Je mi moc líto,že tento nádherný hlas už nikdy neuslyším"naživo"...Asonance už nikdy nebude taková jako s Vámi,paní Hanko😪...Čestt Vaší památce a hlubokou soustrast rodině i kapele
Tohle byla první píseň, v níž jsem slyšel nádherný, čistý vokál paní Hanky...a od té doby mě provází a bude provázet dál na všech nahrávkách a při vzpomínkách na všechny koncerty, kterých jsem se zúčastnil. Odešel s ní velký kus mého já...nenahraditelný :-( R.I.P.
Předtím jsem nikdy neviděl klip ani kapelu a myslel jsem, že tenhle hlas patří nějaké dvacítce :D Tady bude duchem někdo hodně mlady :)) krasny hlas a moc emergie smekam klobouk:))))
@@spdzodzo da se to rich i jinak…..a smat se tomu je uz vubec nehoraznost!!!….ano, nemela se nechat nakazit, ale nemyslite, ze za tim je sireni desinformaci v mediich, specialne na FB!?!?….bohuzel, Hana byla jedna z mnoha, kdo uveril nesmyslum…..bylo to hloupe, ale nedava Vam to zadne pravo se o komkoliv takhle vyjadrovat!!….opatrne s takovym jednanim, KARMA Vam to muze moc osklive vratit…
je to škoda,že odešla Hanka a Asonance bez ní už asi nebude taková jako byla,Je to už druhá rána nejdřív tragicky zahynul při závodech bubeník a teď výborná zpěvačka ,Upřímnou soustrast celé rodině
Opravdu je mi to líto... mrzí mě slova jejího syna, dají se pochopit, mluví z něj bolest ze ztráty...ale existuje vyšší síla a její duše raději odešla, než by zažívala pocity nesvobody a restrikcí...že kapely nemohou hrát, a když, tak ne pro všechny...
Great singer! No judgement from my side either. In that certain area, I, too, hesitated at first, then I found out the truth and the answers I spared no effort to find.
Úplně jako originál ve studiu... Musím říct, že jsem tuhle kapelu milovala jako malá... A teď chápu proč... Texty, zpěv a styl naprosto úžasný, jednoduchý a dokonalý... 😇
no es su culpa, los que empiezan las mentiras lo hice a proposito, quieren matar a la gente. Por favor a todos: no comparte nada sin estar SEGURO de que es verdad
RIP . It’s never up to us even though it appears to be . “When you believe in things that you don’t understand then you suffer” or in this case you die.
except in this case it wasn't superstition it was being the victim of intentional manipulation. Please everyone: never share anything unless you are CERTAIN that it is true don't share things because they sound true or because you trust the person who shared them It's so awful. She should have lived to be 99. RIP Hana
From her son's description of her death Hana suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by Catastrophic Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (CAPS) due to Covid-19-delta.
To že zemřela je tragédie, ale není to ničí vína, bohužel to je osud,je to moc smutné, dávat někomu vinu, není zrovna fér! Po očkování umírají lidé teké. V mém okolí jich bylo několik.
@@lenkaprihodova1018 Wer kennt sie nicht? Die Millionen von Impftoten weltweit? 🙄 Ich finde es ganz und gar nicht unfair, denjenigen die Schuld an solchen Todesfällen zu geben, die Falscheinformationen verbreiten, um andere von der Impfung abzuhalten.
Dnes má každý možnost si informace najít a ty fakta co jsou vědecky podložená a co se dostávají na povrch, podvody, finance, ovládání lidí, snížení populace, to si musí každý člověk uvědomit, že tu jde o válku proti lidem! Korporace, globalizace, banky, ti nejbohatší oligarchové ti zničí nši krásnou zem!
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines. "Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“ There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
She wanted to be "done with covid", but covid was done with her. There could be a folk song in this. She should at least get the Darwin Award 2022 that she deserves.
Go troll somewhere else. People who don't know about a topic but haste to put their opinion on the matter are an illness of today's world. She could've been misinformed about vaccination perhaps, but you are certainly misinformed about the circumstances of her intentions, infection and death.
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines. "Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“ There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
Go troll somewhere else. People who don't know about a topic but haste to put their opinion on the matter are an illness of today's world. She could've been misinformed about vaccination perhaps, but you are certainly misinformed about the circumstances of her intentions, infection and death.
Doğum, evlilik ve ölüm kaderdir. Ve bunlar insan doğmadan önce kaderine yazılmıştır, tarihlerini değiştirebileceğiniz bir şey değil. Aşı olmadığı için değil, kaderi olduğu için öldü bu kadın. Huzur içinde yattığını da düşünmüyorum cehennem çok sıcak ve cenneti kazanmak da kolay değil. Rabbim hepimizi cehennemden korusun, güzel cennetine alsın. Ve gelin iman edin, müslüman olun.
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines. "Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“ There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines. "Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“ There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I have seen it before. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful... and lets remember Hana rather for her amazing music
She had a beautiful voice. May she RIP.
Hanka nám Všem bude velmi chybět! Krásný zpěv, krásná žena.!
Na Haničku nikdo nemá, je to taková škoda, jak člověka, tak perfektní zpěvačky :-( Haničko odpočívej v pokoji.
Je mi moc líto,že tento nádherný hlas už nikdy neuslyším"naživo"...Asonance už nikdy nebude taková jako s Vámi,paní Hanko😪...Čestt Vaší památce a hlubokou soustrast rodině i kapele
what a beautiful voice. RIP Hana Horka.
No judgment, just appreciation for this beautiful music and souls.
same. Wouldn't have heard about the band otherwise
@@randygerson Well, it is one way to go viral... so to speak. Damn shame. Lovely music.
Milovala jsem a miluji její hlas,nádherné písničky až se srdce svírá,má hluboká poklona R.I.P🕯️
God rest her soul. Stardust now. A beautiful voice stilled.Fare thee well Hana Horká, at only 57 years old.
Tohle byla první píseň, v níž jsem slyšel nádherný, čistý vokál paní Hanky...a od té doby mě provází a bude provázet dál na všech nahrávkách a při vzpomínkách na všechny koncerty, kterých jsem se zúčastnil. Odešel s ní velký kus mého já...nenahraditelný :-( R.I.P.
do slova a do písmene podepisuji ...
Odpočívej v pokoji, Hanko. Pozůstalým upřímnou soustrast.
Zao mi da Ona je umrela. Vecna sjecanja za nju! Rus sam al’ pisim srpski jer ceski jezik ne znam.
My condolences for what happened with Hana- The best for all the musicians of Asonance -
Fantastic song. So sad what happened to Hana Honka.
Hano, díky, ať jsi kde jsi.
Neuvěřitelně dobrá píseň
Předtím jsem nikdy neviděl klip ani kapelu a myslel jsem, že tenhle hlas patří nějaké dvacítce :D Tady bude duchem někdo hodně mlady :)) krasny hlas a moc emergie smekam klobouk:))))
Viděl jsem to stejně :D Ale je to úžas
duchom bola asi tak na urovni 3-rocneho decka ked sa nechala cielene nakazit covidom a otrcila kopyta lol :D
@@spdzodzo alebo pod vplyvom Antivax hnutia, kedže polícia nekoná aktívne
@@spdzodzo da se to rich i jinak…..a smat se tomu je uz vubec nehoraznost!!!….ano, nemela se nechat nakazit, ale nemyslite, ze za tim je sireni desinformaci v mediich, specialne na FB!?!?….bohuzel, Hana byla jedna z mnoha, kdo uveril nesmyslum…..bylo to hloupe, ale nedava Vam to zadne pravo se o komkoliv takhle vyjadrovat!!….opatrne s takovym jednanim, KARMA Vam to muze moc osklive vratit…
@@radkahunter2908 ok boomer
I heard about Hana's drama and checked Asonance by curiosity. What a voice, what a music! Big loss, RIP. Greetings from Poland.
je to škoda,že odešla Hanka a Asonance bez ní už asi nebude taková jako byla,Je to už druhá rána nejdřív tragicky zahynul při závodech bubeník a teď výborná zpěvačka ,Upřímnou soustrast celé rodině
Opravdu je mi to líto... mrzí mě slova jejího syna, dají se pochopit, mluví z něj bolest ze ztráty...ale existuje vyšší síla a její duše raději odešla, než by zažívala pocity nesvobody a restrikcí...že kapely nemohou hrát, a když, tak ne pro všechny...
Haničko, budeš nám chybět. Upřímnou soustrast všem, co ji milovali.
Skláním hlavu a žal s celým českým lidem
jedna z mých velmi oblíbených písní od kapely. Je dobré vidět také jejich videa live koncertů. Jsou skvěle sehraní. Super píseň!
Mě se líbí víc ta Království Keltů
Great singer! No judgement from my side either. In that certain area, I, too, hesitated at first, then I found out the truth and the answers I spared no effort to find.
Úplně jako originál ve studiu... Musím říct, že jsem tuhle kapelu milovala jako malá... A teď chápu proč... Texty, zpěv a styl naprosto úžasný, jednoduchý a dokonalý... 😇
Tak tohle byla moje první kazeta..
neznal jsem ,zvláště Zuzana mě dostala. Super díky že jste
Beautiful music and voice 🙏❤️
R.I.P. Hanko...
Moje velmi oblíbená píseň ❤️❤️❤️
Rip 🕊
Awesome music! Can’t wait for a new album…
Bro -
Just heard about Hana Horka dying of covid. So tragic.
Jednou poslechneš a navždy v srdci máš.
RIP :(
A beautiful folk music voice.
Que bonita música. Que pena que Hana Horka nos prive de ella por haber escuchado las trasnochadas ideas de los antivacunas.
no es su culpa, los que empiezan las mentiras lo hice a proposito, quieren matar a la gente.
Por favor a todos: no comparte nada sin estar SEGURO de que es verdad
Hana Horks had a wonderful voice. Too bad for her decisions. RIP
V neděli zemřela paní Hanička Horká .Čest její památce.
Rip Hana Horka
Ta flétnička je tu naprosto skvělá :)
I ta slečna :-)
Nice song!
nadhera :) mamka poustela doma kdyz jsme byli kluci :)
Je to úžasná skladba a úžasně zazpívaná
Очень очень жаль! Люди, берегите себя! Вакцинируйтесь! И пойте песни!
🙏 🕊 Rip
twa corbies. excellent! one of the greatest ballads
походу довыпендривалась, очень жаль ! слушаю в обязательном порядке, интересное музло!
RIP . It’s never up to us even though it appears to be . “When you believe in things that you don’t understand then you suffer” or in this case you die.
except in this case it wasn't superstition it was being the victim of intentional manipulation.
Please everyone: never share anything unless you are CERTAIN that it is true
don't share things because they sound true or because you trust the person who shared them
It's so awful. She should have lived to be 99. RIP Hana
@@rabbitwho ship of fools sail away
Es gibt Entscheidungen die nicht mehr umkehrbar sind. Traurig für Die Familie und ihren Verlußt. Hanka Horká RIP
Cantava muito, pena que deu ouvidos ao negacionismo, o corona vírus não pode ser subestimando
From her son's description of her death Hana suffered a pulmonary embolism caused by Catastrophic Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (CAPS) due to Covid-19-delta.
..super zvuk ;-)
Très ressemblant au morceau Breton : An alarc'h
Ela pediu ao universo e recebeu. Brincou com a morte com a sorte com a vida.
Sehr schöne Musik. Schade, dass sie auf die falschen Leute gehört hat...
To že zemřela je tragédie, ale není to ničí vína, bohužel to je osud,je to moc smutné, dávat někomu vinu, není zrovna fér! Po očkování umírají lidé teké. V mém okolí jich bylo několik.
@@lenkaprihodova1018 Wer kennt sie nicht? Die Millionen von Impftoten weltweit? 🙄
Ich finde es ganz und gar nicht unfair, denjenigen die Schuld an solchen Todesfällen zu geben, die Falscheinformationen verbreiten, um andere von der Impfung abzuhalten.
Dnes má každý možnost si informace najít a ty fakta co jsou vědecky podložená a co se dostávají na povrch, podvody, finance, ovládání lidí, snížení populace, to si musí každý člověk uvědomit, že tu jde o válku proti lidem! Korporace, globalizace, banky, ti nejbohatší oligarchové ti zničí nši krásnou zem!
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.
"Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“
There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
Trzeba żyć, żeby słuchać...
To už je 11 let
Je mi 13 let a je to můj sen je tam i ségra
the anti vaxx community is very proud of her
Hanička má prostě specifický hlas. Ji nemůže nikdo nahradit. Ona je nenahraditelná
Škoda Hanky...
O negacionismo causando vítimas uma pena
Daniel c kifft
Takový morbidní text, brrr
Corona 🎵🎶 corona 🎶🎵 corona 🎵
Hana Horka 1989
Alebo dnes?
Ey @daniel
Je škoda že tak krásný hlas zemře kvůli lidské hlouposti- je mi to líto.
hanka horka. Condolences to the family. It's a shame that people believe the bullshit.
dufam ze ta zenska co se vracela z lesa toho rytiera zachranila a ziju dodnes
Should of got vaccinated
So sad. Her Life could be save. Go vax!
She's dying for free!
@@echtedeutscheziegen1965 she wanted to live and chose the wrong way. That‘s not freedom. It‘s cruel and tragic.
She wanted to be "done with covid", but covid was done with her.
There could be a folk song in this.
She should at least get the Darwin Award 2022 that she deserves.
Go troll somewhere else. People who don't know about a topic but haste to put their opinion on the matter are an illness of today's world. She could've been misinformed about vaccination perhaps, but you are certainly misinformed about the circumstances of her intentions, infection and death.
@@malyvo0 She was an ill-informed person, spreading disinformation. End of story.
@@coriscotupi Sadly, some people just can't handle the truth.
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.
"Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“
There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
I think her passing is a positive thing. Hopefully, now her fans won't follow her down that idiotic rabbit hole!
Go troll somewhere else. People who don't know about a topic but haste to put their opinion on the matter are an illness of today's world. She could've been misinformed about vaccination perhaps, but you are certainly misinformed about the circumstances of her intentions, infection and death.
@@malyvo0 You are a clown!
It is very sad but any way you look at it, she killed herself!
Кто здесь после статьи на Медузе?
Doğum, evlilik ve ölüm kaderdir. Ve bunlar insan doğmadan önce kaderine yazılmıştır, tarihlerini değiştirebileceğiniz bir şey değil. Aşı olmadığı için değil, kaderi olduğu için öldü bu kadın. Huzur içinde yattığını da düşünmüyorum cehennem çok sıcak ve cenneti kazanmak da kolay değil. Rabbim hepimizi cehennemden korusun, güzel cennetine alsın. Ve gelin iman edin, müslüman olun.
Kinda silly not to get vaccinated at that age
Yet another victim of misinformation and ideology. R.I.P
Great voice... sadly her voice worked a lot better than her brain. -.-
Rest in Peace!
Work on your tact. It is deficient!
@@sirmixalot3332 Maybe... but truth still works.
@@eduardomdutra Is there any room for interpretation or discussion here in your opinion?
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.
"Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“
There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful...
Co trzeba mieć w głowie żeby specjalnie zarazić się śmiertelną chorobą...
asinine. sorry she did this to her son and husband. maybe someone else will learn a leason.
„Although she was unvaccinated, Jan Rek stressed that his mother did not believe in some of the more bizarre conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.
"Her philosophy was that she was more OK with the idea of catching Covid than getting vaccinated. Not that we would get microchipped or anything like that," he said.“
There were and is many people like this and the pipeline is so easy to get sucked into, especially for people with alternative lifestyles. I have seen it before. I do not agree with it, but please, lets not be disrespectful... and lets remember Hana rather for her amazing music