Наши народи су се одржали због своје вере, тако су творили када је у народу била вера, данас млади воле да гледају и слушају Карлеушу, Цецу...зато што нам је мрска истина о Богу и музика само одражава стање наше душе
Zahvaljujući You Tube,mogu neogračno da gledam i uživam u lepoti i bogatstvu SRPSKE I MAKEDONSKE (prvenstveno) muzike i folklora . Mislim da nemamo premca. U mladosti sam se kratko bavio folklorom ali sam zbog prioriteta stavri morao da prestanem. TANEC je TANEC, KOLO je KOLO ! Bravo, bravo, bravo, za sva vremena!
@@anicadimitrovska6400 That’s nice comment from you Boss. Next time if you can I like you to comment on English ore on there mother’s language so everyone can understand you. Cheers
Macedonian folklore is the soul of Macedonians. Its uniqueness helped Macedonians not to be wipe out by the neighboring countries for centuries. Beautiful performance of Tanec. Long live the Macedonians, their unique ethnicity and Macedonian language!
gledas bez da trepnes a mornici ti pominuvat niz teloto e toa ti e bratce makedonskoto oro pesna i muzika iljada pati da gi gledas ne mozes da se zasitis bravo za tanec
Gospoga Mirkova, Grcite se Fasisti, Grcite se neprijateli ne samo na Makedonija tuku I na Bugarija. Da zivee Makedonija I Makedonskiot narod.Pozdrav od Amarika.
Nadeto Mirkova Истина е, че ние никого не мразим, но и никого не обичаме баш много. Мисля, че обичаме, по-точно сиртаки, гръцки поп-фолк, обичаме и да трошим чаши и чинии. Иначе, гърчолята какво толко да им обичаме ?
A tebe Nikoj i ne te prashuval ti Sto sakash Ako ne tie dobro napushti teren i Pat za tatarija nie i ne drzime Dö toa Dali nekoj Tatar Nas ne "Obicai uz kalemegdan"brishi 😂😂😛😂😛 0:02
Българската болка е дълбока по Беломорска Тракия, която е на Българите! Българските носии са доказателство! Благодаря ви! Прекрасни сте! 🌹❤️❤️🥀❤️🌹❤️🥀❤️🌹❤️🥀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🥀🥀🥀
Na geogravsku kartu nismo zajedno to su prokleti politicari krivi. Al u srcu i dusi mi smo uvek zajedno. Nije lako razdvojiti bratcu i sestre. Volimo te Hrvatsko.
Bez Makedoncite ne bi bila Evropa nitu svetot na zemjata. Makedonija e lulka na svetskata civilizacija. Da zivee R E P U B L I K A M A K E D O N I J A.
Ако това беше така, и ако Аспарух беше татар или монгол византийските хронисти в средновековието (от 1век до 14 век) щяха да го кажат. И не само да го кажат , немаше да спрат да го повтарят. И най-важното, ако беше така, сега българите щяха да говорят турски или нещо като турски. А аз турски не разбирам. Най-добре се разбира ,че Историята на България написана от чехите Шафарик и след това от Иречек е пълна измислица от факта, че нема ХАН на който титлата да стои пред името. Само в тази чешко-руска История на България титлата ХАН е пред името на владетеля. Примери : Кублай хан, Чингис хан, НЕ СА хан Кублай , хан Чингис ... Всички възрожденци в Македония: Паисий Хилендарски, Йоаким Кърчовски, Кирил Пейчинович, Теодосий Синаитски, Неофит Рилски, Павел Божигробски, Димитър и Константин Миладинови, Йордан Хаджиконстантинов - Джинот, Натанаил Охридско-Пловдивски /Зографски/, Партений Зографски, Григор Пърличев, Кузман Шапкарев, Райко Жинзифов, Йосиф Ковачев, Димитър Македонски, се определят КАТО БЪЛГАРИ. Какъв е Гоце Делчев - УЧИТЕЛ ПО БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК.
Lazo Taleski EDNA KNIGA ZABRANENA V YUGOSLAVIA ===> www.omda.bg/public/biblioteka/andri_podsi/Vojnata%20sa%20zavrachta.pdf Една книга написана от френския агент ,журналист и политик Анри Пози(съюзник на Сърбия) ===> www.hic.hr/books/blackhand/index.htm прочитајте на хрватски језику да ли је лакше!
Самуилчо, Makedonskiot jazik na Alexander Makedonski nema nishto obshto sas slovenskite ezici. Obrazovaj se oshte, imash nuzhda. Samuil e цар на българи и гърци. Василий II , който побеждава българската армия на Самуил, е наречен Василий Българоубиец. Ако Самуил беше македонски цар , Василий II щеше да се казва Василий II Македоноубиец.Излъгали са те в школото. Айде, врви чети!
Jas go spomnav samo jazikot nisto drugo a mene mi se cini deka vie ne gi znaete rabotite kaj vas ese taka vo kulturata vasa izmislena ba prisvoena od makedoncite bugari takob narod nemalo a sega veruvate vo nesto prazno BUGARI TOA SE PRETOPENI MAKEDONCI proverete si gi korenite pa da sme brakja ane sto ve ucat deka mak se bugari.
Sa muil Tija izmislici sa ot 1946 godina ,nasam. Samo se opitaj da otgovorish na edin ot tezi vaprosi : 1. Zashto izbegaha ot Makedonija v Bulgaria 700 000 "macedonci" sled Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913 godina, zashto Carstvo Bulgaria na vsichki tezi macedonci im dade zemja i kashti bezplatno ??? 2. Zashto vsichkite crkvi i uchilishta v Macedonia predi 1914 beha bulgarski ??? (виж оригинални печати и снимки от тогава - види оригинални печати и слики од тогаш) 3. Koj e Goce Delchev ? --- учител по български език. Кой е Даме Груев ? --- учител по български език. 3. Zashto na sbornika na bratja Miladinovi pishe Български Народни Песни ??? (един съвет: виж сайта на Wikipedia за братя Миладинови на english , na bulgarian i na macedonian.) 4. Zashto emigrantite v USA ot Macedonia sled Ilindenskoto востание/въстание, 1903 г. всички са се записали като българи (има документи) ??? 5. Защо разбирам "македонски" ???
Sa muil За македонския език на Александър Македонски СПОМЕН ИЛИ ДОКУМЕНТ НЕМА..... СЛОВЕНИТЕ НЕМАТ НИЩО ОБЩО СЪС СЛАВЯНИТЕ, славяните са измислени след 1860 година от Русия и Чехия. Ако се мислиш за македонец (от македонците на Александър Македонски) къде ти е езика на който е говорил Александър Македонски ??? Църковно-словенския във средновековието е словенобългарски или по-точно СТАРОБЪЛГАРСКИ- ЕЗИКА НА КОЙТО СА НАПИСАНИ ВСИЧКИ БИБЛИИ БЪЛГАРСКИ , СРЪБСКИ И РУСКИ. # ТОВА НЕ Е МАКЕДОНСКИ !!!
Mr.Krasimir Georgiev,Bulgaria has been found around 650 years after Christ but Greece 1200 before.There is a difference about 1450 years.That is why it is Greek.Sorry.
Georges Yankoff М-р Янков You have huge mistake! State the name of Greece in the ancient world does not exist. Greece has been found around 1821 years after Christ , 1821 is your birthday.
www.Dirbg.us is a troll with a stolen profile photo. Don't respond to it. Most likely, a male with serious self-esteem issues, trying to tell others what they are. The only thing I'll say is that the Greeks say Macedonians are Greek, Bulgarians say Macedonians are Bulgarians and (some) Serbs say Macedonians are Serbian. You can't all be right so run off and sort it out between yourselves - and do it on a political site, not a cultural site meant for the enjoyment of all peoples of the world. Macedonians have always been confident in their own identity and don't need anyone else to decide it for them.
Lol! Looks like Panter Panta read the little Greek Book of Myths and Fairytales and decided to script his own version by changing a few words, proper nouns and place names and voila …. a whole new (fantasy) history is written for the Balkans. It must feel so warm being cocooned in a fantasy world. He has so many contradictions in his outrageously incorrect statements but there is no point suggesting he find them as he'd knock himself out in the process.
mrsh be tatar stay calm live and in your country and dont speak about others coutries history and culture this does not belong to you macedonia is macedonia and bulgaria is bulgaria
If you do not now , or do not understand, or you are undereducated , I can help you : The records from the time of the Ottoman Empire say that the Christians of today's Macedonia were 100% Bulgarians. (up to 1914). All ortodox churches in Macedonia are BULGARIANS (from 864 то 1914) If you're a gypsy, an Albanian ,Jew or a Serb Im agree that you are not Bulgarian. And remember , after Balkans Wars (1912- 1913) from Macedonia (Serbian and Greeks)to flee Bulgaria 700 000 people !!! A tova sa български песни и приказки от Македония - upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Bulgarian_Folk_Songs_Miladinov1.jpg/382px-Bulgarian_Folk_Songs_Miladinov1.jpg Приятно четене !!!
no i am 100000% macedonian and you teach me what is what macedonians are not bulgarians we are different people im not saying that bulgarians are macedonians alexander the third also had a nickname "alexander from macedon" and his kingdom was called macedon what do you say to that and the conclusion is that MACEDONIANS ARE MACEDONIANS AND THAT BULGARIANS ARE BULGARIANS
My friend, you did not answer any of my questions. And I know why - because you can not. Yes, everybody can be whatever he wants. You can say 1000000000000000000 % macedonian, but you will say it on Bulgarian language (Western Bulgarian dialect). And there is no way to hide the language you speak.
ahahahaahah pls macedonian is not a bulgarian dialect why are you doing this macedonians are not bulgarians we are all slavic people and our languages are all alike and we are slavic brothers we should stand together to deffend our rights not to fight eachother
The ancient Macedonians spoke their own native dialect of north-western Greek known as Doric Greek. Doric Greek was a harsh rough and broad dialect of Greek. However Philip replaced the macedonian local dialect of north-western Greek by the Athenian dialect of Attic Greek. Attic Greek thus became the lingua franca of the ancient Greek world thanks to Alexander the Great. There is NO CONNECTION with the modern 'slav-macedonians' of FYROM who are Slavic and related to the Bulgarians
Youa are totally wrong,just have a look in IGENEA Laboratory genetics analisis for Balkan,s modern Macedonians are 35%Macedonians,15% Slavics,etst,modern Greeks are more Slavics 20%,but modern Bulgarians are even 50% TRACIANS,Balkan is pretty funny and will be.Makedonec,Brsja.
What did this ancient Macedonian language look like, because apart from a few naming words, historians have no evidence of it - except that is was not Greek.
And the final conclusion is ; In the Vardar Valley Macedonians are pure macedonians ! If you can only compare two official languages Bulgarian and Macedonian you will see that are Slavic . And what is wrong with it . It is very important that are not Greek . Like Italian and French are not English . Italian and French are not the same language . Oh my God !
@@voskreglavincevska7080 There is no such thing as "pure Macedonians". The Original ancient Macedonians were a ancient Greek tribe from northern Greece who disappeared 2000 years ago as they assimilated into the greater Greek population pool and simply became Byzantines as they lost their tribal identity under Romanisation. The people of the modern country called Republic of North Macedonia are a multi ethnic population of Bulgarians (52%) Albanians 29%, Vlachs, Turks Gypsies etc. The Bulgarian population self identified as Bulgarians till the 19th century, and then started self identifying as "Macedonians" in a regional sense from the late 19th century onwards when as Bulgarians they tried to form a separate Macedonian nation after the fall of the Ottoman empire - which ultimately failed.
@@HaggisMacfee-JapanHouse After 15 centuries ( let us say ,not 25 ) , we are pure Macedonian . Because Greek Macedonian didn't last any more as Greek Macedonian . And didn't make Republic . Didn't like Helenisam anymore because becomed time by time whiter than Greeks ! You already know that certainly ! We can't hide it or to paint our faces with olive colour paint to look ancient . Majority macedonian were mixed with Slavs ! Singing song "Let's rise our voices with great sound , Go away Greeks we don't like you " In translation : "I da vikneme site so glas golem , Begajte Grci ne ve sakame" ! You know , the song ? Nothing you can do . You lost in 2018 ! This "sakame" word is your Greek "sagapo" ! And " golem" is your Greek " megalo " word . Can you see how some words are the same ! Who cares whose they are ! Razbiraš makedonski ? What a stupid democrat , the Greeks !
[Dr. Stephen Batchelor, 'The Ancient Greeks for Dummies'] "Ancient Macedonia was - and stil is today - a territory of northern Greece. The ancient Macedonians were of Greek origin and spoke a broader rougher dialect of Greek."
Didn't you already say this here? Do you have repetitive compulsive disorder? And "Dr Batchelor" was wrong. Insufficient evidence remains of the ancient Macedonian language to draw any such conclusions but the hard facts are that it was not ancient Greek and could not be comprehended by the Greeks. But why are you posting this on a music video, for goodness sake?
[Dr. Stewphen Batchelor, 'The Ancent Greeks for Dummies'.] "Ancient Macedonia was - and still is today - a territory of northern Greece. The ancient Macedonians were of Greek origin and spoke a broader, rougher dialect of Greek."
Greek is as of 1820 .. nothing to do with Macedonians of ancient past nor modern history .. Get it through your pathetic head Macedonia was divided as we all know in 1913 .... The sourhern end was given to the newly developed country called greece as of 1820 to which rhis country was given in 1913 Eprius , South Macedonia that was given the nane Agean Macedonia or today as North greece as well as Crete then in 1947 it was given the far southesouthern end of what is today called Bulgaria ( Thrace ) Greece turns 200 years in 2020 .. Where Macedonia is of 7000 plus years or more comon to modern days 550 yrs as Makedonija under the Turkish OTTOMANS ..
Haggis Macfee No evidence remains of what the ancient Macedonian language was like (apart from a few naming words which renowned historians say means nothing as even the Persians shared names) so how could this "Dr Batchelor" draw such conclusions when the most qualified historians such as Badian and Borza can't and won't? The only evidence which exists (and it's plentiful) is that ancient Greek and ancient Macedonian were two different languages which could not be comprehended by both groups and required interpreters at the royal courts.
"It's the "history" stupid!"(that is to paraprhase the well known phrase "it's the economy stupid!").So it's history who has decided what Alexander was.And history has decided the very understanding:He spoke greek,and so did his descendants who established the hellenistic world, and greek as "lingua franca" of the world, thus the New testament writen in greek.I am greek because i carry on this tradition and language! Now, you can even claim you're from Mars, like many lunatics do,who cares?!!!
IYou like me has not ear for small differences.But these are macedonian souced. Generaly, these is and style of Palestinian dances, some tell they come from Creete 9Where is Mikena) so thesse is Mediteran dances.
Eвгенија на кој јазик пишуваш никој на светов не го разбира,дај не пишувај на цигано-грчки можеби ќе се разбереме,пишувај на МАКЕДОНСКИ цел свет да те разбере.
stuped, thats Bulgarian, vsichki makedonci sa bulgari, tejche ne se pravete na mnogo interesni ejj, ne stiga che ni kradete istorijata, ezika i sega pak muzikata🤦♂🤦♂
umjesto vjeronauke, uvesti casove folkdance
Наши народи су се одржали због своје вере, тако су творили када је у народу била вера, данас млади воле да гледају и слушају Карлеушу, Цецу...зато што нам је мрска истина о Богу и музика само одражава стање наше душе
Živela MAKEDONIJA,Makedonske Igre i Pesme.!!!
Savrseno, rad i ljubav igraca i koreografa!
Zahvaljujući You Tube,mogu neogračno da gledam i uživam u lepoti i bogatstvu SRPSKE I MAKEDONSKE (prvenstveno) muzike i folklora . Mislim da nemamo premca. U mladosti sam se kratko bavio folklorom ali sam zbog prioriteta stavri morao da prestanem. TANEC je TANEC, KOLO je KOLO ! Bravo, bravo, bravo, za sva vremena!
Bravo braćo Makedonci, e još samo da nam je ostala dobra stara Yuga, samo bi nam nebo bilo granica. Veliki, srdačan i bratski pozdrav iz Hrvatske!!!
Blagodarime na nasite bratski narodi od bivsite yu prostori sto ja sakaat nasata makedonska muzika posebno tanec
Thanks Brother. . Take care and all the best from Vlade Makedonski from Sydney Australia. Cheers i zivila Croatia
@@anicadimitrovska6400 That’s nice comment from you Boss. Next time if you can I like you to comment on English ore on there mother’s language so everyone can understand you. Cheers
Вечната љубов МАКЕДОНИЈА!!
Непресушен извор на инспирација и позитивни вибрации за непокор и ВРЕМЕНСКА Неограничена ДИСТАНЦА!!🙏🙏❤🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🍀🍀🍀
Macedonian folklore is the soul of Macedonians. Its uniqueness helped Macedonians not to be wipe out by the neighboring countries for centuries. Beautiful performance of Tanec. Long live the Macedonians, their unique ethnicity and Macedonian language!
gledas bez da trepnes a mornici ti pominuvat niz teloto e toa ti e bratce makedonskoto oro pesna i muzika iljada pati da gi gledas ne mozes da se zasitis bravo za tanec
Bravo momci Makedonija zivee i ke prodolzi da zivee ova e melem za dusa.
Mnogu ubava Makedonska muzika! Unikatna..edinstveno Makedonska!
The great macedonian dance....well done
Nase i samo nase-ova nikoj ne moze da si go prepise i da ni go zemi!!!
Возвишено! На Македонската убавина и нема крај!
Prekrasno !!!
best dans ever!
An amazing performace of Macedonian song and dance!
Makedonia ne pisuva istoria ona ja pokazuva so vekovi.
Folklor najubav "Olimpiski sport"...
Makedonia vo srce👍💖.
very nice!many congrats to choreographer!
Makedonci the best. Belomorska Macedonia Beautiful.
Браво, преубаво, Да Живее Македонија!
peace between all the balkan people!
Love it
Gospoga Mirkova, Grcite se Fasisti, Grcite se neprijateli ne samo na Makedonija tuku I na Bugarija. Da zivee Makedonija I Makedonskiot narod.Pozdrav od Amarika.
nice to watch at !
Браво преубаво македонско оро
100% Makedonsko, perfect
Beautiful macedonian Ora I am very proud of our ethnicity the best ❤❤
Pushteno oro ;)
Nadeto Mirkova
Истина е, че ние никого не мразим, но и никого не обичаме баш много. Мисля, че обичаме, по-точно сиртаки, гръцки поп-фолк, обичаме и да трошим чаши и чинии. Иначе, гърчолята какво толко да им обичаме ?
@Македонец Македонија кой ти признал фалш историята недей лъжи и нали си имаш майка църква каво искаш още 😉
@Македонец Македонија света знае за историята освен секташите в Вукоебената и научи кой е Георги Делчев и какво е написал че си неписмен
@Македонец Македонија има го писмото на интернет написано на български език ако ти трябва преводач тук съм 😃
A tebe Nikoj i ne te prashuval ti Sto sakash Ako ne tie dobro napushti teren i Pat za tatarija nie i ne drzime Dö toa Dali nekoj Tatar Nas ne "Obicai uz kalemegdan"brishi 😂😂😛😂😛 0:02
tanec najdobar vo svetot
Българската болка е дълбока по Беломорска Тракия, която е на Българите! Българските носии са доказателство! Благодаря ви! Прекрасни сте! 🌹❤️❤️🥀❤️🌹❤️🥀❤️🌹❤️🥀❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🥀🥀🥀
Yes, the United Thrace.
3/4 rhythm Rachenica. Opa....Yha...opa.pa
Pokraj egej makedonija pokraj pirin makedonija pokraj vardar makedonija obedineta makedonija ❤❤❤❤❤❤da ziveeeee vecnos makedonskite dushi ❤❤ 0:02
Обединена си майка си България,бре братя!!!
Na geogravsku kartu nismo zajedno to su prokleti politicari krivi. Al u srcu i dusi mi smo uvek zajedno. Nije lako razdvojiti bratcu i sestre. Volimo te Hrvatsko.
Кажете ми како се вика орото које започнува на 4:24. Много е УБАВО и сакам да ја најдем музиката во јутјуб. Благодарам за помош!!!
Според информациите тоа е дел од орото „Рамно поле“, после него е орото „Сулејманово“ кое завршува на 5:53
Music of Macedonia Музиката се вика Рамно поле а орото Сулејманово? Ви благодарам многу!
AMA nemoj utre da ja usvoish i da kashesh Ova e blgarsko od vremeto na han asparuh 😂😛😂😂😂 0:02
M A K E D ❤️ N I J A 🇲🇰
koj može da igra kako nas ?NIKOJ .
Μοζε, μοζε, ι δεζ gа πιψγβαμε сο сρπски δγκβи 😀
@@dukov_musicНе пишуваме со српски, тоа е лага, ви личи грчкиот текст толку смешен! 😁
Vie krivo Sto nemate vakvo Oro tatari 2:52
Koi se tie budali sto dale dislike. Neka dokazat sto ima poubavo od ova, pa posle da kudat.
kako se vika pesnava na 11:02??
убајна,цел живот да ни е ко песма
Bez Makedoncite ne bi bila Evropa nitu svetot na zemjata. Makedonija e lulka na svetskata civilizacija. Da zivee R E P U B L I K A M A K E D O N I J A.
Ubava Bugarska muzika.Nazdrave i na antickite Makedonci koi13 veka bea Bugari!
nepismena ......
***** Като си античен македонец говори на античен македонски език!!! Това на което говориш е бугарски!!!
Ако това беше така, и ако Аспарух беше татар или монгол византийските хронисти в средновековието (от 1век до 14 век) щяха да го кажат. И не само да го кажат , немаше да спрат да го повтарят. И най-важното, ако беше така, сега българите щяха да говорят турски или нещо като турски. А аз турски не разбирам. Най-добре се разбира ,че Историята на България написана от чехите Шафарик и след това от Иречек е пълна измислица от факта, че нема ХАН на който титлата да стои пред името. Само в тази чешко-руска История на България титлата ХАН е пред името на владетеля. Примери : Кублай хан, Чингис хан, НЕ СА хан Кублай , хан Чингис ... Всички възрожденци в Македония: Паисий Хилендарски, Йоаким Кърчовски, Кирил Пейчинович, Теодосий Синаитски, Неофит Рилски, Павел Божигробски, Димитър и Константин Миладинови, Йордан Хаджиконстантинов - Джинот, Натанаил Охридско-Пловдивски /Зографски/, Партений Зографски, Григор Пърличев, Кузман Шапкарев, Райко Жинзифов, Йосиф Ковачев, Димитър Македонски, се определят КАТО БЪЛГАРИ. Какъв е Гоце Делчев - УЧИТЕЛ ПО БЪЛГАРСКИ ЕЗИК.
www.Dirbg.us Много добре казано .Вярно , кратко и ясно , браво !
Една книга написана от френския агент ,журналист и политик Анри Пози(съюзник на Сърбия) ===> www.hic.hr/books/blackhand/index.htm
прочитајте на хрватски језику да ли је лакше!
Самуилчо, Makedonskiot jazik na Alexander Makedonski nema nishto obshto sas slovenskite ezici. Obrazovaj se oshte, imash nuzhda. Samuil e цар на българи и гърци. Василий II , който побеждава българската армия на Самуил, е наречен Василий Българоубиец. Ако Самуил беше македонски цар , Василий II щеше да се казва Василий II Македоноубиец.Излъгали са те в школото. Айде, врви чети!
Jas go spomnav samo jazikot nisto drugo a mene mi se cini deka vie ne gi znaete rabotite kaj vas ese taka vo kulturata vasa izmislena ba prisvoena od makedoncite bugari takob narod nemalo a sega veruvate vo nesto prazno BUGARI TOA SE PRETOPENI MAKEDONCI proverete si gi korenite pa da sme brakja ane sto ve ucat deka mak se bugari.
Sa muil Tija izmislici sa ot 1946 godina ,nasam. Samo se opitaj da otgovorish na edin ot tezi vaprosi :
1. Zashto izbegaha ot Makedonija v Bulgaria 700 000 "macedonci" sled Balkanskite vojni 1912-1913 godina, zashto Carstvo Bulgaria na vsichki tezi macedonci im dade zemja i kashti bezplatno ???
2. Zashto vsichkite crkvi i uchilishta v Macedonia predi 1914 beha bulgarski ??? (виж оригинални печати и снимки от тогава - види оригинални печати и слики од тогаш)
3. Koj e Goce Delchev ? --- учител по български език. Кой е Даме Груев ? --- учител по български език.
3. Zashto na sbornika na bratja Miladinovi pishe Български Народни Песни ??? (един съвет: виж сайта на Wikipedia за братя Миладинови на english , na bulgarian i na macedonian.)
4. Zashto emigrantite v USA ot Macedonia sled Ilindenskoto востание/въстание, 1903 г. всички са се записали като българи (има документи) ???
5. Защо разбирам "македонски" ???
ХА ХА ХА , ЦАР САМОИЛ - цар на българи и гърци. Така пише на печата на цар Самоил. (а не СамУил)
Sa muil За македонския език на Александър Македонски СПОМЕН ИЛИ ДОКУМЕНТ НЕМА..... СЛОВЕНИТЕ НЕМАТ НИЩО ОБЩО СЪС СЛАВЯНИТЕ, славяните са измислени след 1860 година от Русия и Чехия. Ако се мислиш за македонец (от македонците на Александър Македонски) къде ти е езика на който е говорил Александър Македонски ??? Църковно-словенския във средновековието е словенобългарски или по-точно СТАРОБЪЛГАРСКИ- ЕЗИКА НА КОЙТО СА НАПИСАНИ ВСИЧКИ БИБЛИИ БЪЛГАРСКИ , СРЪБСКИ И РУСКИ. # ТОВА НЕ Е МАКЕДОНСКИ !!!
Μολών Λαβέ ...γατάκια
Mr.Krasimir Georgiev,Bulgaria has been found around 650 years after Christ but Greece 1200 before.There is a difference about 1450 years.That is why it is Greek.Sorry.
Georges Yankoff М-р Янков You have huge mistake! State the name of Greece in the ancient world does not exist. Greece has been found around 1821 years after Christ , 1821 is your birthday.
You right it was call HELLAS.Happy Easter
Thank you for your musical choice.
Please do not forget that we are all brothers so what is the use to argue.For nothing.
www.Dirbg.us is a troll with a stolen profile photo.
Don't respond to it. Most likely, a male with serious self-esteem issues, trying to tell others what they are. The only thing I'll say is that the Greeks say Macedonians are Greek, Bulgarians say Macedonians are Bulgarians and (some) Serbs say Macedonians are Serbian. You can't all be right so run off and sort it out between yourselves - and do it on a political site, not a cultural site meant for the enjoyment of all peoples of the world. Macedonians have always been confident in their own identity and don't need anyone else to decide it for them.
@@banitsaboy144 Sestra 👍😉
right on sestro!
орото се вика „Усамнато“
Lol! Looks like Panter Panta read the little Greek Book of Myths and Fairytales and decided to script his own version by changing a few words, proper nouns and place names and voila …. a whole new (fantasy) history is written for the Balkans. It must feel so warm being cocooned in a fantasy world. He has so many contradictions in his outrageously incorrect statements but there is no point suggesting he find them as he'd knock himself out in the process.
Dear, macedonian slavs are the ethnic Serbs. So stop embereicing yourself.
@@onjegin6984 And I suppose Serbia is Kosovo?
learn English and to how to spell in English before you make a fool of yourself!
Clean serbian music, dance, folk costums..
Makedonska dragi moj 🇲🇰 😊
@Panter Panta pa mi Dalmatinci jesmo Hrvati ali Makedonci nisu Srbi!😘
@Panter Panta Samo se ti tješi , neće ti to pomoć 😁
@Panter Panta 😂😂
dream on serb!
Originates from Bulgaria 100%. Еverything "Makedonsko" is purely
Bulgarian. Taka kazvat vojvodite ot ВМРО !
mrsh be tatar stay calm live and in your country and dont speak about others coutries history and culture this does not belong to you macedonia is macedonia and bulgaria is bulgaria
If you do not now , or do not understand, or you are undereducated , I can help you : The records from the time of the Ottoman Empire say that the Christians of today's Macedonia were 100% Bulgarians. (up to 1914). All ortodox churches in Macedonia are BULGARIANS (from 864 то 1914) If you're a gypsy, an Albanian ,Jew or a Serb Im agree that you are not Bulgarian.
And remember , after Balkans Wars (1912- 1913) from Macedonia (Serbian and Greeks)to flee Bulgaria 700 000 people !!!
A tova sa български песни и приказки от Македония - upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8b/Bulgarian_Folk_Songs_Miladinov1.jpg/382px-Bulgarian_Folk_Songs_Miladinov1.jpg
Приятно четене !!!
no i am 100000% macedonian and you teach me what is what macedonians are not bulgarians we are different people im not saying that bulgarians are macedonians alexander the third also had a nickname "alexander from macedon" and his kingdom was called macedon what do you say to that and the conclusion is that MACEDONIANS ARE MACEDONIANS AND THAT BULGARIANS ARE BULGARIANS
My friend, you did not answer any of my questions. And I know why - because you can not. Yes, everybody can be whatever he wants. You can say 1000000000000000000 % macedonian, but you will say it on Bulgarian language (Western Bulgarian dialect). And there is no way to hide the language you speak.
ahahahaahah pls macedonian is not a bulgarian dialect why are you doing this macedonians are not bulgarians we are all slavic people and our languages are all alike and we are slavic brothers we should stand together to deffend our rights not to fight eachother
В Европа няма по-хубаво нещо от българската музика, песни и хора от Тракия, Македония и Мизия!!!!!.
Bravo braco Srbi!!!!!!!
Чувајтего тоа што не ни е го никој дадел а сите сакаат да имат и да ни го земат.
The ancient Macedonians spoke their own native
dialect of north-western Greek known as Doric
Greek. Doric Greek was a harsh rough and broad
dialect of Greek. However Philip replaced the
macedonian local dialect of north-western
Greek by the Athenian dialect of Attic Greek.
Attic Greek thus became the lingua franca
of the ancient Greek world thanks to Alexander
the Great.
There is NO CONNECTION with the modern
'slav-macedonians' of FYROM who are Slavic
and related to the Bulgarians
Youa are totally wrong,just have a look in IGENEA Laboratory genetics analisis for Balkan,s modern Macedonians are 35%Macedonians,15% Slavics,etst,modern Greeks are more Slavics 20%,but modern Bulgarians are even 50% TRACIANS,Balkan is pretty funny and will be.Makedonec,Brsja.
What did this ancient Macedonian language look like, because apart from a few naming words, historians have no evidence of it - except that is was not Greek.
And the final conclusion is ;
In the Vardar Valley Macedonians are pure macedonians !
If you can only compare two official languages Bulgarian and Macedonian you will see that are Slavic .
And what is wrong with it .
It is very important that are not Greek .
Like Italian and French are not English .
Italian and French are not the same language .
Oh my God !
@@voskreglavincevska7080 There is no such thing as "pure Macedonians". The Original ancient Macedonians were a ancient Greek tribe from northern Greece who disappeared 2000 years ago as they assimilated into the greater Greek population pool and simply became Byzantines as they lost their tribal identity under Romanisation. The people of the modern country called Republic of North Macedonia are a multi ethnic population of Bulgarians (52%) Albanians 29%, Vlachs, Turks Gypsies etc. The Bulgarian population self identified as Bulgarians till the 19th century, and then started self identifying as "Macedonians" in a regional sense from the late 19th century onwards when as Bulgarians they tried to form a separate Macedonian nation after the fall of the Ottoman empire - which ultimately failed.
After 15 centuries ( let us say ,not 25 ) ,
we are pure Macedonian .
Because Greek Macedonian didn't last any more as Greek Macedonian .
And didn't make Republic .
Didn't like Helenisam anymore because becomed time by time whiter than Greeks !
You already know that certainly !
We can't hide it or to paint our faces with olive colour paint to look ancient .
Majority macedonian were mixed with Slavs !
Singing song
"Let's rise our voices with great sound , Go away Greeks we don't like you "
In translation :
"I da vikneme site so glas golem ,
Begajte Grci ne ve sakame" !
You know , the song ?
Nothing you can do .
You lost in 2018 !
This "sakame" word is your Greek "sagapo" !
And " golem" is your Greek
" megalo " word .
Can you see how some words are the same !
Who cares whose they are !
Razbiraš makedonski ?
What a stupid democrat , the Greeks !
I totally agree with you but it is also very similar to North of Greece.Historically it is origined from the ancien Greece.
Българи сте всинцааа
Not , originated from ancient Macedonia and not Greece !
These are Paleo Balcanic customs not typical for the Greek soil !
[Dr. Stephen Batchelor, 'The Ancient Greeks for Dummies']
"Ancient Macedonia was - and stil is today - a
territory of northern Greece. The ancient Macedonians
were of Greek origin and spoke a broader rougher
dialect of Greek."
Didn't you already say this here? Do you have repetitive compulsive disorder?
And "Dr Batchelor" was wrong. Insufficient evidence remains of the ancient Macedonian language to draw any such conclusions but the hard facts are that it was not ancient Greek and could not be comprehended by the Greeks.
But why are you posting this on a music video, for goodness sake?
[Dr. Stewphen Batchelor, 'The Ancent Greeks for Dummies'.]
"Ancient Macedonia was - and still is today - a
territory of northern Greece. The ancient Macedonians
were of Greek origin and spoke a broader, rougher
dialect of Greek."
Greek is as of 1820 .. nothing to do with Macedonians of ancient past nor modern history ..
Get it through your pathetic head Macedonia was divided as we all know in 1913 .... The sourhern end was given to the newly developed country called greece as of 1820 to which rhis country was given in 1913 Eprius , South Macedonia that was given the nane Agean Macedonia or today as North greece as well as Crete then in 1947 it was given the far southesouthern end of what is today called Bulgaria ( Thrace )
Greece turns 200 years in 2020 ..
Where Macedonia is of 7000 plus years or more comon to modern days 550 yrs as Makedonija under the Turkish OTTOMANS ..
Haggis Macfee No evidence remains of what the ancient Macedonian language was like (apart from a few naming words which renowned historians say means nothing as even the Persians shared names) so how could this "Dr Batchelor" draw such conclusions when the most qualified historians such as Badian and Borza can't and won't?
The only evidence which exists (and it's plentiful) is that ancient Greek and ancient Macedonian were two different languages which could not be comprehended by both groups and required interpreters at the royal courts.
"It's the "history" stupid!"(that is to paraprhase the well known phrase "it's the economy stupid!").So it's history who has decided what Alexander was.And history has decided the very understanding:He spoke greek,and so did his descendants who established the hellenistic world, and greek as "lingua franca" of the world, thus the New testament writen in greek.I am greek because i carry on this tradition and language! Now, you can even claim you're from Mars, like many lunatics do,who cares?!!!
I suggest you reread your comment and try to find the point which is against your attempted argument but I'm guessing that'll be impossible.
IYou like me has not ear for small differences.But these are macedonian souced. Generaly, these is and style of Palestinian dances, some tell they come from Creete 9Where is Mikena) so thesse is Mediteran dances.
oyts albani to pezete kai apogoni toy mega alexandroy... oyts skilia
Eвгенија на кој јазик пишуваш никој на светов не го разбира,дај не пишувај на цигано-грчки можеби ќе се разбереме,пишувај на МАКЕДОНСКИ цел свет да те разбере.
outs skyli
makedonia ellas....
Evgenia Kalofoglou Македонија ти е во устата,па ај нешто пиши на македонски за да веруваме дека ја сакаш Македонија.
Lazo Taleski Μακεδονική γραφή ειναι ελληνική... το Μακεδονικό ιδίωμα δεν έχει γραφή... Μάθε ιστορία...άσχετε!
Τι μπαλέτο είναι αυτό ρεεεεεεεε ούτε τα κλεμμένα δεν τα χορεύεται σωσταα..
Psihiatros gia sena...
So you Turkish Pontians/Madjiri want to teach the native (Slav-speaking) Macedonians their own songs and dances?
stuped, thats Bulgarian, vsichki makedonci sa bulgari, tejche ne se pravete na mnogo interesni ejj, ne stiga che ni kradete istorijata, ezika i sega pak muzikata🤦♂🤦♂
Makedonia is greece
lol @ Bulgarians trying to dance macedonian
you only wish you were macedonian!
Bulgarians trying to dance macedonian, and doing a very bad job at it