Hello Sir, Thanks for your interest in our products. You can send a msg to our customer care number +91 9391414699 to enable us to connect you to the nearest dealer. Thank you. Regards, Team Bricklite
For technical support, please click the link : api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=917799662424&text=Hello%20Bricklite%0AI%20am%20interested%20in%20your%20products%0APlease%20get%20back%20to%20me%0A . Our technical team will answer your queries in less than 24 working hours, Regards, Team Bricklite
This brick use for silage pit construction?
Brickfix gum akkada dorukutade bro I'm from warangal did I get it in warangal sir plz replay me i need 10 bags of gum
Please contact our dealer in Warangal : Sri Gayathri Iron & Cement Merchants at +91 9849194458
Please make a translation or subtitle in English
th-cam.com/video/svfXTCz04jc/w-d-xo.html Select the link to view the English version
How much is per bag? And of what kg?
reduce background music volume
Is it suitable for home sir
Yes sir, It is definitely suitable for home and as a mater of fact to any construction
Hyd lo me dealers or company ekkada undi . I want
Hello Sir, Thanks for your interest in our products. You can send a msg to our customer care number +91 9391414699 to enable us to connect you to the nearest dealer. Thank you. Regards, Team Bricklite
Very bad construction practice. The joints should not cover with bonding agent to avoid plastering
Red bricks cool ga untaya AAC blocks cool ga untaya
AAC blocks
Anna aac blocks plastering ela cheyala
For technical support, please click the link : api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=917799662424&text=Hello%20Bricklite%0AI%20am%20interested%20in%20your%20products%0APlease%20get%20back%20to%20me%0A . Our technical team will answer your queries in less than 24 working hours, Regards, Team Bricklite
మీ అడ్రస్ చెప్పండి సార్
Evvi ekkada dorkutai
ఏ సైజు ధర ఎంత
Bag price
Show plastering vedieo
plastering videos pettandi sir please
E blacks visesamendi
Single brick cost please
Phone number ivvandi sir
Please call 8790722345
ఇసుక అవసరం లేదా
Sir sand avasaram ledu currect kani 40 kg bag 1000 yedytene
@@nagandrabirudula8854 tarawatha nillu pattiyala . diract plasting cheyyocha