Just a heads up, ED has recently ended the 50% off first purchase discount. I'm assuming this video was in progress before this happened, or it was missed. Best to wait for sale once you've found a module you enjoy now.
@@BarkerVancity If you didn't even realize it's safe to say you can just wait for the next sale. They are very frequent and in the meantime just get your stuff ready. Pick your maps, modules etc.
Great video Ian. Here's my take. My brother got me into DCS. He told me about the A4. I flew the A4 only for months before I bought anything. In all that A4 time there were important features I missed learning about because I wasn't flying with others and sharing information. So, after the A4 I got FC3. Thats useful for learning how DCS works. How missiles work, how countermeasures work, and all that. Then I got the hornet and the Tomcat. I love the Tomcat, but after over 1000 hours in the Tomcat, I can't stand Jester. I just turn him off after startup and get in the back to do it myself as needed. During that time I learn the Hornet slowly, step by step during breaks in the Tomcat. Later i got the Viper, Hawg, JF17, Mudhen, Harrier, and the lovely French airplanes. Now I own and can operate most aircraft in DCS. (I16 AND MIG19 are the only modules I don't own and fly, though I own the Mossy, I can't fly the damn thing because my leg was damaged in Iraq and the Mosey is a pain to do much of anything in, let alone take off and land with one working leg.) If i just want to burn simulated jet fuel and tear holes in the Sky, the Mirage 2000 is just a joy to fly. Once you understand French aircraft design theory the Dassault airplanes are amazing, fast, good on gas, maneuverable, Nd just a joy to fly. They also have limited payloads so a Hornet or viper will always have more and longer-range weapons. And that can be a big challenge in multiplayer. The hornet is my go too jet when I'm not in the mood to deal with jester or want to do close air support. I love my Mudhen, love it, but its not a CAS jet like the Viper, Hornet, Hawg or Jf17. The Strike eagle is a deep strike jet with reasonable self-escort ability. Fly far, dumb the whole payload and go home. The CAS jets are far better and easier to quicky get weapons on a pop-up CAS tasking. Sure the mudhen can do it, but not as well as the CAS and light multirole jets. Since I run a squadron and play online most of the week. (Advantages of being retired) the Hornet is right now the best A2A platform in DCS. Its good at BVR, and a monster in a ACM fight. The F15E is better than the Hornet at BVR, but only marginally. And it's not as good in a turn fight as the hornet. The Viper is top dog at SEAD, Great at CAS, and second to the Hornet as an all-around A2A fighter. (The 9x gives a huge advantage to anything that can carry it, its a great missile). The Viper radar is good, not hornet or mudhen or tomcat good, but more than good enough to do the Job. The JF17 is very underrated. It has a really good targeting pod. Its good at SEAD, and the SD10 (PL12) is a very dangerous FOX3 missile. It has antiship missiles, and a good radar for its size, with a2a and A2S modes. (The Jf17 was the first jet in DCS to have a Velocity search mode, now the Viper and hornet also have it, and Muchen should get it). The Harrier... ouch. I love it, really i do. But the Harrier, by its very nature is a pain to fly, and not ad user friendly as other jets in the sim. Here's a point that I like people to know. Each nation, or company has their own design theory. French jets have French theory built in. U.S. Navy jets are different from USAF jets. Mcdonnel Douglas Jets (F18, F15E, Harrier, eventually the F4 Phantom) all have a MD theory built in. With that in mind learning a new jet is easier if that jet is somehow related to one you already know. Flying a Mudhen is easier for past Hornet drivers than for past Viper drivers. A Mig 21 makes more sense to people who flew the Mi24 Hind or Mig 15 or 19. (It'll still try and kill you, but at least you'll know why...lol) When the Mirage F1 dropped I cold started it without cracking the manual my first time sitting in the jet. I had about 300 hours in the Mirage 2000 at that time, so I flipped on the battery, fuel pumps, etc, and started her right up. Both those jets have many features in common, so knowledge learned on one, helped with the other. Right now most multiplayer missions are really made for and best enjoyed in light multirole jets. Anything other than a Hornet, Viper, JF17 and sort of the F15E and F14, will be at a disadvantage in most multiplayer servers. (There are servers like cold war, or Vietnam or warbirds which are designed for other aircraft, or special helicopter servers for those that like their wings to spin.) Alright sorry about the long post, again great video, I hope it helps people get into this frustrating simulation. (Love it, but we're fighting right now.) Sorry about spelling. My fat fingers and typing on a phone. I'll fix on my pc.
Update...I wound up pulling the trigger after watching this video. First thought...what the hell did I get myself into 😆. The high fidelity aircraft in DCS are unlike anything I've ever experienced in flight Sims.
it is a really simple awnser for me, i always tell people ''what are you the most interested in learning?'' the idea of modules being hard and easy is missleading imo cuz all modules are challenging in its on way. Just go with what you want.
Great video Sidekick! I encourage new players to get the stand-alone version to take advantage of the free trails, as they let you figure out what you do and don't like with no strings attached. I used the free trial to try the Mirage 2000 a year or so ago and it has become one of my favorite aircraft to fly. I also suggest everyone download the A4. Like you said, it's free and if you hate it, you're out nothing. And there are a ton of good youtube tutorials on how to use the plane in DCS. When I started, I really just wanted to fly the A10, but didn't want to shell out the big bucks for the full A10C2 module so I went with the FC3 A10A. I'm glad I went that route, because I was able to learn "DCS" without having to also learn a plane. Once I was comfortable with that, and confident that I wanted to advance, I bought the A10C2 on sale. Then I picked up the F16...then the rest of the FC3 pack...and then a bunch more modules. Looking forward to doing some iron bombing with the A7 when Flying Iron has that finished.
You don’t have to get a simplistic aircraft to start with. You can get a very complicated aircraft, but only learn to do a few things in it. Get the F- 18 and just learn how to do air to air and drop iron bombs. Then, as you’re ready, you add other things one at a time. The F-18 can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be
Great video! I started with the F-16 and an Xbox controller, then I bought a HOTAS and moved to the Huey. I fell in love with the gauges and started to fly warbirds... DCS is a trip, a really long and fun, frustrating, rewarding trip.
Great video Iain, very informative, I have had DCS on my hard drive before but mainly just the A10a, I then went over to MS 2020 when it first came out flying GA aircraft for the last few years but I have a itch to get back into DCS but mainly for the Pacific theatre map which is on its way, so I was looking for a warbird for that map, and of course the easiest, all I flew in that respect was the P51 trainer, but great video once again, many thanks.
I adore that your intro is "don't buy a warbird" and your screenies show a full array of pistons in your ownership :) We all end up flying 109s and Spitfires, no matter how much we might love a BVR Jet.
My first module was FC3, I still return to these planes - and even to the free Su-25T. My first full-fidelity module was... L-39. Love it. It's old. It's not F/A-18 or F-16 for sure. But I also don't spend hours and hours on DCS every day, so I liked that L-39 was simpler. And I'm born in Czechoslovakia, so it was quite obvious choice as well. ;-) And my second full fidelity module was F-5E.
This is a very good question. I have got it my self several times. And as you say, it is up to you. I asume,if you get into DCS you have the time and intrest to put in hundreds of hours into flying. If you are new to flight and really want to get into this, i would say: Start with the Yak-52 and learn the fundametals of flight. Start up, taxi, take off and landings. Flying patterns around the field. Then get one of the jet trainers. Do the same, but now you are traveling at three times the speed. Learn the basics. As fast as possible, learn how set up your own mission in the editor. Place a plane at an air field you want to fly from. Turn off all the assists, like lables and F-10 map markes. Learn to navigate. Sure, you can start with a F-16 or FA-18. That will be fun, but the learning curve is steep like nothing else. If you stay in burner after take off, you will be in a different time zone after just a few seconds. Having fun is the most important thing. Not just some quick laughs after a quick mission, but as a long lasting virtual pilot.
Solid recommendations. For 80% of people your recommendation of the F/A-18 is probably the one to get. Similar in capability to the F-16 but with much more content and the ability to do carrier ops. Sort of pains me to say because I prefer the 16s systems and HOTAS. Refardless of aircraft the best recommendation is to get out and join a community and meet other people who play DCS. Adds so much more to the experience and makes learning certain things much easier.
I really like the points you made. The one thing I will say is that all that agonizing over the "best" first module doesn't matter. I too spent hours and hours going through reviews and weighing people's opinions. A few years later and I have more modules than I have time to fly and I want to spend more time in all of them. They are all good choices. Get that A-4E though. A great module and completely free so that's a no brainer.
Sometimes, I watch certain DCS videos and disagree, but not this time. I pretty much agree with what you said in the video and will direct any person who may be interested in DCS to watch this one. It's straight to the point, gives the right warnings, and comes to the right conclusions.
I started with, IIRC, the F-5, Gazelle, Viggen, and the Mi-17. The Viggen looked amazing in the tutorial videos, the Gazelle is one of the few DCS aircraft operated by my country's armed forces, the Mi-17 is a flying bus and I forget why I wanted the F-5. Of the starting four, the only one I came close to mastering was the Gazelle. I can sling-load with the Hip about one time in five but keep forgetting how its weapons work
I concur with your picks. First question I’d ask is; “A) are you dead set on a type of airplane? Or B) do you want to learn on something approachable?” If the answer is A, then skip the drill down questions and get what you love. If you really love it, you will overlook the frustrations it brings. But all the planes have frustrating points. (I know you touched on this at the end) B: I’d point to F-5e or A-4 if you want to understand flight mechanics better. They are analog and teach basics of trim and overflying that the Viper and Hornet have filtered out. It will give you a better springboard to flying more types of planes.
I've been wanting to get BACK into DCS after playing other games and sims for a while, and I have modules, but I'm thinking about what I might want to get next. These sound like solid suggestions. I'm leaning toward getting into the Helicopter stuff. I've enjoyed the KA-50, Mi-8 and UH-1. Having played Falcon BMS, I'm wondering if getting the Viper would feel redundant.
As someone who flies the F-14 almost exclusively in DCS, I agree with your take on this. It was my first module because I have always loved the 'cat, yes this was helped along significantly by Top Gun. She is a very unique frame in DCS and I am still by no means an expert and she definitely is not new pilot friendly unless you have patience for days.
The L-39 or the C-101 are really great options for first planes. Both plane teach great fundamentals and not hard to learn. The Kursant campaign is really useful for the Albatros. If you wait for a sale, usually they are very cheap.
@lainChristie Great Evaluation lain! Would you be able to discuss in a future video the benefits of flying solo, flying with a friend or two and joining MP groups/squadrons? Perhaps what kind of group/squadron to join. What are some group/squadrons are out there, and how do new pilots find them?
Meanwhile I started with the Huey of all aircraft, and my first plane was the A-4. I can absolutely buy that the A-4 makes a good starter plane for the simple reason that "it's free" and figuring out how to drop eight thousand pounds of bombs on a target is great, though it does lack a bit for in-game guided practice missions like the Huey has, and I'm not sure if anybody has "picked up the slack" on that front the way Alex Stoll has for the F-15C (which is my favorite of the Flaming Cliffs set).
Well thought through video (as usual) thanks. If the decision is down to the F-16 or F/A-18, the next suggestion I’d make is - sure, you want an all rounder so you’ve chosen a modern multi-role aircraft. My personal preference is for the F-16, because I think it’s beautiful. Moreso than the bug, by a little bit (to my eyes, this is completely subjective). But the auto throttle and 100% reliable auto pilot would make the Hornet my next suggestion. Plus you have the carrier operations in your future if you like and I find the Hornet much easier to refuel in the air. But it’s the autothrottle and autopilot that make me lean towards suggesting the Hornet over the Viper to start. When I was learning the ins and outs of targeting pods, the radar and the HARM stuff it was a godsend to be able to set the throttle and A/P and know that the plane would continue until it ran out of fuel or waypoints (if it was set to follow waypoints). With the F-16, and the Harrier actually, setting the autopilot can be fiddly and if not done right, or the speed drops too much (manual throttle), or there was a big gust of wind or something, I used to often find I’d go heads up after far too long heads down and the plane would be upside down or flying into the ground. The solid reliability of the F/A-18s auto stuff was a godsend when I was learning the computer interface stuff. Of course, YMMV.
Easy one this - If WW2 Buy the Mustang, Aircraft that will do everything buy F-16C, Aircraft that will do everything that lands on a ship F-18. Aircraft that's just flown past the F-18, and it's a Moviestar, also lands on a ship and has someone to talk to in the back, Buy -F-14. Speak French buy The Mirage. Wish to Defect, Buy the Mig-15 All swings on where your interests lay, single or multiplayer.
It is a shame you do not have the JF-17 as another possible choice. It has as wide a weapon choice as the FA-18 and in my opinion the easiest modern digital cockpit and workflow to learn. It is also a very good BVR airframe as the radar is good, it has excellent situational displays and also uses IR missile launch detectors. It does have two drawbacks though: 1. It is highly limited in range and payload and 2. It is not popular Great video 😀
I totally agree, the Jeff is very beginner friendly and probably the best choice for someone with mixed A/B answers. It can be as easy to operate as the A-4/F-5, because all the modern complex systems are automated and simplified, on the other hand it can be as complex to master as the F-16/F/A-18, because it has all the modern systems and features. Drawback 1 is somewhat mitigated by the advanced weapons it can carry and flying a complex multi role mission is probably something for more advanced players (although it can be done in the Jeff). Point 2 is sadly true, but I find the systems to be so straightforward and logical, that a lot of issues can be solved by Chucks guide and a good deal of messing around and finding out.
@@kilianortmann9979 Because the module was released essentially feature complete, the youtube video tutorials from 3 to 4 years ago are also still valid
It’s also worth mentioning the other Full Fidelity Module the US Navy Goshawk. A very good Free Module that is as good as the A4 and is very well module. Again another Free Module and training aircraft to help newbies into DCS
Well, if you're going from base DCS to wanting more aircraft to fly. Flaming Cliffs 3 and Combined Arms. If you're going full fidelity, my bias will be F-18c. Was in the NAVY and worked on supers.
I think FC3 is the way to go, in addition to the Forever Free A4E Skyhawk. Then the F-86, Mig-15 and F-5 to get used to a little more fidelity before moving on to complex modules like the Hornet or Viper
For beginners I recommend the Flaming Cliffs 3 module. It's not that realistic in terms of simulation but it's good module to begin with since there are several models of planes included to fly.
Whatever you buy, make sure you consider how the aircraft you choose performs in dcs fps-wise. I made a mistake and bought the Hind only to discover it's almost unplayable on my decent rig (3070ti, 5700x3d, 16gb ram). I later learned many people were getting low fps in this particular module. had I known this, I wouldn't have wasted my money on the Mi24 and would've bought something older, but that performs well, like the Viggen.
your rig shouldn't have any performance issues. I fly the hind with stable 90 to 120 fps with worse CPU and GPU than yours. 6 core Ryzen 5 + RTX 3060 12GB non TI. The only issue I can find in your case is that 16GB memory. Because I found out upgrading my RAM from 32GB to 64GB eliminated 99% of the freezes and stutters for my system.
@@davidtsw I fly it with an i7 4770k - 16gbs ram and RTX3070 and works fine for me... with a SSD of course.. maybe there is some weird setup related problem that is causing low fps on your machine?
I feel like (although I'm biased as the harrier was my first module) the harrier should not be side-lined because of its VTOL capability's as you can completely ignore that feature and fly it like any other cold war jet and i think it would be a great choice for anyone who wants to ground pound but not be defenceless in air combat😁👍
My suggestion is to buy the airplane that you are most interested in, even if it's complex. DCS has a fairly steep learning curve, and if you're really into a certain airplane, you will stick with it and keep it fun as you learn DCS.
Small comment on the early cold war jets and their support. ECW isn't everyone's favourite server, but it is really popular and supports all the early cold war jets in an environment where they aren't completely outclassed by modern jets and modern missiles.
buy the ones with the most populated servers.. so Syria, or Persian gulf...none of the others hardly ever get used on a server unless its for an event. if ww2 get the newer Normandy map
I always say F-18. Because it can do just about everything. Dogfight, ground attack, etc. So if you want to learn something, it can do it, and if you then want to specialize, you can go for an aircraft that specializes in that area.
I’ve had a few friends recently join me in DCS and ask this same question, and I’ve sorta come up with a system. I always recommend they get the A-4 to fill that old school analogue niche and either the F-16 or the F-18. I’ve found that the F-5, while simple, doesn’t have a great beginner multiplayer server experience. Your main choices are hoggit and a few other Cold War servers, as you’ll get bodied by AMRAAMs on any other one. However, Cold War players tend to be GOOD at the game. Like very good. Mostly due to the F-5 not having any aids in SA, I say don’t get that. Now, when deciding between the 16 and 18, I always ask what do you want to kinda progress more into? If you want to get the A-10 later on, then the 16 has a lot of control similarities, and whilst it’s more complex than the 18, between the controls, the air to ground weapons, and the Lightning Tpod, it’s basically a pocket A-10 that’s also wicked in air to air. However, if you want to progress into some of the more niche things like harriers, tomcats, or the mudhen, then the 18 is the way to go. As it doesn’t follow that same HOTAS pattern. Plus, if they want to do campaigns and maybe some squadron type multiplayer events, I strongly say the hornet. It’s easier to land on a runway, easier to do AAR, and it can land on a boat. And when your a new guy trying to do your coms right flying with a few patient and a few not so patient people in a war game, you’d like as much ease to the logistic side of flying as possible. That’s my two cents
Moving from warbirds to jets is an odd transition. From IL2 Wings of Liberty to F-5 seems like a solid choice. Though I do have a soft spot for the F-14, FA-18, and F-16. (Western child of the 80's...) After getting competent in a BF-109, and absolutely loving the Flying Circus WWI deathtraps (SpadXIII, or Albatross) The F-14 is that hot rod carrier monster that I just wanna go full afterburner and scream the throttle. Also, intentional flat spins just because... AI-RIO makes me nervous to pull the trigger on it. The FA-18, or F-16 is a toss-up for me. I love carriers, but probably prefer the F-16's flight model and envelope more. (Also that bubble canopy...) I suspect that I will end up buying all of those aircraft over time. Probably pickup the F-5, and a modern combat platform at the same time... Then swap between them. (I suspect that the competency of online pilots in F-5 lobbies will be equally as hell as IL2 lobbies... I know my peeps, and they ain't no slouches to air combat expertise) *I was never at the top of those leaderboards. ;) [I was never on the leaderboards... ROTFL] And of course I have eyes on the Mirage, as well as others... I'm kinda a sim junkie, and I love all the toys. And yeah, I gotta do a trial in the Jeff, since it's following is so faithful and almost spiritual. I prefer VR, but may end up picking up a head tracker for Star Citizen, and then see about comparing flat with track to VR in the future.
To me the Flaming cliffs aircraft allow the player t figure out which direction air to air or air to ground . However I agree with F-5E this is the starting point for todays player.
I'm thinking that most DCS newbs are going to be starting solo ... so MP server support is not a consideration, unless they're being coached by someone who is already into DCS -- in which case, go with whatever your coach is flying. So, outside of coached MP, I consider aircraft simplicity, combat fundamentals, and accessibility / progression to be most important. My pick: F-86 It doesn't have the spiteful handling of WW2 birds, but it does carry bombs / rockets / AIMs, and will teach you all the fundementals you need to know before progressing into the modern (3rd/4th/5th) gen aircraft with all their electronic wizardry. Full (enough) fidelity, clickable cockpit, great in VR, fantastic seat-of-the-pants action, and enough detail to orient your thinking toward learning more complex aircraft. Very low (skill) barrier to entry, but enough depth to plumb once you've been bitten by the bug. Biggest problem with the F-86 is the MiG-15 AI is absolute crap... and yet Reflected's Hunters over the Yalu has fantastic replay value. By the time you've discovered why the F-86 vs MiG-15 fight is "wrong" in DCS, you're at a place where you can appreciate the F-4E... and, God help you.
should have an episode on helicopters if you like! i think, to really get the most feeling out of the simulator the way of unconventional flight is really good for illustrating this.
If I get the A-4, is there a free airfield with arresting cables? Is there a free carrier? I see the F-18C comes with a carrier module, but it costs $80+. I see a reference in the comments to a 50% sale. Is there one likely to come up this holiday season? $80 is more than the basic new MSFS 2024 which comes with over 65 aircraft and 150 handcrafted airports. I spent years with FSX doing mostly solo carrier ops with a free custom made F-18, able to alter weather, visibility and sea state for a free carrier with supporting ships that I could place anywhere in the world. Is this possible with the DCS carrier?
The 50% discount with the first purchase has been recently discontinued, and the prices during the current sale have not been impressive enough. Many of us newbies were expecting significant reduction in all the jets, and not just a few, to replace the previous motivational initial push deal, but it has not been the case. Many potential new customers will just purchase one typical jet, either the F-18, F-16 or F-14, or FC3, and that is all. Perhaps many will stick with the community Skyhawk and just wait for the release of Falcon 5.0 while they try BMS. Also for the price of a DCS jet module, one can buy during 2 steam sales the whole IL-2 great battles collection.
I own and love more than 10 paid modules and A-4 is one of my go-to favorites. It is a piece of historical immersive magic! On a different note, where would you place the upcoming F-4E in this recommendations lineup? Apart from not being here yet, the characteristics, systems, potential missions and the quality of the product, are not a big mystery.
Well, I expect it to be high fidelity, but Heatblur is not renowned for making "approachable" modules. Unfortunately they seem to be of the opinion that if they truly help players use their products, they won't be able to claim superior knowledge and expertise. I expect tbe F4 to be a quality module. But I doubt it will be a good choice as a first aircraft.
My answer to the first question on why DCS? I have a simple answer. I am getting tired and need a break and get away from flying in Microsoft Flight Simulator and flying from point A to point B.
everyone recommended me f18, but I think ww2 would have been a legit place to start for no flight sim experience. but happy to slowly get competent anyway.
Never buy just one. Always buy a fly by wire multirole fighter and an analog one. Helps you find out what they play like. And don't go for soviet planes in general. They are a bit different not harder just different
While I don't outright disagree with your personal approach (it is your own personal approach after all). I can't help but feel it is a bit too rigid and (as you stated) weighted pretty heavily by your own biases and preference. I don't really write this out from an emotional place so please don't mistake my long reply as something more than my own thoughts after finishing the video. I think you have a solid perspective here and this isn't really meant to be an attack or start of some heated online slap-fight or something. I have seen a lot of new players ask the "what should be my first module?" question on the ED forums, Steam DCS forums, and even Hoggit (when I still bothered with reddit overall) and the answers that usually come end up being based more on everyone's personal preference rather than really trying to work out what said new player will actually enjoy. If they don't have a strong preference, you may have to just pick the thing that gets them the widest possible spread of what DCS has to offer so that they can then figure out where they want to put their focus and choose future modules accordingly. With that in mind. I often find myself suggesting the F-16, F/A-18, or JF-17 simply because they give the player the chance to try out a lot of different roles/mission types without running into any serious compromises. Beyond that. There is also this notion that modules like the F-5, Sabre, and even user-made mods like the A-4 act as good trainers that players can use to work themselves up to something more complex (at least on a systems level). This isn't exactly wrong since obviously the T-38 and A-4 have a good record as training aircraft. That said. I question them being pushed as a good "first choice" since they are exactly the niche aircraft that you talk about in your video. They are very fun, very well made, and do what they set out to do very well but they are also very specific in their scope. The F-5 in particular (since it isn't free) is something I would suggest as a second or third module (or perhaps one for someone who specifically loves the F-5 as an aircraft) but as a first module? I think it is just too limited in its capability. Part of that stems from the specific version that Eagle Dynamics chose. It has obvious combat utility but in a single/co-op or PvP environment, it really needs to be in an environment where it can actually succeed. This is especially a factor if one is looking to do more realistic, more uncompromising missions. The F-5 is easy meat for pretty much anything with a even relatively capable radar (both SAM and aircraft). For experienced players, this is a fun challenge. For new players? It will just be frustrating and will serve to highlight just how limited the F-5 (at least the version we have in DCS) is. If anything. I think that the soon to be released F-4 will probably be easier to recommend if one is looking for a more "old school" approach while still being a deep and varied first module experience. Likewise. I would also put the F-14 in a similar category since it provides a similar "hands-on" experience to the F-5 while also being a viable and versatile combat jet that can handle do a decent selection of mission types. The other thing I find a bit tricky is the age group question. Firstly. I am also in your "B" category in that regard but I don't tend to get too far into that whole "old-school is more fun" mentality. I love flying the older aircraft in DCS and really got invested in learning how to fly and bomb with them correctly but I also have the more modern stuff when I want to fly more complex, more demanding missions. Likewise. There isn't a lot you can learn in the older F-5 (or the like) that you can't also learn in the more modern stuff. Obviously some of the more modern flight control systems come into play but only so much. I suppose my feeling is that a new player should probably be directed (unless specific factors are put into play) to the modules that give them the most opportunities to really explore what DCS offers as a platform while also making it clear that sometimes there are modules that are better to buy later when one is more aware of the specific missions and roles they wish to explore.
@@startrekmike drop by my Discord - the link is in the description. There is a thread specifically on this topic. If you can't find it, you are free to DM me.
i love DCS but to be totally honest with you .. i hardly play DCS now cause of the updates... the thing that works before the update won't work afterward unless you have a really high-end computer
Simple answer: it doesn't matter. You'll die. A lot. Instead, here are some don'ts for new guys: - Mig 21 - KA50 These are kinda complex and bloody hard to fly.
to comfortably play DCS your rig has to be very big...DCS keeps changing things with their planes, and in turn, the things that worked before don't anymore unless you have a deep wallet... again i love DCS but don't care much for the update. again once you learn the plane an update comes out and what you learn doesn't work anymore and you have to relearn the plane over again... my big problem with DCS is you hardly every enjoy the planes cause you seen to always relearning them over again
Nice video. Certainly some interesting points for beginners. That said I don't fully agree with the assessments as some options were missed that can reduce some of that initial cash strain. Voice attack, Touch Portal, keyboards with advanced macros, sticks with multiple modes etc. for example. I have a full rig and all, but hmm, I never had any issues flying complex jet's or FC3 for that matter on even the simplest hardware - e.g. during travel. The most massive change for me in my earlier sim days was actually getting desk mounts - as that enabled me to have the comfort and to actually use the hardware instead of not bothering setting it up every time. Furthermore I find it questionable telling people that if they don't want to start with clickable modules DCS might not be for them. In fact very little about DCS is purely clickable. Be it Combined Arms, stuff like the supercarrier, LotAtc, SRS and so on. Most modern planes are designed around HOTAS - you could assume because your hands should be on the throttle and stick, not on your mouse fiddling with virtual buttons. Going down that rabbit hole would quickly lead into the only way of playing DCS would be in VR with hapto gloves so you can actually interact with the switch magic. That is not required in my humble opinion - especially not for beginners. The Frogfoot is fine and many free mods also feature clickable cockpits, if people want to try that out (A-4 Skyhawk for example) In fact one of the biggest challenges of DCS is to actually even just saturate eras - provide with a meaningful amount of modules so we have complete theaters. Right now we have giant gaps and many assets would be missing even just to provide a meaningful WW2 experience. Meanwhile WW2 and ECW (early cold war) would be especially suited for even MORE FC3 modules as frankly interacting with those cockpits is not really necessary nor fun for gameplay purposes - and you learn next to nothing for modern jets anyway as systems evolved very rapidly for a good reason. Overall my simple recommendation mostly were just this: If you have your heart set on a specific airframe, get that airframe. If you have friends / want multiplayer, make sure it weaves into what your friends play so you're not left out. Buy maps accordingly to those needs. Other than that it's pretty simple. Try to cover all eras that sound interesting to you. Get 1x multirole modern, get 1 multirole late cold war, med, early, ww2 if interested. Consider leaving outrunners aside if you're really new unless it's where your heart beats. Having to re-think from Viggen to an Mi-8 to a Viper to a MiG-21 is often just a pain in the butt and you'll do more harm than good, especially in PvE co-op missions due to lack of aircraft mastery. Focus on Syria and Sinai as a starter map, expand with Persian Gulf only if you want even more desert as it's way lower quality than those other two. South Atlantic still needs progress - all interesting terrain was neglected (mountains in the west). Nevada only if you're into the single player missions for it, map is poor quality and looks to be abandoned right now. For WW2 there's only Normandy 2.0. Channel map is way too small and 2/3 is covered by Normandy 2.0 anyhow - so don't waste money on that anymore. Oh, and crazy hardware is overrated. Pedals are less essential unless helo or warbird. Don't throw out money at especially at overpriced stuff like Thrustmaster TPR. If anything get MFG / WinWing Skywalkers instead. I also have mostly Virpil but honestly WindWing, VKB, even stuff like Turtlebeach (not kidding) offers great value - and you don't have to deal with last century level driver software from Virpil. If you get a simple VKB stick for example and maintain it well you can always re-use it as your arcade stick later or sell it used for minimal money loss. Again, great video. It's important to bring new talent into the sim and not have the elitists prevail driving newcomers out before they can even just start to enjoy it. So kudos for the effort.
How DARE you bad mouth my Sabre like that. Walk before you can run and all that, It is as quintessential as a jet can get. The Sabre will teach new players the basics of flight and the importance of things like trim, gunfighting, and energy management before introducing more complicated systems like uncaged missle seekers. It's a man strapped to a jet engine.
Kills don’t come easy no matter what you use, you’ll actually have an easier time getting kills with a tomcat if whoever you’re trying to shoot down is clueless.
what is this ask a million questions are what????? to play DCS the way you should it will cost you dearly you need a really good high-end computer. the GPU 4090 is 1,400 that is just the GPU . so a computer that cost you 3,000 will be the best computer are higher .. I've been playing DCS for over 3 years now and I have a 3059 GPU and an i5 presser and every time dcs update lost some... and if you play dcs with VR you will play more cause the VI use higher GPU power.. so you first should ask yourself is dcs world really worth it
Just a heads up, ED has recently ended the 50% off first purchase discount. I'm assuming this video was in progress before this happened, or it was missed. Best to wait for sale once you've found a module you enjoy now.
I did not know the promotion had ended! Thanks for letting me know.
what....when did they do that...i was just going to use that up...man that sucks
@@BarkerVancity If you didn't even realize it's safe to say you can just wait for the next sale. They are very frequent and in the meantime just get your stuff ready. Pick your maps, modules etc.
@@BarkerVancity Easter should have a sale... just wait a handful of weeks and trial modules in the meantime...
Spring sale on now as of 14 march
Simplest answer is to just get the one you think is the coolest.
Basically this. Pick an aircraft you're most interested in. Also get a helicopter either Huey or Hip.
Yep! Buy the one you think is cool and then pick out one cool thing you want to do with it and learn that. Everything else will follow.
Great video Ian. Here's my take. My brother got me into DCS. He told me about the A4. I flew the A4 only for months before I bought anything. In all that A4 time there were important features I missed learning about because I wasn't flying with others and sharing information. So, after the A4 I got FC3. Thats useful for learning how DCS works. How missiles work, how countermeasures work, and all that. Then I got the hornet and the Tomcat. I love the Tomcat, but after over 1000 hours in the Tomcat, I can't stand Jester. I just turn him off after startup and get in the back to do it myself as needed. During that time I learn the Hornet slowly, step by step during breaks in the Tomcat. Later i got the Viper, Hawg, JF17, Mudhen, Harrier, and the lovely French airplanes.
Now I own and can operate most aircraft in DCS. (I16 AND MIG19 are the only modules I don't own and fly, though I own the Mossy, I can't fly the damn thing because my leg was damaged in Iraq and the Mosey is a pain to do much of anything in, let alone take off and land with one working leg.)
If i just want to burn simulated jet fuel and tear holes in the Sky, the Mirage 2000 is just a joy to fly. Once you understand French aircraft design theory the Dassault airplanes are amazing, fast, good on gas, maneuverable, Nd just a joy to fly. They also have limited payloads so a Hornet or viper will always have more and longer-range weapons. And that can be a big challenge in multiplayer.
The hornet is my go too jet when I'm not in the mood to deal with jester or want to do close air support. I love my Mudhen, love it, but its not a CAS jet like the Viper, Hornet, Hawg or Jf17. The Strike eagle is a deep strike jet with reasonable self-escort ability. Fly far, dumb the whole payload and go home. The CAS jets are far better and easier to quicky get weapons on a pop-up CAS tasking. Sure the mudhen can do it, but not as well as the CAS and light multirole jets.
Since I run a squadron and play online most of the week. (Advantages of being retired) the Hornet is right now the best A2A platform in DCS. Its good at BVR, and a monster in a ACM fight. The F15E is better than the Hornet at BVR, but only marginally. And it's not as good in a turn fight as the hornet.
The Viper is top dog at SEAD, Great at CAS, and second to the Hornet as an all-around A2A fighter. (The 9x gives a huge advantage to anything that can carry it, its a great missile). The Viper radar is good, not hornet or mudhen or tomcat good, but more than good enough to do the Job.
The JF17 is very underrated. It has a really good targeting pod. Its good at SEAD, and the SD10 (PL12) is a very dangerous FOX3 missile. It has antiship missiles, and a good radar for its size, with a2a and A2S modes. (The Jf17 was the first jet in DCS to have a Velocity search mode, now the Viper and hornet also have it, and Muchen should get it).
The Harrier... ouch. I love it, really i do. But the Harrier, by its very nature is a pain to fly, and not ad user friendly as other jets in the sim.
Here's a point that I like people to know. Each nation, or company has their own design theory. French jets have French theory built in. U.S. Navy jets are different from USAF jets. Mcdonnel Douglas Jets (F18, F15E, Harrier, eventually the F4 Phantom) all have a MD theory built in. With that in mind learning a new jet is easier if that jet is somehow related to one you already know. Flying a Mudhen is easier for past Hornet drivers than for past Viper drivers. A Mig 21 makes more sense to people who flew the Mi24 Hind or Mig 15 or 19. (It'll still try and kill you, but at least you'll know why...lol)
When the Mirage F1 dropped I cold started it without cracking the manual my first time sitting in the jet. I had about 300 hours in the Mirage 2000 at that time, so I flipped on the battery, fuel pumps, etc, and started her right up. Both those jets have many features in common, so knowledge learned on one, helped with the other.
Right now most multiplayer missions are really made for and best enjoyed in light multirole jets. Anything other than a Hornet, Viper, JF17 and sort of the F15E and F14, will be at a disadvantage in most multiplayer servers. (There are servers like cold war, or Vietnam or warbirds which are designed for other aircraft, or special helicopter servers for those that like their wings to spin.)
Alright sorry about the long post, again great video, I hope it helps people get into this frustrating simulation. (Love it, but we're fighting right now.)
Sorry about spelling. My fat fingers and typing on a phone. I'll fix on my pc.
JF-17 is a very good multirole fighter that has good SA and easy to fly and operate, also has some good unique weapons.
Just a shame about the weak engine.
The community-wide neglect for the JF-17 is real.
Well this video is a boat load of helpful for someone who has been spying DCS from afar for a long time.
Good to know
Update...I wound up pulling the trigger after watching this video. First thought...what the hell did I get myself into 😆. The high fidelity aircraft in DCS are unlike anything I've ever experienced in flight Sims.
@@dpaton2010 well you probably aren't alone in having that reaction. Good Luck!
it is a really simple awnser for me, i always tell people ''what are you the most interested in learning?'' the idea of modules being hard and easy is missleading imo cuz all modules are challenging in its on way. Just go with what you want.
Great video Sidekick!
I encourage new players to get the stand-alone version to take advantage of the free trails, as they let you figure out what you do and don't like with no strings attached. I used the free trial to try the Mirage 2000 a year or so ago and it has become one of my favorite aircraft to fly. I also suggest everyone download the A4. Like you said, it's free and if you hate it, you're out nothing. And there are a ton of good youtube tutorials on how to use the plane in DCS.
When I started, I really just wanted to fly the A10, but didn't want to shell out the big bucks for the full A10C2 module so I went with the FC3 A10A. I'm glad I went that route, because I was able to learn "DCS" without having to also learn a plane. Once I was comfortable with that, and confident that I wanted to advance, I bought the A10C2 on sale. Then I picked up the F16...then the rest of the FC3 pack...and then a bunch more modules. Looking forward to doing some iron bombing with the A7 when Flying Iron has that finished.
Sounds a bit like we were twins separated at birth as far as our DCS experiences have gone ;-)
You don’t have to get a simplistic aircraft to start with. You can get a very complicated aircraft, but only learn to do a few things in it. Get the F- 18 and just learn how to do air to air and drop iron bombs. Then, as you’re ready, you add other things one at a time.
The F-18 can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be
Thanks for adding your thoughts.
Great video! I started with the F-16 and an Xbox controller, then I bought a HOTAS and moved to the Huey. I fell in love with the gauges and started to fly warbirds... DCS is a trip, a really long and fun, frustrating, rewarding trip.
Interesting journey. Glad you ate enjoying it.
Great video Iain, very informative, I have had DCS on my hard drive before but mainly just the A10a, I then went over to MS 2020 when it first came out flying GA aircraft for the last few years but I have a itch to get back into DCS but mainly for the Pacific theatre map which is on its way, so I was looking for a warbird for that map, and of course the easiest, all I flew in that respect was the P51 trainer, but great video once again, many thanks.
I adore that your intro is "don't buy a warbird" and your screenies show a full array of pistons in your ownership :) We all end up flying 109s and Spitfires, no matter how much we might love a BVR Jet.
My first module was FC3, I still return to these planes - and even to the free Su-25T. My first full-fidelity module was... L-39. Love it. It's old. It's not F/A-18 or F-16 for sure. But I also don't spend hours and hours on DCS every day, so I liked that L-39 was simpler. And I'm born in Czechoslovakia, so it was quite obvious choice as well. ;-) And my second full fidelity module was F-5E.
This is a very good question. I have got it my self several times. And as you say, it is up to you. I asume,if you get into DCS you have the time and intrest to put in hundreds of hours into flying. If you are new to flight and really want to get into this, i would say: Start with the Yak-52 and learn the fundametals of flight. Start up, taxi, take off and landings. Flying patterns around the field. Then get one of the jet trainers. Do the same, but now you are traveling at three times the speed. Learn the basics.
As fast as possible, learn how set up your own mission in the editor. Place a plane at an air field you want to fly from. Turn off all the assists, like lables and F-10 map markes. Learn to navigate.
Sure, you can start with a F-16 or FA-18. That will be fun, but the learning curve is steep like nothing else. If you stay in burner after take off, you will be in a different time zone after just a few seconds.
Having fun is the most important thing. Not just some quick laughs after a quick mission, but as a long lasting virtual pilot.
Solid recommendations. For 80% of people your recommendation of the F/A-18 is probably the one to get. Similar in capability to the F-16 but with much more content and the ability to do carrier ops. Sort of pains me to say because I prefer the 16s systems and HOTAS. Refardless of aircraft the best recommendation is to get out and join a community and meet other people who play DCS. Adds so much more to the experience and makes learning certain things much easier.
I really like the points you made. The one thing I will say is that all that agonizing over the "best" first module doesn't matter. I too spent hours and hours going through reviews and weighing people's opinions. A few years later and I have more modules than I have time to fly and I want to spend more time in all of them. They are all good choices. Get that A-4E though. A great module and completely free so that's a no brainer.
Well said.
Sometimes, I watch certain DCS videos and disagree, but not this time. I pretty much agree with what you said in the video and will direct any person who may be interested in DCS to watch this one. It's straight to the point, gives the right warnings, and comes to the right conclusions.
I started with, IIRC, the F-5, Gazelle, Viggen, and the Mi-17. The Viggen looked amazing in the tutorial videos, the Gazelle is one of the few DCS aircraft operated by my country's armed forces, the Mi-17 is a flying bus and I forget why I wanted the F-5. Of the starting four, the only one I came close to mastering was the Gazelle. I can sling-load with the Hip about one time in five but keep forgetting how its weapons work
The A-4E is so fun to fly. It's a little tricky to get its A2G missiles to work but everything else about it so far has been a blast.
I concur with your picks.
First question I’d ask is; “A) are you dead set on a type of airplane? Or B) do you want to learn on something approachable?”
If the answer is A, then skip the drill down questions and get what you love. If you really love it, you will overlook the frustrations it brings. But all the planes have frustrating points. (I know you touched on this at the end)
B: I’d point to F-5e or A-4 if you want to understand flight mechanics better. They are analog and teach basics of trim and overflying that the Viper and Hornet have filtered out. It will give you a better springboard to flying more types of planes.
Excellent points. Thanks.
Lets no kid ourselves... We all end up buying them all at some point...
This is the answer. I even have the Yak52 😂
I've been wanting to get BACK into DCS after playing other games and sims for a while, and I have modules, but I'm thinking about what I might want to get next. These sound like solid suggestions. I'm leaning toward getting into the Helicopter stuff. I've enjoyed the KA-50, Mi-8 and UH-1. Having played Falcon BMS, I'm wondering if getting the Viper would feel redundant.
As someone who flies the F-14 almost exclusively in DCS, I agree with your take on this. It was my first module because I have always loved the 'cat, yes this was helped along significantly by Top Gun. She is a very unique frame in DCS and I am still by no means an expert and she definitely is not new pilot friendly unless you have patience for days.
The L-39 or the C-101 are really great options for first planes. Both plane teach great fundamentals and not hard to learn.
The Kursant campaign is really useful for the Albatros. If you wait for a sale, usually they are very cheap.
Falcon BMS, if you appreciate a fully-fledged F-16 simulation over graphics, with VR capabilities, for about $5.
@lainChristie Great Evaluation lain! Would you be able to discuss in a future video the benefits of flying solo, flying with a friend or two and joining MP groups/squadrons? Perhaps what kind of group/squadron to join. What are some group/squadrons are out there, and how do new pilots find them?
That's a good idea. I will have to think about recruiting some other types of players to help me with that.
Meanwhile I started with the Huey of all aircraft, and my first plane was the A-4. I can absolutely buy that the A-4 makes a good starter plane for the simple reason that "it's free" and figuring out how to drop eight thousand pounds of bombs on a target is great, though it does lack a bit for in-game guided practice missions like the Huey has, and I'm not sure if anybody has "picked up the slack" on that front the way Alex Stoll has for the F-15C (which is my favorite of the Flaming Cliffs set).
Not so much fully guided missions but I do have a bunch of missions on my Discord that come with a video that (I hope) acts as a tutorial.
Agree with the top 4 solid ! Wait for sales also !
Thanks. Good afvice
Answer: A10C II. You may as well plunge into the deep end. But mastering this behemoth of a module will make all the others seem like child's play.
Makes sense, tough, I had a ruff time making the transfer to the f-16 from there, because of the tms/dms difference :)
Well thought through video (as usual) thanks. If the decision is down to the F-16 or F/A-18, the next suggestion I’d make is - sure, you want an all rounder so you’ve chosen a modern multi-role aircraft. My personal preference is for the F-16, because I think it’s beautiful. Moreso than the bug, by a little bit (to my eyes, this is completely subjective).
But the auto throttle and 100% reliable auto pilot would make the Hornet my next suggestion. Plus you have the carrier operations in your future if you like and I find the Hornet much easier to refuel in the air. But it’s the autothrottle and autopilot that make me lean towards suggesting the Hornet over the Viper to start. When I was learning the ins and outs of targeting pods, the radar and the HARM stuff it was a godsend to be able to set the throttle and A/P and know that the plane would continue until it ran out of fuel or waypoints (if it was set to follow waypoints). With the F-16, and the Harrier actually, setting the autopilot can be fiddly and if not done right, or the speed drops too much (manual throttle), or there was a big gust of wind or something, I used to often find I’d go heads up after far too long heads down and the plane would be upside down or flying into the ground. The solid reliability of the F/A-18s auto stuff was a godsend when I was learning the computer interface stuff. Of course, YMMV.
Easy one this - If WW2 Buy the Mustang, Aircraft that will do everything buy F-16C, Aircraft that will do everything that lands on a ship F-18. Aircraft that's just flown past the F-18, and it's a Moviestar, also lands on a ship and has someone to talk to in the back, Buy -F-14. Speak French buy The Mirage. Wish to Defect, Buy the Mig-15
All swings on where your interests lay, single or multiplayer.
It is a shame you do not have the JF-17 as another possible choice. It has as wide a weapon choice as the FA-18 and in my opinion the easiest modern digital cockpit and workflow to learn.
It is also a very good BVR airframe as the radar is good, it has excellent situational displays and also uses IR missile launch detectors.
It does have two drawbacks though: 1. It is highly limited in range and payload and 2. It is not popular
Great video 😀
I totally agree, the Jeff is very beginner friendly and probably the best choice for someone with mixed A/B answers.
It can be as easy to operate as the A-4/F-5, because all the modern complex systems are automated and simplified, on the other hand it can be as complex to master as the F-16/F/A-18, because it has all the modern systems and features.
Drawback 1 is somewhat mitigated by the advanced weapons it can carry and flying a complex multi role mission is probably something for more advanced players (although it can be done in the Jeff).
Point 2 is sadly true, but I find the systems to be so straightforward and logical, that a lot of issues can be solved by Chucks guide and a good deal of messing around and finding out.
@@kilianortmann9979 Because the module was released essentially feature complete, the youtube video tutorials from 3 to 4 years ago are also still valid
It’s also worth mentioning the other Full Fidelity Module the US Navy Goshawk. A very good Free Module that is as good as the A4 and is very well module. Again another Free Module and training aircraft to help newbies into DCS
Track IR is a must!
It certainly is for me. Others prefer VR. And I am told that there are other less expensive head tracking solutions out there.
Well, if you're going from base DCS to wanting more aircraft to fly. Flaming Cliffs 3 and Combined Arms. If you're going full fidelity, my bias will be F-18c. Was in the NAVY and worked on supers.
Understandable bias!
Thanks so much! I will probably get the F-16 although mostly picked B
I think FC3 is the way to go, in addition to the Forever Free A4E Skyhawk. Then the F-86, Mig-15 and F-5 to get used to a little more fidelity before moving on to complex modules like the Hornet or Viper
For beginners I recommend the Flaming Cliffs 3 module. It's not that realistic in terms of simulation but it's good module to begin with since there are several models of planes included to fly.
Whenever people ask me, i almost always tell them F86 or F5. because they are easy to learn and move on from if they want something bigger
I cab see that.
04:08 another annex question would be are you a mix of ground pounder and fighter jock? Ie Multirole guy.
Good point.
Whatever you buy, make sure you consider how the aircraft you choose performs in dcs fps-wise. I made a mistake and bought the Hind only to discover it's almost unplayable on my decent rig (3070ti, 5700x3d, 16gb ram). I later learned many people were getting low fps in this particular module. had I known this, I wouldn't have wasted my money on the Mi24 and would've bought something older, but that performs well, like the Viggen.
your rig shouldn't have any performance issues. I fly the hind with stable 90 to 120 fps with worse CPU and GPU than yours. 6 core Ryzen 5 + RTX 3060 12GB non TI. The only issue I can find in your case is that 16GB memory. Because I found out upgrading my RAM from 32GB to 64GB eliminated 99% of the freezes and stutters for my system.
its working like a charm now -- maybe you can give it a second chance -- she is a beauty to fly
@@patriciomassun has there been an update recently ? Last time I tried in January it was still a performance hog for me
@@NOTJustANomad hm yeah might be the ram, or vram because the 3070ti only comes with 8gb. Either way, the hind is almost unplayable for me
@@davidtsw I fly it with an i7 4770k - 16gbs ram and RTX3070 and works fine for me... with a SSD of course.. maybe there is some weird setup related problem that is causing low fps on your machine?
I feel like (although I'm biased as the harrier was my first module) the harrier should not be side-lined because of its VTOL capability's as you can completely ignore that feature and fly it like any other cold war jet and i think it would be a great choice for anyone who wants to ground pound but not be defenceless in air combat😁👍
Hey I’m a proud Su-25 DCS pilot here. Too each our own the rook is a brute
Glad you love her. Someone has to ;-)
another one here, Su-25A pilot
My suggestion is to buy the airplane that you are most interested in, even if it's complex. DCS has a fairly steep learning curve, and if you're really into a certain airplane, you will stick with it and keep it fun as you learn DCS.
Small comment on the early cold war jets and their support. ECW isn't everyone's favourite server, but it is really popular and supports all the early cold war jets in an environment where they aren't completely outclassed by modern jets and modern missiles.
Super helpful, thankyou brother❤
Glad to hear it.
Good stuff, I totally agree with most of it! Can you make a video about what maps to buy for starters? Cheers!
I'll put it on the list. Great idea.
buy the ones with the most populated servers.. so Syria, or Persian gulf...none of the others hardly ever get used on a server unless its for an event. if ww2 get the newer Normandy map
I always say F-18.
Because it can do just about everything. Dogfight, ground attack, etc.
So if you want to learn something, it can do it, and if you then want to specialize, you can go for an aircraft that specializes in that area.
I’ve had a few friends recently join me in DCS and ask this same question, and I’ve sorta come up with a system. I always recommend they get the A-4 to fill that old school analogue niche and either the F-16 or the F-18. I’ve found that the F-5, while simple, doesn’t have a great beginner multiplayer server experience. Your main choices are hoggit and a few other Cold War servers, as you’ll get bodied by AMRAAMs on any other one. However, Cold War players tend to be GOOD at the game. Like very good. Mostly due to the F-5 not having any aids in SA, I say don’t get that. Now, when deciding between the 16 and 18, I always ask what do you want to kinda progress more into? If you want to get the A-10 later on, then the 16 has a lot of control similarities, and whilst it’s more complex than the 18, between the controls, the air to ground weapons, and the Lightning Tpod, it’s basically a pocket A-10 that’s also wicked in air to air. However, if you want to progress into some of the more niche things like harriers, tomcats, or the mudhen, then the 18 is the way to go. As it doesn’t follow that same HOTAS pattern. Plus, if they want to do campaigns and maybe some squadron type multiplayer events, I strongly say the hornet. It’s easier to land on a runway, easier to do AAR, and it can land on a boat. And when your a new guy trying to do your coms right flying with a few patient and a few not so patient people in a war game, you’d like as much ease to the logistic side of flying as possible. That’s my two cents
Great advice. Thanks for contributing.
Moving from warbirds to jets is an odd transition. From IL2 Wings of Liberty to F-5 seems like a solid choice. Though I do have a soft spot for the F-14, FA-18, and F-16. (Western child of the 80's...)
After getting competent in a BF-109, and absolutely loving the Flying Circus WWI deathtraps (SpadXIII, or Albatross)
The F-14 is that hot rod carrier monster that I just wanna go full afterburner and scream the throttle. Also, intentional flat spins just because... AI-RIO makes me nervous to pull the trigger on it.
The FA-18, or F-16 is a toss-up for me. I love carriers, but probably prefer the F-16's flight model and envelope more. (Also that bubble canopy...)
I suspect that I will end up buying all of those aircraft over time.
Probably pickup the F-5, and a modern combat platform at the same time... Then swap between them. (I suspect that the competency of online pilots in F-5 lobbies will be equally as hell as IL2 lobbies... I know my peeps, and they ain't no slouches to air combat expertise) *I was never at the top of those leaderboards. ;) [I was never on the leaderboards... ROTFL]
And of course I have eyes on the Mirage, as well as others...
I'm kinda a sim junkie, and I love all the toys.
And yeah, I gotta do a trial in the Jeff, since it's following is so faithful and almost spiritual.
I prefer VR, but may end up picking up a head tracker for Star Citizen, and then see about comparing flat with track to VR in the future.
To me the Flaming cliffs aircraft allow the player t figure out which direction air to air or air to ground . However I agree with F-5E this is the starting point for todays player.
Thanks for the feedback
I'm thinking that most DCS newbs are going to be starting solo ... so MP server support is not a consideration, unless they're being coached by someone who is already into DCS -- in which case, go with whatever your coach is flying. So, outside of coached MP, I consider aircraft simplicity, combat fundamentals, and accessibility / progression to be most important.
My pick: F-86
It doesn't have the spiteful handling of WW2 birds, but it does carry bombs / rockets / AIMs, and will teach you all the fundementals you need to know before progressing into the modern (3rd/4th/5th) gen aircraft with all their electronic wizardry. Full (enough) fidelity, clickable cockpit, great in VR, fantastic seat-of-the-pants action, and enough detail to orient your thinking toward learning more complex aircraft.
Very low (skill) barrier to entry, but enough depth to plumb once you've been bitten by the bug.
Biggest problem with the F-86 is the MiG-15 AI is absolute crap... and yet Reflected's Hunters over the Yalu has fantastic replay value.
By the time you've discovered why the F-86 vs MiG-15 fight is "wrong" in DCS, you're at a place where you can appreciate the F-4E... and, God help you.
should have an episode on helicopters if you like! i think, to really get the most feeling out of the simulator the way of unconventional flight is really good for illustrating this.
If I get the A-4, is there a free airfield with arresting cables? Is there a free carrier? I see the F-18C comes with a carrier module, but it costs $80+. I see a reference in the comments to a 50% sale. Is there one likely to come up this holiday season? $80 is more than the basic new MSFS 2024 which comes with over 65 aircraft and 150 handcrafted airports. I spent years with FSX doing mostly solo carrier ops with a free custom made F-18, able to alter weather, visibility and sea state for a free carrier with supporting ships that I could place anywhere in the world. Is this possible with the DCS carrier?
The 50% discount with the first purchase has been recently discontinued, and the prices during the current sale have not been impressive enough. Many of us newbies were expecting significant reduction in all the jets, and not just a few, to replace the previous motivational initial push deal, but it has not been the case.
Many potential new customers will just purchase one typical jet, either the F-18, F-16 or F-14, or FC3, and that is all. Perhaps many will stick with the community Skyhawk and just wait for the release of Falcon 5.0 while they try BMS.
Also for the price of a DCS jet module, one can buy during 2 steam sales the whole IL-2 great battles collection.
I built a FF stick, so added the F14. Feels excellent.
Thank you Iain.
I own and love more than 10 paid modules and A-4 is one of my go-to favorites. It is a piece of historical immersive magic!
On a different note, where would you place the upcoming F-4E in this recommendations lineup? Apart from not being here yet, the characteristics, systems, potential missions and the quality of the product, are not a big mystery.
Well, I expect it to be high fidelity, but Heatblur is not renowned for making "approachable" modules. Unfortunately they seem to be of the opinion that if they truly help players use their products, they won't be able to claim superior knowledge and expertise. I expect tbe F4 to be a quality module. But I doubt it will be a good choice as a first aircraft.
My answer to the first question on why DCS? I have a simple answer. I am getting tired and need a break and get away from flying in Microsoft Flight Simulator and flying from point A to point B.
Where is the F4 situated?
FC3... After you master them
Go and pick the Hornet
Then the viper
Then the strike eagle
I dont have hotas and im pretty poor so i bought the su27 on sale for like 10 usd def worth it for some cheap folks out there
flaming cliffs isnt on steam anymore?
everyone recommended me f18, but I think ww2 would have been a legit place to start for no flight sim experience. but happy to slowly get competent anyway.
It's hard to find a reason not to buy the hornet for your first
Never buy just one. Always buy a fly by wire multirole fighter and an analog one. Helps you find out what they play like. And don't go for soviet planes in general. They are a bit different not harder just different
Here's me enjoying the Soviet machines. ;)
While I don't outright disagree with your personal approach (it is your own personal approach after all). I can't help but feel it is a bit too rigid and (as you stated) weighted pretty heavily by your own biases and preference. I don't really write this out from an emotional place so please don't mistake my long reply as something more than my own thoughts after finishing the video. I think you have a solid perspective here and this isn't really meant to be an attack or start of some heated online slap-fight or something.
I have seen a lot of new players ask the "what should be my first module?" question on the ED forums, Steam DCS forums, and even Hoggit (when I still bothered with reddit overall) and the answers that usually come end up being based more on everyone's personal preference rather than really trying to work out what said new player will actually enjoy. If they don't have a strong preference, you may have to just pick the thing that gets them the widest possible spread of what DCS has to offer so that they can then figure out where they want to put their focus and choose future modules accordingly. With that in mind. I often find myself suggesting the F-16, F/A-18, or JF-17 simply because they give the player the chance to try out a lot of different roles/mission types without running into any serious compromises.
Beyond that. There is also this notion that modules like the F-5, Sabre, and even user-made mods like the A-4 act as good trainers that players can use to work themselves up to something more complex (at least on a systems level). This isn't exactly wrong since obviously the T-38 and A-4 have a good record as training aircraft. That said. I question them being pushed as a good "first choice" since they are exactly the niche aircraft that you talk about in your video. They are very fun, very well made, and do what they set out to do very well but they are also very specific in their scope. The F-5 in particular (since it isn't free) is something I would suggest as a second or third module (or perhaps one for someone who specifically loves the F-5 as an aircraft) but as a first module? I think it is just too limited in its capability. Part of that stems from the specific version that Eagle Dynamics chose. It has obvious combat utility but in a single/co-op or PvP environment, it really needs to be in an environment where it can actually succeed. This is especially a factor if one is looking to do more realistic, more uncompromising missions. The F-5 is easy meat for pretty much anything with a even relatively capable radar (both SAM and aircraft). For experienced players, this is a fun challenge. For new players? It will just be frustrating and will serve to highlight just how limited the F-5 (at least the version we have in DCS) is.
If anything. I think that the soon to be released F-4 will probably be easier to recommend if one is looking for a more "old school" approach while still being a deep and varied first module experience. Likewise. I would also put the F-14 in a similar category since it provides a similar "hands-on" experience to the F-5 while also being a viable and versatile combat jet that can handle do a decent selection of mission types.
The other thing I find a bit tricky is the age group question. Firstly. I am also in your "B" category in that regard but I don't tend to get too far into that whole "old-school is more fun" mentality. I love flying the older aircraft in DCS and really got invested in learning how to fly and bomb with them correctly but I also have the more modern stuff when I want to fly more complex, more demanding missions. Likewise. There isn't a lot you can learn in the older F-5 (or the like) that you can't also learn in the more modern stuff. Obviously some of the more modern flight control systems come into play but only so much.
I suppose my feeling is that a new player should probably be directed (unless specific factors are put into play) to the modules that give them the most opportunities to really explore what DCS offers as a platform while also making it clear that sometimes there are modules that are better to buy later when one is more aware of the specific missions and roles they wish to explore.
Thanks. You are, of course, entitled to your own opinions. If you would care to take part in the viewers response video you are welcome.
@@Sidekick65 How would I take part?
@@startrekmike drop by my Discord - the link is in the description. There is a thread specifically on this topic. If you can't find it, you are free to DM me.
@@Sidekick65Sure thing. I will give it a look.
AH-64 Apache,...definitely.
A-4E? Where do I find this free aircraft? Not on Steam. Tried website. Nope. Help
@@Sidekick65 Thank You Sir!
Get the plane you are most passionate about. It will be more pleseant to study how it works.
You can also test fly jets for 2 weeks to decide which ones you want to get
i love DCS but to be totally honest with you .. i hardly play DCS now cause of the updates... the thing that works before the update won't work afterward unless you have a really high-end computer
What are you even talking about
Performance only got better from update to update for me for the last couple of months.
Buy 'em all!!! :D
The A4 community mod is really good f9r a free module!!!!
Simple answer: it doesn't matter. You'll die. A lot.
Instead, here are some don'ts for new guys:
- Mig 21
- KA50
These are kinda complex and bloody hard to fly.
F-5E for sure !
Avoid the F15, because of the dispute between ED and the creators, we don't know if it will be supported into the future.
to comfortably play DCS your rig has to be very big...DCS keeps changing things with their planes, and in turn, the things that worked before don't anymore unless you have a deep wallet... again i love DCS but don't care much for the update. again once you learn the plane an update comes out and what you learn doesn't work anymore and you have to relearn the plane over again... my big problem with DCS is you hardly every enjoy the planes cause you seen to always relearning them over again
I can understand that frustration. Thanks for the feedback.
Nice video. Certainly some interesting points for beginners.
That said I don't fully agree with the assessments as some options were missed that can reduce some of that initial cash strain. Voice attack, Touch Portal, keyboards with advanced macros, sticks with multiple modes etc. for example.
I have a full rig and all, but hmm, I never had any issues flying complex jet's or FC3 for that matter on even the simplest hardware - e.g. during travel.
The most massive change for me in my earlier sim days was actually getting desk mounts - as that enabled me to have the comfort and to actually use the hardware instead of not bothering setting it up every time.
Furthermore I find it questionable telling people that if they don't want to start with clickable modules DCS might not be for them. In fact very little about DCS is purely clickable. Be it Combined Arms, stuff like the supercarrier, LotAtc, SRS and so on. Most modern planes are designed around HOTAS - you could assume because your hands should be on the throttle and stick, not on your mouse fiddling with virtual buttons.
Going down that rabbit hole would quickly lead into the only way of playing DCS would be in VR with hapto gloves so you can actually interact with the switch magic.
That is not required in my humble opinion - especially not for beginners.
The Frogfoot is fine and many free mods also feature clickable cockpits, if people want to try that out (A-4 Skyhawk for example)
In fact one of the biggest challenges of DCS is to actually even just saturate eras - provide with a meaningful amount of modules so we have complete theaters. Right now we have giant gaps and many assets would be missing even just to provide a meaningful WW2 experience.
Meanwhile WW2 and ECW (early cold war) would be especially suited for even MORE FC3 modules as frankly interacting with those cockpits is not really necessary nor fun for gameplay purposes - and you learn next to nothing for modern jets anyway as systems evolved very rapidly for a good reason.
Overall my simple recommendation mostly were just this:
If you have your heart set on a specific airframe, get that airframe.
If you have friends / want multiplayer, make sure it weaves into what your friends play so you're not left out.
Buy maps accordingly to those needs.
Other than that it's pretty simple.
Try to cover all eras that sound interesting to you. Get 1x multirole modern, get 1 multirole late cold war, med, early, ww2 if interested. Consider leaving outrunners aside if you're really new unless it's where your heart beats.
Having to re-think from Viggen to an Mi-8 to a Viper to a MiG-21 is often just a pain in the butt and you'll do more harm than good, especially in PvE co-op missions due to lack of aircraft mastery.
Focus on Syria and Sinai as a starter map, expand with Persian Gulf only if you want even more desert as it's way lower quality than those other two.
South Atlantic still needs progress - all interesting terrain was neglected (mountains in the west).
Nevada only if you're into the single player missions for it, map is poor quality and looks to be abandoned right now.
For WW2 there's only Normandy 2.0. Channel map is way too small and 2/3 is covered by Normandy 2.0 anyhow - so don't waste money on that anymore.
Oh, and crazy hardware is overrated. Pedals are less essential unless helo or warbird.
Don't throw out money at especially at overpriced stuff like Thrustmaster TPR. If anything get MFG / WinWing Skywalkers instead.
I also have mostly Virpil but honestly WindWing, VKB, even stuff like Turtlebeach (not kidding) offers great value - and you don't have to deal with last century level driver software from Virpil.
If you get a simple VKB stick for example and maintain it well you can always re-use it as your arcade stick later or sell it used for minimal money loss.
Again, great video. It's important to bring new talent into the sim and not have the elitists prevail driving newcomers out before they can even just start to enjoy it. So kudos for the effort.
F-5 or Mig-21
How DARE you bad mouth my Sabre like that. Walk before you can run and all that, It is as quintessential as a jet can get. The Sabre will teach new players the basics of flight and the importance of things like trim, gunfighting, and energy management before introducing more complicated systems like uncaged missle seekers. It's a man strapped to a jet engine.
As my grandmother used to say "each to his own... said the old lady as she kissed the cow"
get fc3
If you want easy kills, no skill?
Want to work hard for your kills?
Kills don’t come easy no matter what you use, you’ll actually have an easier time getting kills with a tomcat if whoever you’re trying to shoot down is clueless.
easy answer: Falcon BMS 😂
Each to his own... said the old lady as she kissed the cow. (As my grandmother used to say)
what is this ask a million questions are what????? to play DCS the way you should it will cost you dearly you need a really good high-end computer. the GPU 4090 is 1,400 that is just the GPU . so a computer that cost you 3,000 will be the best computer are higher .. I've been playing DCS for over 3 years now and I have a 3059 GPU and an i5 presser and every time dcs update lost some... and if you play dcs with VR you will play more cause the VI use higher GPU power.. so you first should ask yourself is dcs world really worth it
3:07 im 16