Stories of Decolonization: Land Dispossession and Settlement (Final Version)
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• Stories of Decolonizat...
As is emphasized in this film, one way to address land dispossession and work toward decolonization is to support Indigenous land reclamation and land protection efforts. Here is one way to do this: www.gofundme.c...
The link connects to a fundraiser for the legal defense of the Rooster Town Blockade.
In the summer of 2017 a local developer attempted to clear cut an urban wetland and forest on Treaty One Territory (Winnipeg, Manitoba). In addition to the environmental destruction that this developer’s actions would cause, the land itself was close to and connected to the historical Rooster Town (which is mentioned in the film at 14:49 ( • Stories of Decolonizat... ) ), a Métis road allowance community that the City of Winnipeg began destroying in 1959 to build the Grant Park Shopping Centre and expand suburban development for settlers (link: en.wikipedia.o.... On this land, ceremonial structures were found as well as arrowheads and other artifacts.
After the first day that the developer began clear-cutting the trees, an Indigenous-led blockade halted further destruction of the land. After 2 months of successfully preventing any further destruction, the developer obtained an injunction against those participating in the blockade, which dissolved the camp. Soon after, destruction continued.
Today, the developer is attempting to sue dozens of people who defended the land and even others who merely expressed support. The developer is claiming damages of $500 000. Now that this has turned into a legal battle, even if the developer’s case is unfounded, it is costly for everyone involved
Lots of help is needed. Please support if you can and spread the word far and wide!
22 November 2016 Final Version
Stories of Decolonization is a multi-film interview-based documentary project that shares personal stories in order to explore accessible understandings of colonialism and its continued impact on those living on the lands now called Canada. It also explores notions and actions of decolonization. Stories of Decolonization: Land Dispossession and Settlement is the first short film of the series, focusing specifically on stories of personal and ancestral connections to these lands.