The concept behind the story has been apart of history for thousands of years. You have a woman who marries a cruel man. The only joy she had from her marriage is a son. After her husband’s death she is allowed to think as an intelligent person. This was both unusual and remarkable. She finds herself attracted to a single man who is ambitious. He is self centered and plans to use it to get a great position. He admires her intelligence. He shows that by giving her an unusual gift she admires. In Essex a girl goes missing and rumors are told about about a sea serpent. She and her son move there to explore the story. She then meets the town minister and despite differences, of views they become friends. The minister is married to a good women but she is dying. All of this comes together for the audience and they have to wind their way through this drama. I loved the novel but will reserve my opinion of the series for the end.
The concept behind the story has been apart of history for thousands of years. You have a woman who marries a cruel man. The only joy she had from her marriage is a son. After her husband’s death she is allowed to think as an intelligent person. This was both unusual and remarkable. She finds herself attracted to a single man who is ambitious. He is self centered and plans to use it to get a great position. He admires her intelligence. He shows that by giving her an unusual gift she admires. In Essex a girl goes missing and rumors are told about about a sea serpent. She and her son move there to explore the story. She then meets the town minister and despite differences, of views they become friends. The minister is married to a good women but she is dying. All of this comes together for the audience and they have to wind their way through this drama. I loved the novel but will reserve my opinion of the series for the end.