Oh back when i was younger... 😌

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2023
  • What happened: So i had my friends over and my parents were in the living room with the tv really loud and fell asleep so me and my friends were in my room. They told me that if i could go get snacks for a movie it would be nice so i was getting candy and popcorn from the top shelf that i would usually ask my mom to get for me. So i took this very wobbly chair but i was to young to understand that it was not stable. So i got on top of the chair the chair leg broke and i landed on the sharp corner of the kitchen table behind me and cut my hand as well in the process no my eye is not white it was just to make it look like i was blind. But i can see just not as well as before. Im fine now tho 😗✌️

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