As of 1.7, it's still in the game, but harder to pull off without mods. After conquering Brazil, your strategy is different. First off, you want to hope Mexico: A: owns Texas, or a few states in the Pacific Coast (California, Nevada, Utah). B: is not allied with a great power. Second, you'll need to find a way to give away Bajo Paraguay and Mato Grosso, as neither Argentina nor Brazil will want them.
Yeah as of right now It damn near impossible to form Turtle Island without using exploits. The Indian territory can't get independence for one and second, even if they did they can't get nationalism before all the natives have been annexed.
If you improve relations with GPs enough, sometimes you can offer them New York and then incorporate them. Another way to cheese the system is to liberate new nations(like Louisiana which has European and African Antilles. Liberate Kamchatka after annexing Russia and then give them Alaska so you have North Asian culture which includes Manchuria so you can use it to integrate Qing.) and then instantly incorporate them to add more new primary cultures with different heritages
I am genuinely mad i have seen more guide how to cheese Turtle Island bs as non natives than an actual guide on how to play them without just ramming head first for the release nations button. I genuinely want to try to do it as intended but everyone is too busy huffing the blue before daddy paradox takes it from us lmao
If you want an honest answer it's because it just isn't feasible right now. The intended nation to do this with is the Indian Territory, however you simply cannot get independence with them without either a ton of time or an astronomical amount of luck. Then even if you did get independence from the US, you still can't research Nationalism in time to use turtle island as you have to neighbor a decentralized nation to Proclaim turtle island. By the time you have nationalism all the decentralized nations will be or will almost be completely colonized. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent trying to get the Indian Territory to work. Frankly, I believe it's impossible to legitimately form turtle island as the Indian territory. As it stand I think the devs know about this but have their hands full with the SoL DLC so it can't be addressed yet. TLDR: It just isn't possible right now, I wish it was, but it isn't.
@@TobyYellsAtThings True enough sadly, I do hope Paradox gives us more of a chance sometime soon. Granted IDK what that chance would be, maybe making one of the decentralized nations at the start centralized but that has a lot of other issues so probably not. This is a problem where what the solution is something is understandably difficult, cause it needs to be something that only really has a chance of happening if the player lets it or intends it, either through willful inactions, a goofy release country wargoal or doing it themselves directly. And that is something that is an ungodly difficult tight rope to balance a lot of the time i imagine
It's possible you don't have any more to declare in which case you need to remove one. Another possible answer is you have no ports, so check to make sure you do.
I think the best way to make that happen would be to find a way to subjugate France, as that would make them more inclined to want the state there. In my only successful run forming Turtle Island so far, I tried releasing Yakutia as independent so I could give them Alaska and annex them. They wouldn't take Alaska. After retaking Yakutia, I released Kamchatka as a subject, and they were willing to take Alaska. I then gave them independence and used the option to annex them.
looks cool. had a problem doing this myself. it doesnt give me the option to change my capital to Parana after the war with Texas. Says its not a primary culture. Dont know if its patched or if im missing something.
Check to make sure you still have Guarani as your Primary culture. If you don't it means you clicked on the wrong option in one for the events and have to start over.
No they don't, Since you gain them all as primary cultures it's actually really easy to keep them happy. Also yes the economy is easy to salvage. I played around with it afterwards and grew my gdp by about 50m in just a few years.
@@TobyYellsAtThings for some reason I can not make Brazil or Argentina take the trade of the original Paraguay capital state... im stuck with 3 states. Parana and original Paraguay... may restart... dunno what I did wrong
Any country with an indigenous primary culture can form turtle island, however you can only annex the US and other nations if they also have a European Primary Culture as well. To my knowledge no one else has the requirements.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Greenland has Danish and Inuit as primary cultures. It's just much weaker. Any other indigenous country would have to integrate either Paraguay or Greenland (or Louisiana if they already accept African cultures, like the Miskito Kingdom does) before doing anything else.
In theory yes, practically speaking though, I was unable to get any nations to take states from me. If you can figure out way to get them to take states then it is 100% doable.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Subjects always accept traded states that border them by land or across a short enough body of water, such as the Bering Strait between Russia and Alaska, as do any countries that have a belligerent attitude towards you (so long as they have a high enough opinion of you that trading states is an option). Countries will also desire any states they have a claim on, regardless of distance. Less consistently, they'll desire bordering cultural homelands, which is how you can give Bajo Paraguay over to Argentina so easily, but that's less helpful in general. Therefore, if a country is too big/difficult to subjugate or take in a unification play (which annexes all supporters, such as for the Federation of the Andes or Germany), you can conquer a single state from someone, force them into a belligerent attitude, and try to trade away a couple different states you want them to have. They'll lose the belligerent attitude quickly, though, once they start receiving land. This is consequently more viable for countries close to North America, like Japan, than for someone like Egypt. Apart from that, you can accept a lot of cultures off of released subjects (so long as you don't grant them independence BEFORE giving them land), and homelands of your culture are much cheaper to take in a war; with the kind of military you can build up, straight-up conquest shouldn't be too much of a hassle. If you have/still use a reddit account, I can DM you if that's preferable.
i could not get argentina to take the ex-capital. not sure whats wrong there, considering it doesnt really say why they dont want a state when they dont want it. maybe just patched out?
how do you do this without swapping to usa and expelling texas diplomats? they are basically guaranteed to improve relations if texas wins against mexico
A non-exploit(ish) but incredibly luck reliant variant of this could be using Miskito, which has a native culture in the titular Miskito people and Afro-Carribean which is an African Heritage. You would need to break free of the British protection but if you do that and get Texas before losing the protection if you get really lucky with the American civil war they can sometimes gain Afro American as a primary culture which is also African Heritage. Then you might be able to rng into getting Yankee as a primary culture(might be forced into Afro American though, not sure how it picks which culture you get) and if you get Yankee you can then proceed to eat everyone but if not you can at least be content with being America as a union of native and african peoples rising against their opressors. You can also force some gains like this by releasing New Africa I'm realizing which would actually be a based as hell campaign idea just uniting the opressed former slaves of North America. But compared to Paraguay who just needs initial luck I think Miskito is just much harder especially since you need to protect native tribes until like the 1850s since you start so far behind on society tech and you need to gain independence.
I think it's most likely to get Yankee from them for their primary culture. The US doesn't even get Afro-American as a primary culture until after Reconstruction.
@@TobyYellsAtThingsHe extremely simplified it, the situation is much more complex, you should search for the War of the Triple Alliance aka Paraguayan War, it is a very interesting series of events that leads Solano Lopez to wage total war centuries before the Nazi’s, they even had their own send the young and the sick units.
In my runs, the USA keeps becoming belligerent since they have a claim on Texas, and that drops my relations below 25 before I can annex them. Is there a reliable way to prevent this, or do I just need to have different AI settings and better luck?
It's a luck thing, though I can confirm you can sometimes get lucky if you make a save before fighting Texas and the US can have a different view of you from load to load.
@@ka1ock That's probably true, You take Rio Mainly for the actual naval bases themselves. But that could actually just be much better. You would still be stuck waiting on nationalism though.
Instructions unclear: I have Texas, Parana, Moto Grosso and Boyo Paraguay. I can offer Brazil Texas and Moto Grosso. Brazil likes me, but doesnt want my Paraguayan moto grosso. If I trade with Agrentina that likes me(Brazil and Argentina are protective) I can offer Texas and Bojo Paraguay. Argentina doesn't want Boyo Paraguay.
This does seem to be something I missed while developing my strategy. I never encountered this issue myself so I assume it's simply an rng thing and requires a restart until you get lucky.
No need since it's just a tutorial and I have no intention of playing the game out. If you do want to play the game out though you should start passing laws pretty much instantly. I would honestly wait to build the economy after you annex Russia and the UK though.
Seems like a fun way to begin a world conquest run
If you can find a way to give nations land in North America you can also annex them for free, though good luck with that.
Great start if you want to play a tall Paraguay game
It wont be fun 10 hours in i can tell you that much
@@TobyYellsAtThings Trade states maybe and just ask for a favor then absolve that favor for a relation boost.
And also complete like 70% of it
In my opinion it should be left in the game and not patched, there is 0 chance thah somebody would randomly find this and its just so much fun
I agree
Yeah things like that should be left in
As of 1.7, it's still in the game, but harder to pull off without mods. After conquering Brazil, your strategy is different.
First off, you want to hope Mexico:
A: owns Texas, or a few states in the Pacific Coast (California, Nevada, Utah).
B: is not allied with a great power.
Second, you'll need to find a way to give away Bajo Paraguay and Mato Grosso, as neither Argentina nor Brazil will want them.
The way my mouth dropped when i saw you annex USA and Mexican in an instant 🤯
I wish the indigenous run was actually viable and fun without exploits, either way good vid
Yeah as of right now It damn near impossible to form Turtle Island without using exploits. The Indian territory can't get independence for one and second, even if they did they can't get nationalism before all the natives have been annexed.
Probably possible in a future DLC
If you improve relations with GPs enough, sometimes you can offer them New York and then incorporate them. Another way to cheese the system is to liberate new nations(like Louisiana which has European and African Antilles. Liberate Kamchatka after annexing Russia and then give them Alaska so you have North Asian culture which includes Manchuria so you can use it to integrate Qing.) and then instantly incorporate them to add more new primary cultures with different heritages
@@따흐흑 GP stands for Great Power
@@따흐흑Great Power.
@@따흐흑 great powers
@@따흐흑great power
@@따흐흑 Great Power.
The first person to do this on TH-cam was a Brazilian: Juaumps
Saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷
World conquest with turtle island next? 🤣🤣
I probably won't make a video on it but this is easily the easiest world conquest at the moment.
My Victoria 3 addiction is strong, but my skill isn't, so thanks
Commenting for your reach and engagement
I love Paraguay from Paraguay ❤
you really know how to play this game,this was entertaining,thanks! This "strategy" was crazy tho lol
I am genuinely mad i have seen more guide how to cheese Turtle Island bs as non natives than an actual guide on how to play them without just ramming head first for the release nations button. I genuinely want to try to do it as intended but everyone is too busy huffing the blue before daddy paradox takes it from us lmao
If you want an honest answer it's because it just isn't feasible right now. The intended nation to do this with is the Indian Territory, however you simply cannot get independence with them without either a ton of time or an astronomical amount of luck. Then even if you did get independence from the US, you still can't research Nationalism in time to use turtle island as you have to neighbor a decentralized nation to Proclaim turtle island. By the time you have nationalism all the decentralized nations will be or will almost be completely colonized. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent trying to get the Indian Territory to work. Frankly, I believe it's impossible to legitimately form turtle island as the Indian territory. As it stand I think the devs know about this but have their hands full with the SoL DLC so it can't be addressed yet.
TLDR: It just isn't possible right now, I wish it was, but it isn't.
@@TobyYellsAtThings True enough sadly, I do hope Paradox gives us more of a chance sometime soon. Granted IDK what that chance would be, maybe making one of the decentralized nations at the start centralized but that has a lot of other issues so probably not. This is a problem where what the solution is something is understandably difficult, cause it needs to be something that only really has a chance of happening if the player lets it or intends it, either through willful inactions, a goofy release country wargoal or doing it themselves directly. And that is something that is an ungodly difficult tight rope to balance a lot of the time i imagine
Dr. Francia would be proud of you son, cheers from Paraguay 🇵🇾
Found your channel recently and oml.. I love it
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.
Valid response.
bro your pronunciation of the south american states almost killed me
Almost, hmm... I'll have to try harder next time.
Solano Lopez revengue XD
wasnt expecting my country to be the most op country to world conquest
When Barney Stinson plays Victoria 3
Your pronunciation of Paraná kills me
I rlly be waiting a gameplay with the Riograndense Republic 😭😭😭😭
I will one day. I've tried but so far haven't been able to win the first war. I will get it one day though.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Yeah the game is pretty unreal in that regard since the guys over there actually lasted 10 years fighting
Can I please get a series on forming Indonesia as aeche
I knew Paraguay had potential
Hey. Now I Tried the same exact steps, but for some reason I'm not allowed to declare any new interest, do you know what might be causing it?
It's possible you don't have any more to declare in which case you need to remove one. Another possible answer is you have no ports, so check to make sure you do.
Let's goooo Paraguay. Truly a legendary country.
Damn that would be fun for you to finish the game out and take over every single pice of land on earth
can you give france a north american state and then annex them?
If you can find a way to give them a state yes. I couldn't figure out a way to do this, but it is theoretically possible.
I think the best way to make that happen would be to find a way to subjugate France, as that would make them more inclined to want the state there. In my only successful run forming Turtle Island so far, I tried releasing Yakutia as independent so I could give them Alaska and annex them. They wouldn't take Alaska. After retaking Yakutia, I released Kamchatka as a subject, and they were willing to take Alaska. I then gave them independence and used the option to annex them.
always add extra wargoals that you dont care about because it allows peace offers immediately at negative warscore
looks cool. had a problem doing this myself. it doesnt give me the option to change my capital to Parana after the war with Texas. Says its not a primary culture. Dont know if its patched or if im missing something.
Check to make sure you still have Guarani as your Primary culture. If you don't it means you clicked on the wrong option in one for the events and have to start over.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Damn you're right I think. I remember clicking past a bunch of events without reading them. I'll try again today.
Do the people revolt like crazy afterwards?
Also is the economy salvagable after this?
Thank you for the idea, I'm going to try this tonight
No they don't, Since you gain them all as primary cultures it's actually really easy to keep them happy.
Also yes the economy is easy to salvage. I played around with it afterwards and grew my gdp by about 50m in just a few years.
@@TobyYellsAtThings for some reason I can not make Brazil or Argentina take the trade of the original Paraguay capital state... im stuck with 3 states. Parana and original Paraguay... may restart... dunno what I did wrong
This is amazing, hope they never fix this lol also, are there other countries that can do that?
Any country with an indigenous primary culture can form turtle island, however you can only annex the US and other nations if they also have a European Primary Culture as well. To my knowledge no one else has the requirements.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Greenland has Danish and Inuit as primary cultures. It's just much weaker. Any other indigenous country would have to integrate either Paraguay or Greenland (or Louisiana if they already accept African cultures, like the Miskito Kingdom does) before doing anything else.
Tried giving France (for example) a state in NA and taking them over too?
It is possible to feed a new world province to other countries to annex them too?
In theory yes, practically speaking though, I was unable to get any nations to take states from me. If you can figure out way to get them to take states then it is 100% doable.
@@TobyYellsAtThings Subjects always accept traded states that border them by land or across a short enough body of water, such as the Bering Strait between Russia and Alaska, as do any countries that have a belligerent attitude towards you (so long as they have a high enough opinion of you that trading states is an option). Countries will also desire any states they have a claim on, regardless of distance. Less consistently, they'll desire bordering cultural homelands, which is how you can give Bajo Paraguay over to Argentina so easily, but that's less helpful in general.
Therefore, if a country is too big/difficult to subjugate or take in a unification play (which annexes all supporters, such as for the Federation of the Andes or Germany), you can conquer a single state from someone, force them into a belligerent attitude, and try to trade away a couple different states you want them to have. They'll lose the belligerent attitude quickly, though, once they start receiving land. This is consequently more viable for countries close to North America, like Japan, than for someone like Egypt.
Apart from that, you can accept a lot of cultures off of released subjects (so long as you don't grant them independence BEFORE giving them land), and homelands of your culture are much cheaper to take in a war; with the kind of military you can build up, straight-up conquest shouldn't be too much of a hassle. If you have/still use a reddit account, I can DM you if that's preferable.
insane bro
i could not get argentina to take the ex-capital. not sure whats wrong there, considering it doesnt really say why they dont want a state when they dont want it. maybe just patched out?
You can just setup an import route for shops you don’t have to wait to build your own shipyard
unfortunately you can't as Paraguay because they start with isolationism.
Absolutely ridiculous. Ill have to try this when I get home from work. I hope they dont patch it out, but they probably will. Its Paradox.
If they do I don't think it'll be for am while. I assume they have their hands full with the SoL DLC since it got delayed.
I tried it a few days ago, and it's still possible. I'm not sure how long version 1.6 has been out for.
You are literally the spiffing brit of Victoria 3
I wear that as a badge of honor.
Can one keep going and annex everything else?
how do you do this without swapping to usa and expelling texas diplomats? they are basically guaranteed to improve relations if texas wins against mexico
A non-exploit(ish) but incredibly luck reliant variant of this could be using Miskito, which has a native culture in the titular Miskito people and Afro-Carribean which is an African Heritage. You would need to break free of the British protection but if you do that and get Texas before losing the protection if you get really lucky with the American civil war they can sometimes gain Afro American as a primary culture which is also African Heritage. Then you might be able to rng into getting Yankee as a primary culture(might be forced into Afro American though, not sure how it picks which culture you get) and if you get Yankee you can then proceed to eat everyone but if not you can at least be content with being America as a union of native and african peoples rising against their opressors. You can also force some gains like this by releasing New Africa I'm realizing which would actually be a based as hell campaign idea just uniting the opressed former slaves of North America. But compared to Paraguay who just needs initial luck I think Miskito is just much harder especially since you need to protect native tribes until like the 1850s since you start so far behind on society tech and you need to gain independence.
I think it's most likely to get Yankee from them for their primary culture. The US doesn't even get Afro-American as a primary culture until after Reconstruction.
interesting fact: Paraguay tried to annex the state of Paraná but Brazil said no and exterminated half of the Paraguayan population during the war.
damn, that's uh.... hmm.
well that's depressing...
@@TobyYellsAtThings not much If you from Brazil(i am)
I just looked it up, those casualty numbers are insane. Remember kids... war is stupid.
@@TobyYellsAtThingsHe extremely simplified it, the situation is much more complex, you should search for the War of the Triple Alliance aka Paraguayan War, it is a very interesting series of events that leads Solano Lopez to wage total war centuries before the Nazi’s, they even had their own send the young and the sick units.
@@historyafficionado478 It wasn't even a century before WW2.
im trying to do it but brazil refuses to add return parana as a war goal
Hrm, I never encountered this issue. I assume it could be fixed with a reset. I'm unsure though as I never ran into that issue.
In my runs, the USA keeps becoming belligerent since they have a claim on Texas, and that drops my relations below 25 before I can annex them. Is there a reliable way to prevent this, or do I just need to have different AI settings and better luck?
It's a luck thing, though I can confirm you can sometimes get lucky if you make a save before fighting Texas and the US can have a different view of you from load to load.
so easier way to conquer world isn't actually UK , easiest way is paraguay lmao
Could I play as a great power and conquer paraguay so when I release as independent then switch to Paraguay I can have their tech as well ?
Maybe. I have no idea honestly. I don't see any reason it wouldn't work.
I jumped out of my chair and screamed
edit: I jumped out of my chair and screamed twice
It's a good thing you didn't scream three times
Works even better with France ;)
This is almost impossible, Mexico is owning Texas every time.
It is a little rng reliant but Texas was independent for me roughly half the time
You could had imported the ships instead of waiting for the shipyard to build.
actually no, Paraguay starts with isolationism. If you get lucky you can get off of it early but I find it easier to just build the shipyard.
@@TobyYellsAtThings State of Bahia has shipyards. Maybe conquer it instead of Rio or São Paulo. Just brainstorming.
@@ka1ock That's probably true, You take Rio Mainly for the actual naval bases themselves. But that could actually just be much better. You would still be stuck waiting on nationalism though.
What if you just give land in North America to European powers and yoink their entire country through that
Man, that’s SO broken haha (PDX do not fix your game)
Instructions unclear: I have Texas, Parana, Moto Grosso and Boyo Paraguay. I can offer Brazil Texas and Moto Grosso. Brazil likes me, but doesnt want my Paraguayan moto grosso. If I trade with Agrentina that likes me(Brazil and Argentina are protective) I can offer Texas and Bojo Paraguay. Argentina doesn't want Boyo Paraguay.
This does seem to be something I missed while developing my strategy. I never encountered this issue myself so I assume it's simply an rng thing and requires a restart until you get lucky.
Yeah i can't trade away those states either.
Download the transfer state tool mod. That'll allow you to force it to them.
@@andysss456 Does it prevent you from getting achievements?
The natives revenge
I tried with 1.5 and it worked aaaaa
they fixed it?
KInda Crazy
Real question is how is that only #3 on the great power ranking
I forgot to unpause and let it update. I was number 1 by about 300 prestige over France.
why didnt u pass any laws in the first few years? and u barely constructed anything either 😨
No need since it's just a tutorial and I have no intention of playing the game out. If you do want to play the game out though you should start passing laws pretty much instantly. I would honestly wait to build the economy after you annex Russia and the UK though.
Christ is Lord
LOL hahaa epic