september 9th: koofy september 11th: gfink september 12th: pghlfilms september 13th: rainway, itsmatty, minibloxia, inhe edit: a lot of people in the replies are saying "oh, x got exposed before" im just listing the dates of the parlo videos i dont care about likes, im just educating
something weird is that kelogish still has his channel up, just search up "Kelogish", so why is kelogish making koofy? BECAUSE KELOGISH HAS ONLY 10.3K SUBS AND NEEDS MORE MONEY!
>2019 >puts age in bio that is below 18 >given one message to not put age in bio >2024 >puts age in bio that is below 18 >200 messages from popular youtubers
Important message for everyone (please read): If you see a UTTP YFGA, ZNTP or any spamming account, just report them, do not answer them or pay attention to them, just report their comments and accounts, copy this message with everyone for that advice expands throughout the internet for everyone's safety please, Thank you for your attention and have a good day. (Note: Help me by supporting me to be able to stopping the UTTP, YFGA, and ZNTP in a faster way, thanks.)
Just like Notive, KenekoKitten, and Ribs, Koofy Being a groomer was probably one of the biggest betrayals in the Roblox community. Remember everyone: The age of consent is 18!
to everyone saying “i’m not safe” all you gotta do if your in a situation like that is block them, and if your being pressured to not, literally you have parents for a reason.
8:42 The fact that you said “as far as we know”… That hurts. We have no idea in this day and age. Heck, all of our favorite TH-camrs could be touching kids and we would have no idea! Hurts, man.
@@Cosmo-69 yes.If a persons parents watch what their children are watching then nothing like this will happen.Remember the children literally sent their nudes,that just shows how much less supervised they were.U good?
@@spartansoflegend2313 no I understand it's the minor's fault too but isn't this the predator doing all this beside knowing her age and that she's not legal? I agree with the bad parenting but it's the predators fault to even ask all that stuff knowing that the person is a minor
Its even worse that we might lose internets in 2025 because our sun wants to shoot its solar flare to earth whenever it has 0.25% chances of happening and if the chances made it happen, we are cooked.
his is the biggest betrayal, him becoming kelogish the whole time was the biggest plot twist, fell off as kelogish, became very big as koofy, then the biggest expose i have ever saw. Can we go a week without a predator?
this is why kaka exposed koofy. Not cuz koofy was grooming its cuz he was afraid that someone would find out and hed be in some deep shit if it was found out that kaka knew all along
i find it so disgusting how predators dont get enough punishment, these people are ONLY getting hated across the globe? Honestly i feel that people that do this to little kids need a better punishment
Koofy has a vid called “Roblox online daters be like” And some of the words in the vid sounded like Clues hes giving out Of him being kelogish One of them says “I hope I don’t go back to my old habits” I dont remember the other thing he said
Two 2019 (Rainway and Kelogish) TH-camrs I used to watch before they were exposed for being disgusting. Now look how they turned out. Extremely disappointed but I’m glad they were exposed for their true actions and intentions
2:12 I don’t know if you guys know this guy but he’s called indieun and he’s currently a Roblox dev, could he be associated with the it’s matty and koofy situation?
hi! I was scared to reach out, but kooky did have dms with me. I stated to him that I enjoyed his videos, and we began to chat. He began to beg for explicit photos, and sent some of his own. I said I would realise it, but he threatened to send 5hem to the public if I didn’t delete all my proof. This happened 9n 2022, I was 10 or 9 I think…
2:12 the youtuber that collaber with itsmatty and kelogish/koofy is actually a famous youtuber called "indieun" who used to scam people and used to use a roblox exploit called "synapse x" on the game "ninja legends" and posted vids abt it, his old channel was deleted but he made a new one and has actually changed, he makes rlly good games now and talks abt stuff in games he makes, his new yt channel (with the same name as his old terminated one) has abt 300k+ subs, tbh he actually is a nice dude
As koofy and parlo clash, Parlo realizes he is constantly fighting others, being the documentary one he is a gianrt target for pedos, koofy uses cursed technique punches to try to do damage to parlo but he used his reputation ability to try
i feel bad for kaka, it has to be hard for him to reveal all this and possibly cause someones death, and even worse, it was someone he thought he was friends with
The most likely reason why they defended him is probably because Kelogish was at the brink of resetting his character when everything went downhill, and they couldn't just let him press the reset button and reset
I still can’t believe that happened, but in the vid KakaV20 made he talked about Koofy/Kelogish’s OG account getting terminated, he got so depressed and almost reset character. If this happens again, I can’t believe what might happen to Koofy
my little brother watched his streams and videos back then when he was on kelogish. He was even in his discord server and was a high role aswell. He basically grew up on Kelogish and I told him not to watch him anymore and talked to him about what he did in the safest way possible to save his innocence.. The fact I have to do that is truly sad he looked up to Kelogish as a king or God and never thought he was a predator he left the server willingly
I wanna point out that Roblox TH-camr Rektway also helped kelogish back in 2022. I remember this because i watched a funky Friday video by Rektway back in 2022 where in his outro he featured Kelogish’s new channel “Koofy”.
I don't care anymore, Roblox should only be registered for 17+ users through a wall that doesn't allow even VPNs and fake ID cards to pass through. Sure, it might make Roblox lose a ton of money, but those people from 2006-2019 have already grown up at this point.
Please make sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and watch the video until the end to know the truth about this situation, my discord is
@test-j7y bot ah
Bro I think your forgetting the fact that PGHL has responded to the stuff and the fact that he might be innocent
3 minutes ago
what is the game in the background?
being a minor in 2024 is scary
being a youtuber in 2024 is scary
Dude this is just epistein all over again
Thank God I'll soon be a legal adult, even though it will take months
@@matheuspires2462just be a responsible adult
I'm 15 but. Please
Nobody gives a shit@test-j7y
@test-j7y shut up, no one cares
september 9th: koofy
september 11th: gfink
september 12th: pghlfilms
september 13th: rainway, itsmatty, minibloxia, inhe
edit: a lot of people in the replies are saying "oh, x got exposed before"
im just listing the dates of the parlo videos
i dont care about likes, im just educating
inhe was exposed month ago
They were literally exposed days before my birthday... Dang
Wait mini?
@@AmaaazingOfficialThey're back.
@@G.U.M_Brothers happy early berf day?
2020: The growth of TH-camrs
2024: The fall of TH-camrs
something weird is that kelogish still has his channel up, just search up "Kelogish", so why is kelogish making koofy? BECAUSE KELOGISH HAS ONLY 10.3K SUBS AND NEEDS MORE MONEY!
>puts age in bio that is below 18
>given one message to not put age in bio
>puts age in bio that is below 18
>200 messages from popular youtubers
"2024 will be the longest unskipabble ad"
This ad is pretty crazy
RAINWAY… That was one of flamingo’s friends :(
The bots bro💀
@test-j7y Mr Brest when is your next video
Ignore the bots just report them
Well as that one quote says “not every good friend has a good ending”
a predator getting a double life in his youtube career is shocking and disappointing tbh.
@AshtrayGacha-b8o what your def a hacked person that got hacked by bots
@test-j7y 🤓
@test-j7y i goon to your videos
also it's funny how two other people who are well known in the community are defending a soulless predator.
@@SonR3bel you're not even funny
2024 is the worst year to be a minor
@AshtrayGacha-b8oget out.
@AshtrayGacha-b8o get out.
Fr :/
GET OUT🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Drakecore frfr💀
Dang. He commented on one of my video 3 month ago.. didn't know he was a pdf.
ey Japanese man
@@Mikael_Choi one of the evade video
man parlos explaing on koofy as kelo sounds irritating to me
what's a pdf? in my place, a pdf is a type of file
"Morepegasus" ahh thumbnail 💀🙏
Lmao, exactly
Bro copied my comment
Put trademark and copyright on your comment so nobody can copy it @@MrTux1972
@@MystiCmeshtool mate this aint a brand or anything
@@MrTux1972 you actin like it is
2024 is CRAZY💀
@test-j7y we don't care
We dont care kid @test-j7y
Fr bro
@AshtrayGacha-b8o SHUT up
we cant even breath in 2024 bro😭😭😭😭
so im assuming your typing this while laying dead on your floor?
Rip bro 💀
Ikr 🙏💀
breathing got exposed
Important message for everyone (please read):
If you see a UTTP YFGA, ZNTP or any spamming
account, just report them, do not answer them or
pay attention to them, just report their comments
and accounts, copy this message with everyone
for that advice expands throughout the internet for
everyone's safety please, Thank you for your
attention and have a good day.
(Note: Help me by supporting me to be able to
stopping the UTTP, YFGA, and ZNTP in a faster
way, thanks.)
Got it
kind of hard to read your comment if you structure it like that, but sure
@@dio_fumo the way its structured makes it more noticeable when ppl scroll through the comment section.
@@TheFool_12 fair enough
I saw an uttp who is saying he has CP and dm their dc to get it,
Crazy when CP is literally considered illegal
Just like Notive, KenekoKitten, and Ribs, Koofy Being a groomer was probably one of the biggest betrayals in the Roblox community.
Remember everyone: The age of consent is 18!
Ribs? They just had mental problems
Koofy doesn’t even do that anymore, if you actually watch his videos up to “roasting cringy roblox stories part 2” he is very suicidal
@@JUSTREGULARSCREAMINGAAHHnope she was exposed for grooming underage boys
@@JUSTREGULARSCREAMINGAAHH parlo made a video about ribs being exposed as a groomer a while back
@@Pig_445 thats what im sayin, give the guy one last chance , yall are inhuman
Mrbeast gets exposed, nickado avacado, now a bunch of Roblox TH-camrs. Some time traveler must have kicked a rock
nickacado avacado didnt get exposed lmao
@@Crea2tive i didint say he did
Harry potter and the prison of roblox predators : Part IX
this year is crazy
@test-j7ywhat the sog
Harry Potter and the prison of child pedophiles
the worst and craziest batrayal. ever..
@test-j7y nah bro this bot is cooked, deep fried, boiled, thrown, burned, fried, overcooked, explode, dead 💀
@@ChosenSuperRBLX facts bro why will they just out of no where post a video of a dead dog..
I will find out where you live, call the local cops on your city and get you arrested and sent yo u to a prison
I will find out where you live, call the local cops on your city and get you arrested and sent you to a prison
And no one cares@test-j7y
The fact that just this week we got 4 pedos exposed is INSANE, next year really won't be good for TH-cam...
Next year will get better
2024 is just an unskippable cutscene, with A LOT of cutscenes
Who's next, Flamingo?
TH-cam hasn't been good since 2010. Also remember that these TH-camrs were exposed this year, doesn't mean they started the actions this year.
@@graceabbott1708i doubt flamingo is next. in the rare case he breaks character he seems like too good of a dude to do something terrible
2021: Who is a Predator
2024: Who ISNT a predator
Yeah so true
Whos the next president?
"who will you be tonight? that's the question."
DanTDM technically likes kids
to everyone saying “i’m not safe” all you gotta do if your in a situation like that is block them, and if your being pressured to not, literally you have parents for a reason.
were in a world where TH-camrs are starting become predators,
Nikado avocado being skinny,
and Mrbeast being cancelled.
Nikocado avocado getting skinny was a good event I would say, as far as I know I don’t know of any bad things Nick has done.
nick is gay tho
@@Mining-f4r I'm going to deglove you if that's suppose to be an understandable reason to why he's bad
7:50 these predators come in flocks bro 💀
nah wait until winter comes lol.
8:42 The fact that you said “as far as we know”… That hurts. We have no idea in this day and age. Heck, all of our favorite TH-camrs could be touching kids and we would have no idea! Hurts, man.
"you either die seeing your channel be peak,or liveling enough to see yourself become a pdf file"
i would die if I was a youtuber
2024 might be worse than 2020
It's already worse, WAY WORSE
Predators getting exposed over millions of unfortunate deaths?
@@xxboootxx In the case of predators,oh boy is IT worse.
-Commits Predatory
-Refuses to elaborate
-Leaves lots of communities shocked and leaves
he didnt tho, you dont understand he changed
He doesn't and never will@@Nimp-jf8nd
He had time to make a apology video but he fucked it up and never made one@@Nimp-jf8nd
Holy shit three big youtubers exposed in one video?..2024 is sure an interesting year
Shut up
@AshtrayGacha-b8obot detected launching missile strike
These people are now showing the dark sides of themselves
Hi elite tv agent
I swear if this keeps up Roblox will be the new "Average Minecraft TH-camr"
"This video will be crazy,I have no idea who will win, LET'S FIND OUT!"
How are yall watching a 10 mins video in 1 min
Good point honestly
Fast-Forward and only watch tye important parts
mfs be camping channels then speed through to video trying to find something to comment about 💀
good question copy cat
Channels like ChadCat simplified these videos to make it easier for everyone.
can people stop being exposed for 5 seconds
Tbh if these people are never predators, Parlo wouldn't have been exposing once in a week
@@TurnipWxlfieSorry if I sound rude but I think the word “were” would fit your sentence than the word “are.”
@izzytoes Oh its alright, but thanks
@@TurnipWxlfie No problem
No the only one we should arrest are minors parents who dont watch over their kids
@@spartansoflegend2313you good? Thats like blaming the parents if someone's daughter gets graped
@@Cosmo-69 yes.If a persons parents watch what their children are watching then nothing like this will happen.Remember the children literally sent their nudes,that just shows how much less supervised they were.U good?
@@spartansoflegend2313 no I understand it's the minor's fault too but isn't this the predator doing all this beside knowing her age and that she's not legal? I agree with the bad parenting but it's the predators fault to even ask all that stuff knowing that the person is a minor
@@Cosmo-69you have to give the parents some credit for the damage
Top 5 worst year to be a minor
1. 2024
2. 2024
3. 2024
4. 2024
5. 2024
2024 is the worst year for the internet.
the internet was always bad wdym
@@SH141altinternet was never bad, the people on the internet were bad
Its even worse that we might lose internets in 2025 because our sun wants to shoot its solar flare to earth whenever it has 0.25% chances of happening and if the chances made it happen, we are cooked.
"Hes Done"
"Hes over"
"Hes cooked"
"Its over"
"I am over"
"Its cooked"
At this point 2024 is the worst year to be a 8-16 year old😭
Its the worst parenting year if I m being honesr.Its not the predators fault but the minors parents
just dont interact with pedos then
his is the biggest betrayal, him becoming kelogish the whole time was the biggest plot twist, fell off as kelogish, became very big as koofy, then the biggest expose i have ever saw. Can we go a week without a predator?
I guess its my time to do some dumb sh and get called out for it 😂
It was Drake now it's koofy 💀
Can we least come uo with a joke that lasts for than 1 day
Koofy is a nobody comprare to Drake 🤨
@@noxa-y2vChill guy
@@Rythisaclown ok umm you?
ItsMatty banned me in 12 seconds after i mention kelogish/koofy in his Stranded server
0:23 what is the game in the background?
Grapple Obby or smth like that i think
Grapple obby
Grapple swing
The BLANK situation is crazy
the situation situation is insane
The fact that all of these guys are BedWars youtubers💀
@AshtrayGacha-b8oyou wish you were a trillionare
@@Maaaikee she is bot dont respond
@@Nermina-e7h okay
@@Nermina-e7h should I delete my reply
This year gets more fucked up every damn time.
this is why kaka exposed koofy. Not cuz koofy was grooming its cuz he was afraid that someone would find out and hed be in some deep shit if it was found out that kaka knew all along
Koofy and kaka used to be friends and made lots of videos together this is very sad news for kaka or if he knew already why didn’t he expose him
how is it freaking so hard to literally keep yourself away from minors
please man make this year better
i find it so disgusting how predators dont get enough punishment, these people are ONLY getting hated across the globe? Honestly i feel that people that do this to little kids need a better punishment
Why am I even living for this?
I have a feeling bots would appear here
@@TurnipWxlfieHere being as a shield to protect from the bots
Life sucks a lot.
Icycol:2024 is getting crazier💀
Parlo is hiding something I feel it
Alat TH-camrs are hiding something
Help “ everyone makes mistakes “ had me dying bro that’s not a mistake that’s a crime
This is why I want 2023 back
Koofy has a vid called
“Roblox online daters be like”
And some of the words in the vid sounded like
Clues hes giving out
Of him being kelogish
One of them says “I hope I don’t go back to my old habits”
I dont remember the other thing he said
The fact he used to roast other pedos then he is one is embarrassing
commentary youtubers trying not to make a hundred videos about a single drama (impossible)
dawg this is new information 😭
@@JayTheHater i know, im just highlighting the fact theres a billion videos being made about a single drama
bro how hard is it to not touch minors 😭
Man 2024 will be named pdf file
Two 2019 (Rainway and Kelogish) TH-camrs I used to watch before they were exposed for being disgusting. Now look how they turned out. Extremely disappointed but I’m glad they were exposed for their true actions and intentions
2024 is the worst year to be alive...
Actually not the worst year to be alive, the worst year to be alive was 536, but this is the worst year for the internet
@@DaRealAxolotlGotBanned true
@@DaRealAxolotlGotBanned also he meant abt worst year of 21st century (now)
Im going to die
This year can't get any worse now right? RIGHT?
It can
it will
It already is
Oh boy pghlfilms....
Who will koofy be tonight?
Not these bots in this comment section 🤦♂️
@test-j7y wow so fuckin funny
@@HorHor-pc3mpYou're giving them attention!
That’s the question
@@Austiranpaunterloverwho will kelogish be tonight?
me when im in a chronically online competition and my opponent is parlo
2:12 I don’t know if you guys know this guy but he’s called indieun and he’s currently a Roblox dev, could he be associated with the it’s matty and koofy situation?
bro how many people have been exposed this year??
Atleast 6 i think
@@Idontknow83829Not just 6 probably a majority of people.
100 @@Idontknow83829
Katt Williams was right about 2024 being a crazy year 💀
this year SUCKS bro😭
One of the craziest betrayals ever
You betrayed your viewers
2:11 When tf did Gru start playing Roblox
It’s a TH-camr named kaka and he makes funny rhlx videos about gru and minions
@@a-dz7qi The voice buddy and I know
Parlo, Koofy made a new channel, its name BoofyPoofy, he gained 4K subs in 2days
is channel another fan or is new he channeI.
is made me confused like no way he made new channel after exposed and people talk he.
hi! I was scared to reach out, but kooky did have dms with me. I stated to him that I enjoyed his videos, and we began to chat. He began to beg for explicit photos, and sent some of his own. I said I would realise it, but he threatened to send 5hem to the public if I didn’t delete all my proof. This happened 9n 2022, I was 10 or 9 I think…
That’s kinda wild but okay
@@TummyBonie it did happen, you don’t need to believe me, I just wanted to reach out :D
That's wildd, i hope Parlo is noticing your comment yo
@@Maaayszzzlifevz Why are you not serious about it, like putting a smiley face at the end of a serious thing that happened to you???
2:12 the youtuber that collaber with itsmatty and kelogish/koofy is actually a famous youtuber called "indieun" who used to scam people and used to use a roblox exploit called "synapse x" on the game "ninja legends" and posted vids abt it, his old channel was deleted but he made a new one and has actually changed, he makes rlly good games now and talks abt stuff in games he makes, his new yt channel (with the same name as his old terminated one) has abt 300k+ subs, tbh he actually is a nice dude
There's a dark cloud looming over this year I'm so crushed
Biggest downfall in Roblox history
9:02 KaKa The Goat
Kaka posted it for clout when he said he wouldn’t -
This is why I don't like watching Roblox youtubers most of the time
They Stink
I’m glad my mom has banned roblox in my family.
as a miner to be honest this year is crazy asf
I didn't know that about minibloxia I'm shocked not trusting anyone on these apps no more
As koofy and parlo clash, Parlo realizes he is constantly fighting others, being the documentary one he is a gianrt target for pedos, koofy uses cursed technique punches to try to do damage to parlo but he used his reputation ability to try
i feel bad for kaka, it has to be hard for him to reveal all this and possibly cause someones death, and even worse, it was someone he thought he was friends with
If one more youtuber gets exposed bro.....
edit:thank you for one like guys
The most likely reason why they defended him is probably because Kelogish was at the brink of resetting his character when everything went downhill, and they couldn't just let him press the reset button and reset
2024 rewind bouta be crazy
"a lot of money"
dawg thats 1 dollar
As DJ Khaled said, "Anotha one."
he didn’t say that though
dj khaled
I've returned to my class trip in England for 10 days and saw the Koofy drama... A GREAT START FOR BEING BACK AT HOME, YAY!!!
Dude the rent cannot be that high 😭
Alot of TH-camrs are getting exposed this year, whos with me?
I still can’t believe that happened, but in the vid KakaV20 made he talked about Koofy/Kelogish’s OG account getting terminated, he got so depressed and almost reset character. If this happens again, I can’t believe what might happen to Koofy
my little brother watched his streams and videos back then when he was on kelogish. He was even in his discord server and was a high role aswell. He basically grew up on Kelogish and I told him not to watch him anymore and talked to him about what he did in the safest way possible to save his innocence.. The fact I have to do that is truly sad he looked up to Kelogish as a king or God and never thought he was a predator he left the server willingly
Human greed and lust is just terrifying
Cant believe I bought a shoulder buddy from this rainway guy in 2020
I wonder why these "victims" of Kelogish didn't avoid him?
Not our problem tho..
At this point predator exposing is just a daily thing now
Yeah 💀.
it’s scary how big youtubers are suddenly becoming predators
I wanna point out that Roblox TH-camr Rektway also helped kelogish back in 2022. I remember this because i watched a funky Friday video by Rektway back in 2022 where in his outro he featured Kelogish’s new channel “Koofy”.
Why are all my favourite youtubers i used to watch when i was younger end up being so nasty
@@Phenticits only koofy being nasty
I don't care anymore, Roblox should only be registered for 17+ users through a wall that doesn't allow even VPNs and fake ID cards to pass through.
Sure, it might make Roblox lose a ton of money, but those people from 2006-2019 have already grown up at this point.
or maybe !! just maybe BAN PEDOPHILES
This is the epitome of irony