Man, i think paladins are better, problem with Keepers is that theres only 2 of them, and arent even that tanky, you build barracks to stall enemies anyway, and you dont get Keepers until you upgrade the barrack to lv4, meanwhile lv2 or lv3 paladins - baracks work just fine in both games they are in, plus none of their abilities are bad if you upgrade them to lv4, so they are always reliable at what they do. Also bro, you are sleeping on Blade Singers, they are the best barrack in that game. Theres the Rocket Gunners in Alliance which does pretty much everything Keepers do, instead of true damage they do insta-kill and does area dmg while shredding armor instead, it is shown in the video, but i still think Paladins are better then the Gunners since they are better at stalling enemies.
@@vunguyenlong5738Keepers its the same has barbarians, they dont really do much as barrack, they are used more like a tower, but keepers are better just for the control and the big amount of true damage they do 250 melt any tank and even bosses
@@vunguyenlong5738 Stalling isnt always the answer. Simply having more DPS is better. Even the first upgrade of 90 true dmg is already OP enough because its every basic attack proc and doesnt have cooldown if you dont count their attack speed. Which mean they deal 180 true dmg every attack and thats just first upgrade, now thats OP. Too bad there's no heroes that can buff attack speed otherwise it would be so broken.
Necromancer doesn't create blockers unless they are cursed. It's mid at max level w/ upgrades, but really under performs in 5. Rather just use arcane with the eldrich channelers
They are mandalorians but their also the OG rocket riders given guns and rockets, because they have the same fins and similar armor that they had during the first game
I like how in Vengence, most towers have atleast 1 ability that can stall enemies like barracks, whereas in Alliance, most towers have an ability that resembles artillery instead - attacking multiple enemies that is.
Un dato con los maestros fermentadores aparte de lanzar barriles de cerveza que efecto le causa alos enemigos les reduce el daño la velocidad de movimiento la armadura física o resistencia a la magia o hace que los enemigos tenga la probabilidad de fallar su ataque
Rocket Gunners be like: Target in sight, Locked in... firing missile. Grim Wraiths be like: DIE Paladins be like: My Faith is my Shield, My Fury is my Sword!
very good actually,in fact,a single hit can bounce between 2 enemies back and forth till it hits the limit. against a single target,kinda meh,against 2 or more it's awesome.
Attacks apply vulnerability so enemies take more damage I think, also has wisps that heal allies and a stun but only hits a few enemies and not an area.
vines deal true damage,and hold most crowds in later levels. their attack while weak by itself,it weaken the enemy,making it more vulnerable to other units and towers. for example,Rayleen sword attack skill deals 480 true damage,mutated cultists got 900 health,if it is weakened by a lvl 4 emissary,it recieve 1.5 more damage from all sources. against rayleen's attack,it would lose 720 health,with the emissaire also doing damage,it would only have 150health left,which is very little. best part is that the emissary don't target the same enemy twice,meaning a single one would weaken a whole crowd.
The game needs more maps, it's too short for $20. I'm sure eventually they will add some, I just hope they don't get greedy and add some through 8 "DLCs".
bro I can't believe that the demon pit tower can have that strong, I mean come on they event don't use any serious wepon like sword or bow ;)))))))))))))
Bad Showcase. You cant see how they perform on multiple enemies at once, or what most of their specials are. And why show off 2 instant kills before we can see the damage?
Cuz this is not really a showcase vid. The old title was all tower vs bear vanguard. The vid all hero vs rhino(cant remember its full name) was also changed to all hero showcase
This game is garbage compared to the rest of the KDR universe games and the pay to unlocked towers are not worth paying more than what the actual game is sold for.
@@kingdast8558 nah people just want free, for me as a mobile user, it's insanely good game for 5$. But for towers and heroes, yes the cost is too much, even more expensive than the game itself. 7$ for teleporting barrack? Hell Naah
Arcane:WTF are you?
The bear: im the mightiest enemy you ever-
More like: Avada Kedavra! (ashes to ashes is from the sorcerer)
@@saturn6644 arcane says ashes to ashes
@@Wither-xj5cpsorcerer does not arcane
@@vojdinemaradneg I feel like you have not played alliance
I am so glad paladins are back. Second best barracks after nature prophets. Nothing beats ranged 250 points of true damage
Man, i think paladins are better, problem with Keepers is that theres only 2 of them, and arent even that tanky, you build barracks to stall enemies anyway, and you dont get Keepers until you upgrade the barrack to lv4, meanwhile lv2 or lv3 paladins - baracks work just fine in both games they are in, plus none of their abilities are bad if you upgrade them to lv4, so they are always reliable at what they do.
Also bro, you are sleeping on Blade Singers, they are the best barrack in that game.
Theres the Rocket Gunners in Alliance which does pretty much everything Keepers do, instead of true damage they do insta-kill and does area dmg while shredding armor instead, it is shown in the video, but i still think Paladins are better then the Gunners since they are better at stalling enemies.
@@vunguyenlong5738Keepers its the same has barbarians, they dont really do much as barrack, they are used more like a tower, but keepers are better just for the control and the big amount of true damage they do 250 melt any tank and even bosses
@@vunguyenlong5738no forest keepers are better in that game. The fact they are the single best way to kill golems and heretics speaks for itself
@@Michi_Feudalyeah the best thing about them is the true damage. they can take down heavy armored and magic resistance very quickly
@@vunguyenlong5738 Stalling isnt always the answer. Simply having more DPS is better. Even the first upgrade of 90 true dmg is already OP enough because its every basic attack proc and doesnt have cooldown if you dont count their attack speed. Which mean they deal 180 true dmg every attack and thats just first upgrade, now thats OP. Too bad there's no heroes that can buff attack speed otherwise it would be so broken.
İ love how flamespitter have diffrent solutions by distance simultaneously
I love that he slaps the machine to make it do the fire ball
The towers in KR5 are both refreshing and nostalgic at the same times. I really hope there will be expansion updates like KR4 tho
We're actually confirmed to be getting an expansion in October!
...There's a roadmap posted on the website guys
I like how the Necromancer kind of combines with the Archmage in this game
it also combines with the wildlings as well
Necromancer doesn't create blockers unless they are cursed. It's mid at max level w/ upgrades, but really under performs in 5. Rather just use arcane with the eldrich channelers
Rocket gunners are just Mandalorians
Do they use the same catchphrases?
@@Sp_tacnikyes and it’s great lol. My favorite tower from any game. I hated them in KR but so fun to use them
They are mandalorians but their also the OG rocket riders given guns and rockets, because they have the same fins and similar armor that they had during the first game
Someone just realize it
Fun fact: Their quote when built saying "This is the way"
About time we get to watch more contents!
5:10 Who invited this guy?
I like how in Vengence, most towers have atleast 1 ability that can stall enemies like barracks, whereas in Alliance, most towers have an ability that resembles artillery instead - attacking multiple enemies that is.
7:25 Bro kould sell the tower and teleport the bear out of the map😄
I wish the Flamespitter would just continuously spews fire instead of short ones
I don't have the game myself but I really like your Videos!
bro hack it from happy mod and get it for free
A Wet Towel is now consider as a weapon.
Rocket Gunners is an absolute tower!
This is the first Video of this game on this channel.
That was quick.
If you fully upgrade them... _yes, they can._
All 16 of them. (Including the _Undying Fury_ mini-campaign.)
The dune sentinels would have done more damage to one bear if two bears had come out close together
Un dato con los maestros fermentadores aparte de lanzar barriles de cerveza que efecto le causa alos enemigos les reduce el daño la velocidad de movimiento la armadura física o resistencia a la magia o hace que los enemigos tenga la probabilidad de fallar su ataque
Pretty sure it just reduces their damage.
Ya me di cuenta
Rocket Gunners be like: Target in sight, Locked in... firing missile.
Grim Wraiths be like: DIE
Paladins be like: My Faith is my Shield, My Fury is my Sword!
Oh shit demon pit is hilarious. Constantly sending demons to fight mobs with a frickin bath towel lmao !!!
9:24 and 9:42
Great video! Do you play on android or steam version?
Man, the Necromancer tower really got nerfed. In Frontiers, it get acid spell and the Reaper you can position it manually.
Great work!
I wonder how the dune sentinel would do against 2 of them
very good actually,in fact,a single hit can bounce between 2 enemies back and forth till it hits the limit.
against a single target,kinda meh,against 2 or more it's awesome.
Wait so is the Demon Pit and artillery tower or a barrack ?
The demon pit looks hilarious but seems pretty effective tho
man this game looks so good
What is arborean emissary's power?
Attacks apply vulnerability so enemies take more damage I think, also has wisps that heal allies and a stun but only hits a few enemies and not an area.
@@freshlymemed5680 so it can apply vulnerability, because it was pretty useful on some stages
vines deal true damage,and hold most crowds in later levels.
their attack while weak by itself,it weaken the enemy,making it more vulnerable to other units and towers.
for example,Rayleen sword attack skill deals 480 true damage,mutated cultists got 900 health,if it is weakened by a lvl 4 emissary,it recieve 1.5 more damage from all sources.
against rayleen's attack,it would lose 720 health,with the emissaire also doing damage,it would only have 150health left,which is very little.
best part is that the emissary don't target the same enemy twice,meaning a single one would weaken a whole crowd.
3:31 imagine spamming ballista outpost
combined with the mage towers empowerment it deals insane dmg
Can up +40% dmg (arcane) and -50% resist (blue emissary mage) balista hits like death rays.@@romergrieche8463
Bear vanguard is very low enemies
Nice video
The game needs more maps, it's too short for $20. I'm sure eventually they will add some, I just hope they don't get greedy and add some through 8 "DLCs".
Thats how all kr games were released
can you do heroes vs raging rhino and anything
i love paladins covenant because there blue
Imagine if the grim wraiths got defeated and got to use their retribution ability. Damage, slow, and weaken.
bro I can't believe that the demon pit tower can have that strong, I mean come on they event don't use any serious wepon like sword or bow ;)))))))))))))
Có bao nhiêu tháp miễn phí trên phiên bản mobile?
tuit hấy kr nên chơi trên máy tính chứ mobile charge mua heroes nhìn lú cái đầu
Bro I Finished Kingdom Rush 5💀
When Kingdom Rush 6 : Veznan's End?☠️☠️
paladin bản này cảm giác không mạnh bằng bản 1
trụ bản này có 2 chiêu thôi ==, mất tiêu cái chiêu tấn công rồi .
I really love all of the kingdom rush games, but this latest one, all of the towers seemed kind of lackluster and week
I personally like vengeance the least but ironhide really beefed it up with all the added content
9:23 al igual que el hechicero arcano esa no vale
skill counts
Eldritch channeler is the weak verson of blazing gem
The balanced version of blazing gem
Bad Showcase. You cant see how they perform on multiple enemies at once, or what most of their specials are. And why show off 2 instant kills before we can see the damage?
Cuz this is not really a showcase vid. The old title was all tower vs bear vanguard. The vid all hero vs rhino(cant remember its full name) was also changed to all hero showcase
@@namkhoabui yeah, so it literally says showcase in the title... After a correction... And its not supposed to be a showcase?
@@Alexander-oh8ry Yeah if this vid is the real showcase vid then like you said it is really bad
This game is garbage compared to the rest of the KDR universe games and the pay to unlocked towers are not worth paying more than what the actual game is sold for.
Lol poor, u played the game? It has most difficult last theme in KR universe (not the overseer, the stages!)
Impossible feeling almost impossible
Imagine being a whale and a dickhead at the same time. I've never been there lmfao
Modded apk version with unlimited diamonds+ lucky patcher and you ain't gotta worry about all that 😎😎
good deal on steam,too expensive on mobile,still a great game.
and you can always sail the high seas...
@@kingdast8558 nah people just want free, for me as a mobile user, it's insanely good game for 5$.
But for towers and heroes, yes the cost is too much, even more expensive than the game itself. 7$ for teleporting barrack? Hell Naah
Roket gunner imba