just bought a 2013 t4.75 that was a trade in and in the video first thing I noticed was the already installed hydrolics on the front for an attachment. Mine doesn't have. :-( gonna have to see if I can get that installed. Mostly good functioning tractor so far but for me is getting hard to get used to. No E-brake installed on these any more and the clutch is hard getting used to small turn arounds. But I am getting there.
I have a T4.90 and I love it. Perfect size for my diverce operation. One problem it needs the DEF system repaired, two trips to verndale tractor and its not fixed. Sent it back to me unreparied. There answer to this problem 8s for me to pay a third time and take a chance on getting it fixed.
Anyone able to tell me how to access the dash menu? I tried the steps in an online manual but nothing seems to work. I also need help diagnosing a weird symbol on the led screen.
Nice machine. Only issue I would have is the AC. I have a 2014 T5 115 with the same AC unit, I must say the worst air conditioning in a cab tractor I have ever used. At 90° you can burn up in it. Yes the filters and AC are serviced regularly. Has been that way since new. Previously had a 2012 T 5060, air was overhead and awesome, you would have to turn it down or be too cold.
It's a great machine, I use it mostly for light cultivating, spraying and spreading fertilizer. Very efficient and surprisingly comfortable. I have had no issues with it so far, hope it stays this way.
Here we are a couple years later with a full list of serious issues! The front axle went its way at 60 hrs, had to weld additional support for the main bearing. Side, rear and top window handles are falling off. The 3pt hydraulic can't lift more than a 1000 lbs to full height. PTO sensor stays activated when PTO turned off, which makes it impossible to start the tractor next time. And so on, and so on... Pity.
I have a 2015 model. I have had a few problems with it. The main problem I had is after a couple of hours of shredding it would loose power to the pto. After 4 months of back and fourth to the dealer they finally figured out that it needed a fuel cooler. Other problems I have had is the range selector cable came apart and I couldn't get into range. My dealer said it would be 6 weeks to get it fixed, so I hired my own mechanic and he fixed and stated that I would need 2 other cables replaced. Would I buy this tractor again? Probably not.
I run a older new holland tl100a and we got a few similar size new hollands at the ranch they have constant issues but also haven't been the best maintained. But all have pretty massive hydraulic fluid leaks, one overheats when running the baler or anything pto powered. All 5 of our new hollands have less than 2500hrs and mostly used for hay and mowing.
They are def more than 40k new. Lowest price you can get the Workmaster 75 for is around 41-42k cash. I believe these typically go for around 48k-55k. Speaking of a 4wd model with cab, and loader.
New Holland has 1 series of tractors coming out of India, not this one. For whatever reason, you can spot the tractors from Indian factories from miles away.
Farmer Connor I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If you're wondering, T is simply an identification. Eg. You get Boomers, TS and TD etc. T range stands for the tractors from T4 to T9. The tier of the tractor is within in the series eg. T6 series, there is Tier 3a, Tier 4a, and Tier 4b. Hope this helps.
Looking at one now needed a walk around
Very nice tractor. Cant wait for the light show in December.
just bought a 2013 t4.75 that was a trade in and in the video first thing I noticed was the already installed hydrolics on the front for an attachment. Mine doesn't have. :-( gonna have to see if I can get that installed. Mostly good functioning tractor so far but for me is getting hard to get used to. No E-brake installed on these any more and the clutch is hard getting used to small turn arounds. But I am getting there.
I take delivery of mine 12/6/2018!! Cannot wait
Just bought a newPowerstar 75. Hoping to have good luck with the New Holland machine.
I have a T4.90 and I love it. Perfect size for my diverce operation. One problem it needs the DEF system repaired, two trips to verndale tractor and its not fixed. Sent it back to me unreparied. There answer to this problem 8s for me to pay a third time and take a chance on getting it fixed.
You should really throw in more details about the important things, like PTO HP, loader and 3 point capacities etc. Otherwise good job on the video!
Anyone able to tell me how to access the dash menu? I tried the steps in an online manual but nothing seems to work. I also need help diagnosing a weird symbol on the led screen.
does it come with an inch-brake?
This or a M7060? Seems like the T4.75 wins here for deluxe futures, but how about the day to day use?
Yes, the T4\PowerStar is a more deluxe tractor. On par with Kubota's M4D (video coming)
@@MessicksEquip Cool, thanks, looking forward to it. The new M4D looks super deluxe, along with some nice add on's the 7060 should have.
Messick's any update on when the comparison video will be out? You Carlisle location is currently quoting both models for me.
Great video!
I kinda like the Kubota m7060 more but hard to say what's, better would like to see a comparison
Nice machine. Only issue I would have is the AC. I have a 2014 T5 115 with the same AC unit, I must say the worst air conditioning in a cab tractor I have ever used. At 90° you can burn up in it. Yes the filters and AC are serviced regularly. Has been that way since new. Previously had a 2012 T 5060, air was overhead and awesome, you would have to turn it down or be too cold.
RJ Van agreed we had an overhead ac in a 2012 td 5050 AC blows freezing cold
New units not so much here in south texas it can be an issue
Great tractor, just bought it.
What is your impression of the tractor thus far? Any issues?
It's a great machine, I use it mostly for light cultivating, spraying and spreading fertilizer. Very efficient and surprisingly comfortable. I have had no issues with it so far, hope it stays this way.
Good to know. Thanks for the response.
Here we are a couple years later with a full list of serious issues! The front axle went its way at 60 hrs, had to weld additional support for the main bearing. Side, rear and top window handles are falling off. The 3pt hydraulic can't lift more than a 1000 lbs to full height. PTO sensor stays activated when PTO turned off, which makes it impossible to start the tractor next time. And so on, and so on... Pity.
Two years... all these things would be warranty... did you take to your dealership?
Does any body know how reliable these tractors are ?
I have a 2015 model. I have had a few problems with it. The main problem I had is after a couple of hours of shredding it would loose power to the pto. After 4 months of back and fourth to the dealer they finally figured out that it needed a fuel cooler. Other problems I have had is the range selector cable came apart and I couldn't get into range. My dealer said it would be 6 weeks to get it fixed, so I hired my own mechanic and he fixed and stated that I would need 2 other cables replaced. Would I buy this tractor again? Probably not.
Its crap get a kubota, new holland turned to crap after Ford sold them
I run a older new holland tl100a and we got a few similar size new hollands at the ranch they have constant issues but also haven't been the best maintained. But all have pretty massive hydraulic fluid leaks, one overheats when running the baler or anything pto powered. All 5 of our new hollands have less than 2500hrs and mostly used for hay and mowing.
So what's the sticker price on this?
About 40 grand
They are def more than 40k new. Lowest price you can get the Workmaster 75 for is around 41-42k cash. I believe these typically go for around 48k-55k. Speaking of a 4wd model with cab, and loader.
Modern day fiat 80-90
Wow there isn't a guy saying get a John deere
+Joel Holme I am convinced all those comments are from 10 year olds.
Lol. Both new holland and Deere made in India. Guess that’s why.
New Holland has 1 series of tractors coming out of India, not this one. For whatever reason, you can spot the tractors from Indian factories from miles away.
Joel Holme the 5 dislikes are John Deere guys.
Sepa pad
T4.75 The 'T' does NOT stand for tier!
Zombiecrazy 556 exactly. So the t5 is tier 5? And the t9 is a tier 9?? Those don’t exist.
Farmer Connor I'm not sure I understand what you mean. If you're wondering, T is simply an identification. Eg. You get Boomers, TS and TD etc. T range stands for the tractors from T4 to T9. The tier of the tractor is within in the series eg. T6 series, there is Tier 3a, Tier 4a, and Tier 4b. Hope this helps.