Hi Nicole. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us :) I've been thinking of becoming a floral designer as a career option, but I wanted to get a better idea of what it is really like being a florist in HK, especially the hardships that come with it, so I can be mentally prepared if I do go for this career path. I'm thinking of doing the CPD course provided by the HKAFA academy. Would you say that it's worth the price or not?
那位前輩才是你的貴人 在花花世界有豐富專業知識和人生經歷 毫不吝惜教給你 對你嚴格是她對花藝的重視也是對你的重視 因為那時你做出來的東西沒有美感 這跟社會上欺負新人的前輩不一樣 影片裡那兩顆是什麼花? 簡單 好看
我也覺得那位前輩是貴人,有時候有關花藝的問題,她都能解答我,影片的花是尤加利葉與 乒乓菊
Hi Nicole. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us :) I've been thinking of becoming a floral designer as a career option, but I wanted to get a better idea of what it is really like being a florist in HK, especially the hardships that come with it, so I can be mentally prepared if I do go for this career path. I'm thinking of doing the CPD course provided by the HKAFA academy. Would you say that it's worth the price or not?
Hi Nicole . 請問那個花藝課程值得上嗎?
Thanks for your reply Nicole. 還有什麼好的花藝課程進介呢?
@@nicolefloralclass 呢個同讀外面坊間H×AFA,插花藝×學×既導師課程有咩唔同?
@@ShoppingEverydayWorldwide 其實個ERB佢會教你一啲好皮毛既知識, 即你自己插係亂咁插, 個課程會有啲基本資訊話俾你知 , 先擺主花, 而主花長度比例應該要點, 做左個框架再鋪其他花材葉材令你插出黎既野比起自己亂黎會工整一啲。 至於課程其他野就好睇你遇到個導師係點, 好難一概而論因為個個導師除左主要課程之外, 佢自己都有少少自由去教自己既題材 , 但唔好expect揾工時有呢個erb證書會覺得係一個優勢, 可能甚至乎只要有鋪頭肯請你呢張白紙根本唔需要讀呢個課程。 而你亦預左你班同學上個課程99%都係當遊閒手藝課程。
乜花店啲人咁惡ga 0-0
谢谢你的video~ 我现在也是在做文职~没有那个勇气去做花艺~你很厉害 你很勇敢 很羡慕你 ❤
@@nicolefloralclass Nicole 我想问下,你会不会示范包朱古力(金莎)?
+ oil.