Total Drama Action My Way

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @geometrydashgamer8311
    @geometrydashgamer8311 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Great work as usual. For some of my thoughts
    - Eva and DJ's alliance is great
    - Ditto for Geoff and Sadie's turn to jerkiness (also good that Katie and Sadie have a bigger role, whereas Geoff and Bridgette have more of a role in the competition)
    - The way Courtney returned is an improvement (even tho I don't really mind canon)
    - Liking Justin and Courtney's strategic alliance
    - Glad you fixed the votes during the finale
    Generally, this is quite an improvement from canon, but these things stuck out to me the most

  • @mantasvilunas2636
    @mantasvilunas2636 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    yep,this was diffrent but i loved it

  • @squidward1024
    @squidward1024 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Peanut Gallery Ezekiel Eva Katie Sadie Cody and Tyler
    Episode 1
    Non Elimination Round
    Episode 2
    Double Elimination Round
    Gwen and Trent wins Team Captains for their teams
    Duncan Harold Owen Noah Trent DJ and Justin voted for Bridgette
    Heather Leshawna Courtney Gwen Lindsay Beth and Izzy voted for Jeff
    Jeff voted for Courtney
    Bridgette voted for Duncan
    7 votes for Jeff and Bridgette 1 vote for Duncan and Courtney
    Jeff and Bridgette were the 1st ones off the show for kissing too much and became Aftermath Hostess
    Episode 3
    Gwen choose Duncan Leshawna DJ Heather Harold and Courtney for their team Screaming Gaffers
    Trent choose Lindsay Justin Beth Owen Izzy and Noah for their team Killer Bricks
    Courtney and Noah switch teams because Courtney wouldn't stop whining about being on the same team with Duncan and Noah volunteered to switch teams
    Episode 4
    Bricks loses
    Trent Lindsay Justin Beth and Courtney voted for Izzy
    Owen and Izzy voted for Courtney
    5 votes for Izzy 2 votes for Courtney
    Courtney blamed Izzy for the challenge
    Episode 5
    Gaffers loses
    Gwen Duncan Leshawna DJ Heather and Harold voted for Noah
    Noah voted for Heather
    6 votes for Noah 1 vote for Heather
    Noah didn't want to do the challenge because of his dairy allergy
    Aftermath I
    Episode 7
    Gaffers loses
    Heather DJ Duncan and Harold voted for Gwen
    Gwen and Leshawna voted for Heather
    4 votes for Gwen 2 votes for Heather
    Courtney made Gwen to throw a challenge for Trent
    Episode 8
    Reward Challenge
    Episode 9
    Bricks loses
    Justin Lindsay Beth and Courtney voted for Trent
    Owen and Trent voted for Courtney
    4 votes for Trent 2 votes for Courtney
    Courtney forced Trent to throw a challenge for the Gaffers
    Episode 10
    Non Elimination Round
    Episode 11
    Non Elimination Round
    Aftermath II
    Episode 13
    Gaffers loses
    Duncan Harold Heather and Leshawna voted for DJ
    DJ voted for Heather
    4 votes for DJ 1 vote for Heather
    DJ didn't want to be in the show anymore because him and Chef formed an alliance
    Episode 14
    Non Elimination Round
    Episode 15
    Reward Challenge
    Episode 16
    Bricks loses
    Courtney Lindsay and Beth voted for Owen
    Owen and Justin voted for Courtney
    3 votes for Owen 2 votes for Courtney
    Courtney got Owen seriously injured
    Episode 17
    Reward Challenge
    Aftermath III
    Episode 19
    Teams Dissolve
    Lindsay and Beth wins inciabillty and went to the mall for their award
    Lindsay Beth Justin Duncan Harold Courtney and Leshawna voted for Heather
    Heather voted for Leshawna
    7 votes for Heather 1 vote for Leshawna
    Courtney got her revenge on Heather back in Island because everybody hated her
    Episode 20
    Harold wins inciabillty
    Duncan Harold Courtney and Leshawna voted for Justin
    Justin Lindsay and Beth voted for Duncan
    4 votes for Justin 3 votes for Duncan
    Courtney fooled Justin by falling in love with her
    Episode 21
    Courtney wins inciabillty
    Duncan Harold Courtney and Leshawna voted for Beth
    Lindsay and Beth voted for Harold
    4 votes for Beth 2 votes for Harold
    Courtney took down Beth thinking she's a little threat around Lindsay
    Episode 22
    Duncan wins inciabillty
    Courtney Duncan and Harold voted for Leshawna
    Lindsay and Leshawna voted for Courtney
    3 votes for Leshawna 2 votes for Courtney
    Courtney took Leshawna out of the alliance for talking badly about her castmates
    Episode 23
    Double Elimination Round
    Duncan and Harold voted for Courtney
    Courtney and Lindsay voted for Harold
    2 votes for Harold and Courtney
    Karma bit Courtney in the butt for whining and complaining over simplest things and Harold wouldn't stop crying about Leshawna
    Courtney Total Drama Action Main Antagonist Villain defeated once and for all
    Aftermath IV
    Episode 25
    Duncan vs Lindsay
    Duncan is getting the answers right and Lindsay is getting the answers wrong
    Episode 26
    Courtney Harold and Leshawna voted for Duncan with 3 jury votes
    Beth Justin Owen Izzy Noah Gwen Trent DJ and Heather voted for Lindsay with 9 jury votes
    Runner Up Duncan Total Drama Action Main Protagonist Hero with 3 votes against him
    Winner Lindsay of Total Drama Action with 9 votes against her and 1 million dollars
    Episode 27
    Total Drama Action Celebrity Manhunt Reunion Special with Blaineley and Josh
    Owen Noah Izzy Lindsay Beth DJ Heather Harold Leshawna Duncan Courtney and Gwen qualified to be on Total Drama World Tour with returning cast Cody and Tyler. Chris added 2 new contestants to join the show which is Alejandro and Sierra.
    Ezekiel Eva Katie Sadie Trent and Justin didn't qualify to be on Total Drama World Tour but instead they're be watching it on live TV in the Peanut Gallery
    Jeff and Bridgette will be Aftermath Hosting

    @FUCHIBOLFCFUT09 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1
