It would be so nice if Square added the option to make the walls and ceilings blank or empty. Then you wouldn't have to use limited housing space, putting up 20-100 stage panels, to have a pretty base for decorating. Thanks for your videos, Mary! My apartment looks super cute thanks to following your guides!
Wish I could have that option someday! The outside of the house has a beautiful view, and when you go inside, the house is like a tofu with no columns and no decorations... that's what the Housing designer's wish xD
Personally I would like to see two options in particular for housing... A. The option to remove railing from Staircases... B. The option to remove Pillars and posts from the interior walls.
Shiina, congrats on winning the M House🎉 I hope you enjoy your housing a lot🥳 Part 2 will tell you how to use the area around the stairs to the second floor, so stay tuned...💓
Astaraelさん〜こちらこそ早速ありがとうございます⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝𑁍 Mハウスの階段上、ごろごろすると視界も高くて気持ちいいので、作るの大変ですが好きな場所です¨̮
こんにちは!ご覧頂きありがとうございます♩¨̮ わ、お名前にHousingが…!?そして集約型ということは、さてはプロの方っ|ू•ω•)💡
とろろハムさんこちらこそ見て頂きありがとうございます¨̮♡ わーミラプリまで気づいてくださって嬉しいです⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝Mハウスわたしも慣れるまで苦労したので、お役に立てていたらいいなぁ…!
It would be so nice if Square added the option to make the walls and ceilings blank or empty. Then you wouldn't have to use limited housing space, putting up 20-100 stage panels, to have a pretty base for decorating.
Thanks for your videos, Mary! My apartment looks super cute thanks to following your guides!
This! Like interior housing packages would be super nice. I like the location of my house, but not the default interior look 😩
Wish I could have that option someday!
The outside of the house has a beautiful view, and when you go inside, the house is like a tofu with no columns and no decorations... that's what the Housing designer's wish xD
Personally I would like to see two options in particular for housing...
A. The option to remove railing from Staircases...
B. The option to remove Pillars and posts from the interior walls.
ご覧頂きありがとうございます (*ᴗˬᴗ)⁾⁾
I was lucky to win a Medium house recently so I've been eagerly waiting for your Medium house series. Thank you for putting this together!
Shiina, congrats on winning the M House🎉 I hope you enjoy your housing a lot🥳
Part 2 will tell you how to use the area around the stairs to the second floor, so stay tuned...💓
私は昔、そのスペースにカンチェスや愛蔵品などを置いたりしてみたけど、微妙なのよねぇ 草
今回も早速!ありがとうございます(*ˊᵕˋ*)ももさんMハウスハウジングされてるのですね!次回はまさに1階〜2階の方の階段まわりがテーマなんです。あの脇のスペースを自然な物置にするのもご紹介予定です(๑´ლ`๑)Mは本当に、慣れてても階段まわりが一苦労ですね…ᵕ ᵕ̩̩
雅雪さんありがとうございます⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝いえいえっ!一生懸命自分で考えたお家が一番です⟡.·この動画はただの一案なので、使えそうなタイミングが来たら思い出して頂けたら嬉しいです¨̮♡