i played against this guy in ran snack which brought me to his channel and i thought everyone should know he’s aimbotting 100% i was destroying him with the LR 7.62 then i kept dying so i watched the kill cam and it was literally locking his crosshairs onto me, he’s a cheater.
i played against this guy in ran snack which brought me to his channel and i thought everyone should know he’s aimbotting 100% i was destroying him with the LR 7.62 then i kept dying so i watched the kill cam and it was literally locking his crosshairs onto me, he’s a cheater.
Ouai pas mal le vpn. Mais tu te débrouille bien quand même gg
Contre ses craie joueurs ça donne quoi ? Car on as pas du tout les même libbies
Et pas le même bescherelle apparemment !
Ca se voit tes bon mon con mais ca se voit aussi que tes lobby cest des cadeaux, jadorais avoir les meme que toi