Namaskaram to Murali Anna. I have heard this over a 20 times since I first saw this around a month ago. The Iyengar Maama has rendered the shlokam so well. Murali anna as usual is so divine. His smile when the public applauded for the Iyengar Maama was so beautiful and Iyengar Maama accepted the applause with so much of humility. Shows that bhajana bhagavathaals sing without any 'I identification (ahankara). Of course, Vasanthi ragam adds to the entire divine experience. I am so thankful for this...
"Sakala nigama mantram, Sarva shaastraika mantram..." The opening lines sung so painfully and can deliver instant moksham! Rama! Rama! Rama! I bow to the great Gurus ...
i am pandurangan and i am one among this troop .this is the best song of senior group according to me.and and a big applause to srivatsan.akshay,karthik.harikrishnan, sriram and my guru
Super voice un imaginable hare krishna prabhu
Sri hari hari hari
Namaskaram to Murali Anna. I have heard this over a 20 times since I first saw this around a month ago. The Iyengar Maama has rendered the shlokam so well. Murali anna as usual is so divine. His smile when the public applauded for the Iyengar Maama was so beautiful and Iyengar Maama accepted the applause with so much of humility. Shows that bhajana bhagavathaals sing without any 'I identification (ahankara). Of course, Vasanthi ragam adds to the entire divine experience. I am so thankful for this...
Soulfully rendered
"Sakala nigama mantram, Sarva shaastraika mantram..."
The opening lines sung so painfully and can deliver instant moksham!
Rama! Rama! Rama!
I bow to the great Gurus ...
Soulful. Vandhe Guruparamparaam
Bakthi only today
antA rAmamayam I jagamantA rAmamayam
caraNam 1
antarangamunan-AtmArAmuDan-anta rUpamuna vintalu salupaga
caraNam 2
nadulu vanambulu nAnA mrgamulu viita karmamulu vEda shAstramulu
caraNam 3
sOma sUryulu suralu tAralu A mahAmbudhulu avanItalambulu
caraNam 4
aNDANDambulu piNDANDambulu brahmANDambulu brahmalu modaluga
caraNam 5
aSTa dikpatulunu Adi sESuDunu aSTa vasuvulanu A SaD rutulanu
caraNam 6
dhIruDau bhadrAcala rAmadAsuni kOrika losagina tAraka nAmamu
i am pandurangan and i am one among this troop .this is the best song of senior group according to me.and and a big applause to srivatsan.akshay,karthik.harikrishnan, sriram and my guru
Krishna Kumar Good to know and thanks for your compliments.
What is the ragamsi.krisnakumar?