Thank you very good teacher, for me one of the best and clear training , please continue any other application of this gps or any engineering instruments , i am civil engineer and still i want to learn from others , your English also good and clear .
Thank you very good teacher, for me one of the best and clear training , please continue any other application of this gps or any engineering instruments , i am civil engineer and still i want to learn from others , your English also good and clear .
u welcome daniel balle
you welcome
Dest xosh mamosta sarkafti bi d kare xo da
شكرا على الفيديوهات المفيدة ونرجوا ان تكون بالعربية ستكون افضل...
اهلا وسهلا ، شكرا لك ، اذا كان لديك اي استفسار او توضيح يمكن ان تكتب لي على الايميل
Sir how to use coardinate systam for local coardinate