sir after entering in apex folder through cmd i am unable to connect with sys as sysdba error occur ora-12203. but if open sqlplus through start menu then i connt sys as sysdba. i already installed oracle forms and report developer 6i which are working fine without error. now i want to working on apex and want to install apex
Bonjour désolée j'espère être traduite. En installant apex j'ai un soucis avec @apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/ ça me met accès refusé au niveau de apex/apexins_cdb_*.list. Pouvez vous m'aider svp?
Thank you so much! that is the first "How to" which lead me to the target of having Oracle APEX installed.
sir after entering in apex folder through cmd i am unable to connect with sys as sysdba error occur ora-12203. but if open sqlplus through start menu then i connt sys as sysdba. i already installed oracle forms and report developer 6i which are working fine without error. now i want to working on apex and want to install apex
Database Release 19c?
Very nice contact
Bonjour désolée j'espère être traduite. En installant apex j'ai un soucis avec @apexins sysaux sysaux temp /i/ ça me met accès refusé au niveau de apex/apexins_cdb_*.list. Pouvez vous m'aider svp?