Hey I have a new video or series idea. I know that you have a series where so and so won big brother here’s my idea. How about how you make a video on how somebody DID NOT win the season. For example, Janelle, she was a really good player but she lost. You can go into mistakes made and dumb moves. I feel like it would be a great video. (You do not have to do Janelle that’s just an example.)
Imagine hating someone so much that you tank both your own game and your ally’s game just to get a shot at getting that person out. This comment was brought to you by Taylor’s karma.
I love the entire Daniel and Nicole arc. I can't think of two players who were so wrong about thinking they are "running the house" and people even tried to save them from themselves but they were so oblivious that they wouldn't listen to the people who *actually* knew what was going on.
@@janejones7638 Jozea was a singular delusional moron who literally told people that he was the Messiah. Daniel and Nicole were actually in a decent position and could have gone far in the game if they had listened to *anyone* that they were aligned with but chose to ignore all of the advice of their allies because they were so sure that they just knew better.
Monty: Don't use the veto, you don't have the votes in the house. Daniel and Nicole: So you're saying we should use the veto since we have the votes in the house?
Honestly the outcome after the game is also fascinating because Nicole actually apologized for her actions and worked to rebuild a relationship with Taylor and stayed out of the spotlight. Daniel is still desperate to remain relevant by trying and failing to discredit Taylor’s game, which has only made him look like a massive scumbag and it is easy to see why Taylor blocked him on social media given his constant attacks toward her!
To be fair to them, they _were_ running the house at first. Everything blew up for them because of something out of their control: Alyssa stupidly running her mouth to Kyle about Old School, which started the domino effect.
Daniel is seriously one of dumbest players in bb history 😂 and I love how too this day he still doubles down on everything he did and genuinely thinks he’s a great bb player 😂
I’d like to note with Nathan, for a lot of the week there was a flip that almost went into motion, because of Nathan’s good work on Erika, Jack, and Alison Obviously him using the veto was a bad move, but his game wasn’t 100% doomed like the others on this list
Yeah his was clearly the least detrimental to his game than the other 4, and he ultimately got a bit unlucky with HOH runouts. I definitely focused on the negative aspects of the move here, but he really could have recovered from it with a bit of extra luck
Nathan was one of many to fall Victim to Alison. I actually just rewatched this season, and this veto was only a paty of what cost him. He then got pretty rude that Alison didn't do what he wanted (which he should have seen coming) then started calling out everyone and mouthing off at people. I mean he even went off on Jun in front of the stooges which basically alienated everyone in the house against him. Nathan should not have saved Alison, it was dumb....but if he had kept his mouth shut after he might have been able to ride the game out a bit farther. But to attack Alison and Jun were bad moves because those 2 had everyone wrapped around their fingers in deals
the potential flip to keep nathan was more just a result of intense misogyny and jun playing poorly than anything else- it doesnt change the fact he marked himself out for a girl who immediately saved his arch nemesis and gave others the okay to target him
Something else worth mentioning about Daniel and Nicole is that because of the nature of "festy besties" sharing the veto, Daniel potentially could have put some pressure on the leftovers by not using it, as it would now squarely be Kyle's decision. If he doesn't use it, he raises questions on why he didn't save Alyssa. If he does use it, he upsets Monte. Either way, Daniel using the Veto actually delayed the cracks that would later break up the leftovers at F10.
With the way the double veto worked, technically Daniel doesn’t have to want to use, only 1 member of a pair needs to use the veto meaning Kyle could have used it regardless of if Daniel wanted to stop the Nicole eviction
@@XanderMatthews-nv9zf That's what I'm saying. Kyle was in between a rock and a hard place, and since only one person had to use it, Dan basically gave Kyle a free pass, whereas choosing not to use it forces Kyle to make a tough decision.
The Danielle situation was so bad that the show set up a painfully fake storyline in the DR at F3 where Danielle would talk about the revenge she would have against Dan, when on the feeds, she was a complete zombie. They clearly didn't want viewers to go into the finale seeing her completely crushed. I'm glad you had an old school mention on here (Nathan). I have another one. Gerry in BB3. He saved Marcellas because he thought Marcellas was being unfairly treated. This made him a pariah in a house he was already isolated in, and Marcellas was never grateful - he was pretty terrible behind his back.
If there was a list of dumbest non use of the Veto, Marcellas would be number one. He literally had a shot at winning and he gave up on it and got blindsided by Danielle actually playing the game.
Big Brother Canada has the best case of this with Jed using the veto on Beth while he himself was on the block causing him to go home. It's the most wild plays I've seen.
It should also be mentioned that Dan making that move ruined his chance with the jury. It was way too big of a risk (keeping in Ian, who was by far the biggest threat, and having to burn that much trust), just for a *slightly* better chance to make the final 2. It’s not nearly as good as his fanbase insists it is.
Dan was never winning the Jury vote anyway. That move guaranteed he’d be final 2, he just didn’t know the jury was never voting for a returning player to win
Hi! I'm here early and just wanted to say thanks so much for all the great BB content! While I don't watch the show anymore (17US was my last season), I love getting to walk down memory lane as well as learn about these seasons I've never seen. You are awesome, Ethanimale!
I was literally watching another video of yours, clicked onto your channel to see which video I should watch next, and saw this has been uploaded literally as I was watching another video. Can't wait!
Man Dan owned that season so hard! He had 2 moves in same season that are the best in history of their kind. Never mind that he was down to 1 player as a coach as quickly as possible
@a.jdeets5527 exactly! Dan is a master manipulator, but unfortunately, that also makes him a target. He was great in season 10 and handled the jury pretty well, but he got desperate in season 14. Combine that with him entering the actual game late because of being a coach first, I think it threw off his plan.
another thing with the nathan saving allison i highly doubt that jun would have won against anybody else other than allison i love her and i would even say she's maybe my favorite but there's only so much she can do and i don't doubt that she'd probably still make it to final 2 but by getting rid of allison he would have indirectly gotten rid of jun if it came down to jun and nathan, nathan would have probably gotten the votes on his side
If we include BBCAN, then during BBCAN 9 Jedson and Beth were nominated. Jedson used it on Beth thinking he had the votes to stay, but he never did and he went home on a unanimous vote. BRUTAL, especially since it was top 6
Definitely can be a part 2: - Cowboy using the veto on Diane instead of Nakomis to evict her (Season 5, Final 4). - Jeff using the veto on Kevin to backdoor Russell (Season 11, Final 6). - Derek X using the veto to backdoor Christian (Season 23, Final 11). - Matt using the Diamond power of veto on himself to only put up Kathy. (Season 12, Final 7). - Janelle using the veto to save Maggie (Season 6, Final 9).
@@Hahsggsg It wasn’t good for either Jeff or Jordan’s game. Kevin was throwing comps the entire season before the veto on the first jury round because of the twist. Once Jeff made that move, he easily became the biggest target and who was number 2, Jordan. If Jeff had won the Final 5 veto, Jordan would’ve been evicted over Michelle due to a tiebreaker from Kevin. It was one of the worst moves that season and the fact he tried to make a deal with Natalie & Kevin after getting rid of their closest allies. Of course, they was going to return the favor to him.
@@Hahsggsg … Why would Kevin & Natalie leave a duo in the game, no matter how weak Jordan was perceived. Even though Jordan didn’t make huge moves, she never pissed anyone off. Anyone smart enough would know to take her out for being a jury threat. If Kevin & Natalie took out Jordan than Michelle, Kevin wins either way. Hell Michelle told Kevin that she wants to sit next to him in the Final 2 because she hated Natalie so much. That was also an underrated dumb move on Kevin’s part.
Love Janelle, but you're right. That was a terrible mistake. She trusted the wrong person. Cowboy is one of the dumbest players in BB history, but I think he did that out of some weird sense of loyalty after he found out Nak was his half-sister.
@@Hahsggsg 🤨, if you look up the worse HOHs & vetos plays in history, Jeff’s is a guaranteed top 10-15. He screwed his own game up by taking Russell out early. If he makes a part 2 or 3 on this topic, this move is going to be on it.
The Kyland veto move was the only one I did not expect but it absolutely belongs here. I still hate that Hannah was the target in that double and that Azah wanted her out instead of putting both Kyland and X on the block, but the one saving grace was that it set up Kyland’s demise for the following week! It really made little sense for him to make that move in retrospect! Fun fact, when I first heard about the double eviction, I assumed X was the target but even if that had been true, if neither Big D or Kyland were ever voting X out, it really was pointless to use the veto. Sure, maybe Kyland was worried Big D would actually vote X out, but I don’t think he had any reason to worry about that and he clearly should have trusted Big D, especially if Azah was also on board to vote Hannah out in the event of a tie! Yeah this move was bad on multiple levels the more you dissect it!
Glad to know you're still alive, you had me worried for a minute! Gonna be a goooood summer! BB is actually premiering exactly on my birthday this year.
I think an honorable mention would be Gerry using it on Marcellas in bb3, that one veto use ensured that he had no win equity at the end of the game. Everybody hated his guys afterwards and his game was never going to pick up after that
Mackensey saving Kimo somehow is now #1 at least in my book. MJ lost any win equity she had, and Danielle could at least beat Dan in a jury vote if she won final HOH. Good job BB26 for ruining one of Ethanimale’s old videos.
An underrated terrible veto play goes to Jameka in BB8 when she uses her own personal convictions as a sign to use the veto if she wins it save Jen in week 4. This is more so for both her play, and her challenge performance. The challenge stipulation essentially stripped her of being a HOH until the late game, making her a vote in the game and nothing else. And by removing Jen from the block, she only gave Jenn a few extra weeks in the game, and by sitting out of HOH comps, her main alliance with Amber had to rely on Amber winning HOH’s to secure their safety or put complete faith in others, who in turn were kind of mad at her for saving Jenn. Like Dick, Danielle, and Zach. Her stock in the game went down, and only went up because America/production kept throwing bones to Dick and Danielle. Even if she made it to the end with Dick or Danielle, I think it would’ve been a hard sell to her game by saying “well she sat out of 5 HOH comps, and she wasn’t a threat for a good portion of the game” all because she fought to save Jenn, who wasn’t even really “working” with her. Yeah she still might have won against Dick or Danielle, but like the case of Zach, that’s for the jury being angry with Dick and Danielle more so than respecting gameplay. I know a wins a win, but it would’ve been a pretty bad win, unless she won out in the end as opposed to being carried. It was a unecessary move imo, kind of reckless, even though I can understand her convictions to an extent.
She basically said to Shane, I don't trust you to vote for Dan to stay. Shane was too nice a guy because he should have fought to the end to not have him nominee. By using the Veto not only did she lose Shane, she might have lost him as a vote in the jury if she was in the final two.
I haven’t seen not one episode of big brother ever lol I found this channel and I probably still will never watch BB but these recaps are 🔥 lol and I can’t STAND Daniel and Nicole so much lol
Devin: I'm gonna keep this as short and quick as possible. If it's Pao and Brittany on the block, who do you want to go? Zack : ~calmly explains that he would prefer to habe Brittany stay~ Devin: O_0 ...What are you talking about? haha. I also think it's worth pointing out that Brittany, the person Devin used the veto to save, was unceremoniously evicted 2 weeks later just because she didn't have many allies. I also think it's interesting that they both bonded over being parents, but by the first double eviction, Derrick was the only parent left in the game.
I’m commenting this at the start of the video: If Daniel using the veto to get Nicole and Taylor on the block isn’t on this list, I’m gonna do a flip. Alright I’m content.
Great list. If not using the veto counts I wonder where Marcellus would fall on this list. I would have it #3 after your #1 which I agree with. However at #2 I would have Daniel. Devin's was chaotic but as you said his game was already done
If Daniel Durston didn't veto that duo he would have got some scrambled egg whites. That's the thing that I always think about, her specially prepared chef's dish of scrambled egg white omelette. Omg.
So I gotta ask a BBCAN question, SPOILERS FOR SEASON 5: .... Is Kevin using the Veto on the F5 on Ika a bad move? Ideally it would've meant either her or Demetres would've went home and instead Dillon was evicted. I guess Kevin tried to play 5D Chess and thought Karen would keep him and therefore Kevin would have the sole vote to evict Demetres, but would it have been better for Kev to keep the noms as is?
It’s crazy how amazing of a player Kyland was and then fumbles the bag at the end completely bc of his ego. I think justify his F6 HoH, but the F5 move was so insanely stupid. He literally CLEARS Hannah Azah and Derek F in any competition and probably beats all of them in the finals (maybe not with Hannah, it’d probably be a lot closer but there’s a chance.)
Day 24 of asking someone to post about Ajs instant eviction in BBCan1 It was the catalyst that caused the downfall of multiple players and Jillian’s confessionals had me dying laughing The whole situation the way it went down was insane
I think the worst use for a video idea from a loyal subscriber is to not use it at all. You don't want to have the worst video idea use in TH-cam history so you should rank every BB eviction.
how about when jed saved beth with the veto in bbcan9. he thought he had his allies in his corner and he was convinced by his alliance members that if beth stayed on the block she would be evicted. so he’s saved beth, leaving himself on the block thinking he had the votes to stay. then he’s blindsided and is evicted unanimously
Really? She was a pathological liar who constantly made up diseases she had and things that happened to her and she was rude to Ian. Her own friends, sorority sisters, and people who knew her were so appalled by her behavior they spoke out and refuted her lies. Danielle was disgusting.
matt using the dpov to put up kathy has to be one of the worst moves ever. hayden and enzo already told him he was at the bottom of the brigade. if he put up hayden, he could have effectively split up the brigade. the house would have been split into 2 brigade members and kathy vs britney, ragan, and matt. brendon probably could have been convinced to join matt’s side since the brigade lied to him and sent rachel home. the next week, britney wins hoh and evicts enzo or kathy (since she wouldn’t put up lane, matt, or ragan and brendon would be in their alliance). matt would have the numbers and could have made it further in the game, possibly even winning.
I just assume production got in Danielle's way, not-so forcing her to use the veto on Dan, in order to save Ian. That said, BB14 is the only season I hear the phrase 'bitter jury', and yet Danielle was the only blatantly bitter jury member there.
this comment doesn't make any sense.. Danielle voted for Dan to win? the jury was bitter AGAINST Dan because of the fact that he was a former winner/the coaches got to enter the game. Despite Dan playing a superior game to Ian, there was never a world where they were going to vote for him to win against any of the final 4..
Dan is the only former winner to ever make it back to the final 2. that’s why you only hear bitter jury in regards to bb14, because it’s the only time any player has ever managed to do that
Nathan and Allison were having a flirty showmance. But Allison was not fully into Nathan. He was her boy toy. She thought that he was a closeted man. A gay or bi man because Nathan manscaped and would shave all of his body hair and was a little too into himself and his looks. She had no second thought to turn on him where as Nathan literally would take a bullet for her and thought Allison would be his ride or die.
Copy and pasting a comment I already made: That is a time where someone didn't use the Veto. This Veto is only about times where the Veto WAS used and it was bad for their game
Where is Janelle using the veto to save Maggie in BB6? That was truly the point that cemented that a Sov Six would lose the game. Janelle had full power, HOH and Veto. She had the cult leader Maggie on the block, and she had all of the numbers to get her out then. April, Howie, James, wnd Rachel all could have evicted Maggie which would fracture the Friendship and end that alliance there and then. Maggie was the glue between Ivette/Beau and April/Jennifer. However, Janelle won veto, saved Maggie, and doomed her alliance.
They wouldn’t have fallen apart due to their strong hatred for the 6. They just would’ve grieved like a she died and built a shrine like they did for crappy. Janelle also isn’t here because her game wasn’t doomed. April said she would’ve voted for Janelle had she won the double tiebreaker final hoh meaning Janelle was very close to winning the game in a 4-3 vote. That wasn’t a terrible veto use at all and she shouldn’t be anywhere close to this list
I'd still love to see what would happen if Howie didn't put up James and Sarah. If he would have put up Jennifer and Maggie. The whole season would have changed
@itzpeanut1382 April and Ivette constantly fought with each other throughout the season and couldn't stand each other. Maggie would have to have meetings in the HOH room to get the friendship on the whole page. April and Ivette in particular were both much closer with Maggie than each other. Without Maggie there, James is Ivette's strongest bond and likely could convince her/Beau to go after Jennifer and April.
@@becbec7879 That's why I think Maggie is one of the best players of Big Brother. She made sure that she was everyone's #2. I say #2 because they were partners and their #1 would be their partner. As the partnerships were destroyed, Maggie then became #1.
Either way it didn’t matter because Howie still fucked there alliance when he flipped on James and Sarah. Basically even if Maggie gets evicted someone fork the friendship still wins. And Jen was a wayyy better option cuz Maggie was bad at comps.
I think Nathan using the veto on Alison was the worst. She could’ve been voted out week 3 instead of David. That one move changed the whole game that season. She never would’ve made it to the final two.
I have to give it to Alison though. I just rewatched that season and she was probably the most ruthless person in that house. I mean...Jun was ruthless and didn't care...but Allison literally promised everyone everything and I think by the end everyone had a knife in their back with her name on it except for Jun. Gameplay wise if people didn't hate her so much she may have actually deserved to win. I still think Jun outplayed her overall, but watching it again Alison was a force.
Thank you :)
Hey I have a new video or series idea. I know that you have a series where so and so won big brother here’s my idea.
How about how you make a video on how somebody DID NOT win the season. For example, Janelle, she was a really good player but she lost.
You can go into mistakes made and dumb moves. I feel like it would be a great video. (You do not have to do Janelle that’s just an example.)
Yeah, but it’s still a HUGE misuse of the veto, which is the title of your episode. Should have been included.
@@barbarabavier675The title is worst veto USES. He didn’t use the veto so it can’t be on a video of times the veto is USED
I do a little tehehehehe every time I rewatch Daniel and Nicole being goofy. Nicole wanted to be Derrick so bad 😭
It was even more awkward when Derrick interviewed her lol. So you are a cop?
Little scamps, those two
“You look so dumb right now.”
Especially after the Ameerah blindside the week prior, what would make you think that you have the numbers!?!?😂
Imagine hating someone so much that you tank both your own game and your ally’s game just to get a shot at getting that person out.
This comment was brought to you by Taylor’s karma.
I love the entire Daniel and Nicole arc. I can't think of two players who were so wrong about thinking they are "running the house" and people even tried to save them from themselves but they were so oblivious that they wouldn't listen to the people who *actually* knew what was going on.
@@janejones7638 Jozea was a singular delusional moron who literally told people that he was the Messiah. Daniel and Nicole were actually in a decent position and could have gone far in the game if they had listened to *anyone* that they were aligned with but chose to ignore all of the advice of their allies because they were so sure that they just knew better.
Monty: Don't use the veto, you don't have the votes in the house.
Daniel and Nicole: So you're saying we should use the veto since we have the votes in the house?
Honestly the outcome after the game is also fascinating because Nicole actually apologized for her actions and worked to rebuild a relationship with Taylor and stayed out of the spotlight. Daniel is still desperate to remain relevant by trying and failing to discredit Taylor’s game, which has only made him look like a massive scumbag and it is easy to see why Taylor blocked him on social media given his constant attacks toward her!
To be fair to them, they _were_ running the house at first. Everything blew up for them because of something out of their control: Alyssa stupidly running her mouth to Kyle about Old School, which started the domino effect.
Daniel is seriously one of dumbest players in bb history 😂 and I love how too this day he still doubles down on everything he did and genuinely thinks he’s a great bb player 😂
I love when Danielle tells Shane, “how’s it feel to be final 3!” Right after they decided to put him in harms way
I’d like to note with Nathan, for a lot of the week there was a flip that almost went into motion, because of Nathan’s good work on Erika, Jack, and Alison
Obviously him using the veto was a bad move, but his game wasn’t 100% doomed like the others on this list
Yeah his was clearly the least detrimental to his game than the other 4, and he ultimately got a bit unlucky with HOH runouts. I definitely focused on the negative aspects of the move here, but he really could have recovered from it with a bit of extra luck
Nathan was one of many to fall Victim to Alison. I actually just rewatched this season, and this veto was only a paty of what cost him. He then got pretty rude that Alison didn't do what he wanted (which he should have seen coming) then started calling out everyone and mouthing off at people. I mean he even went off on Jun in front of the stooges which basically alienated everyone in the house against him.
Nathan should not have saved Alison, it was dumb....but if he had kept his mouth shut after he might have been able to ride the game out a bit farther. But to attack Alison and Jun were bad moves because those 2 had everyone wrapped around their fingers in deals
the potential flip to keep nathan was more just a result of intense misogyny and jun playing poorly than anything else- it doesnt change the fact he marked himself out for a girl who immediately saved his arch nemesis and gave others the okay to target him
I love Shane reaction because I feel like he figured it out that he was going home the moment Danielle used the veto on Dan!
Something else worth mentioning about Daniel and Nicole is that because of the nature of "festy besties" sharing the veto, Daniel potentially could have put some pressure on the leftovers by not using it, as it would now squarely be Kyle's decision. If he doesn't use it, he raises questions on why he didn't save Alyssa. If he does use it, he upsets Monte. Either way, Daniel using the Veto actually delayed the cracks that would later break up the leftovers at F10.
With the way the double veto worked, technically Daniel doesn’t have to want to use, only 1 member of a pair needs to use the veto meaning Kyle could have used it regardless of if Daniel wanted to stop the Nicole eviction
@@XanderMatthews-nv9zf That's what I'm saying. Kyle was in between a rock and a hard place, and since only one person had to use it, Dan basically gave Kyle a free pass, whereas choosing not to use it forces Kyle to make a tough decision.
you are doing the lord’s work putting daniel’s veto fumble in damn near every video. never let that fucker forget ! 💀💀💀
The Danielle situation was so bad that the show set up a painfully fake storyline in the DR at F3 where Danielle would talk about the revenge she would have against Dan, when on the feeds, she was a complete zombie. They clearly didn't want viewers to go into the finale seeing her completely crushed.
I'm glad you had an old school mention on here (Nathan). I have another one. Gerry in BB3. He saved Marcellas because he thought Marcellas was being unfairly treated. This made him a pariah in a house he was already isolated in, and Marcellas was never grateful - he was pretty terrible behind his back.
Marcellas ended up with his own Karma later though by failing to use the veto on himself
Monte being the genuine good guy, only to be the smoking gun that ends Daniel and Nicole's already destroyed game
If there was a list of dumbest non use of the Veto, Marcellas would be number one. He literally had a shot at winning and he gave up on it and got blindsided by Danielle actually playing the game.
Big Brother Canada has the best case of this with Jed using the veto on Beth while he himself was on the block causing him to go home. It's the most wild plays I've seen.
It should also be mentioned that Dan making that move ruined his chance with the jury. It was way too big of a risk (keeping in Ian, who was by far the biggest threat, and having to burn that much trust), just for a *slightly* better chance to make the final 2. It’s not nearly as good as his fanbase insists it is.
except it is since it's riskier to keep someone like Shane who he's not as close to
Dan was never winning the Jury vote anyway. That move guaranteed he’d be final 2, he just didn’t know the jury was never voting for a returning player to win
@@christianthiessen1504 Nicole won as a returning player and Paul made the final two.
@@janejones7638 they were talking about the jury pact that was particular to season 14
@@thecamishere4344 doesn’t matter if it’s just one round away, and Ian is clearly more of a threat than Shane
Hi! I'm here early and just wanted to say thanks so much for all the great BB content! While I don't watch the show anymore (17US was my last season), I love getting to walk down memory lane as well as learn about these seasons I've never seen. You are awesome, Ethanimale!
I was literally watching another video of yours, clicked onto your channel to see which video I should watch next, and saw this has been uploaded literally as I was watching another video. Can't wait!
Man Dan owned that season so hard! He had 2 moves in same season that are the best in history of their kind. Never mind that he was down to 1 player as a coach as quickly as possible
Moves that burnt pretty much all the jury votes.
@a.jdeets5527 exactly! Dan is a master manipulator, but unfortunately, that also makes him a target. He was great in season 10 and handled the jury pretty well, but he got desperate in season 14. Combine that with him entering the actual game late because of being a coach first, I think it threw off his plan.
The first thing that came to my mind was Gerry vetoing Marcellas with the very first power of veto ever.
another thing with the nathan saving allison
i highly doubt that jun would have won against anybody else other than allison
i love her and i would even say she's maybe my favorite but there's only so much she can do and i don't doubt that she'd probably still make it to final 2
but by getting rid of allison he would have indirectly gotten rid of jun
if it came down to jun and nathan, nathan would have probably gotten the votes on his side
checked in ten minutes ago to see if the new post was up, these are what i listen to to get through work! hell yes 🥳hey ethan!!
If we include BBCAN, then during BBCAN 9 Jedson and Beth were nominated. Jedson used it on Beth thinking he had the votes to stay, but he never did and he went home on a unanimous vote. BRUTAL, especially since it was top 6
Definitely can be a part 2:
- Cowboy using the veto on Diane instead of Nakomis to evict her (Season 5, Final 4).
- Jeff using the veto on Kevin to backdoor Russell (Season 11, Final 6).
- Derek X using the veto to backdoor Christian (Season 23, Final 11).
- Matt using the Diamond power of veto on himself to only put up Kathy. (Season 12, Final 7).
- Janelle using the veto to save Maggie (Season 6, Final 9).
@@Hahsggsg It wasn’t good for either Jeff or Jordan’s game. Kevin was throwing comps the entire season before the veto on the first jury round because of the twist. Once Jeff made that move, he easily became the biggest target and who was number 2, Jordan. If Jeff had won the Final 5 veto, Jordan would’ve been evicted over Michelle due to a tiebreaker from Kevin. It was one of the worst moves that season and the fact he tried to make a deal with Natalie & Kevin after getting rid of their closest allies. Of course, they was going to return the favor to him.
@@Hahsggsg … Why would Kevin & Natalie leave a duo in the game, no matter how weak Jordan was perceived. Even though Jordan didn’t make huge moves, she never pissed anyone off. Anyone smart enough would know to take her out for being a jury threat. If Kevin & Natalie took out Jordan than Michelle, Kevin wins either way. Hell Michelle told Kevin that she wants to sit next to him in the Final 2 because she hated Natalie so much. That was also an underrated dumb move on Kevin’s part.
Love Janelle, but you're right. That was a terrible mistake. She trusted the wrong person. Cowboy is one of the dumbest players in BB history, but I think he did that out of some weird sense of loyalty after he found out Nak was his half-sister.
@@Hahsggsg It was a bad move for Jeff not Jordan 🤦🏽♂️, Jeff became the biggest threat at that point.
@@Hahsggsg 🤨, if you look up the worse HOHs & vetos plays in history, Jeff’s is a guaranteed top 10-15. He screwed his own game up by taking Russell out early. If he makes a part 2 or 3 on this topic, this move is going to be on it.
The Kyland veto move was the only one I did not expect but it absolutely belongs here. I still hate that Hannah was the target in that double and that Azah wanted her out instead of putting both Kyland and X on the block, but the one saving grace was that it set up Kyland’s demise for the following week! It really made little sense for him to make that move in retrospect!
Fun fact, when I first heard about the double eviction, I assumed X was the target but even if that had been true, if neither Big D or Kyland were ever voting X out, it really was pointless to use the veto. Sure, maybe Kyland was worried Big D would actually vote X out, but I don’t think he had any reason to worry about that and he clearly should have trusted Big D, especially if Azah was also on board to vote Hannah out in the event of a tie!
Yeah this move was bad on multiple levels the more you dissect it!
Glad to know you're still alive, you had me worried for a minute! Gonna be a goooood summer! BB is actually premiering exactly on my birthday this year.
How was this comment posted 2 months ago??!!
Member early video?
@@JackieBasicsthey are a member so they get early access to videos
@@JackieBasicsthat’s what I’m saying 😭
I think an honorable mention would be Gerry using it on Marcellas in bb3, that one veto use ensured that he had no win equity at the end of the game. Everybody hated his guys afterwards and his game was never going to pick up after that
All am I going to say is F Nicole and Daniel so happy that they got Taylor’s karma ❤❤❤
Just remembered this and wanted to share! Me and my mom met Jesse from big brother 10 in an airport! He was really nice!
Mackensey saving Kimo somehow is now #1 at least in my book. MJ lost any win equity she had, and Danielle could at least beat Dan in a jury vote if she won final HOH. Good job BB26 for ruining one of Ethanimale’s old videos.
Tucker watched this video and said, Imma ensure i'm in the next one.
Yes!!! Hope he is safe though cause he’s iconic
Great video as always!!! Now you could make a follow up video like “The 5 Worst Veto Holds in Big Brother History”
Devin was so dumb 😂 and when he start to cry i was dying 😂😂😂
How is it possible to do exactly what your alliance wants and still completely mess it up.
An underrated terrible veto play goes to Jameka in BB8 when she uses her own personal convictions as a sign to use the veto if she wins it save Jen in week 4. This is more so for both her play, and her challenge performance. The challenge stipulation essentially stripped her of being a HOH until the late game, making her a vote in the game and nothing else. And by removing Jen from the block, she only gave Jenn a few extra weeks in the game, and by sitting out of HOH comps, her main alliance with Amber had to rely on Amber winning HOH’s to secure their safety or put complete faith in others, who in turn were kind of mad at her for saving Jenn. Like Dick, Danielle, and Zach. Her stock in the game went down, and only went up because America/production kept throwing bones to Dick and Danielle. Even if she made it to the end with Dick or Danielle, I think it would’ve been a hard sell to her game by saying “well she sat out of 5 HOH comps, and she wasn’t a threat for a good portion of the game” all because she fought to save Jenn, who wasn’t even really “working” with her. Yeah she still might have won against Dick or Danielle, but like the case of Zach, that’s for the jury being angry with Dick and Danielle more so than respecting gameplay. I know a wins a win, but it would’ve been a pretty bad win, unless she won out in the end as opposed to being carried. It was a unecessary move imo, kind of reckless, even though I can understand her convictions to an extent.
Imma need a part two with Bb26 included bc BB26 was a groundbreaking season as far as Vetos go
Time to update this and add Makensy to the list 💀
Danielle using that veto on Dan still to this day, makes no sense at all. Note: If Dan is on the block, "keep" him on the block.
She basically said to Shane, I don't trust you to vote for Dan to stay. Shane was too nice a guy because he should have fought to the end to not have him nominee. By using the Veto not only did she lose Shane, she might have lost him as a vote in the jury if she was in the final two.
I haven’t seen not one episode of big brother ever lol I found this channel and I probably still will never watch BB but these recaps are 🔥 lol and I can’t STAND Daniel and Nicole so much lol
Nothing like waking up from an afternoon nap to see an Ethanimale video out!
I got to the end of the video and was shocked Marcellas wasn't on this list. Then, I forgot he DIDN'T use the veto lol.
I need to see Devin play Big Brother again
Happy Birthday TH-cam Rival! 🎉🎂
Thank you Lia! All I want for my birthday is to pass you in subscribers :)
@@Ethanimale lmfaooo I’m hanging on by a thread rn
Devin: I'm gonna keep this as short and quick as possible. If it's Pao and Brittany on the block, who do you want to go?
Zack : ~calmly explains that he would prefer to habe Brittany stay~
Devin: O_0 ...What are you talking about?
haha. I also think it's worth pointing out that Brittany, the person Devin used the veto to save, was unceremoniously evicted 2 weeks later just because she didn't have many allies.
I also think it's interesting that they both bonded over being parents, but by the first double eviction, Derrick was the only parent left in the game.
I’m commenting this at the start of the video: If Daniel using the veto to get Nicole and Taylor on the block isn’t on this list, I’m gonna do a flip.
Alright I’m content.
I can never get enough of Devin falling apart in BB16 lol!
Great list. If not using the veto counts I wonder where Marcellus would fall on this list. I would have it #3 after your #1 which I agree with. However at #2 I would have Daniel. Devin's was chaotic but as you said his game was already done
Think of this sick and twisted world where XAVIER IS A PAWN against little ole HANNAH
I’ve recently started watching these videos and I love how they all name their alliances 😂😂😂
The fact this got recommended to me right now is *chef's kiss*
If Daniel Durston didn't veto that duo he would have got some scrambled egg whites. That's the thing that I always think about, her specially prepared chef's dish of scrambled egg white omelette. Omg.
Dan’s a legend.. simply put.
Yeah, he just just lost because of a bitter jury. 🙄
So I gotta ask a BBCAN question, SPOILERS FOR SEASON 5:
Is Kevin using the Veto on the F5 on Ika a bad move?
Ideally it would've meant either her or Demetres would've went home and instead Dillon was evicted. I guess Kevin tried to play 5D Chess and thought Karen would keep him and therefore Kevin would have the sole vote to evict Demetres, but would it have been better for Kev to keep the noms as is?
You should do a video on times the hoh had to vote to break a tie. That is if you haven’t already. Great content as always💯
Luckily for you I have an entire video made about this subject! th-cam.com/video/VMGlBMr03Oc/w-d-xo.html
@@Ethanimale 🙏🏾
It’s crazy how amazing of a player Kyland was and then fumbles the bag at the end completely bc of his ego. I think justify his F6 HoH, but the F5 move was so insanely stupid. He literally CLEARS Hannah Azah and Derek F in any competition and probably beats all of them in the finals (maybe not with Hannah, it’d probably be a lot closer but there’s a chance.)
Day 24 of asking someone to post about Ajs instant eviction in BBCan1
It was the catalyst that caused the downfall of multiple players and Jillian’s confessionals had me dying laughing
The whole situation the way it went down was insane
I know you don’t cover BBCAN, but Jedson using the Veto on Beth instead of himself on BBCAN9 was terrible
16:13 he knew he’d leave the house ? 😂😭
Not even a mention of Marcellas?
Marcellas DIDN'T use the Veto. This is a list of worst Veto USES
The worst veto use ever is Jedson who won the veto using the veto on Beth instead and getting voted out unanimously 😂
Im just glad that we got to see David Lane in this video. He was AWESOME and i wish we got more of him on BB4
I think the worst use for a video idea from a loyal subscriber is to not use it at all. You don't want to have the worst video idea use in TH-cam history so you should rank every BB eviction.
Monte also didn't want Daniel to use the veto because Michael & Britt wanted Indy on there team for insulation
Kyland using Veto was pointless but it also really had no effect. Aza & Derick F already knew they was best and takin eachother lol
There are so many examples of why no one should trust Dan in bb lmao
My worst veto wins in big brother ORGS? None. Cause I can’t win veto’s 😭🤣
Daniel was more stock than Shame.
daniel using the vote and then nicole getting evicted was so funny
Daniel sealed Nicole fate by using the Veto then both of them got evicted in back to back weeks due to Taylor’s karma!
There’s something poetic in the Dick and Brendan uses as Dick ended up winning the game and Rachel won her game.
Can you do a video on nakomas? I feel she's an undeappriciated player and she invented the backdoor plan with the veto.
david bb4 was such a goat. wouldve loved to see him play a whole game
I would say that Frank/Jenn City using the veto on Dan after the Funeral is the worst veto use.
Ethanimale giving us juicy BB content on Labor Day?! Legend.
I was really hoping for a mention of Jed using the veto on Beth 😂
I do talk about that moment in an upcoming video!
how about when jed saved beth with the veto in bbcan9. he thought he had his allies in his corner and he was convinced by his alliance members that if beth stayed on the block she would be evicted. so he’s saved beth, leaving himself on the block thinking he had the votes to stay. then he’s blindsided and is evicted unanimously
I felt for Danielle because she constantly was used by Dan.
she dumb😂😂😂
Really? She was a pathological liar who constantly made up diseases she had and things that happened to her and she was rude to Ian. Her own friends, sorority sisters, and people who knew her were so appalled by her behavior they spoke out and refuted her lies. Danielle was disgusting.
"Devin took a massive shot" i agree with the s, h, and t parts
I saw your diary room ranking video and I have a question for you. What do you think of the diary rooms from season 24 and season 25?
I like the one from 24. 25 is a little bold for me at the moment but I think I'll grow to like it more over time
The way i cackled at #1.
matt using the dpov to put up kathy has to be one of the worst moves ever. hayden and enzo already told him he was at the bottom of the brigade. if he put up hayden, he could have effectively split up the brigade. the house would have been split into 2 brigade members and kathy vs britney, ragan, and matt. brendon probably could have been convinced to join matt’s side since the brigade lied to him and sent rachel home. the next week, britney wins hoh and evicts enzo or kathy (since she wouldn’t put up lane, matt, or ragan and brendon would be in their alliance). matt would have the numbers and could have made it further in the game, possibly even winning.
this week in bb25 i would love if they could convince Cam to use veto on Red but i doubt it will happen
I just assume production got in Danielle's way, not-so forcing her to use the veto on Dan, in order to save Ian. That said, BB14 is the only season I hear the phrase 'bitter jury', and yet Danielle was the only blatantly bitter jury member there.
this comment doesn't make any sense.. Danielle voted for Dan to win? the jury was bitter AGAINST Dan because of the fact that he was a former winner/the coaches got to enter the game. Despite Dan playing a superior game to Ian, there was never a world where they were going to vote for him to win against any of the final 4..
Dan is the only former winner to ever make it back to the final 2. that’s why you only hear bitter jury in regards to bb14, because it’s the only time any player has ever managed to do that
Nathan and Allison were having a flirty showmance. But Allison was not fully into Nathan. He was her boy toy. She thought that he was a closeted man. A gay or bi man because Nathan manscaped and would shave all of his body hair and was a little too into himself and his looks. She had no second thought to turn on him where as Nathan literally would take a bullet for her and thought Allison would be his ride or die.
People should know not to trust Dan. That’s their own fault not Dan.
Okay now do biggest missed opportunities to use the veto
No mention of Marcellas? Lol
Copy and pasting a comment I already made:
That is a time where someone didn't use the Veto. This Veto is only about times where the Veto WAS used and it was bad for their game
Where is Janelle using the veto to save Maggie in BB6? That was truly the point that cemented that a Sov Six would lose the game. Janelle had full power, HOH and Veto. She had the cult leader Maggie on the block, and she had all of the numbers to get her out then. April, Howie, James, wnd Rachel all could have evicted Maggie which would fracture the Friendship and end that alliance there and then. Maggie was the glue between Ivette/Beau and April/Jennifer. However, Janelle won veto, saved Maggie, and doomed her alliance.
They wouldn’t have fallen apart due to their strong hatred for the 6. They just would’ve grieved like a she died and built a shrine like they did for crappy. Janelle also isn’t here because her game wasn’t doomed. April said she would’ve voted for Janelle had she won the double tiebreaker final hoh meaning Janelle was very close to winning the game in a 4-3 vote. That wasn’t a terrible veto use at all and she shouldn’t be anywhere close to this list
I'd still love to see what would happen if Howie didn't put up James and Sarah. If he would have put up Jennifer and Maggie. The whole season would have changed
@itzpeanut1382 April and Ivette constantly fought with each other throughout the season and couldn't stand each other. Maggie would have to have meetings in the HOH room to get the friendship on the whole page. April and Ivette in particular were both much closer with Maggie than each other. Without Maggie there, James is Ivette's strongest bond and likely could convince her/Beau to go after Jennifer and April.
@@becbec7879 That's why I think Maggie is one of the best players of Big Brother. She made sure that she was everyone's #2. I say #2 because they were partners and their #1 would be their partner. As the partnerships were destroyed, Maggie then became #1.
Either way it didn’t matter because Howie still fucked there alliance when he flipped on James and Sarah. Basically even if Maggie gets evicted someone fork the friendship still wins. And Jen was a wayyy better option cuz Maggie was bad at comps.
It was such amazing feeds during the BB24 Nicole eviction week 😅
This season is gonna be a steamroll if America doesn’t win hoh 😭
Devin & Danielle😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I think Nathan using the veto on Alison was the worst. She could’ve been voted out week 3 instead of David. That one move changed the whole game that season. She never would’ve made it to the final two.
I have to give it to Alison though. I just rewatched that season and she was probably the most ruthless person in that house. I mean...Jun was ruthless and didn't care...but Allison literally promised everyone everything and I think by the end everyone had a knife in their back with her name on it except for Jun. Gameplay wise if people didn't hate her so much she may have actually deserved to win. I still think Jun outplayed her overall, but watching it again Alison was a force.
A little surprised marcelle not using it on himself wasn’t on this list but these are honestly worse
It’s because he (didn’t) use it and this is people who (did) use the veto
You should do top 5 worst hoh reigns of all time
“What what what”-Ian Terry
Where do you get your clips from?
I forgot how slow Devin spoke.
What about Marcelous?!
Danielle saving Dan was super dumb but AMAZING TV!!