why fuck? both games are good, 1.6 has been kicked out from any leagues, it's time for go now, i played 6 years in 1.6 and 2hours in go, go is good, but i want to stay with 1.6. i don't know why u people are so detached to 1.6 u just can't let it go, i assume that u didn't even play cs;go and ur judging it, try to play it, if u doesn't like it stay with 1.6, but why hate cs;go before trying it? sorry if i offended you in any part of my comm here.
He was one of the most aggressive players in 1.6 history, and he was SUPER good at entry fragging.
ironic as he is clearly camping and spaming walls
Póki co nie planuję nic wrzucać z GO, ale możliwe, że założe nowy kanał jeśli przyjdzie co do czego.
very good player
helen, zenobia, jennifer, martha, wang zhaojun
5:15 extremely impressive he is able to frag them
10:21 amazing spray control
and also sorry if my english's so bad ;D
Będziesz zakładał/a nowy kanał, aby wrzucać dema z go?
6:20 retake clinic
go cs:go demos.
One dislike from harikattack.
os cara joga demais são muito bom.tento ser igual a eles.;D.
pertsertlşje fıroklatıvya to tje klemenes volkujtokru ?
haha :D
Csgo shit viva 1.6 ))
why fuck? both games are good, 1.6 has been kicked out from any leagues, it's time for go now, i played 6 years in 1.6 and 2hours in go, go is good, but i want to stay with 1.6. i don't know why u people are so detached to 1.6 u just can't let it go, i assume that u didn't even play cs;go and ur judging it, try to play it, if u doesn't like it stay with 1.6, but why hate cs;go before trying it? sorry if i offended you in any part of my comm here.