ONE DAY TOO LATE The Lanny Wolfe Trio Project

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 79

  • @MichaelMontague
    @MichaelMontague 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I remember playing this in my teen years and tears were flowing down my cheeks as the presence of the Lord. When I was in College, we sang it on our choir tour in 1977. I cried then too! LORD Jesus, never me be too late!

  • @alextarango4582
    @alextarango4582 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    it is a prophetic song for those that are left behind. they never wanted to come to church or give their lives to our Lord Jesus Christ to be saved now. some of us will be left behind because we do not believe in the word, those that have fallen into apostasy will understand then, God Bless you all.

  • @vanitabrown9458
    @vanitabrown9458 5 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I remember altar calls to this song 😊

  • @jodigustafson4138
    @jodigustafson4138 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I love this song and it has a powerful message.

  • @virginiaeckley3047
    @virginiaeckley3047 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love this group.. I have been listening to this group since I was a little girl.. thank you for singing for God. God bless you all

  • @TheRogersBand
    @TheRogersBand 6 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It could be one day too late for many tomorrow because we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. Everyone that died today had plans for tomorrow that didn't involve dying. The Bible says that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I pray for all that think that they have everything under control because you will wake up one day are realize that you can't control anything. I pray that you don't wait until one day too late!

  • @anchored3232
    @anchored3232 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Happy Birthday to me and Happy Birthday to my husband in heaven. Today is the day we celebrate apart, but yet forever together. This day 32 years ago we made a BIG change in our lives by saying yes to our Lord and Savior. To follow Him the rest of our lives. To make the steps to stand up and confess made the difference. This is the day that I pray for anyone and everyone that will take time to hear the words to this song will listen with an open heart to receive the real message in the words. It changed us for the rest of our lives and the rest is in Jesus knowing how He carries us through for eternity. That’s forever in the place He’s gone to prepare for those that would choose to follow Him. Jesus is a life changer and I pray your life is changed too. 🙏🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻❤️

  • @jeanetteoglesby629
    @jeanetteoglesby629 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I absolutely love this song! It's sad, but so true!

  • @lissisunday4706
    @lissisunday4706 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    beautiful song I had never heard it before till I heard it here

  • @sandranavarrette4622
    @sandranavarrette4622 7 ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @TheRogersBand
    @TheRogersBand 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    One day too late! If Jesus came back today.. the churches would be closed tomorrow because of the virus but I'm sure that they would be knocking the doors down to get in!

  • @ys3at35l
    @ys3at35l 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I used to look forward to the last night of revival or camp meeting when the sermon was hell, the second coming, or God abandoning His call of you. I miss the hell fire and brimstone sermons 😞

  • @bettyewilks1187
    @bettyewilks1187 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lord please keep me in your lamb book of life I don't wanna be left behind

  • @7wysteria1
    @7wysteria1 7 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    nOT SCARY WORDS You have a guilty complex if you think so..Just the day it will be too late and we will stand before God and try to answer why? when we were given sooooo many chances

    • @sheltonburch9040
      @sheltonburch9040 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yea you better worry Ever Knee Shall Bow And Ever Tongue Shall Confess That Jesus Is Lord Including Yours

  • @janelsen2629
    @janelsen2629 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Where can I get the accompaniment CD for this song. I sing in church and I would love to sing this song. So powerful.

  • @alfredorodriguez2657
    @alfredorodriguez2657 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My uncle Paul Rodriguez was once upon a Time serving the lord but he pass away. This was the last song I heard when I visited him at his house. I missed him Soo much. He didn't make it to heaven 😭😭. In Jesus Name true words. One God Apostolic Oneness. Peace of Christ.

    • @hippy1002
      @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      If he was playing that kind of music, what makes you think he is not with the Lord??
      I don't quite get your oneness.. because there is the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three are one, as Jesus said, 'I and the Father are one" but they are like arm, leg and head. All part of the same body, but One is God, One is the Son, and One is the Spirit.. hard to explain, but there you have it

  • @donnasmithey5652
    @donnasmithey5652 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    David Simons...The problem with you is, is that when you hear this song, you fall under conviction from GOD himself. I heard this song at 13 and it didn't scare me to death, it did make me want to see my family all saved and still today, they are not. I feel sorry for you from the depths of my soul.

  • @jandeband
    @jandeband 7 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    GOD is not mocked

  • @hippy1002
    @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The bible is not clear on exactly when we are caught up with our Lord, but for sure, we will be. If it is pre -trib (could be today and it is almost midnight..) then those left behind are probably lost forever. but are they? My Bible promises that 'Whosoever shall call.. upon the name of the Lord, SHALL be saved' A good example is the thief on the cross.. one thing for sure though .. once you pass out of this world, it is too late.. Don't blow it, the alternative is real hell. Love the song, though. I have the Vinyl still.. one of the collection got warped.. still plays. God gave us vinyl and worship music and then the devil got his foot in the door, shoved in digital, and introduced NOISE that is accepted as worship music
    . all for now and God bless you all🤠

  • @mlwise24
    @mlwise24 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Please tell me who wrote this song.

  • @donkillinger2974
    @donkillinger2974 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Now is the time, now is the acceptable time to receive Christ as Savior, so that it isn't one day too late!!!!!!!

  • @peggyrial4501
    @peggyrial4501 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thi@ is such a po×earful song.

  • @rickyaldridge781
    @rickyaldridge781 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @JediSawyer
    @JediSawyer 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am not sure what the message of this song. Did someone saved die? Did someone unsaved die? and why is it one day too late for who and why?

    • @elsiemullins2294
      @elsiemullins2294 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      JediSawyer It means Jesus came to Rapture his Church and folks were left because they weren't ready because the waited one day too late. He said in the Bible watch therefore for you know not what hour your Lord doth cometh.

    • @elsiemullins2294
      @elsiemullins2294 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
      16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
      17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    • @JediSawyer
      @JediSawyer 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      I suppose that you think it means the singer was caught up in the rapture and left a person dear to the singer behind because they were unsaved. I am not sure that is what it means, it could be the singer died unsaved and is now regretting her dear one did not give the singer more Christian support and it is no good praying for the singer now. I am personally not drawn to the book of Revelations and the meaning is what I think it means, at least to me, my meditations right now is Lanny Wolfe must have had a complicated relationship with the Lord.

    • @weirdsearchhistory5876
      @weirdsearchhistory5876 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Its an old song, it can be found in the old church hymnals with the other classic gospel songs. We sang it on occassion at my church. It's really not specific to the singers here, its a song of warning. People who won't accept Christ will make excuses, false reassurances, false sense of security or just downright spew hatred or be adversarial towards God. Satan deceives people in many ways. This song is talking about those people who reject God time and time again until one day it's too late. This song focuses on the "Rapture" or the catching away of the saints before the antichrist is unleashed on the world but this could also apply to people who die. People reject God over and over thinking they have more time or "God doesn't exist" but then die and realize they were wrong. They'll want to serve God then but it will be too late.

  • @mcmptn
    @mcmptn 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just a thought: If you're telling your friend, "Hey, I saw you at church today, but you're one day too late," doesn't that mean you're too late as well? If you were caught up in the Rapture, you wouldn't be around to rub shoulders with all these people left behind, would you? Very sad. :(

  • @MrElliott2002
    @MrElliott2002 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    All of you negative people. Jesus would have called you a generation of vipers. Just remember the Bible stills says and GOD will send them a strong delusion and they will be damned. Not scare tactics just the Word of God!

  • @allyraymond9483
    @allyraymond9483 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    A great scaring tool back in the day. Maybe not the right approach to soul-winning, though.

    • @mlwise24
      @mlwise24 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Really? Truth is the wrong way?

    • @home5893
      @home5893 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi, i read this 3 years too late. I would agree, but we should fesr God and God only. Also, great song 😇

    • @Christopher-ms5ke
      @Christopher-ms5ke 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It is a FEARFUL thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31) The repentant thief asked the other “dost thou not fear God?” Paul said “knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men.”

    • @hippy1002
      @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Admit the song does minister, and I never saw this as a fear thing. What is your approach to soul winning??

    • @hippy1002
      @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      'Except ye repent, ye shall likewise, perish.' = Jesus' words.' 'Except a man be born again; he cannot enter the Kingdom of God' Use those two when witnessing.. because it is the message.. If they say get stuffed, it is not our responsibility to make the soil good.. It is on the hearer. Today pastors and witnesses are scared to season with pepper, and try to sugar coat the truth..
      and that kind of gospel has no power

  • @davidsimons1832
    @davidsimons1832 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Oh how I remember all those really scary songs that they would play so that they could work you into an emotional frenzy, and then have TOTAL control over you, your life, and of course, most importantly (to them, anyways), your mind and your emotions. I'm so glad that I don't have to be on that emotional roller coaster anymore. Still have GOD in my life. But, do NOT need some abusive religion breathing down my throat, TRYING to scare me half to death, so that they can get me to be in complete submission to them (and give them most of my money and so that I will live by THEIR set of rules, which were endless). So glad!!! I am finally free (no, REALLY free). No longer in bondage. And, yes, I *was* in bondage when I had all those rules (made up by men) that I "had" to supposedly live by. I mean, they had it so that we couldn't even go swimming, bowling, or even eat at certain restaurants. Etc., etc, etc., And, now, I have my life back. Thank God!!! Thank God, I am free at last .....

    • @magnumpi28
      @magnumpi28 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Most of your money????? 99 percent of churches i know of believe you give 10 percent. I hardly believe taht 10 percent could be considered most of your money and you know this.
      There are a lot of good "rules" as you call them that will keep you out of trouble. Like no lieing, no drinking, etc.
      Sounds like you are "free" and doing whatever the hell you please, hopefully for you, there is no hell.

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Johnathan Smith Uh, 10% for tithes. Then, there is the offerings. And, of course, the building funds. And, the missionary funds that they make you feel HORRIBLE about unless, of course, you pay up. And, what about the revivals?!!? They always try to pressure you into paying a LOT of money (just as much as you possibly can) to the preachers who are preaching revival. "We wouldn't want Bro. so and so to leave out of here without a GOOD (the best that you can possibly give) offering to take care of HIS needs while HE is evangelizing). And, I could go on and on about all the special little offerings that they try to take up. And, how about the rules where you cannot even go out on a date unless you ask the Pastor first? And, you HAVE to get his approval to go to certain stores, to certain bowling alleys, to certain restaurants? Etc., etc., etc,. The rules are endless. And, YOU know that!!! And, yep, that's what I am all about .... just doing whatever "I" want to do. WOW!!! Did you REALLY just say that?!!? You know NOTHING about me!!! Nothing at all!!! And, yet, you say something like that?!!? So, yeah, did I also mention how that you guys LOVE to assume things about others and JUDGE them (when the bible specifically prohibits people from judging and says, "Judge NOT, lest YE be judged"?!!? You guys are the ones who just live any old way that you want to. You TOTALLY ignore some verses, while quoting others (the ones that YOU are comfortable with). I have never seen more gossip and judging than what I have seen at the Pentecostal Church (Oneness Churches, that is). And, some of thee hugest people (majorly obese) I have ever seen have been at a Pentecostal Church. Seems like quite a few of them are majorly obese (because they do nothing but eat). Do they preach against THIS sin?!!? NO!!! Of course not!!! Like I said, they just preach against the things that THEY like to preach against. And, leave the other verses completely alone (and don't EVER mention them). I, for one, cannot stand hypocrisy. I hate it!!! And, God hates it, too, just so ya know.

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Johnathan Smith And, last time I checked, it was WRONG to say such things as what YOU said, "Doing whatever the HELL you please." Last time I checked, that was considered to be a swear word. When I was going to the UPC, just using the word, "heck" was considered wrong because it is a derivative of the word, "hell." And, we couldn't use the word, "shoot," because that was considered the same thing as using the word, "sh*t." And, so on and so on. There were TONS of words that we could NOT use because they were considered to be the SAME thing as using curse words. But, I guess YOU consider YOURSELF "special." Huh?!!? And, figure that YOU can do "whatever the h*ll YOU want to do." Oh, the hypocrisy is just too much, here. I'm telling ya!!!

    • @magnumpi28
      @magnumpi28 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      OK, lets take one issue at a time. Lets just deal with MONEY until we get to the botton of the truth.
      You said they take most of your money, when i pointed out they don't, as they only REQUIRE 10 percent instead of coming back and saying something like "You know what, i guess i did exaggerate that when i said they take MOST of my money and i apologize."
      You instead start talking about all the 'extra; offering they take up, like a missionary offering but what you fail to tell people is all the offering you talk about are all OPTIONAL offering and ive never heard a preacher say you HAVE to give a certain amount in these OPTIONAL offering, have you?
      The truth is they never took MOST of your money, can you honestly say they REQUIRED you to give 51 percent of your money? Come on now!
      I ask you respectfully to either apologize for your lie or state they required you to give at least 51 percent.
      PS. As far as them wanting 10 percent, preachers have to eat, the light bill has to be paid, etc. so whats the big deal about 10 percent? Are you a miser?
      As far as a special OFFERING for a missionary, what is wrong with that? They have to eat too, plane tickets are not free are they??

    • @davidsimons1832
      @davidsimons1832 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Johnathan Smith Johnathan Smith1:21 AM
      OK, lets take one issue at a time. Lets just deal with MONEY until we get to the botton of the truth.
      *Yes! Let's do that! Sounds good to me!*
      You said they take most of your money, when i pointed out they don't, as they only REQUIRE 10 percent instead of coming back and saying something like "You know what, i guess i did exaggerate that when i said they take MOST of my money and i apologize."
      *Yep, I did say that. And, that's what I stand by. And, the reason why I didn't say that I 'over exaggerated' and then apologize is because I didn't 'over exaggerate' and there is NO need to apologize for speaking the truth. And, I refuse to do such a thing.*
      You instead start talking about all the 'extra; offering they take up, like a missionary offering but what you fail to tell people is all the offering you talk about are all OPTIONAL offering and ive never heard a preacher say you HAVE to give a certain amount in these OPTIONAL offering, have you?
      *I never once said that they told me that I "had to give" in the extra offerings. Nobody told me that I had to give in the extra offerings. But, what I did say (and this is definitely true) is that they make you feel HORRIBLE if you do NOT give in the extra offerings. They try to make you feel like you are not a very good Christian if you don't give. And, they try to make you feel guilty if you don't give, making you depressed and anxious if you do NOT give. Now, that is what I said. Do NOT twist my words!!! They manipulate your emotions through the highly emotional music, preaching, etc., and work you into an emotional frenzy. And, tell you really SAD stories so that you WILL give and so that you WILL feel guilty if you do NOT give. Even making you feel like you might not go to heaven if you don't give. So, yeah, the preacher might as well have said, "You HAVE to give us this money or you WILL go to hell" because that's what they sort of implied during all their talks where they TRIED to make ya feel horrible if you didn't give. And, are ALL of the Churches like this?!!? I don't know!!! You tell me!!! You act like YOU know everything. All I said was that a LOT of them ARE like this. And, that has been MY experience with the Pentecostal Churches. And, that's what I have said all along (that this was my OWN personal experiences with the Pentecostal Churches). I have NEVER said that ALL Pentecostal Churches ARE like this. Just shared my OWN personal experiences.*
      The truth is they never took MOST of your money, can you honestly say they REQUIRED you to give 51 percent of your money? Come on now!
      *Well, MY former Pastor (UPC) told us that we DID have to pay 10%, plus an additional 5% in offerings. And, that we also should ("if we were a TRUE Christian, that is") give extra money for this, that, and the other. And, if we got behind in our tithes, we had to pay an additional 5% added on to our tithes (because MY former Pastor quoted a verse from the bible where it said that you needed to add a "fifth part thereof," if you are late in paying your tithes. And, actually, it didn't say no such thing. He just conveniently interpreted that verse to say that (so HE could get more and more money).*
      I ask you respectfully to either apologize for your lie or state they required you to give at least 51 percent.
      *I will NOT apologize as I did NOTHING wrong. I neither lied or misspoke myself. And, I never once said that they required us to pay "51%." Not sure where YOU get those figures. You just pull them out of your butt?!!? You sure didn't get those figures from ME!!! Sounds like maybe YOU are lying about what I said. Please SHOW me where it is that I supposedly said that we had to pay "51%." I would LOVE to see that (as I never once said anything even close to that ... not once ... lol. And, you are making things up about me, which I don't appreciate, by the way).*
      PS. As far as them wanting 10 percent, preachers have to eat, the light bill has to be paid, etc. so whats the big deal about 10 percent? Are you a miser?
      *I have NO problems with preachers having enough money to eat, pay the light bills, etc., etc,. etc., But, I sort of DO have problems with the preachers getting filthy rich. Ya know?!!? Don't make me out to say something that I am NOT saying (again). You know what I am having problems with (and I don't have problems with just paying the bills or him having something to eat). But, there is NO reason for him to get filthy rich off of GOD. What did Jesus do to the money changers in His' Day?!!? Did He not run them OUT of the temple and start getting violent on them?!!? Telling them that they had better NOT make His' House into a den of thieves?!!? Why, yeah, He did. So, why are YOU acting like I am saying something that's wrong?!!? I'm going with what Jesus said. Jesus didn't like people getting rich off of Him, either. Jesus taught against being rich and storing up materialist possessions down here upon this Earth. And, in the bible, it even warns us that, in the last days, preachers WOULD become "greedy for filthy lucre (money).*
      As far as a special OFFERING for a missionary, what is wrong with that? They have to eat too, plane tickets are not free are they??
      *Again, they get a LOT more money than just for the basic necessities. They get thousands upon thousands of dollars. And, have fun counting out all the money afterwards (eagerly waiting to see just how much money they got for that particular service). Watch the documentary on Marjoe Gortner and how he exposed these Pentecostal preachers for who and what they are (money hungry preachers who just play upon people's emotions and such). Again, I never said that ALL Pentecostal preachers ARE like this. So, yes, again, do NOT put words in my mouth that I did NOT say. And, don't ASSUME things about me (as you seem to love to do).*

  • @unocarb
    @unocarb 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Trini Lopez sent me here but the fine Muslim religion is offering a better "salvation" I'm atheist but on the fence hahaha

    • @DavidRodriguez-hh1wu
      @DavidRodriguez-hh1wu 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Uno Carb

    • @donnasmithey5652
      @donnasmithey5652 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      your sick!

    • @jmfowler2009
      @jmfowler2009 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Jesus said he is the way the truth and life, I am not here to condemn or to throw stones, But Jesus loves you,
      Read John 3:16 God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
      John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word , the Word was with God and the Word was God, verse 18 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. I will tell you if need to believe in Jesus,

    • @hippy1002
      @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Jesus came to give you life eternal. He also said, 'Whsoever believes on me will never die. No other teaching offers you the love of God, and provides the door that you can enter in and have a relationship with him. The rest is tyranny, and it seek to scare you, control you, and keep you from knowing God. Man in his natural form, is a pompous puffed up with pride monster, that seeks to be worshipped. History shows this.Jesus Christ is God's only Son, as in God manifested in a human body, and HE came to set you FREE. You might joke about this, but if you sit and think on it, you would be wise to examine yourself, and ask God to search your heart, and to reveal truth to you. Warning: He will do just that

    • @hippy1002
      @hippy1002 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@donnasmithey5652 No, just lost. Like we were. Like I was. Like a boat with no rudder, thinking it is still going somewhere