Greetings, I submitted a 256EZ for 8 conditions, VA just denied 6. Can I file an HLR for 3 and a 0995 for the other 3 simultaneously and keep my Effective Date? Also, VA requested that I submit an 8940 & 4192... I'm in my 60s sitting at 90% and haven't worked in 1.5 years. Your Insight Please? Thank You!
I am plum cornfused. If you cant submit HLR past 1year after the the denial, and you can't submit a Supplemental claim because a CUE claim may not account for any new information, what is the mechanism used to initiate the CUE claim?
My plantar was denied 2013. I resubmitted my claim 2024 and got approved for 10%. I used the same documents from 2013 that got me approved for 2023 claim. I filed CUE on my own to changed last July to changed effective date to 2013, I got the decision back- DENIED. I followed your advice from your previous videos
Thank you
Greetings, I submitted a 256EZ for 8 conditions, VA just denied 6. Can I file an HLR for 3 and a 0995 for the other 3 simultaneously and keep my Effective Date? Also, VA requested that I submit an 8940 & 4192... I'm in my 60s sitting at 90% and haven't worked in 1.5 years. Your Insight Please? Thank You!
I am plum cornfused. If you cant submit HLR past 1year after the the denial, and you can't submit a Supplemental claim because a CUE claim may not account for any new information, what is the mechanism used to initiate the CUE claim?
My plantar was denied 2013. I resubmitted my claim 2024 and got approved for 10%. I used the same documents from 2013 that got me approved for 2023 claim. I filed CUE on my own to changed last July to changed effective date to 2013, I got the decision back- DENIED. I followed your advice from your previous videos
Horrible to be disabled in the army Horrible the way veterans are treated in the usa Horrible to be a former us ranger Horrible to be alive
I've been using VA Claims Insider. It does cost but if you deserve disability they can help.