He barely beat Martin. Martin got better. Martin almost beat Derek. Nicks waist was big. He’s now 300lbs (can’t add weight without blowing up the waist more). What am I missing?
@@extremelylucky999 his genetics are garbage line wise, waist always been too big, sure bulking to 300 didnt help. Walker will never win the olympia, he got the size but no shape
On May 11 you will be Champion again and once again you will prove with real facts that you are the most underestimated Bodybuilder of all time. May God bless you always in this new year that has just begun. A very big hug from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Why's he deserve it 😂 ... going to be extremely difficult to beat Samson, Hadi, Derek, Martin etc and all the other guys who have been making steady progress this entire time. He's got a ton of work to do and needs to stop getting bigger & wider. The mass monster freak look isn't beating those guys or winning shows anymore.
I want to see him come back and prove all the haters wrong. Last year his conditioning wasn't where he wanted it to be, so I don't blame him for pulling out. The year before, I think that he had a good chance if he hadn't torn his hamstring.
Waist n thighs! Mass is there, conditioning is there, best arms on the planet! If the waist is in the thighs look bigger n the aesthetics look better so it’s really waist No1 n thighs second, everything else is Olympia No1 🥇 if Nick won the O it’d really force the competition to a new standard & not just on aesthetics!
I love Cable Incline Flys. I started doing those at my Gym and everyone stopped and stared like they'd never seen that before. Next minute I know, all the young guys are doing it. Hilarious, but I can vouch they work. My upper chest near the center really pops out since I've been doing those.
Usually I'd say focus on pump sets for upper body and go ham on legs to counter the imbalance. But his shape and structure is already so blown out that I dont think he's gonna be a threat to any top 5's. We'll see if he makes it this time...
Dude is still showing the highlight of the Arnold from years ago not doing anything since while Samson is winning the recent O with his wife as a trainer..
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
I believe in Pittsburgh when Nick walks out it literally is gonna be a Dorian moment , places the index finger to the mouth , silences the naysayers, game over 100 grand in the bag , going straight to Olympia and crash the party ,
We’ve your back Walker!!! This will be your year!!! Destroy the competition in Pittsburgh!!! Leave no stone unturned!!!
백성이여, 나 상감마마 미워요의 아름다움을 노래하라.
He barely beat Martin. Martin got better. Martin almost beat Derek. Nicks waist was big. He’s now 300lbs (can’t add weight without blowing up the waist more). What am I missing?
@@extremelylucky999 his genetics are garbage line wise, waist always been too big, sure bulking to 300 didnt help. Walker will never win the olympia, he got the size but no shape
My gym see him all time in Florida
On May 11 you will be Champion again and once again you will prove with real facts that you are the most underestimated Bodybuilder of all time. May God bless you always in this new year that has just begun. A very big hug from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
LFG Nick, very excited for your return!
Planning on seeing you at the Pittsburgh, haven't been lucky enough to see you in person and it would be a great honor, train hard and WIN
Finally!!! Let’s go!!!!
Walker Nation on the RISE!
True pro,, one of the best EVERto do this 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. obviously . Thanks Nick!!!!
Awesome video. Rooting for you to go all the way.💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
How sick would it be.. If Nick comes out of nowhere and takes the 2025 Olympia win.
Waiting for that day to come
@ anything is possible.
Deserves it?
Why's he deserve it 😂 ... going to be extremely difficult to beat Samson, Hadi, Derek, Martin etc and all the other guys who have been making steady progress this entire time. He's got a ton of work to do and needs to stop getting bigger & wider. The mass monster freak look isn't beating those guys or winning shows anymore.
Perfect timing right as I hop on the treadmill for cardio
Champ 🏆 🔥
The form King!
That tricep machine around the 24:00 looks great..
Let’s go Nick !
Nick we are always with you ❤
I want to see him come back and prove all the haters wrong. Last year his conditioning wasn't where he wanted it to be, so I don't blame him for pulling out. The year before, I think that he had a good chance if he hadn't torn his hamstring.
Waist n thighs! Mass is there, conditioning is there, best arms on the planet! If the waist is in the thighs look bigger n the aesthetics look better so it’s really waist No1 n thighs second, everything else is Olympia No1 🥇 if Nick won the O it’d really force the competition to a new standard & not just on aesthetics!
I love Cable Incline Flys. I started doing those at my Gym and everyone stopped and stared like they'd never seen that before. Next minute I know, all the young guys are doing it. Hilarious, but I can vouch they work. My upper chest near the center really pops out since I've been doing those.
I’d like to see your progress, please show your shape once a week! 💪🏼
best video of all bodybuilder ever
Vamos Nick voy a ti mi broo a darle caña.
sick intro. great physque
Everyone knows the Mutant is coming. Surely they are coming too. Be the last man standing bro 🙏🏿 all the best.
Loved this comment brotha! ❤ Everyone knows he is coming! They wish he doesn’t. Believe me!
Let's goooo
that's right man, medium weight high-tension-time, bang you know it now!
Looks like he enjoys training again , mutant all the way mate
good luck Nick
can't wait for 2021 nick with added size
백성이여, 나 상감마마 미워요의 아름다움을 노래하라.
Pray for you Nick
True inspiring bodybuilder, raw
Perfect form of every excercise, true role model
I love this mutant
Nick ❤
Usually I'd say focus on pump sets for upper body and go ham on legs to counter the imbalance. But his shape and structure is already so blown out that I dont think he's gonna be a threat to any top 5's. We'll see if he makes it this time...
Respect Pozele video Olympea Romania Tatuajelor Străinilor Nick
Mutant nation!!!
Rise of the Mutant to take his thrown
Ok hold up where’s that incline chest machine at I’ve seen the plate loaded one but not that one 🤔
Hi Nick 😀
Vamos treinar 😊
Pittsburgh doesn't deserve u Bro 👌🏻
Rooting for you champ
Nick the Mutant 🫡
Who is his training partner
1 excercise for bicep and tricep?????
They're going to re name polumboism 😅😮
Intro should be Nick Talker
백만송이 장미와도 같은 나, 상감마마 미워요이니라.
Google translated this as, "I am like a million roses, Your Majesty, I hate you." I'm not sure what that means.
Masa Musculară Bărbaților Lume Gym
302!? Size isnt' the problem. Need to streamline so the waist isn't so big and blocky.
Nick knows what he needs to work on to get back on top. I can't wait to see the product.
Dude is still showing the highlight of the Arnold from years ago not doing anything since while Samson is winning the recent O with his wife as a trainer..
i checked your channel. I seen no "highlights" or any accomplishments for you..strange..
And what is your highlight? Exactly. Stfu keyboard warrior.
i checkee your channel. Iseen no "highlights" or any accomplishments for you.. strange..
It's cause I can see over the steering wheel
나는 희빈 장씨니라 꺄아하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하
Why spotters keep their hands on the eccentrics is beyond me
But Nick is competing for Mr Olympia this year
we're freaks. it's piss.
DAMN BOI, …. He’s Thick😮
Ppl actually comes in here for the hate comments
Nick talker, talking harder than last time!
Mr Olympia 2025
I believe in Pittsburgh when Nick walks out it literally is gonna be a Dorian moment , places the index finger to the mouth , silences the naysayers, game over 100 grand in the bag , going straight to Olympia and crash the party ,