right or wrong. There are only choices_results_consequences
    - Change yourself. Change your life

  • @ChuTTrang
    @ChuTTrang 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44 (3)
    - To understand a big issue, you must understand the small parts that make it up.
    - Keep learning and practicing until you master a topic before moving on to the next one.
    - Knowledge leads to a broader perspective and fairness towards everyone.
    - To control emotions, listen to them and meditate more.
    - Emotions control thoughts; to change this, practice is required.
    - Overthinking makes you dry; being too emotional makes you weak and insecure.
    - Balance emotions and thoughts through exercise, meditation, reading, and positive thinking.
    - Understanding and experiencing make knowledge truly yours.

  • @Serena5241
    @Serena5241 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44:
    Invest in real estate and securities until the career room is stable, then buy a house to settle down.
    Caring for the heart, loving the family but loving with reason, bury them aside, grow up stably and have money to come back to help them. Consciousness is the awareness that you have come to this world to fulfill some mission.
    People just want to hear what they want to hear.
    The determinant is not to ask questions, but to go back inside and ask yourself questions. Just compare yourself today with yesterday.

  • @phuonganhnguyen8635
    @phuonganhnguyen8635 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from livestream 44:
    - It is not necessary to have a house to settle down
    - Start a business before settling down
    - Love is so blind
    - The universe gives you time to return the cards, don't hide, the longer it takes, the more miserable
    - Just be proud of yourself today, better than yesterday
    - I am the reason for my happiness, happiness inside
    The beauty of knowledge is beauty that doesn't cost money
    - It's no coincidence, when I'm ready, the universe gives me what I want

  • @KhoiNguyen-zh4zz
    @KhoiNguyen-zh4zz ปีที่แล้ว

    Lessons from Livestream 44:
    - Distinguish between assets and liabilities.
    - Invest in myself.
    - Break down barriers about old belief system.
    - Awakening doesn't mean you find out the answers from anybody excepts yourself.
    - Go with the flow.
    - Instincts -> Ego -> Love unconditional
    - What I have is what I deserve.

  • @loverain307
    @loverain307 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Lessons from #44:
    - No one can change or help others unless they help themselves.
    - Love your family, but avoid being blindly attached to them.
    - Awakening is a personal experience. It can't be taught, each individual must go through it on their own.
    - The universe will challenge you and give you time to understand, but if you avoid it, more challenges will come.
    - The universe gives what you deserve, not just what you want

  • @phuonganhnguyen8635
    @phuonganhnguyen8635 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream #44
    - Do not invest in the house when you are young, but focus on work and study
    - People only want to hear what they want to hear
    - Eat, drink, sleep - ego - love yourself
    - The universe gives you what you deserve
    - Happiness is inside of you
    - There is no coincidence, when you are ready new opportunities come your way
    - The way to be fair to everyone is to add new knowledge to have a multi-dimensional view

  • @BstyThuSang
    @BstyThuSang 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from NhiLe livestream # 44
    - Focus on your career before settling down
    - The universe will never send you an exam that you cannot complete
    - Awakening is understanding yourself
    - Happiness is within yourself, you must be happy first
    - You can only succeed when you do what you are good at
    - When you are ready the teacher appears
    - Children are a liability
    - Learn to control emotions
    - Balance between emotions and reason
    - A good teacher must know how to incorporate emotions

  • @EmyTran-ChinhMatLech
    @EmyTran-ChinhMatLech หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from Live 44
    - Always maintain a spirit of continuous learning.
    - Investing in personal development is the most important investment.
    - Love your family and loved ones consciously, not blindly.
    - The universe brings you the right lessons and challenges for you to overcome and grow.
    - Accept all aspects of yourself, both weaknesses and strengths, to perfect yourself.

  • @huynhlien1704
    @huynhlien1704 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lesson from livestream 44
    You must know whether the house you live in is an asset or a liability
    -You must realize that love is blind
    -Use reason to separate emotions, complete your own tasks first
    -You don't need advice when someone doesn't need it
    -Awakening is realizing that coming to this life is a mission
    -The universe is very fair, the universe always sends you what suits you

  • @bangthien6410
    @bangthien6410 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    lessons from live 44:
    + Dressing bees well means wearing clothes that fit well and are not flashy, the simpler they are, the better the color is
    + The sixth sense is always within you. You feel it in the first 2-3 seconds when you meet someone or someone

  • @ThanhTruc-sx8yf
    @ThanhTruc-sx8yf 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44
    - Only the more you learn, will you have foresight
    - Only when you are in that specialty will you have an overview
    - Before absorbing any knowledge, research it
    - When you learn to control your own emotions by slowing down 3 seconds before deciding something
    - If you want to be successful, you must learn to balance reason and emotions

  • @nguyenthithuhien0704
    @nguyenthithuhien0704 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from livestream 44
    - Only compare today's self with yesterday's self
    -Happiness lies within each of us
    - Discipline with small habits
    - Meditation is not thinking
    Distinguish between assets and liabilities
    - Love your family by letting them live the life they choose
    - Always be proud of yourself
    - The simpler life is, the lighter life is

  • @thuylinh_tran95
    @thuylinh_tran95 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44:
    - Knowing the reason but not being able to solve it, then knowing what to do.
    - How to be fair to others: look in many directions, have many understandings.
    - Nothing is random.
    - Don't compare yourself with anyone because it's unfair. Compare you now with you yesterday.
    - You can love your family because it starts with your genes and you can't stop it.

  • @minhthuong216
    @minhthuong216 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from live 44:
    Distinguished between property and consumer
    Everyone who comes to our lives is a signal of the universe
    Proud that today is better than yesterday
    As simple as beautiful
    The truth makes people uncomfortable
    To live gently is to live according to your mission,when you feel miserable and difficult,it means you are going against what you have to do
    A good teacher must know to incorporate emotions

  • @quocanh6598
    @quocanh6598 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lessons from livestream 44:
    - Starting a career involves knowing what you are good at, what you want, and the field you excel in, allowing you to perform excellently and efficiently.
    - In your youth, focus on investing in yourself, your intelligence, and your knowledge to find a job that suits your talent, thinking, and abilities.
    - Learn to love wisely, not blindly.
    - Everything around you offers a lesson that you must learn.
    - The teacher appears when the student is ready.

  • @nhungbui6199
    @nhungbui6199 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lesson from live 44 an cư rồi mới lập nghiệp
    - love your loved ones but don't be blind, develop yourself before helping your loved ones
    - wakefulness: don't ask how to be awake, ask yourself many questions
    - find commonalities in your relationships -> you are your friends' common denominator
    - randomness: no randomness
    - when you are ready to learn, the teacher will appear
    - Everyone's test is the same, but everyone's way of accepting the test is different
    - have children: more mature