since i was going asgarnia i was dreading the slayer grind but now it's solved for me in tier 5. This is shaping up to be one of the most fun leagues without much to grind except initially and I love it. Props to the oldschool team
Just wanted to say I have never done leagues and came across your videos. They are amazing. Really helpful to understand what’s going on in leagues and your production quality is excellent. Looking forward to seeing all the content come out in the future.
I sent last leagues pretty hard and had an amazing time cant wait for this one too. Made my own day 1 guide because theres something really fun about theory crafting.
If you are trying to farm for fasionscape or bloodhound I would say clue, otherwise I'm personally leaning slayer because I don't actually need anything from clues. If you need extra money because you didn't pick golden god you could also do clues for extra income.
The big question is do you have Morytania? If you do slayer master is a 16% boost to damage and accuracy vs most monsters in runescape and alot of bosses too. Also free brimstone keys if you have kourend, if you have wildy its free Larrens keys from any wilderness monster that's a crazy amount of supplies and gp.
I've liked the khopesh since it was announced and still do, WTF or WFT spec khopesh build for me. I don't think it'll be S tier or anything, but probably a solid A tier for a solo snowflake goblin like myself
Id switch tirannwin for morytania, get that 15% slayer helm boost instead of full crstall, and get justi plate and legs for dps and dont forget the mory barrows gloves
I'm the opposite on total recall vs bankers note. I was thinking total recall would really help with farming zulrah without anti-venom, but now that it's tier 7 I feel like I'll have access to anti-venom at that point in the leagues.
I feel like the slayer relic is a HUGE bait if you don't pick morytania. - It basically makes slayer tasks and slayer points obsolete, but since everyone gets 5x slayer points from t3 passive and everyone has duradel, they wont ever be an issue. - slayer perks are just broader fletching and the execute perks. Slayer ring brings you nowhere you cant easely get to with you tp relic. And the execute perks are very specific depending on you regions. - Slayer is the most beloved skill, so speeding it up, just means doing less slayer... - all slayer related tasks can be easily completed getting to 99 Only people with the slayer helm will get a descent boost from this relic, I actually excpected it to outright give you the slayer helm, like grimoire and pocket kingdom do with things locked behind a certain region. As i side not I also feel it will also make some tasks impossible to do, because people with this relic will just infinitly camp dust devils to 50mil xp and no one else can do their smoke devils task.
Wildy and Kourend means you get larrans and brimmy keys from windy drops. Also can burst on task to unlock 90+ slayer easy for hydra etc. Lots of reasons to pick outside mory.
To clarify, only 10% of the coffers are taken out each cycle. So with Pocket Kingdom, assuming you keep over 375k in the coffers, it'll only take out 37.5k an hour.
doesn't unique slayer monster mean anything unlocked with a slayer level? that would mean a boss like zulrah wouldnt give you the bonus xp at 100 kills right
I think they confirmed that anything you CAN get a named task for counts as always being on task, even bosses. With the only exception being Zuk after the first KC (the first KC you do get the boost)
@ScriticRS Zulrah gives slayer xp and gets black mask bonus, but it doesn't have a slayer requirement so I doubt it gives the extra xp at 100 kills. Only slayer bosses like Cerb and Kraken should. I could be wrong
my only issue so far with slayer relic is someone pointed out is that for many builds the end game bosses and raids arent under slayer tasks so it wont even be used during endgame where as i can keep doing cluescrolls the whole league and still not finish with them. Im personally torn between the two currently lmao. I am going VMT melee build and would definitely beneifit from taking slayer, but i LOVE doing cluescrolls, but at the same time i hate doing slayer. so i can either boost something i like doing... or make something i hate doing a bit faster. i can see it both ways, with how much damage, accuracy, and speed boosts we are getting i dont think another 16% will make much of a difference until you are doing end game pvm as we will already be killing things quickly. along with getting 5x slayer points at T3 which happens early, the free points arent THAT much better honestly. Im just imagining HOW FAST clues would be done with both clue tele AND the clue relic. just teleing around the map finishing them rapidly and then opening chests back to back to back sounds way more fun that doing slightly more damage in a limited time game. i think i convinced myself of what im doing while writting all of this xD
I think conceptually I like the slayer relic, but in practice, I think it basically is only really useful for people trying to get 50m exp. The passive buffs to slayer already solve the vast majority of slayer related problems, and the hardest content where having the 15% damage boost from slayer helm would actually matter are generally not slayer tasks (tob, nightmare, etc). So as cool as it is theoretically I’m not sure it REALLY gives all that much value.
Same boat as others. SO conflicted this league. Primarily stuck on Overgrown/Grimoire along with Last Stand/Guardian. My goal is to solo ToB but I don’t know if I NEED ancients or not, especially if I take guardian.
Imagine the slayer relic and wilderness. Revenant drops are increased since you are on the task. So easy uniques. Maybe cape of skulls will make it better but it not needed that hard.
I changed to Animal Wrangler bc somebody mentioned that Golden God covers smithing already, and Dodgy Deals will cover crafting fairly easily. I was pretty set on GG but had to make sure there wasn't anything else gamechanging in T4. I SHOULD be 100% ZTF. Gonna max out Range Mastery and then figure out where the other 3-4 points are going. The only decision I am Really stuck on is T5 and that will be solved once we know how many LP are tied to clues. PM is great but SM takes Second place for me with how much afk time is behind the Prod skills. Hell I may just pick TA anyways because I love the item clause. Edit: Forgot Combat Mastery
Equilibrium seems insane now that it works with combat and overgrowth. Still probably going reloaded for DD and gatherer. Not having a herb boost till t7 is rough and people seem to overestimate how many supplies they will be getting from raids given ToA is almost a guaranteed purple and challenge mode CoX/ToB get close too.
Agreed, a common thought I see laid out is that "PvM is the answer to herb supplies" sure, somewhat, but they don't sustain the rate at which you go through them in raids for sure.
Hey quick unrelated question: why am I hearing much more about 4/3/3 (in any order) than about 5/3/2? I don't get it... with 5/3/2 you're a much better hybrid, because your mage relic 2 actually benefits from being a bit slower, and you'll still get a massive boost in melee if you pick t5 there. And you get a free t5 passive with that.
I plan on making a range build, preferably 4/6. I need some suggestions. I was thinking A/M/F? For relics i was thinking 1. animal wrangler 2. dodgy deals. 3. Clue compass. 4. idk?? GG?? 5. idk???? 6. Bankers note. 7. Grimoire. 8. Last Stand. PLEASE HELP!!!!
i feel that the slayer relic is a bait relic, last leagues i got 11 hearts and never used/had the relic, production is the bis cause of the clue compass in previous tier
You're laughably wrong. Pm is nerfed compared to last year. Slayer relic allows you to afk farm larrans or Brimstone keys.ets you farm revs on task. Let's you farm slayer bosses whenever you want. Gives you 15% damage almost everywhere if you have morytania, including jad and zuk.
@@gnubbiersh647it used to give 25% bonus end products along with a permanent+12 to all production skills. While nerfed it definitely is still very good, especially with pocket kingdom
@@gnubbiersh647 ehh kinda? I mean it's definitely better if you do have the helm,but there are people choosing the relic just to get to the slayer level required for some of the Echo bosses as fast as possible and to max out the Combat masteries. It's all relative and literally all the options we have in this League are fantastic. So you so you booboo and enjoy the craziness and don't get swept up in the 'if it's not perfectly calculated, it's useless' crowd.
Just a point with the slayer one. I suspect you will still need tasks to get superiors so extension tasks are nice still. I suspect this because they added in text that says skipping and blocking are free, which would be useless text if having a task still didn't have a use case.
They confirmed on stream you can get superiors off task with the skayer relic. The free skips and blocks are probably therw because there will be tasks related to slayer that require you to e.g. complete 100 skayer tasks. So you can skip to get quick tasks
I'll be picking Grimoire. With Friendly Forager i've already got all the herbs I need and it coming in wayyy earlier than Overgrown and Pocket kingdom means I'll have accrued a billion herbs anyway. Kingdom also gives logs for construction but those are easy to get anyway, so I just dont find overgrown and kingdom that appealing. Meanwhile the prayers are always gonna be useful and switching spellbooks whenever just seems really convenient, even though i'll probably pick desert.
I don’t know about solely, but if you don’t have access to rigour that also means you don’t have access to the arceuss spellbook. And the arceuss spellbook has some decent utility, especially if you’re able to swap to it whenever you want. swap to it to get pray xp from ensouled heads, use it to revive dead crops, use it for thralls, sinister offering on bones/ashes (this also is good in the wildy because fountain of rune gives wrath runes) All in all, grimoire for rigour + arceuss alone is decent
Torn between WTM melee and VFM. I really want to try the dual macs with melee but also the Kopesh. Probem is I also want to do a range build. Maybe I do WTM melee for ToB with the boys and VFD for more solo range since ToA is limited to one purple.
I'm going grimoire, the pocket kingdom seems amazing, however i will go fremmy so i will have normal miscellania, and i will try gauntlet so to me Rigour is amazing, i can get fletching from trouble brewing, construction from WC mahogany and seeds from dodgy deals, bird houses and normal miscellania
Just go hard on herbs and leave farming in the dust. Do tree runs and just forget the skill even exists. I have I think 3 or 4 tree patches and everyone has the hardwoods in Fossil Island. Don't get baited by pocket kingdom and auto farming. Grimoire is the way to go.
I was thinking of taking grimoire and beforehand getting dodgy deals and reload for forager to get herbs. I'll miss golden god but with tirannwyn and dodgy deals money will be A okay.
production master over slayer. I love slayer so ill be doing it a lot anyway and eventually points wont be a big deal so majority of the perk is going to be useless in the long run. Its more between pm and the clue relic. But with the clue tele its only gunna save you a few steps that you can teleport to anyway. The only benefit is the quantity. It will come down to how many tasks are actually there for clues. Then my other delema is overgrown vs grimoire.
I was thinking of going VFZ but the more I look at it the more Asgarnia seems awesome for melee even without slayer helm. I am just avoiding mory because I'm so over barrows and don't want to learn tob, but I think asg is gonna be crazy
If you pick slayer master can you still get normal slayer tasks? I was just wondering ehat does this do to Larrans Keys and Brimstone Keys, are you unable to get them or do you always get them? Please dont spaghetti this Jagex....😢
Any slayer master will give you larran's keys in the wilderness, so you should get larran's normally. Not sure about brimstone though. You may need to actually get the tasks from konar, but you have infinite skips so that shouldn't be an issue
We can still get normal tasks as well, otherwise the option to cancel and block tasks for free would be worthless. However (x) slayer tasks are probably needed for league tasks.
I feel like slayer master is only good if your regions benefit from it. I'm going fremennik, desert, and tirannwn. I don't see it has much benefit for me. If it gave a slayer helm that would make it much better.
Trickster/overgrown removes the need for friendly forrester and pocket kingdom even if you only have a few patches, that passive xp will easily add up to 50m farming and herb by the end of the league.
@VelvetAbyssPk everyone has birdhouses, shops have infinite stock, slayer/boss drops, overgrown covers some secondaries as well and depending on your regions you have other methods of getting bulk supplies. Take hunter rumors for example if you take varlamore, free birdnests AND herbs on top of the most efficient hunter xp. You can even just plant irits with overgrown and buy eye of newt in bulk and get 50m herblore of super attacks alone. Secondaries have never been an issue for me in the 3 leagues i played at least in a sense of getting enough for 99 herblore at the least. I may have had an issue getting enough wines of zamorak last league so maybe thats one benefit to saving secondaries if you have one ingredient thats really scarce in your regions.
The meta is probably FTM for BIS melee, you don't get the overpowered Tirranwn armor and will have little less dps because of it but oh my god so much is solved with WMF when you look into it and they synergize very well. With Wildy to ramp me through the early game with easy money making and overhead prayers within the first few hours, and all the free larrens keys and faster revs with slayer master, frem for BIS jewellery slots, Mory for Barrows, gloves of the damned, justiciar, aranea boots, scythe I feel like it will be a very smooth leagues progression for me.
Slayer relic is by far bait, all it does is what it does, and slayer points are already boosted enough in leagues so that everything is pretty much pick your task by simply skipping, pretty much do 50 tasks on leagues and you’ll probably have enough points for most of leagues, where as clues, you pretty much insta complete every clue, regardless how many points clues give, you’ll finish that and collection log point tasks quickly
16% damage and accuracy vs most monsters in runescape if you have Morytania, you get larrens keys/brimstone keys off task if you have kourend or wildy. Im going wildy and thats alot of free ores, bars, logs, seeds, gp, uncut gems, uncooked food, fletching supplies from Larrens chest. Not to mention how much it will speed up revs and the rev weapons drop more often when youre on task. And I would turn that down for what? Faster clues? Clues are stackable and you have a clue teleport relic anyway they will already be fast.
@ again, you can get those tasks without the relic, slayer points are boosted in leagues, also any charlie tramp/falo/emote steps don’t require items, which means you can always do any step
@@tonyjpotts my only issue so far with slayer relic is someone pointed out is that for many builds the end game bosses and raids arent under slayer tasks so it wont even be used during endgame where as i can keep doing cluescrolls the whole league and still not finish with them. Im personally torn between the two currently lmao. I am going VMT melee build and would definitely beneifit from taking slayer, but i LOVE doing cluescrolls, but at the same time i hate doing slayer. so i can either boost something i like doing... or make something i hate doing a bit faster. i can see it both ways, with how much damage, accuracy, and speed boosts we are getting i dont think another 16% will make much of a difference until you are doing end game pvm as we will already be killing things quickly. along with getting 5x slayer points at T3 which happens early, the free points arent THAT much better honestly. Im just imagining HOW FAST clues would be done with both clue tele AND the clue relic. just teleing around the map finishing them rapidly and then opening chests back to back to back sounds way more fun that doing slightly more damage in a limited time game. i think i convinced myself of what im doing while writting all of this xD
@amatesamaru From using the clue teleport i can say that they are incredibly fast already. They are automatically stackable and more common than normal even without the clue relic, especially with things like dodgy deals, i had hundreds of clues the first day, so save up a large amount drop any you dont hit the requirements for and blast through them.
@@tonyjpotts interesting, and you are saying this was without the treasure relic? if so that makes me rethink everything, yet agian! lol i did take dodgy deals so i might be good to go
I honestly think Pocket Kingdom is hella insane. To me it blows overgrown out the water. Grimiore is competition because that gives access to a lot of region locked dps boosts. TLDR: Pocket Kingdom is insane and solves 6 skills + possible 2 more, while giving an ungodly amount of resources. Overgrown solves 2 with comparable herb output with enough playtime or patches, but is not a true competitor IMO. To breakdown why I think Pocket Kingdom is way better, lets first mention that it works while logged out which Overgrown does not. Below is the output you'd expect out of both relics. Pocket Kingdom Per Day: 2928 Herbs 60000 Flax 21120 Tuna and 6336 Swordfish (raw or cooked) 26208 Coal 42816 Maple Logs + 428 birds nests 14448 Teak Logs + 41 Nests 10704 Mahogany Logs + 30 Nests 5808 Teak + 5808 Mahog logs + 33 Nests 23088 Variety Seeds Solves 6 skills (Herblore, Cooking, FM, Con, Fletch and Farm) and has potential to solve 2 more with Craft and Smithing via flax and coal. Gives much easier access to hardwood tree seeds. You also have the ability to switch things up every hour if you're in need of specific resources. Overgrown Output @ 12 hours playtime per day: All Seeds are factoring in the 75%. Rates will obviously 2x or more with multiple patches 1267 of a single herb type. Requires 36 seeds. Average of 8.8 per herb seed. 3085 Snape grass with 2 allotments. Requires 77 seeds. Avg 30 per allotment. 540 Limpwurt roots. Requires 45 seeds. Avg 3 per flower patch. 112.5 Whiteberries. Requires 6 seeds. Avg 5 per Bush pouch. Solves 2 skills Farm and herblore. Passive 200m farming and herblore with basically no effort, but you must be logged in. Also, farming 3 Mahogany trees per day is roughly 800k xp. With the default 2 Tree Patches, you can get 440k every 2 hours from Magic trees. This doesn't even include the xp from fruit trees, spirit trees or calquat. Final thoughts: With the potential that pocket kingdom gives to solve 6 skills easily and its easier access to any type of seed, its pretty much no contest for me. Especially couple with the fact that you easily get farming xp with the above tree patches. Also if you are in dire need of herbs or any secondary, you can target farm by going from patch to patch in a loop. By the time you're done picking one patch, the next will already be grown. It's basically the instant growth portion of Farmers Fortune, just with extra steps. Pocket kingdom will obviously require getting ultracompost and more seeds, but ultra isn't hard to get and I highly doubt you'll be in need of any seeds. Finally, paired with production master, the synergy is unmatched and will give you an insane amount of XP for a few skills. With that I think it highlights pretty much all my thoughts on how crazy good this relic is compared to overgrown.
I think the reality of pocket kingdom is fming is the only real beneficial thing it offers herb is easily solved farming is solved in most region setups even mahogany trees in fossil Island are enough cooking is an lol when karambwans exist and as another note pocket kingdom is overkill on any F setup and low key a huge time sink without prod master
@@chilwil07 Just to preface, this comparison is just between overgrown and kingdom. You're right theres a lot of arguements to be made and there's regions in which overgrown would likely be way better. Zeah comes to mind with how many patches exist there. There's also other regions where you wouldn't even need any of these resources like wildy and would be able to take grimiore with no regrets. I think one of the biggest pros for me, is that it works offline. There's also the fact it banks multiple other skills, even if you get those resources eventually, having them sooner is always better to me. But, like you said mahogany trees are enough for farming, which further proves my point of kingdom being better. It's also way easier to get mahogany and teak seeds from kingdom from birds nests or just leaving it on the seeds resource. You'll also get a a crap ton of easy magic and yew seeds for the extra xp too. I agree it's overkill, but I think it's better then underkill lol. Is it excessive? Hell yes, but thats what leagues are for. Also, even with fremmy, you'd only get 1 of those amounts of resources in 48 days. You could also sell some stuff to alch price general stores or coal for tokkul. I'm not sure if you profit since I didn't do the math, but thats a way to get rid of excess. I also don't think production master is needed, it'd just pair up really nice with it and its not really a time sink if you don't use excess stuff.
Overgrown has a huge bug tho cant give roots. Therefor cant complete elite fally diary or varrock hard diary. At 16x xp this is near 1.4m xp in a skill of your choice. Overgrown is going to be like last leagues and cost ppl league points and xp.
I see the problem but the fix is pretty easy for the sake of 1 growth cycle (at 5x farming speed), I don’t think it’ll be an issue. Still better than other farming/herb alternatives if you have good patches and a good source of seeds
If your picking zeah and range playthough, I feel like grimoire is is meh as you already get the prayers. Good for mage ancients though. But I feel like most people are going melee or range this time around.
The Slayer one i really get why people think this is really good. Buuut i find it 2 fold. 1 once your 99 its a little useless ( sure you can go to a boss and kill it) but still it kinda falls of then. 2 your getting so much more slayer points so it will go fast. And then lastly to me the fun of Slayer is getting the tasks.
I don't see how Treasure Arbiter is worth it. Its buffs are relatively weak, especially when you have Clue Compass + AW or dodgy deals. Required steps are -2. Loot rolls are +2. On average It's actually -1 and +1. Put together, it's still not a huge buff when you would've averaged 5 rolls anyway and now you get 6 rolls. They nerf'd the league points behind clues, too. So this does not look like a great relic. Maybe if you don't have AW or DD. Even then, most players won't need it if they have Quest Compass.
slay relic is being giga-glazed. You need slay helm to work with it well, so it forces a mory pick. And then all its really doing is making you not have to go to the master to spam skip to do your task, instead just go there. which makes slayer "more boring" imo, and also you're still going to have to do the tasks anyway for the League Tasks. Its main and only benefit imo is doing "Like a Boss" available tasks without needing to get lucky. Which in my regions is like... 3 or 4 bosses. And all it does there is mean you're getting some passive slayer doing those bossing grinds, and you kill it 1-3 seconds faster (duke being a 13s kill instead of 11s... lol)
Still good for wildy or zeah with Larrans/Brimstone keys on every kill. Also get the buffed rates 'on task' for basilisk jaw, Hydra leather, Hydra claw
i am so unbelievably excited for league to start already! i think ive finally settled my plan which definately hasnt change 927 times in the last two weeks. im going to do VTF 3-6-1. i want to just blast with range (4 tick dark bow sounds super fun) and will have crystal blessing to make melee a solid off style with crystal armour. i dont think the t4 melee is super worth without the attack speed boost from t5 melee so im going to chuck my last point into making magic a bit harder hitting for when i inevitably have to train it. Dont know if ill even get all 10 points though since ive never done inferno or colloseum but im going to try and learn them during leagues.
I feel like Zeah is the worst region for Overgrown since it ruins farming contracts. Sure, if you just care about getting 50m farming, it has a ton of patches. But why make farming contracts more annoying whe you already have the guild, hosidius patch, wines, and tithe farm?
It's actually a shame it doesn't tie in farming contracts - gotta be a technical limitation because it would make this an almost must-pick for Zeah if it worked that way.
Regions - AFKourend. For T4 I'm probably going GG as it's the only relic in that tier to actually change the game, so it interests me. T5... I don't know. I think it depends on how many clue tasks there are before I can actually decide. Slayer Master really only helps after 99 if you're in Mory, but before then it's a really nice QoL relic. Production Master just isn't for me, I need my afk time. But I can see people really liking PM if they go with Pocket Kingdom.
Refreshing my page for leagues content like a crack addict rn
I’m bout to burn myself out in leagues before I even play leagues XD
I'm debating 3 playthroughs, too many fun builds to try
Legit took my lunch break at 4pm GMT so I could watch the live stream 😂 I’m obsessed and it’s gonna take over my life 😂
@@BoosterBlocker Same, I got - MTV, FDK, ZAW T_T RIP my social life for the next 8 weeks
I feel like every time I make a decision I have to reconsider 3 other things and it just repeats in a vicious cycle
since i was going asgarnia i was dreading the slayer grind but now it's solved for me in tier 5. This is shaping up to be one of the most fun leagues without much to grind except initially and I love it. Props to the oldschool team
I have absolutely nothing to do tomorrow and that's going to make the wait rough.
Can plan all day :)
Take 10 showers so you don't have to the rest of leagues.
@@turtleboy091 your iq has got to be over 160!
I appreciate you took your time to fix the mistaken icons on lumberjack and animal wrangler from the osrs original posts :D
Just wanted to say I have never done leagues and came across your videos. They are amazing. Really helpful to understand what’s going on in leagues and your production quality is excellent. Looking forward to seeing all the content come out in the future.
I sent last leagues pretty hard and had an amazing time cant wait for this one too. Made my own day 1 guide because theres something really fun about theory crafting.
Slayer master vs Treasure Arbiter... I thought I was set on Arbiter...gah
Slayer master clears. You will be getting passive scrolls doing content
Especially if you are taking clue compass, you can still complete clues super quickly. And you'll get loads from slayer.
If you are trying to farm for fasionscape or bloodhound I would say clue, otherwise I'm personally leaning slayer because I don't actually need anything from clues. If you need extra money because you didn't pick golden god you could also do clues for extra income.
The big question is do you have Morytania? If you do slayer master is a 16% boost to damage and accuracy vs most monsters in runescape and alot of bosses too. Also free brimstone keys if you have kourend, if you have wildy its free Larrens keys from any wilderness monster that's a crazy amount of supplies and gp.
Slayer master. Picking your own task is massive.
that pocket kingdom literally looks like a polly pocket i had as a kid lol
I've liked the khopesh since it was announced and still do, WTF or WFT spec khopesh build for me. I don't think it'll be S tier or anything, but probably a solid A tier for a solo snowflake goblin like myself
WTF also gets Soulreaper Axe for insane DPS.
Id switch tirannwin for morytania, get that 15% slayer helm boost instead of full crstall, and get justi plate and legs for dps and dont forget the mory barrows gloves
if the black mask came from kandarin the slayer relic would give you one for free
I'm the opposite on total recall vs bankers note. I was thinking total recall would really help with farming zulrah without anti-venom, but now that it's tier 7 I feel like I'll have access to anti-venom at that point in the leagues.
Tbh you will get serp helm drop really quick it wont be a problem
Yeah I can totally see that - it does make the debate focus shift a little. Reasons for and against are changing
I feel like the slayer relic is a HUGE bait if you don't pick morytania.
- It basically makes slayer tasks and slayer points obsolete, but since everyone gets 5x slayer points from t3 passive and everyone has duradel, they wont ever be an issue.
- slayer perks are just broader fletching and the execute perks. Slayer ring brings you nowhere you cant easely get to with you tp relic. And the execute perks are very specific depending on you regions.
- Slayer is the most beloved skill, so speeding it up, just means doing less slayer...
- all slayer related tasks can be easily completed getting to 99
Only people with the slayer helm will get a descent boost from this relic, I actually excpected it to outright give you the slayer helm, like grimoire and pocket kingdom do with things locked behind a certain region.
As i side not I also feel it will also make some tasks impossible to do, because people with this relic will just infinitly camp dust devils to 50mil xp and no one else can do their smoke devils task.
With all the bosses available to be assigned as a slayer monster, i don't think 50m xp will be an issue. Even if dust devils are camped 24/7
It's huge for Wilderness pickers as well since you'd always be on task for revs and would get the rev weapons much faster
Getting and doing specific tasks is a pain in the ass
Wildy and Kourend means you get larrans and brimmy keys from windy drops. Also can burst on task to unlock 90+ slayer easy for hydra etc. Lots of reasons to pick outside mory.
Can't forget that pocket kingdom will cost you also 375k ea hour. So you basically also need golden god to fund it reliability.
To clarify, only 10% of the coffers are taken out each cycle. So with Pocket Kingdom, assuming you keep over 375k in the coffers, it'll only take out 37.5k an hour.
doesn't unique slayer monster mean anything unlocked with a slayer level? that would mean a boss like zulrah
wouldnt give you the bonus xp at 100 kills right
I think they confirmed that anything you CAN get a named task for counts as always being on task, even bosses. With the only exception being Zuk after the first KC (the first KC you do get the boost)
Includes any assignable boss tasks so Zulrah is in 🥳
@ScriticRS Zulrah gives slayer xp and gets black mask bonus, but it doesn't have a slayer requirement so I doubt it gives the extra xp at 100 kills. Only slayer bosses like Cerb and Kraken should. I could be wrong
dont hate my equilibrium >:(
my only issue so far with slayer relic is someone pointed out is that for many builds the end game bosses and raids arent under slayer tasks so it wont even be used during endgame where as i can keep doing cluescrolls the whole league and still not finish with them. Im personally torn between the two currently lmao. I am going VMT melee build and would definitely beneifit from taking slayer, but i LOVE doing cluescrolls, but at the same time i hate doing slayer. so i can either boost something i like doing... or make something i hate doing a bit faster. i can see it both ways, with how much damage, accuracy, and speed boosts we are getting i dont think another 16% will make much of a difference until you are doing end game pvm as we will already be killing things quickly. along with getting 5x slayer points at T3 which happens early, the free points arent THAT much better honestly. Im just imagining HOW FAST clues would be done with both clue tele AND the clue relic. just teleing around the map finishing them rapidly and then opening chests back to back to back sounds way more fun that doing slightly more damage in a limited time game. i think i convinced myself of what im doing while writting all of this xD
I think conceptually I like the slayer relic, but in practice, I think it basically is only really useful for people trying to get 50m exp. The passive buffs to slayer already solve the vast majority of slayer related problems, and the hardest content where having the 15% damage boost from slayer helm would actually matter are generally not slayer tasks (tob, nightmare, etc). So as cool as it is theoretically I’m not sure it REALLY gives all that much value.
Same boat as others. SO conflicted this league.
Primarily stuck on Overgrown/Grimoire along with Last Stand/Guardian.
My goal is to solo ToB but I don’t know if I NEED ancients or not, especially if I take guardian.
Clue tasks may be less common but clues allow you to double dip the collection log tasks. I reckon it's still BIS relic for points.
Imagine the slayer relic and wilderness. Revenant drops are increased since you are on the task. So easy uniques. Maybe cape of skulls will make it better but it not needed that hard.
Banker's note being this late makes me have no doubt that total recall is much better.
I changed to Animal Wrangler bc somebody mentioned that Golden God covers smithing already, and Dodgy Deals will cover crafting fairly easily. I was pretty set on GG but had to make sure there wasn't anything else gamechanging in T4.
I SHOULD be 100% ZTF. Gonna max out Range Mastery and then figure out where the other 3-4 points are going.
The only decision I am Really stuck on is T5 and that will be solved once we know how many LP are tied to clues. PM is great but SM takes Second place for me with how much afk time is behind the Prod skills. Hell I may just pick TA anyways because I love the item clause.
Edit: Forgot Combat Mastery
the slayer relic last year was really good, the slayer relic this year is nuts.
Equilibrium seems insane now that it works with combat and overgrowth. Still probably going reloaded for DD and gatherer. Not having a herb boost till t7 is rough and people seem to overestimate how many supplies they will be getting from raids given ToA is almost a guaranteed purple and challenge mode CoX/ToB get close too.
Agreed, a common thought I see laid out is that "PvM is the answer to herb supplies" sure, somewhat, but they don't sustain the rate at which you go through them in raids for sure.
Hey quick unrelated question: why am I hearing much more about 4/3/3 (in any order) than about 5/3/2? I don't get it... with 5/3/2 you're a much better hybrid, because your mage relic 2 actually benefits from being a bit slower, and you'll still get a massive boost in melee if you pick t5 there. And you get a free t5 passive with that.
I'm def gunna mess up these relic picks
I plan on making a range build, preferably 4/6. I need some suggestions. I was thinking A/M/F? For relics i was thinking 1. animal wrangler 2. dodgy deals. 3. Clue compass. 4. idk?? GG?? 5. idk???? 6. Bankers note. 7. Grimoire. 8. Last Stand.
Equilibrium is good if you can so the methods for it, Like barbarian fishing or Production Master
i feel that the slayer relic is a bait relic, last leagues i got 11 hearts and never used/had the relic, production is the bis cause of the clue compass in previous tier
You're laughably wrong. Pm is nerfed compared to last year. Slayer relic allows you to afk farm larrans or Brimstone keys.ets you farm revs on task. Let's you farm slayer bosses whenever you want. Gives you 15% damage almost everywhere if you have morytania, including jad and zuk.
@@joshholmes1372 how is PM nerfed?
@@gnubbiersh647it used to give 25% bonus end products along with a permanent+12 to all production skills.
While nerfed it definitely is still very good, especially with pocket kingdom
@@josephguimond5012 ok but slayer is just useless without a slayer helm :/
@@gnubbiersh647 ehh kinda? I mean it's definitely better if you do have the helm,but there are people choosing the relic just to get to the slayer level required for some of the Echo bosses as fast as possible and to max out the Combat masteries.
It's all relative and literally all the options we have in this League are fantastic. So you so you booboo and enjoy the craziness and don't get swept up in the 'if it's not perfectly calculated, it's useless' crowd.
Just a point with the slayer one. I suspect you will still need tasks to get superiors so extension tasks are nice still. I suspect this because they added in text that says skipping and blocking are free, which would be useless text if having a task still didn't have a use case.
They confirmed on stream you can get superiors off task with the skayer relic. The free skips and blocks are probably therw because there will be tasks related to slayer that require you to e.g. complete 100 skayer tasks. So you can skip to get quick tasks
I'll be picking Grimoire. With Friendly Forager i've already got all the herbs I need and it coming in wayyy earlier than Overgrown and Pocket kingdom means I'll have accrued a billion herbs anyway. Kingdom also gives logs for construction but those are easy to get anyway, so I just dont find overgrown and kingdom that appealing. Meanwhile the prayers are always gonna be useful and switching spellbooks whenever just seems really convenient, even though i'll probably pick desert.
Is grimiore worth picking solely for riguor on a ranged build without access to it? Whatcha guys thinking?
I don’t know about solely, but if you don’t have access to rigour that also means you don’t have access to the arceuss spellbook.
And the arceuss spellbook has some decent utility, especially if you’re able to swap to it whenever you want.
swap to it to get pray xp from ensouled heads, use it to revive dead crops, use it for thralls, sinister offering on bones/ashes (this also is good in the wildy because fountain of rune gives wrath runes)
All in all, grimoire for rigour + arceuss alone is decent
Torn between WTM melee and VFM. I really want to try the dual macs with melee but also the Kopesh. Probem is I also want to do a range build. Maybe I do WTM melee for ToB with the boys and VFD for more solo range since ToA is limited to one purple.
I’d recommend the kopesh man, it’s unique to leagues. You may never get the chance to try it again.
oh I hadn't watched your tier list. Based on that clip, I'm picking your 6th, 7th and 8th picks lmao
last year the imbued ring of wealth stacked with the clue relic. something to think about if you are going wildy
Slayer master is BANANAS, I can't wait
I'm going grimoire, the pocket kingdom seems amazing, however i will go fremmy so i will have normal miscellania, and i will try gauntlet so to me Rigour is amazing, i can get fletching from trouble brewing, construction from WC mahogany and seeds from dodgy deals, bird houses and normal miscellania
Just go hard on herbs and leave farming in the dust. Do tree runs and just forget the skill even exists. I have I think 3 or 4 tree patches and everyone has the hardwoods in Fossil Island. Don't get baited by pocket kingdom and auto farming. Grimoire is the way to go.
I'm going mory fremmy and zeah. Getting lunar from fremmy and riguor, agury, and arc spellbook from zeah. Farming is the way for me
I was thinking of taking grimoire and beforehand getting dodgy deals and reload for forager to get herbs. I'll miss golden god but with tirannwyn and dodgy deals money will be A okay.
In WTF I have basically no farming. Pocket Kingdom is going to be great.
Don't forget calquats... I already have nearly everything grimoire offers unlockable, so I'll be going overgrown, most likely.
production master over slayer. I love slayer so ill be doing it a lot anyway and eventually points wont be a big deal so majority of the perk is going to be useless in the long run. Its more between pm and the clue relic. But with the clue tele its only gunna save you a few steps that you can teleport to anyway. The only benefit is the quantity. It will come down to how many tasks are actually there for clues. Then my other delema is overgrown vs grimoire.
New leagues task: Feed Thurgo 1000 pies
I think TR is worse later if anything. Tr ia good for mid game farming pvm/slayer...youre getting in pretty late. Bn still has better skilling
I was thinking of going VFZ but the more I look at it the more Asgarnia seems awesome for melee even without slayer helm. I am just avoiding mory because I'm so over barrows and don't want to learn tob, but I think asg is gonna be crazy
If you pick slayer master can you still get normal slayer tasks? I was just wondering ehat does this do to Larrans Keys and Brimstone Keys, are you unable to get them or do you always get them? Please dont spaghetti this Jagex....😢
Any slayer master will give you larran's keys in the wilderness, so you should get larran's normally. Not sure about brimstone though. You may need to actually get the tasks from konar, but you have infinite skips so that shouldn't be an issue
You are supposed to get the keys once you unlock zeah or wild
We can still get normal tasks as well, otherwise the option to cancel and block tasks for free would be worthless. However (x) slayer tasks are probably needed for league tasks.
They confirmed on stream that you would always get the keys because every monster is technically on task.
Runecrafting is my least favorite though. Why no relic for that instead of Equilibrium?
Bank note is pretty much runecrafting relic
Runecrafting buffed by bankers note and total recall. Though bankers note is significantly better
Bankers Note gives you 99 RC in an hour.
It's been a pleasure once again. See you on the other side.
Have fun 🫡
I thought i had sorted out what relics I wanted, then I watched this and read the comments. Aaaargh!
Welcome to the club man, operation panic pick is in full swing
Let’s goo🎉
I feel like slayer master is only good if your regions benefit from it. I'm going fremennik, desert, and tirannwn. I don't see it has much benefit for me. If it gave a slayer helm that would make it much better.
yeah same but im doing varlmaore over desert oh fuck i jus realized i dont have any raids in my egions lolol
Tiranwin, Fremmy, Mory is correct isn’t it?
Pretty big regions for Melee yeah
Trickster/overgrown removes the need for friendly forrester and pocket kingdom even if you only have a few patches, that passive xp will easily add up to 50m farming and herb by the end of the league.
Agreed but how do we solve secondaries?
@VelvetAbyssPk everyone has birdhouses, shops have infinite stock, slayer/boss drops, overgrown covers some secondaries as well and depending on your regions you have other methods of getting bulk supplies. Take hunter rumors for example if you take varlamore, free birdnests AND herbs on top of the most efficient hunter xp. You can even just plant irits with overgrown and buy eye of newt in bulk and get 50m herblore of super attacks alone. Secondaries have never been an issue for me in the 3 leagues i played at least in a sense of getting enough for 99 herblore at the least. I may have had an issue getting enough wines of zamorak last league so maybe thats one benefit to saving secondaries if you have one ingredient thats really scarce in your regions.
I have 1 herb patch. I am not doing any farming lol.
I want to take dodgy deals, but my regions don't have anywhere good for it
@@VelvetAbyssPk you can plant a lot of things like limpwurts / snape grass / zammy wine grapes + you'll save seeds doing so with overgrown
WMF stonks going to the moon
The meta is probably FTM for BIS melee, you don't get the overpowered Tirranwn armor and will have little less dps because of it but oh my god so much is solved with WMF when you look into it and they synergize very well.
With Wildy to ramp me through the early game with easy money making and overhead prayers within the first few hours, and all the free larrens keys and faster revs with slayer master, frem for BIS jewellery slots, Mory for Barrows, gloves of the damned, justiciar, aranea boots, scythe I feel like it will be a very smooth leagues progression for me.
I think getting equilibrium as early as tier 4 is gonna be busted
Thankfully I already have a plan and I stick to it. No regrets :)
Golden: Makes getting 100 combat faster, infinite money
Reloaded: Specific Strategy for optimization
Equilibrium: Makes every skill faster
Slayer relic is by far bait, all it does is what it does, and slayer points are already boosted enough in leagues so that everything is pretty much pick your task by simply skipping, pretty much do 50 tasks on leagues and you’ll probably have enough points for most of leagues, where as clues, you pretty much insta complete every clue, regardless how many points clues give, you’ll finish that and collection log point tasks quickly
16% damage and accuracy vs most monsters in runescape if you have Morytania, you get larrens keys/brimstone keys off task if you have kourend or wildy. Im going wildy and thats alot of free ores, bars, logs, seeds, gp, uncut gems, uncooked food, fletching supplies from Larrens chest. Not to mention how much it will speed up revs and the rev weapons drop more often when youre on task. And I would turn that down for what? Faster clues? Clues are stackable and you have a clue teleport relic anyway they will already be fast.
@ again, you can get those tasks without the relic, slayer points are boosted in leagues, also any charlie tramp/falo/emote steps don’t require items, which means you can always do any step
@@tonyjpotts my only issue so far with slayer relic is someone pointed out is that for many builds the end game bosses and raids arent under slayer tasks so it wont even be used during endgame where as i can keep doing cluescrolls the whole league and still not finish with them. Im personally torn between the two currently lmao. I am going VMT melee build and would definitely beneifit from taking slayer, but i LOVE doing cluescrolls, but at the same time i hate doing slayer. so i can either boost something i like doing... or make something i hate doing a bit faster. i can see it both ways, with how much damage, accuracy, and speed boosts we are getting i dont think another 16% will make much of a difference until you are doing end game pvm as we will already be killing things quickly. along with getting 5x slayer points at T3 which happens early, the free points arent THAT much better honestly. Im just imagining HOW FAST clues would be done with both clue tele AND the clue relic. just teleing around the map finishing them rapidly and then opening chests back to back to back sounds way more fun that doing slightly more damage in a limited time game. i think i convinced myself of what im doing while writting all of this xD
@amatesamaru From using the clue teleport i can say that they are incredibly fast already. They are automatically stackable and more common than normal even without the clue relic, especially with things like dodgy deals, i had hundreds of clues the first day, so save up a large amount drop any you dont hit the requirements for and blast through them.
@@tonyjpotts interesting, and you are saying this was without the treasure relic? if so that makes me rethink everything, yet agian! lol i did take dodgy deals so i might be good to go
I honestly think Pocket Kingdom is hella insane. To me it blows overgrown out the water. Grimiore is competition because that gives access to a lot of region locked dps boosts.
TLDR: Pocket Kingdom is insane and solves 6 skills + possible 2 more, while giving an ungodly amount of resources. Overgrown solves 2 with comparable herb output with enough playtime or patches, but is not a true competitor IMO.
To breakdown why I think Pocket Kingdom is way better, lets first mention that it works while logged out which Overgrown does not. Below is the output you'd expect out of both relics.
Pocket Kingdom Per Day:
2928 Herbs
60000 Flax
21120 Tuna and 6336 Swordfish (raw or cooked)
26208 Coal
42816 Maple Logs + 428 birds nests
14448 Teak Logs + 41 Nests
10704 Mahogany Logs + 30 Nests
5808 Teak + 5808 Mahog logs + 33 Nests
23088 Variety Seeds
Solves 6 skills (Herblore, Cooking, FM, Con, Fletch and Farm) and has potential to solve 2 more with Craft and Smithing via flax and coal. Gives much easier access to hardwood tree seeds. You also have the ability to switch things up every hour if you're in need of specific resources.
Overgrown Output @ 12 hours playtime per day: All Seeds are factoring in the 75%. Rates will obviously 2x or more with multiple patches
1267 of a single herb type. Requires 36 seeds. Average of 8.8 per herb seed.
3085 Snape grass with 2 allotments. Requires 77 seeds. Avg 30 per allotment.
540 Limpwurt roots. Requires 45 seeds. Avg 3 per flower patch.
112.5 Whiteberries. Requires 6 seeds. Avg 5 per Bush pouch.
Solves 2 skills Farm and herblore. Passive 200m farming and herblore with basically no effort, but you must be logged in.
Also, farming 3 Mahogany trees per day is roughly 800k xp. With the default 2 Tree Patches, you can get 440k every 2 hours from Magic trees. This doesn't even include the xp from fruit trees, spirit trees or calquat.
Final thoughts: With the potential that pocket kingdom gives to solve 6 skills easily and its easier access to any type of seed, its pretty much no contest for me. Especially couple with the fact that you easily get farming xp with the above tree patches. Also if you are in dire need of herbs or any secondary, you can target farm by going from patch to patch in a loop. By the time you're done picking one patch, the next will already be grown. It's basically the instant growth portion of Farmers Fortune, just with extra steps. Pocket kingdom will obviously require getting ultracompost and more seeds, but ultra isn't hard to get and I highly doubt you'll be in need of any seeds. Finally, paired with production master, the synergy is unmatched and will give you an insane amount of XP for a few skills. With that I think it highlights pretty much all my thoughts on how crazy good this relic is compared to overgrown.
I think the reality of pocket kingdom is fming is the only real beneficial thing it offers herb is easily solved farming is solved in most region setups even mahogany trees in fossil Island are enough cooking is an lol when karambwans exist and as another note pocket kingdom is overkill on any F setup and low key a huge time sink without prod master
@@chilwil07 Just to preface, this comparison is just between overgrown and kingdom.
You're right theres a lot of arguements to be made and there's regions in which overgrown would likely be way better. Zeah comes to mind with how many patches exist there. There's also other regions where you wouldn't even need any of these resources like wildy and would be able to take grimiore with no regrets. I think one of the biggest pros for me, is that it works offline. There's also the fact it banks multiple other skills, even if you get those resources eventually, having them sooner is always better to me. But, like you said mahogany trees are enough for farming, which further proves my point of kingdom being better. It's also way easier to get mahogany and teak seeds from kingdom from birds nests or just leaving it on the seeds resource. You'll also get a a crap ton of easy magic and yew seeds for the extra xp too.
I agree it's overkill, but I think it's better then underkill lol. Is it excessive? Hell yes, but thats what leagues are for. Also, even with fremmy, you'd only get 1 of those amounts of resources in 48 days. You could also sell some stuff to alch price general stores or coal for tokkul. I'm not sure if you profit since I didn't do the math, but thats a way to get rid of excess. I also don't think production master is needed, it'd just pair up really nice with it and its not really a time sink if you don't use excess stuff.
Pocket Kingdom with Production Master is crazy. Grimoire is cool but I’m passing it up.
Goated combo for sure - thinking of taking those two myself
Overgrown has a huge bug tho cant give roots. Therefor cant complete elite fally diary or varrock hard diary. At 16x xp this is near 1.4m xp in a skill of your choice. Overgrown is going to be like last leagues and cost ppl league points and xp.
I see the problem but the fix is pretty easy for the sake of 1 growth cycle (at 5x farming speed), I don’t think it’ll be an issue. Still better than other farming/herb alternatives if you have good patches and a good source of seeds
Overgrown is horrible for Zeah pickers because it makes managing contracts and the seed vault a nightmare. And you need to do contracts for hespori.
Fremmy gives early mage armour, chaos gloves right at the start, i wouldnt call it 7th, more like 3rd
I focusing on getting full 99 skills this league so I’m gonna go equalibrium and productive
Yo this gonna be sick
Damn we can’t imbue slayer helm
If your picking zeah and range playthough, I feel like grimoire is is meh as you already get the prayers. Good for mage ancients though. But I feel like most people are going melee or range this time around.
RIP Magic, maybe Leagues 6 hey
The Slayer one i really get why people think this is really good. Buuut i find it 2 fold. 1 once your 99 its a little useless ( sure you can go to a boss and kill it) but still it kinda falls of then. 2 your getting so much more slayer points so it will go fast. And then lastly to me the fun of Slayer is getting the tasks.
I don't see how Treasure Arbiter is worth it. Its buffs are relatively weak, especially when you have Clue Compass + AW or dodgy deals.
Required steps are -2. Loot rolls are +2. On average It's actually -1 and +1. Put together, it's still not a huge buff when you would've averaged 5 rolls anyway and now you get 6 rolls.
They nerf'd the league points behind clues, too. So this does not look like a great relic. Maybe if you don't have AW or DD. Even then, most players won't need it if they have Quest Compass.
Grimoire the only option
Dont take equilibrium and produgtion master to geter bruh
jesus y is production master so late
slay relic is being giga-glazed.
You need slay helm to work with it well, so it forces a mory pick. And then all its really doing is making you not have to go to the master to spam skip to do your task, instead just go there. which makes slayer "more boring" imo, and also you're still going to have to do the tasks anyway for the League Tasks.
Its main and only benefit imo is doing "Like a Boss" available tasks without needing to get lucky. Which in my regions is like... 3 or 4 bosses. And all it does there is mean you're getting some passive slayer doing those bossing grinds, and you kill it 1-3 seconds faster (duke being a 13s kill instead of 11s... lol)
Equilibrium and production master work directly against each other
fast gagex, just fast please
I wanna take Weapon Specialist and pair it with the Zaryte Crossbow! All those guaranteed Enchanted Bolt procs will be so satisfying and potent!
Slayer master is a lil bait becsuse unless you are doing morty you cant get the black mask
Still good for wildy or zeah with Larrans/Brimstone keys on every kill. Also get the buffed rates 'on task' for basilisk jaw, Hydra leather, Hydra claw
Where have you heard that clue tasks will be fewer
On yesterday's OSRS livestream - Mod Arcane mentioned it when talking about Clue Arbiter
i am so unbelievably excited for league to start already! i think ive finally settled my plan which definately hasnt change 927 times in the last two weeks. im going to do VTF 3-6-1. i want to just blast with range (4 tick dark bow sounds super fun) and will have crystal blessing to make melee a solid off style with crystal armour. i dont think the t4 melee is super worth without the attack speed boost from t5 melee so im going to chuck my last point into making magic a bit harder hitting for when i inevitably have to train it. Dont know if ill even get all 10 points though since ive never done inferno or colloseum but im going to try and learn them during leagues.
I feel like Zeah is the worst region for Overgrown since it ruins farming contracts. Sure, if you just care about getting 50m farming, it has a ton of patches. But why make farming contracts more annoying whe you already have the guild, hosidius patch, wines, and tithe farm?
It's actually a shame it doesn't tie in farming contracts - gotta be a technical limitation because it would make this an almost must-pick for Zeah if it worked that way.
Still confused why Jagex thought they were adding another tier but just added trash instead.
Regions - AFKourend.
For T4 I'm probably going GG as it's the only relic in that tier to actually change the game, so it interests me.
T5... I don't know. I think it depends on how many clue tasks there are before I can actually decide. Slayer Master really only helps after 99 if you're in Mory, but before then it's a really nice QoL relic. Production Master just isn't for me, I need my afk time. But I can see people really liking PM if they go with Pocket Kingdom.
So no raids?
@@EngageTV CoX