I like how you didn't mention anything about he or she so you won't get canceled :) yet there will be a controversy in the comments about it (kinda smart)
you choose the wrong extra skill, the other one is deflect it would be better and more effective if you choose it, i always love to play with swordman's characters, i like her, but i think the other (s) swordman's characters are better, such as ( tashigi - shiryu - hawkins - rebecca - pedro even kinemon is better than her ) idk maybe i'm wrong, but overall she deserved my 2k devil fruit.
HE'S actually strong i like HIS skill 2, also the normal attacks are very smooth, HIS extra cards are kinda boring but I think that's fair considering HE'S not weak.
He/she has no wasted movements, even his/her ult is just one fluid attack animation with no flashy movements. I like it
She is one of the best s characters if not the best by far
@@Jid_xh_ She*
1:11 💀Yohohoho
Pantsu 😱
Okiku got me to GM lol, shes decent
He or she it's not important 🤠
It's he
But in heart it's she 😂
@nocap255 YH
W game and W character, GG 🙌
7:22 what are you doing bro😅
I like how you didn't mention anything about he or she so you won't get canceled :) yet there will be a controversy in the comments about it (kinda smart)
I like her design and Oni mask ult finish... definitely worth it imo...
Ur ratings ?
7.5/10, pretty solid character
Her? 😂
@@Take_a_break_have_a_kitkatyes, her.
БАЛИИИН,ЗАЬЫЛ спросит как тебе песронаж
Пойдет, на этом всё :)
@@OnePieceFightingPathPVP почему так мало
She's alr but im not spending on her, tencent has been cutting away at the free resources we get. No daily share anymore.
but +45 gdf on daily missions
@OnePieceFightingPathPVP Oh I didnt even know, ty for tellin me. Sorry tencent
2k isn't that much brovv 🤑
it's good it's like tashiigi
How much gdf you spend on her/idk 😶 and rating?
2.5k, 7.5/10
How much personal content?
Bro can you make a video on how to top-up for South Asian region....(I'm from Sri Lanka so I don't know how)... plsss mann...❤❤
Kikunojo and his brother izo are guys but when they were kids the had to play as girls in other to survive and till now they kept it that way
Kiku is biologically a man with “The heart of woman” which is just Japanese for trans because they have no word for transgender.
But they are different, his brother followed Whitebeard and built some muscles.
How much does it cost you and do you recommend it, specially when zorojuro is coming
2.5k, not "must have" character, nothing special, but still pretty strong
hi there
amazing pvp skills
how much does she/he costs?
2000-3000 gdf, depends on your luck
bro you’re a monster! but the question is he or she? 😅
@@llhbj1051WRONG ANSWER🚨🚨
you choose the wrong extra skill, the other one is deflect it would be better and more effective if you choose it, i always love to play with swordman's characters, i like her, but i think the other (s) swordman's characters are better, such as ( tashigi - shiryu - hawkins - rebecca - pedro even kinemon is better than her ) idk maybe i'm wrong, but overall she deserved my 2k devil fruit.
I chose this one cuz it allows you to fill Oni`s bar faster. Counter is obviously good, but im tired of counter skills.
i agree nothing special in her counter, just repetition and boring 🤷🏻
What's that extra skill card for?
It allows you to fill Oni`s bar faster
@OnePieceFightingPathPVP so why we can't trigger it
I tried everything in training mode but failed lol
it is like a passive not a skill.
its passive, just like Vergo second extra card
Better than Marco 😂
Rly? :D
Кику прикольный но мне больше апу зашёл
I have 50 gt and 22k gdf should I go for oden or should I wait for law
Wait for Law
@OnePieceFightingPathPVP okay thanks
Is she worth it?
Why don't you want to confront the TH-camr Tweety? Are you afraid of him? ☠️☠️
وش السالفه ؟
@Zac-kn2gn This is not my language
@@Mihawk-1-1 Tweety is an Arab TH-camr so how do you know him if that’s not your language 😑
if there is a hole then there is a goal
Rate? Gg
How to use second extra
Its passive, allows you to fill Oni`s bar faster
Only 9K GDF here Should I Summon For her 🤔😥
Depends on you, not "must have" character
Okay c'mon bro yk I was finna pull up to that bait as title😂
TY nerfed me bro🙏😭 3/4 of my comments don't show up!
@ OKIKUはどこで入手しますか?
How much??
2000-3000 gdf, depends on your luck
@OnePieceFightingPathPVP THANK YOU
@ 頑張ってください🔥
Nice gameplay 👌
He/she/they/ze/sie/xe/xy... is a well balanced character
Con này mạng không anh?
His basics are like prime Rayleigh
HE'S actually strong i like HIS skill 2, also the normal attacks are very smooth, HIS extra cards are kinda boring but I think that's fair considering HE'S not weak.
I like the capitalization lol
The transphobia is CRAZY delusional dumass.
His my waifu 😍
Wath vpn you used
He is male but
In heart he female 😂
So trans. It's she.
He. This is he
She. She's trans.
@ when he show you his tools. You will say same?
@@ProjectMugenGame Do you know if she has it? Did you check? Also, yes. She'd still be a woman even with that.
🏳️🌈 : They/Them
🗿 : ♂️
Wath vpn you used