Spirit und Leichtigkeit zeichnet euch aus! Der Mut ungewöhnliche Literatur in ein noch ungewöhnlicheres Gewand zu kleiden macht euer musikalisches Tun herausstehend. Danke euch für dieses brilliante Unterfangen. Ihr seid großartig!...ohne Scheiß!
percussionists are creatures from outer space, things from the Twilight Zone; but two small suggestions because you are very Sondersonderbar or Extrasonderdonderbar: your sound would be amazing with the Royal Marine Band in London, so why not ask to perform with them because they have amazing composers and arrangers and can do absolutely amazing stuff with the best venues in UK and secondly, your xylaphones woud be amazing with traditional cowbells and create some interesting texture and overtones as well. Just no glass harmonicas, please. I know wine glass playing is amazing, but it causes nervous problems.-- if there were a concerto for 3 xylophones and symphonic band/orchestra--I'm sure the Royal Marines would perform it just out of perverse originality.
Spirit und Leichtigkeit zeichnet euch aus! Der Mut ungewöhnliche Literatur in ein noch ungewöhnlicheres Gewand zu kleiden macht euer musikalisches Tun herausstehend. Danke euch für dieses brilliante Unterfangen. Ihr seid großartig!...ohne Scheiß!
percussionists are creatures from outer space, things from the Twilight Zone; but two small suggestions because you are very Sondersonderbar or Extrasonderdonderbar: your sound would be amazing with the Royal Marine Band in London, so why not ask to perform with them because they have amazing composers and arrangers and can do absolutely amazing stuff with the best venues in UK and secondly, your xylaphones woud be amazing with traditional cowbells and create some interesting texture and overtones as well. Just no glass harmonicas, please. I know wine glass playing is amazing, but it causes nervous problems.-- if there were a concerto for 3 xylophones and symphonic band/orchestra--I'm sure the Royal Marines would perform it just out of perverse originality.