I'm Zimbabwean and i believe all black Africans deserve their land.For a number of rasons I don't think South Africa would suffer the same knock suffered by the zim economy. The most important of them all is that SA (and any African country for that matter) has a lot to learn from the zim model and can avoid the mistakes made by Zanu. And also SA has the most functional democracy in Africa something which zim had been struggling with since 1889..so zim's problems neva started with the land redristribution and should not be used to scare off other Africans who want their land back.
I'm not an EFF member and I will never stop voting for the ANC but I respect this guy Malema has High IQ he is the smartest politician in South Africa. That is one of the reason I dnt want him as a president cause he won't have competition.
Pieter Du Plessis thank you for your comment you sound smart too. I'm sorry that I ddnt mention your name. Ure also smart I hope this wil make you less angry. just what Malema talla about white people calls us stupid everyday and we take it cause we are used
Pieter Du Plessis I take no offence cause I'm in cape town philippi that area is dirty they have no houses but when I go to white area there is no problems. ppl are not working that's y I cant vote for the DA and again I can't vote for Malema cause I dnt like racism he hate white South african. that's y I love my ANC they are batter devils and education or no education I'm a South African who has a right to vote. My mom was working as a kitchen girl that's why I dnt have education she spent all her time working for whites who gave her peanuts as a salary
Pieter Du Plessis as if you are part of any solution, chances are that you are smoking, we eat KFC cause that is what we can afford, relax cancer kills your community every day and there is no solution for it.
Bra X Mh i am cause I voted for freedom and now we enjoy it. most kids does not pay School fees. we have freedom of speech and we enjoy a lot of human rights now than before. But if you were born yest you will not relate. And it's your freedom also given by the ANC to vote your party
Seriously, you see this and, think "Yes, this is an intelligent man who can handle the bureaucracy and complexity of running a powerhouse nation with deep sociopolitical issues"? Or do you just want him to win because he says things that make you feel like you're special?
exactly my point, you care nothing for their ability to govern a country, and care only for their slogans "Pay back the money" and "give back the land" Governance is an extremely complicated and demanding role for anyone. When voting it is absolutely paramount that you chose a candidate based on their ability to handle bureaucracy and high stress paperwork laden situations. Don't let a egocentric narcissist fool you into giving him power.
Actually no, I I have no respect for Van Riebeek or any Colonists, its wrong to appropriate land and its wrong to force your culture onto any other population. I dissagree with the EEFs ability to lead, even though their social movements may be in the best interests, their political ability is abysmal.
Name one piece of land, ANYWHERE in the world, that was not taken by force. I'm being serious, name one. you have easy examples, the Americans took their land from the Native Americans, But more than that, Even ancient societies such as the Japanese have similar stories, during industrialization, the western tribes of japan massacred and took over the East by force, again taking land. the Chinese, same thing. The Italians, of course! Even the South American territories, the Scandinavian countries, even the Egyptian rulers of ancient time took Cairo from ancient nomadic tribes. So where do you draw the line? When it stops benefiting you?
The white privilege agenda is being pushed all over the world by globalists to destroy the white middle class and thus removing any resistance to tyrannical rule. This is why the US is being targeted and attempts were made by the democrats to "start" removing the 2nd amendment rights, once they have your guns they can take your freedom of speech.
Botswana is a good example for Africa to follow and if it wasn't land locked it would of had a bigger economy then South Africa by now. I would swap our governement for the government of Botswana in a heartbeat.
Andrew Botha first of all I don't like you just for that statement, we are in Africa and AFRICA is our home, our country and not yours, South Africa belongs to us the black nation. Please do us a small favour and go back to your Big city that was built with blood money from "Africa", to this day European countries are benefiting and milking resources and money from Africa. when we in south africa we were under apartheid the economy of the country was running smooth and the rand was strong, just because the white oppressors were benefiting. Yet this day Zimbabwe's economy has been closes by the very same oppressors just because they are not benefiting anything....
Notshi Maronza Bee I agree less face it the economy is still in the hands of visitors whom are now claiming originality, we need to fix the past in order to move on couse we are building on a wrong foundation that's the reason our building keeps on collapsing. Our leaders are failing us in a big way and I feel a war with in our self if things continuous in this way.
Is too early to unite africa . This people are difficult my bro . Just think of people who staying in north africa and compare them with us. and also middle africa u will big gab between us.
There is a lot of borrowed money that the ANC plan to waste on unsustainable projects like the Nuclear project and that is a huge debt that four generations to come will still pay for. That money could be better used to for Land Reform and other projects that can alleviate poverty.
Well said Julius. I really respect the way you have grown as a politician. We need as a country to come together and acknowledge that we are still living with the effects of apartheid and we cannot rehabilitate without transformation... Whites that was given land by the apartheid government should understand that the land wasnt theirs to begin with... You cant give something away which doesnt belong to you. Its understandable that one wouldnt want to give up such privilege... But one needs to be reminded in what brutal manner it was taken from people whom has families and children... Its hard, but I believe people white and black can be rehabilitated. Its just that the government should take control and give the people whats rightfully theirs... If the government does not control the situation, they lose trust from their supporters... If people lose trust in the government they take it upon themselves to resolve matters and hatred for each others grows bigger and bigger... We need the government to unite us and make the best of all South Africans...
The government has already said those who said white took their land by force must come forward . Then our people went there and our people some of them started hunting and build sharks there. and the are very proud of hunting skill that they have.
The thing about sheep is they follow each other. The first one will lead en the 2nd will follow then the 3rd will follow the 2nd and so on and so on. The following sheep has no idea where they are going or what to expect. Further this is open racism on television, I can not believed that this is allowed. What happened to we all have the right to live, sharing is better that oppression.
Julius said he admires Mugabe, this was either said in ignorance or in support of genocide. Mugabe was always a bad person, during the liberation struggle he paved his way through killing his colleagues, he together with his clansmen broke away from ZAPU the only true revolutionary party purely based on tribalism. The reason why Mugabe took over in 1980 it is because he sold out to the white imperialists. He ignored the issue of land. He only started forcefully taking land in 2000s after his hand was forced by the former freedom fighter ZIPRA, when they started occupying land. Mugabe has always protected his position fiercely instead of focusing on nation building. Mugabe introduced tribalism in Zimbabwe which has turned the country to what it is today. He started by ethnic cleansing through the Matabeleland Genocide of early 1980s where he callously exterminated more than 50 000 unarmed man, women and children. How can Malema admire Hitler? This very Mugabe went on to entrench tribalism in every sector and sphere of life in the country. He caused urban displacements of the Matabele to rural areas, this was due to the denial of employment opportunities in every conceivable place of employment. If you think I am lying, go to Bulawayo right now, look at who are the police? who are the teachers? Soldiers? Administrators? Both in private and public organisations. Then Julius admires this fool who has deliberately caused so much pain to innocent people. Mugabe has caused family fragmentation of many Matabele families, children have left their parents to neighbouring countries and when they are there they never come back due to difficulty conditions they find themselves in, mothers have left their children back home with a hope of getting jobs in foreign lands only to meet Imbila zithutha; fathers, brothers and sisters have suffered the same predicament. Tell me what is there to admire about Mugabe. Mugabe even denied MK bases in Zimbabwe. The part of arms caches belonged to MK which Mugabe used as a reason for the genocide.
I don't dislike Julius, but I have voted for the DA and will probably vote for them in the next election simply because I fear that the EFF might turn SA into a communist country
GUESS YOU WERE BORN IN THE MILLENIUM never experienced apartheid. Your comments make me sick.. you should read about it or watch how you were treated as dogs and slaves in you own fking country. I really cant understand how SA has become the last slaves in Africa, Too scared to fight for your own right. Other African countries have had wars with colonialist but you guys are COWARD SLAVES.
yEAH, aRSE, dUMB..iS THAT All they teach you these days? Grow up to a slave , What happened to Shaka Zulu.?.. Thank God you were not around during apartheid, We would still be in it if it were up to Slaves like you.
Don't jump into conclusionS and start judging....Please sit down and listen carefully to what Julius Malema is saying.....And you will agree with me that Julius Malema is very smart and he is one of the best politician in history.....very soon, you'll be very shocked because he will be called "President of RSA"
Nyiko Classic There is nothing that Malema is understanding. for example he removed Mbeki in power and later said it was a mistake for them to remove Mbeki. He also put Zuma in power and again later said it was mistake to put him in power. Furthermore he supported the current public protector and now he is saying he made terrible mistake to support her.Please tell me that kind of person there is something that he does understand.
Walter Makgobelele These is not a personal issue the mistakes that he is doing have an impact in life's of more than 50 million people and you are telling me that you must learn from mistake and move on.
I am glad that you knew before this interview that EFF and DA were in talks over en masse resignation from parliament et al. It is people like you who take every opportunity to shoot the SABC down at every turn. There are hard workers at the SABC, I get offended at the unwarranted insults hurled at us. But, just so you know, I for one I wont change my interview style.If the Feedback I have received (even from politician) the interview was great that's why other media houses have picked up on it. Out of all the comments I have seen here, people are discussing the "repetition" of the content in this interview. Next time Kgaugelo don't take a blanket approach and accuse the SABC of being pathetic because you didnt like the interviewer's questions. I am an individual, not the SABC Thanks
You should be able to take feedback when it is given to you by the public. Congratulation on getting positive feedback from the politicians, now take negative feedback from the public. Next time ask new questions and do proper research!!!!!
Shoe polish will not protect you from the SUN BOER. There`s a reason why African are Black/Brown and Europeans are PiNK/WHITE. Africa is not good for whiie skin. The sun causes cancer.
My future and intelligent President,now its time for us to grab what's belong to us without pleading anyone,my fellow fighters time wasted waiting for no one
This is the future everything he says makes sense if you have the ability to comprehend, never take sound bytes and make a conclusion, you need to listen to the hall speech and understand the context.
so dumb. can't you see our country right now is fucked because of racism. if he comes into power apartheid will just be in reverse and the same story will go on and on. we need equality and the true meaning of democracy. you are an idiot if you want this
Hopefully these are not the sentiment of majority people. This is like dying in a suicide bomb. But some are willing to do just that. ISIS mentality these EFF fellows.
Absolutely. I still have hope, there are many great people in this country still, and many are realizing that our political situation is just terrible. I don't know where we will go from here, but I certainly hope this division that is happening in our country will cease and we can live more harmoniously.
I think thats being unfair. Its the end of the apartheid that did it wrong, There should have been a 20+ year education program to get the black majority on par with the rest of the country, Instead the government gave voting power to uneducated, superstitious masses who know nothing of populism and how dictators rise. Its the old governments fault, but now we are the ones who feel the weight of their mistake.
All is done the government being in control. If you are now able to buy R30,000 shoes and all the best Italian suit that’s all you interested in Malema go away you horrible man😅
I think Thabo Mbeki'z strategy of privatising portions of certain institutions would have yielded better results than what we're seeing now...Corruption at Eskom, SAA, Prasa (to name a few) wouldn't be so high as it is Today... Government would have more money to spend on other promises they made to the people, investor confidence would be average if not above thus leading to more money circulating in the economy, more businesses would open shop thus more jobs created. Isreali did the same thing and they are doing just fine with an unemployment rate that"s below 5%. Now from my perspective i think SA citizens need jobs more than Land(4 now) that will make little difference when the country is sanctioned, broke and has someone like Malema as the leader, a dude that oozes characteristics of being a dictator and who was once charged with corruption (he's no different to Zuma)...if he's really for the people then why did he go against a movement (Privatisation) that was gonna give people more opportunities and jobs...I know, it's because he wants to benefit and wants to get rich, and privatisation would have prevented a lot of politicians benefiting and enriching themselves and so they chose to oust T. Mbeki even when knowing that the ordinary citizen would"v benefited somehow from the opportunities privatisation would'v come with
It sounds prudent to say the economy/land is in the hands of foreigners especially white, yes very true but when these people were building the economy and taking land what were we doing? Truth is we did not have an idea what they were doing, which is why SA independence is just yesterday. Are we saying the whites shud have done nothing back then when they had a country to shape. Land, EFF seem right but their ideology is what happened North of SA and where are they. The issue of land needs a careful approach. While it is a national asset but land does not till itself, it needs people with the capacity to use it not to just be owners. Identify people who want land and assess their capacity, those who can let them get the land systematically not to just the majority need land, the majority cannot do the farming we cannot all be farmers, neither can we all be economists, not all of us can be politicians, so when one man is running with the agenda of self enrichment behind a finger of 'majority' need that majority needs that, be careful. Zuma must not be misled, you guys have a case study in the North so go there study, and do the right thing, why do u want to copy the wrong thing that failed? Go there travel Zimbabwe wide, see with open minds not with the eyes and you will do the right thing for your nation. Think before you act, do not be let by the past injustice, you have the power to do the right or wrong right now. Pray to God and act the right way
Malema i stupid. South African anthem is the best in the world. It has five languages (Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English). No country has that in the world.
You are the one who is stupid Siya or whatever you call yourself. Thats just a song and doesnt show that you all share the resources of S.Africa simply because you are singing an anthem with all the languages
I'm Zimbabwean and i believe all black Africans deserve their land.For a number of rasons I don't think South Africa would suffer the same knock suffered by the zim economy. The most important of them all is that SA (and any African country for that matter) has a lot to learn from the zim model and can avoid the mistakes made by Zanu. And also SA has the most functional democracy in Africa something which zim had been struggling with since 1889..so zim's problems neva started with the land redristribution and should not be used to scare off other Africans who want their land back.
Power !!!!
I have a lot of respect for this brother he is right they need too take back there land.
That's why I support you and your causes my brother and I'm from America. I respect you and your cause
I'm not an EFF member and I will never stop voting for the ANC but I respect this guy Malema has High IQ he is the smartest politician in South Africa. That is one of the reason I dnt want him as a president cause he won't have competition.
Pieter Du Plessis thank you for your comment you sound smart too. I'm sorry that I ddnt mention your name. Ure also smart I hope this wil make you less angry. just what Malema talla about white people calls us stupid everyday and we take it cause we are used
Pieter Du Plessis I take no offence cause I'm in cape town philippi that area is dirty they have no houses but when I go to white area there is no problems. ppl are not working that's y I cant vote for the DA and again I can't vote for Malema cause I dnt like racism he hate white South african. that's y I love my ANC they are batter devils and education or no education I'm a South African who has a right to vote. My mom was working as a kitchen girl that's why I dnt have education she spent all her time working for whites who gave her peanuts as a salary
Pieter Du Plessis as if you are part of any solution, chances are that you are smoking, we eat KFC cause that is what we can afford, relax cancer kills your community every day and there is no solution for it.
Bra X Mh i am cause I voted for freedom and now we enjoy it. most kids does not pay School fees. we have freedom of speech and we enjoy a lot of human rights now than before. But if you were born yest you will not relate. And it's your freedom also given by the ANC to vote your party
Reported you for racism, so reporting you to SAHRC now, enjoy.
this man is sincere and really believe him. his strategy worked.
I'm going to vote for this man!
Seriously, you see this and, think "Yes, this is an intelligent man who can handle the bureaucracy and complexity of running a powerhouse nation with deep sociopolitical issues"?
Or do you just want him to win because he says things that make you feel like you're special?
exactly my point, you care nothing for their ability to govern a country, and care only for their slogans "Pay back the money" and "give back the land"
Governance is an extremely complicated and demanding role for anyone. When voting it is absolutely paramount that you chose a candidate based on their ability to handle bureaucracy and high stress paperwork laden situations.
Don't let a egocentric narcissist fool you into giving him power.
Actually no, I I have no respect for Van Riebeek or any Colonists, its wrong to appropriate land and its wrong to force your culture onto any other population.
I dissagree with the EEFs ability to lead, even though their social movements may be in the best interests, their political ability is abysmal.
Europeans live and vote in Europe. We down here are all African.
Name one piece of land, ANYWHERE in the world, that was not taken by force.
I'm being serious, name one.
you have easy examples, the Americans took their land from the Native Americans,
But more than that,
Even ancient societies such as the Japanese have similar stories, during industrialization, the western tribes of japan massacred and took over the East by force, again taking land.
the Chinese, same thing. The Italians, of course!
Even the South American territories, the Scandinavian countries, even the Egyptian rulers of ancient time took Cairo from ancient nomadic tribes.
So where do you draw the line? When it stops benefiting you?
"We just flirting with DA, not married"!
THE future of a black nation....
The white privilege agenda is being pushed all over the world by globalists to destroy the white middle class and thus removing any resistance to tyrannical rule. This is why the US is being targeted and attempts were made by the democrats to "start" removing the 2nd amendment rights, once they have your guns they can take your freedom of speech.
Botswana is a good example for Africa to follow and if it wasn't land locked it would of had a bigger economy then South Africa by now. I would swap our governement for the government of Botswana in a heartbeat.
Andrew Botha first of all I don't like you just for that statement, we are in Africa and AFRICA is our home, our country and not yours, South Africa belongs to us the black nation. Please do us a small favour and go back to your Big city that was built with blood money from "Africa", to this day European countries are benefiting and milking resources and money from Africa. when we in south africa we were under apartheid the economy of the country was running smooth and the rand was strong, just because the white oppressors were benefiting. Yet this day Zimbabwe's economy has been closes by the very same oppressors just because they are not benefiting anything....
Andrew Botha this show how resist white people are...
Notshi Maronza Bee I agree less face it the economy is still in the hands of visitors whom are now claiming originality, we need to fix the past in order to move on couse we are building on a wrong foundation that's the reason our building keeps on collapsing. Our leaders are failing us in a big way and I feel a war with in our self if things continuous in this way.
I regret letting you go
Lol, you were afraid of him😜
viva eff....viva Malema, we are behind you
Malema you are very genius
Very strong leader of SA
Malema is a genius, the future of Africa
I am just here for the derogatory and hateful comments...
All I know is that the land belongs to black people, and the land will come back to us.
Africa One
Is too early to unite africa . This people are difficult my bro . Just think of people who staying in north africa and compare them with us. and also middle africa u will big gab between us.
Vote him I wish All African leader like this
Julius Malema you are my future leader, a pioneer of revolution
The hope of South Africa and Africa at large
Watching you closely from Kenya... In love with your spirited fight for the right of africans
I love this leadership
am number 250 to watch this
malema my president our own generation sobukwe, Biko ,Gadafu and nkuruma I salute Africa is for Africans
Wow Julius is that Good xhem!
I like the fact that these 2 blacks are talking in English..... We have 11 official languages but this one seems to stand out
I think he is correct
This gentleman is a thinker and a great leader
Well land appropriation worked for Mugabe I say go for it.
Yes it worked Zimbabwean are going to be the first country to own their land in the whole of Africa
Damm! This guy is a genius
You have to give it to him this guy is a good politician
Well said.
ANC lost with Julius and EFF Mps that was the perfect future leaders who would implement all issues of past leaders when ANC was formed.
Malema ur my hero nd voice of Africa to regain its dignity and land after th genocide through th continent
In politics 4 a mission, juju u the man, u deserve my vote 1s again
I was also here tonight 06/03/17 04:41I wud wish to witness this sometime to come..........
I do like Julius...
Viva EFF Viva, am proud of you, My Leader.You are for the Black Child.We want urban Land for building big House.
our last hope...land must be return. our land our dignity
Irvin Sewele Agreed, no grabs though.
The future is red #EFF
We are led, Africa rise!!!
Keep the Hair Bro! You look good.
there is no black org like EFF and THE NATION OF ISLAM
Within 100 years Europe will be majority Muslim. Interesting times.
lol communists and idiots who think some snake oil salesman who founded their cult was allah.. nice
if the whites were not so afraid of loosing everything they own - they would vote for this man too. He is a true leader
Buya lalo ilizwe Juju!
Juju is the future!
Sandile Buthelezi in another dimension.
Had to listen to this in 2019, so I know who to Vote for...... Asijiki!!!
paying land by tax of ppl who land was stolen from thm is moraly, politicali and socially wrong
Viva EFF
They have ran out of monies and have eaten it all now its without compensation. Its nauseating
There is a lot of borrowed money that the ANC plan to waste on unsustainable projects like the Nuclear project and that is a huge debt that four generations to come will still pay for. That money could be better used to for Land Reform and other projects that can alleviate poverty.
Oppression Still conquer your intellect my CIC is crystal clear here
Well said Julius. I really respect the way you have grown as a politician. We need as a country to come together and acknowledge that we are still living with the effects of apartheid and we cannot rehabilitate without transformation... Whites that was given land by the apartheid government should understand that the land wasnt theirs to begin with... You cant give something away which doesnt belong to you. Its understandable that one wouldnt want to give up such privilege... But one needs to be reminded in what brutal manner it was taken from people whom has families and children... Its hard, but I believe people white and black can be rehabilitated. Its just that the government should take control and give the people whats rightfully theirs... If the government does not control the situation, they lose trust from their supporters... If people lose trust in the government they take it upon themselves to resolve matters and hatred for each others grows bigger and bigger... We need the government to unite us and make the best of all South Africans...
The government has already said those who said white took their land by force must come forward . Then our people went there and our people some of them started hunting and build sharks there. and the are very proud of hunting skill that they have.
Those who scream racist are the most racist!
You are more stupid than your words sound..!!
What??? But How does that work?
does not matter what you deside your colours is for the day. you remain the one who braught us Zuma and the guptas.
The thing about sheep is they follow each other. The first one will lead en the 2nd will follow then the 3rd will follow the 2nd and so on and so on. The following sheep has no idea where they are going or what to expect.
Further this is open racism on television, I can not believed that this is allowed. What happened to we all have the right to live, sharing is better that oppression.
Even me i RESPECT a black man wo stand up to a white man
Julius said he admires Mugabe, this was either said in ignorance or in support of genocide. Mugabe was always a bad person, during the liberation struggle he paved his way through killing his colleagues, he together with his clansmen broke away from ZAPU the only true revolutionary party purely based on tribalism. The reason why Mugabe took over in 1980 it is because he sold out to the white imperialists. He ignored the issue of land. He only started forcefully taking land in 2000s after his hand was forced by the former freedom fighter ZIPRA, when they started occupying land. Mugabe has always protected his position fiercely instead of focusing on nation building. Mugabe introduced tribalism in Zimbabwe which has turned the country to what it is today. He started by ethnic cleansing through the Matabeleland Genocide of early 1980s where he callously exterminated more than 50 000 unarmed man, women and children. How can Malema admire Hitler? This very Mugabe went on to entrench tribalism in every sector and sphere of life in the country. He caused urban displacements of the Matabele to rural areas, this was due to the denial of employment opportunities in every conceivable place of employment. If you think I am lying, go to Bulawayo right now, look at who are the police? who are the teachers? Soldiers? Administrators? Both in private and public organisations. Then Julius admires this fool who has deliberately caused so much pain to innocent people. Mugabe has caused family fragmentation of many Matabele families, children have left their parents to neighbouring countries and when they are there they never come back due to difficulty conditions they find themselves in, mothers have left their children back home with a hope of getting jobs in foreign lands only to meet Imbila zithutha; fathers, brothers and sisters have suffered the same predicament. Tell me what is there to admire about Mugabe. Mugabe even denied MK bases in Zimbabwe. The part of arms caches belonged to MK which Mugabe used as a reason for the genocide.
I don't dislike Julius, but I have voted for the DA and will probably vote for them in the next election simply because I fear that the EFF might turn SA into a communist country
You need to stop speaking out of your arse.
GUESS YOU WERE BORN IN THE MILLENIUM never experienced apartheid. Your comments make me sick.. you should read about it or watch how you were treated as dogs and slaves in you own fking country.
I really cant understand how SA has become the last slaves in Africa, Too scared to fight for your own right. Other African countries have had wars with colonialist but you guys are COWARD SLAVES.
You're dumb.
yEAH, aRSE, dUMB..iS THAT All they teach you these days?
Grow up to a slave , What happened to Shaka Zulu.?..
Thank God you were not around during apartheid, We would still be in it if it were up to Slaves like you.
boo fucking hoo
even Polish the shoes of white... hahahaha,,,, Viva Our CIC
ingonyama yase africa
Don't jump into conclusionS and start judging....Please sit down and listen carefully to what Julius Malema is saying.....And you will agree with me that Julius Malema is very smart and he is one of the best politician in history.....very soon, you'll be very shocked because he will be called "President of RSA"
just make sure you repatriate the Khoisan
Someone quoted my limit as being a genius if he’s a genius, why is his party is at 6% people are wise to this horrible man he’s absolutely useless
You did not agree with president Mbeki because you do not understand economics.
Mthokozisi Ndwandwe he didn't understand but now he does
thabo thabo and it's good that now he understand. we always learn from others and from experience
Nyiko Classic There is nothing that Malema is understanding. for example he removed Mbeki in power and later said it was a mistake for them to remove Mbeki. He also put Zuma in power and again later said it was mistake to put him in power. Furthermore he supported the current public protector and now he is saying he made terrible mistake to support her.Please tell me that kind of person there is something that he does understand.
we all do mistakes, learn from them and move on, as long as he did no violate the constitution by doing dat.., unlike Zuma!
Walter Makgobelele These is not a personal issue the mistakes that he is doing have an impact in life's of more than 50 million people and you are telling me that you must learn from mistake and move on.
There's nothing new that the interviewer is asking. SABC you are pathetic! All this sounds like a repetition of all Malema's interviews
I am glad that you knew before this interview that EFF and DA were in talks over en masse resignation from parliament et al. It is people like you who take every opportunity to shoot the SABC down at every turn.
There are hard workers at the SABC, I get offended at the unwarranted insults hurled at us. But, just so you know, I for one I wont change my interview style.If the Feedback I have received (even from politician) the interview was great that's why other media houses have picked up on it. Out of all the comments I have seen here, people are discussing the "repetition" of the content in this interview.
Next time Kgaugelo don't take a blanket approach and accuse the SABC of being pathetic because you didnt like the interviewer's questions. I am an individual, not the SABC
You should be able to take feedback when it is given to you by the public. Congratulation on getting positive feedback from the politicians, now take negative feedback from the public. Next time ask new questions and do proper research!!!!!
Kgaugelo Ledwaba you see the problem is "feedback" means critic. pathetic is an insult. But anyway thank you for watching
so if i get black shoe polish can i get HOUSE WITH SOLAR POWER AND SATELLITE
Shoe polish will not protect you from the SUN BOER.
There`s a reason why African are Black/Brown and Europeans are PiNK/WHITE.
Africa is not good for whiie skin. The sun causes cancer.
Viva EFF a mandla juju
My future and intelligent President,now its time for us to grab what's belong to us without pleading anyone,my fellow fighters time wasted waiting for no one
This is the future everything he says makes sense if you have the ability to comprehend, never take sound bytes and make a conclusion, you need to listen to the hall speech and understand the context.
so dumb. can't you see our country right now is fucked because of racism. if he comes into power apartheid will just be in reverse and the same story will go on and on. we need equality and the true meaning of democracy. you are an idiot if you want this
There is no hope for this country...
Looking at the comments, its clear we are doomed to follow Zimbabwe
Hopefully these are not the sentiment of majority people. This is like dying in a suicide bomb. But some are willing to do just that. ISIS mentality these EFF fellows.
I still have hope, there are many great people in this country still, and many are realizing that our political situation is just terrible.
I don't know where we will go from here, but I certainly hope this division that is happening in our country will cease and we can live more harmoniously.
I think thats being unfair.
Its the end of the apartheid that did it wrong,
There should have been a 20+ year education program to get the black majority on par with the rest of the country,
Instead the government gave voting power to uneducated, superstitious masses who know nothing of populism and how dictators rise.
Its the old governments fault, but now we are the ones who feel the weight of their mistake.
It is never your fault
You are stupid if you think Zimbabwe did wrong by taking land back to the owners.!!
All is done the government being in control. If you are now able to buy R30,000 shoes and all the best Italian suit that’s all you interested in Malema go away you horrible man😅
I think Thabo Mbeki'z strategy of privatising portions of certain institutions would have yielded better results than what we're seeing now...Corruption at Eskom, SAA, Prasa (to name a few) wouldn't be so high as it is Today... Government would have more money to spend on other promises they made to the people, investor confidence would be average if not above thus leading to more money circulating in the economy, more businesses would open shop thus more jobs created. Isreali did the same thing and they are doing just fine with an unemployment rate that"s below 5%. Now from my perspective i think SA citizens need jobs more than Land(4 now) that will make little difference when the country is sanctioned, broke and has someone like Malema as the leader, a dude that oozes characteristics of being a dictator and who was once charged with corruption (he's no different to Zuma)...if he's really for the people then why did he go against a movement (Privatisation) that was gonna give people more opportunities and jobs...I know, it's because he wants to benefit and wants to get rich, and privatisation would have prevented a lot of politicians benefiting and enriching themselves and so they chose to oust T. Mbeki even when knowing that the ordinary citizen would"v benefited somehow from the opportunities privatisation would'v come with
It sounds prudent to say the economy/land is in the hands of foreigners especially white, yes very true but when these people were building the economy and taking land what were we doing? Truth is we did not have an idea what they were doing, which is why SA independence is just yesterday. Are we saying the whites shud have done nothing back then when they had a country to shape. Land, EFF seem right but their ideology is what happened North of SA and where are they. The issue of land needs a careful approach. While it is a national asset but land does not till itself, it needs people with the capacity to use it not to just be owners. Identify people who want land and assess their capacity, those who can let them get the land systematically not to just the majority need land, the majority cannot do the farming we cannot all be farmers, neither can we all be economists, not all of us can be politicians, so when one man is running with the agenda of self enrichment behind a finger of 'majority' need that majority needs that, be careful. Zuma must not be misled, you guys have a case study in the North so go there study, and do the right thing, why do u want to copy the wrong thing that failed? Go there travel Zimbabwe wide, see with open minds not with the eyes and you will do the right thing for your nation. Think before you act, do not be let by the past injustice, you have the power to do the right or wrong right now. Pray to God and act the right way
Malema i stupid. South African anthem is the best in the world. It has five languages (Xhosa, Zulu, Sesotho, Afrikaans and English). No country has that in the world.
You are the one who is stupid Siya or whatever you call yourself. Thats just a song and doesnt show that you all share the resources of S.Africa simply because you are singing an anthem with all the languages
Siya Manci you are the stupid!!
Someone quoted my limit as being a genius if he’s a genius, why is his party is at 6% people are wise to this horrible man he’s absolutely useless