Mr.Ermias how are you doing this afternoon, Mr. Antene & your analysis of our Ethiopia is so impressive. Mr. Ermias please bring Mr. Antene more on your program. Thanks,
Interesting conversation! It doesn't mean that everything is applicable, as diplomacy can be more complex than this. Most importantly, the decisions the government makes today shouldn't create a mess for future generations to clean up. Overall, it's refreshing to see discussions rather than warmongering.
Poletica is science ..he is a kind of SHola Bedefin ...ask him what does it mean a historical enemy ? he is asking why Egypt is quite about Lebanon but for Ethiopia nothing
The poorest analysis regarding Ethiopian internal and external affair cases. Mr. Ermias, I have been following the interview you did with Anteneh a couple of times and I found him incompetent in various issues in discussions. OfCourse you are also volatile, and you did not stick to factual cases even for those you discussed in your earlier medias' work.
I don't understand PM of Isreal killing innocent people as poor as Ethiopian housekeppers! No Country is allowed to do these kind of crimes against voiceless peoole! I hardly wait what God is going to do about it?
Mr.Ermias how are you doing this afternoon, Mr. Antene & your analysis of our Ethiopia is so impressive. Mr. Ermias please bring Mr. Antene more on your program. Thanks,
Mr Anteneh is very generic Seyoum Teshome is atleast entertainning
Lamu port is something Ethiopia must consider using
Interesting conversation! It doesn't mean that everything is applicable, as diplomacy can be more complex than this. Most importantly, the decisions the government makes today shouldn't create a mess for future generations to clean up. Overall, it's refreshing to see discussions rather than warmongering.
Weak analysis.
በንጉሱ ጊዜ ከእስራኤል ጋ ያላትን የዲፕሎማሲ ግንኙነት ሙሉ በሙሉ አቋርጣለች ኢትዮጲያ ገለልተኛ አልነበረችም
ልጁ የጫት ማሳ ወሬ ነው ፡ የሚሰክሰው ።
የዕውቀት reference ያረገው ፤ሬድዋን እና ዛሚ ሬድዮ መሆኑ ፤ የከሰረ ካድሬ ይመስላል ።
ያገር ፍቅሩ ግና የሚወደድ ነው ።
እና reference ቀይር ።
ኤርሚያስ ያቀረበው ርዕስ በራሱ መጠየቅ የሌለበትን ጥያቄ ነው።Don't compare to incomparable. ነውና ገለልተኛ ናት ኢትዮጵያ እያለ አሁን አሰላለፏን ከነአሜሪካ ጋር ብታደርግ ብሎ The if clause... ማሳየቱ የመላሹን ሚዛናዊነት ያሳየናል። በሚቀጥለው ርዕስ አያይዘን እናያለን ቢለውም መላሹ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ ከያዘችው አቋም ጋር ያለውን እውነታ አያስለውጠውም።
Poletica is science ..he is a kind of SHola Bedefin ...ask him what does it mean a historical enemy ? he is asking why Egypt is quite about Lebanon but for Ethiopia nothing
What a dummy discussion!! 0 concept.
The poorest analysis regarding Ethiopian internal and external affair cases. Mr. Ermias, I have been following the interview you did with Anteneh a couple of times and I found him incompetent in various issues in discussions. OfCourse you are also volatile, and you did not stick to factual cases even for those you discussed in your earlier medias' work.
Anu bechow Atbo ywachal kebt
I don't understand PM of Isreal killing innocent people as poor as Ethiopian housekeppers! No Country is allowed to do these kind of crimes against voiceless peoole! I hardly wait what God is going to do about it?
Collateral damage
ኤርሚያስ እንዴት ነው የምታስበው የወደብ በርና የሚሊተሪ ቤዝ ስለፈለክ ብቻ ታገኛለህ እንዴ ???
You think the westerns don't know all this..
ኤርሚ ኮምፖስ ግን ፤ ቀይ ባሕር ሊዘጋ ነው ብለህ ፤ የኤርትራን ባህር ኃይል አለመጥቀስህ ፤ ውሃ ዋና አይችሉም ብለህ ነው?😂😂 የግመል ውሃ ማጠጫቸው ነው ብለህ ነው?
የንቀት ጥግ 😢😂😂
Ante Zeraf Kalk Yibekal Israelin Mashenef Yechalew Yante Melas 👅 Bicha Naw Mamo
your guest is Duket
በእንጭጩ የኦነግ መሪ አብይ አህመድ የታገቱ የአምሓራ ተማሪዎች 4 አመት ከ302 ቀን ሆናቸው መቼም አንረሳችሁም
he is a Liar ... what a hypocrisy