Brothers and sisters, please pray for me as I prepare to tell my very Protestant parents of my conversion to Roman Catholicism. I am seeing them on Wednesday and I’m going to finally break the news. Pray that the peace of God which surpassing all understanding will cover me, and please pray I remain faithful to this calling to come home to Christ’s holy Church. Thank you all.
“I have come not to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. He who who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.” -Matthew 10:34-39. Be strong. I will include you in my Rosary intentions, and I will pray for the conversion of your parents.
All these Eucharistic miracles are truly mind-blowing. They should be shouted from the rooftops of the faithful, and give us even more confidence that what we believe is true.
Negative. Unverifiable “miracles” will do nothing to convert a skeptic for the same reasons it should not bolster your confidence in Catholicism. You can just google “miracles for [random religion]”......the evidence is equal for other gods
@@creatinechris I can assure you those miracles from other religions don't have the evidence we have. I do agree that this miracles won't necesarily convert skeptics but the evidence can't be denied.
Until recently when I began studying with a priest near me, I was completely unaware of the miracles that the Catholic church recognizes as verifiably from God. They are incredible proofs, and extreme faith builders. I know they are tremendously helping me in my walk as I look to converting to the One, Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.
A lot of us don't know about such miracles...I am Italian, so I heard of it, but being a "cradle" one at the same time I took a lot of stuff for granted.
To really validate this claim scientifically, we need to do a scientific method. And it's a challenge to any Catholic, 1. raw flour verified no blood sample 2.bread/host verified no blood container verified no blood 4.priest verified no blood on his hands/garments during communion 5.separate 3 hosts and put in sealed bag verified no blood.6.send each host to 3 different labs for testing and exchange hosts between labs so that each host is test on 3 labs 7. 9 test results must show that there's blood sample, this is your chance to prove your literal teaching is correct. For simplicity you one can also take 3 hosts from 3 different churches then follows steps 5 to 7.
@@jojojohn1452 you didn't get my point, regardless of whoever tested it. Don't rely on the past, since transubstantiation happens every mass you can ask for a consecrated and unconsecrated host sample and send for testing, only the consecrated one should show human genetic codes.
Blessed Carlo Acutis was devoted to the Holy Eucharist. He built websites to inform others about Eucharistic miracles and Marian apparitions around the world.
he is not blessed. Demonic pagan worshipers wolfs in sheep clothing cannot make someone blessed A website is not a miracle. People who make websites are not miracle workers.
Blessed Carlo Acutis, Pray for us! Before Carlo died (Oct. 12, 2,006), he put up his web-site, on all the different Eucharistic Miracles, which happened over the years!
websites are not miracles. People who make websites are not saints. There is nothing magically delicious about a website of "Eucharist miracles" The wolf in sheep clothing heretic, apostate, anathema Earth worshiping pagan said "We need a saint with blue jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt" and Heeerre's Carlos
I find it interesting that these miracles date back to the 1500s maybe a little earlier. And to think the Protestant Reformation which occurred in the 1500s ...maybe God trying to show us where the true sacrifice really resides in mother Church.
Why no mention of "The Miracle Within The Miracle," as it has been called? That is, that the five fragments of solidified Sacred Blood each weigh exactly the same as the others, although they are of differing sizes and sonograms have proven them all to be solid. Not only this, but when they weigh them all at one time, the entire group of five weighs only exactly the same weight as any one of them. This means that there is a Miraculous Character of the Species of Sacred Blood from the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano Italy that defies the laws of physics, and has done so in precisely the same way under repeated scientific testing. Praised be Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament of The Altar....
@@nonsuperstitiouscatholic6327 Actually, extensive scientific testing has been done on more than one occasion. All of the tissues respond as if just removed from the body, although the miracle occurred more than a thousand years ago! Scientific testing was even done by the World Health Organization who approached it from skeptical position, but could offer no scientific explanation for the miraculous preservation and the fact that unexplainable properties exist. And as stated in my original post, the miraculous weight phenomena is scientifically repeatable. Which reveals that science has no explanation. This is how the church is able to Define it as a miracle. Yes, Miracles still happen. This one happened in 750 ad, and the miraculous nature of Our Precious Lord's Body and Blood subsists.
In 1971, the specimens were analyzed by Odoardo Linoli, a professor in anatomy and pathological histology as well as chemistry and clinical microscopy, and former head of the Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy at the Hospital of Arezzo.[4] He published his results in Quaderni Sclavo di Diagnostica Clinica e di Laboratori in 1971.[5][4][6] Linoli's analysis was confirmed in 1981 by Ruggero Bertelli, a retired professor of human anatomy at the University of Siena.[2] According to Linoli's study, the flesh is human cardiac tissue of type AB. He said he found proteins in the blood in the same proportions as are found in the sero-proteic make-up of normal blood. Linoli found no trace of preservatives.[6] And the verified Eucharistic miracles after this have the same AB blood type and living cardiac tissue.
Miracle ,miracle ,miracle Jesus truly present in the bread and wine every time the priest consecrates the hosts into the body and blood of Jesus Christ !!!
@@jacobhilderman not so sure. Our father is not only giving us everything, he's also the one ou who welcomes everyone the exact same way; with pure Love. If we really want to let God enter in our lives, the very first step is to freely give ourselves to him. There would be no Love without that free choice we can make. And of course He will let everyone enter in His house, He's waiting for all of us. These are just my thoughts. I know O is the type we would first expect but God is not at His first surprise haha!
@@albertbenny431 God has already given all of Himself to you and He always will, it's His very nature. The hard part is for the finite selfish being that were are, to completly give ourselves to Him. That's the condition if we really want to be united with Him, in flesh and blood.
@@infinitame0517 But the claim being made, since we are on the subject of the blood type being symbolic, is that which would be more symbolic of Jesus' blood? Having the blood type of a universal donor or universal receiver? I would say that it would be more symbollicalyy meaningful if Jesus had the blood of a universal donor, no?
John 6:53 In the words of Jesus " Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." John 6:60 His disciples murmured "This saying is hard, who can accept it"? And many of them no longer accompanied him. Then Jesus said to the Twelve "Do you also want to leave?"
@@Strive1974 By his resurrection, Jesus has opened up the gates of heaven for us and this is where Jesus will take us when he raises us on our last day on earth, he has offered us eternal life, but yes, we also do need to keep each and every Commandment written on the stone tablet as well as the one given by Jesus of loving thy neighbour as one loves themselves. While on earth, during the Holy Mass when the Priest raises the Host and says this is the Body of Jesus which will be given up for you and does likewise with the Wine that turns into the real Blood of Jesus, and when you receive the Body and Blood of Jesus into your heart, and feel the presence and peace of Jesus penetrating deep within your soul, you know that at that moment your heart, your body, your mind and your blood are being cleansed of sin and you become stronger in the love and strength of Jesus and you tell Jesus that you will try not to hurt and offend him again, and then when you feel this overwhelming joy and peace in your heart, you know that you are home.
This one’s coming will be according to the working of Satan, with all power and miraculous signs and deceiving wonders, and with all the deception of unrighteousness among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe the lie, that they all might be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
@@olivetaelizabeth Now the Spirit clearly states that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared as with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 1 Timothy 4:1-3
The Holy Eucharist is the true worship and sacrifice to God, and now there are Catholics who say all religions worship the "same god" with different ways, I dare to know a person who is not a Catholic and wholeheartedly accept the true presence and divinity of God in the consecrated Bread and Wine and bow down in front of the Holy Eucharist. Rejecting the true presence of God in the Holy Eucharist is rejecting God, that means you do not know God, you do not follow His words and revelations.
@@creatinechris The veil of Veronica used to wipe the face of Jesus as he went to his crucifixion was also discovered to include type AB blood. Not a coincidence.
@@badmoon5249 interesting. I didn’t know that. How did you determine: 1) this rag wiped Jesus’ face 2) the blood on the rag was Jesus’ blood and not someone else’s (over the past 2000 yrs it wasn’t contaminated) 3) and who conducted this blood test and where did they publish these findings?
Thank you .. Eucharistic Presence in the Universal Catholic Church is the Dource and Summit of Spirituality God Calls not just Catholics but the Human Race.. Let's Pray the Holy Spirit leads the Bsptized to Higher mission of Evangelism. Like Saul to Paul. Amen
I'm learning Italian (Spanish is my first language), and I was so happy when he read the translation because I got most of it right haha. Just a bit of encouragement for me to continue studying the language.
Thank you Matt, I am a little surprised at your skepticism though. The same proofs were shown in the Eucharistic miracles at Poland and Argentina when Frances was archbishop. There are so many proofs in the character of miracles. Yet many DO NOT recognise Jesus' presence after the consecration of the Eucharist. My favourite is that of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which occurred at the time of the reformation. It brought about the conversion of millions of people because of the presentation of the image; predominately the dress which She was clothed in. But what was not known until more recent times was that the "pregnant" image was of human temperature, has a heart beat and is not "fixed" to the tilma of Juan Diego but is FLOATING above it. As well, the cloak of Our Lady, has the star "layout" signs for the ACTUAL date of the apparition! P.S. I am also AB+ and understand that this type it is only around 800 years old!?
You're using the word proof there, pretty loosely. And the "evidence" was given by one single man(his word) because they don't want to retest it every so often. Skepticism is realistic. Until you are a biologist and investigate the specimen yourself, you can't call it proof.
@@adamhiggins2160but what you said makes even the events of your whole life that you based upon as questionable like i understand your point basically we take people s word for things all the time
INVITE DOCTOR Castanon TO THE SHOW! He was an atheist that was asked by the church to analyze a EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE and he became Catholic afterwards! Your lack of faith makes me cry 😭 MY GOD AND MY LORD 🙏🏼
@@alecfoster5542 Why should a non-superstitious person have to wear a derogatory tag like heretic, apostate, atheist or infidel just because the superstitious majority say so...?
"“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” (John 6:53-55)". As a Catholic free from mortal sin - if you receive the Eucharist twice daily the effect on your soul is amazing. You become completely filled with grace and peace.
Thete have been contemporary eucharistic miracles that have produced even more astounding scientific results, because of advanced technology. In Buenos Aires, in Poland (twice). This story is a little out of date (but still true). There is no longer a reason to say, "alleged" miracle. The eucharistic host has all the elements of LIVING TISSUE.
The miracle confuses me a bit. I’m hoping someone could explain instead of insulting me. If the miracles are indicative of the Catholic belief, would they not happen every time there was left over? Along with that, why have the accidentals?
Miracles were never meant to hide away or be kept to only ONE group. God gives the world miracles to bring non belivers to Him and belivers belief stronger.
Why would it be that the Church saw it necessary to burn 'heretics' at the stake when it had these miracles to prove its case to represent God on Earth?
A eucharistic miracle occurred on 25 February 1995 in the case of Fr Ronald John McKeirnan, Faith Education Coordinator of the roman catholic church role group, Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, as documented with reference numbers at several of the Pope's Congregations and Councils and at several secular authorities. This miracle was in the keeping or allowing in uncertainty of belief with no solely human agency of the inseparability and qualitative equality of marriage and eucharist by a valid and proper family member of a valid and proper marriage. This keeping was in this family member exercising an absolute power of authorisation of applications of ensuring valid and proper reception of valid and proper eucharist and insuring valid and proper reception of valid and proper marriage. This miracle without solely human agency was of a priest, Fr S. Alec Wagner, on 24 January 1995 at cost of certain loss of his status as a priest providing to me a copy of my witnessed by him statement supplied to him of which there were no other copies of information of complaints of abuse of marriage, dated 21 January 1995, enabling the withstanding of the extreme tensions caused by complaints of abuse of reception of eucharist. The miracle is in uncertainty of belief with no other possible explanations this keeping or allowing as confirmed by being a reference point, through both advice and example, for Pope Francis by his associating together with this family member for his withstanding from six days after his election as documented the extreme tensions caused by abuse of these receptions of eucharist and marriage. Withstanding these extreme tensions by Pope Francis was documented in particular from 10 June 2021 in the cases of alleged embezzlement of eucharistic gifts by Cardinal Angelo Becciu and nine others and a risk of fraud on marriage need by passing of the "Zan" anti-homophobia bill before the Italian Parliament in de facto abrogating this church group's teaching and law on these receptions. That in uncertainty belief as a miracle and no human agency caused these valid receptions is the proof of the miracles both of eucharist and marriage and of their inseparability and qualitative equality and by this keeping of the inseparability and equality in quantity and quality of both ensuring helper of the family within the family gift roles and insuring of identities of valid and proper members of valid and proper marriages need of union. What is and does the miracle of in uncertainty belief is this keeping or allowing without solely human agency in this proving of eucharist and marriage previously misrepresented by all.
AB+ blood does have universal plasma, but me, as a AB+ type, getting blood can only be from AB+ blood or O type which both are rare. That's why doctors are always asking for this type because it is rare. They especially like the plasma because not only is it universal but in my case, I have more plasma in my blood than other types.
So just a minor detail note. This kind of bugs me a little bit. The use of the word circa for approximately. And this is totally not on point I know. I don't think there's any reason to believe that someone would accidentally misplace the date of one of these Eucharistic miracles. This would be a foundational experience. It makes sense that personally I might lose track of the fact that somewhere within my four years at seminary (2013-2017) I encountered the Tridentine Traditional Latin Mass. And so I might say "about 2016..." And so on. But to have misplaced the date of a Eucharistic miracle?! That seems a little far-fetched. So I wonder if the word circa, instead of approximately or about, might instead mean "within" as in, "within the year...."
4:14 The host speaks, and it sounds like Matt Fradd. It's as if, after the priest gave an account of the host, the host itself was bewildered about it's own alleged origin/history/nature. 😉 By Matt putting the image of the host over where he was, it's as if he's trying to send a symbolic message to the audience of this show, also. Namely, that he's the host of this show. 😉
@@creatinechris academia won't touch something that would prove the miraculous nature of these events. On the flip side, Catholicism doesn't need academia's approval
@@creatinechris because they're secular and liberal. This would be viewed as an attack on their world. The days of scientists following the scientific method are long gone
I don’t kno about eucarist but holy communion is symbolic in remembrance of Christ; also in John 6 were Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood, his very next sentence is ; the words I speak are Spirit and truth; He was talking about a spiritual thing not literally eating his body, this would b idolatry and canabalism! Not to mention millions of Eucharistic believers would consume him and there’d b no more physical Christ; Yeshuas words were spiritual and symbolic; do this in MEMORY of Me❤
Jayson .M. l shall surely pray 🙏 for your intention, remember you in my daily rosary .May God bless 🙌 and guide you to the best of His Holy Will with the Holy Spirit leading you. Pray to Mother Mary the blessed mother of Jesus for guidance 🙏.
10:33 "I can understand that there is this kind of picking and choosing going on, just like with the shroud." In other words, "I can understand that people value investigation and verification over having blind faith." I don't understand why Fr. Terry seems so uneasy with letting skeptics evaluate the Host as much as they like. Doesn't Truth have nothing to fear?
Don’t really see how this would be blind faith at all. An expert determined it was just flesh and blood, and even regardless we can tell that the preservation is astounding for something that clearly couldn’t have any preservatives. And, not to mention, the improbability of a fraud in Medieval ages. Even then, we know that the results were double-checked. So there you go.
@@jupiter2448 "improbability of a fraud in Medieval ages" I would recommend you read up on the rampant fraudulent peddling of relics specifically during the Medieval ages because such relics could be manufactured cheaply but fetched a high price.
@@lucasprzybyla7084 no. As in this particular case the scientists determined that fraud would be inexplicable for even a **skilled** 8th century surgeon. I know that some even went as far as pretending to be monks and whatever, but in this case it just seems like a bridge too far. You’d seriously burn at the stake for this stuff.
@@lucasprzybyla7084 “oops, accidentally just made a surgically impossible cross section of human heart tissue” And this miracle simply isn’t the same as the foreskin one. Unlike that one, nobody just “found” a randomly disk of human flesh and decided to claim it was from Jesus.
Jesus warned against observing miracles, did he not? I have little doubt about the veracity of "wonders and signs" that religious people are claiming to have seen. But the words of Jesus keep coming to my mind. "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible." Matthew 24:24. Please save your time and energy. Countless ones have already tried to educate me on the eucharist, all to no avail.
Rest it prot, miracles happen, not like anyone is going to mass looking for the Host to change it's nature. You guys are so self righteous honestly it's tiring
I've heard the opposite, where AB+ has been the most common blood type to be found. What's interesting about that is AB+ is considered the universal receiver, with Christ being the "universal receiver" of mankind.
In the original interview, a person Cory Cook asked about Y chromosome in 1:21:30. A male has a XY chromosome. The X comes from mum and Y comes from dad. Cory is saying Jesus should only one 1 X but no Y since He doesn't have a biological father. On a separate note, a human has 46 chromosomes. 23 from mum and 23 from dad. As Jesus is fully man and fully God, he should have only 23 chromosomes given by Mary. It would be amazing if DNA testing can be carries out to ascertain how many chromosomes there are. And if there is a Y chromosome. I know Ron Wyatt claimed to have done something along these lines but he was a controversial figure and his sample of suspect. It is best to carry out any DNA analysis on credible sources of Eucharistic miracles.
I don’t know if the Church says anything on this, but in my personal opinion I don’t think any of Jesus’s DNA comes from Mary. God could have done anything he wanted. I think all that mattered was the He grew in her womb and was birthed by her. Either that or at the beginning the Trinity created the Holy Sperm that would fertilize Mary’s egg so as not to break the law Conversation of Mass. Or Jesus back to the original Jesus’ body is just composed of atoms around the world that was transported into Mary’s womb. We may just have to wait till we get to Heaven and ask.
As a Catholic from Latin America, there's a scientist called Ricardo Castañon who was previously atheist until he was given the task of studying an eucharistic miracle, which if I'm not mistaken happened in Argentina (being present the back then bishop I think, now Pope Francis). I can almost confirm (long time haven't watched the videos) that he has said that indeed, in the blood that he has studied (he has continued to study many other eucharistic miracles) the only Chromosome that's present is the one of the female/mother. You can search for his talks here in TH-cam, they're only in spanish as far as I can tell, search "dr Ricardo Castañon milagros eucarísticos", they're quite interesting, and usually doesn´t only cover eucharistic miracles but other studies he has done or that he is doing.
Wait guys, I've been searching for the part where he says it in one of the YT videos but haven't found it (I've only taken quick looks at the videos), he talks about the DNA being irretraceable but as I said, I haven't found the part where he mentions it, so please take this with a grain of salt, I'll keep searching. He came in 2019 to one of our local churches (most YT videos are 2015-2017), and some family of mine went to that talk, and in that talk he did say it. I repeat, take this with a grain of salt, I'll keep searching, thank you.
DNA analysis is not permitted by the Church to be used on any Eucharistic miracle, because it requires the deliberate destruction of part of the sacred object, constituting a sacrilege. No doubt someday soon methods will have advanced to where analysis will be possible while allowing for complete conservation.
Why are people still doubting the real presence of Christ in the Host??? Your so called science and logic intelligence is insignificant against the Trinity... MD
How do u know the bread wasn't swaped for heart flesh? (As unsual as it would be for someone to get such a thing) it would be a more reasoable explanation?
how the epitaph first that is the source right there. Put up the epitaph No one can read it But it is an authentic image of the real McCoy Take a deep breath everybody
To really validate this claim scientifically, we need to do a scientific method. And it's a challenge to any Catholic, 1. raw flour verified no blood sample 2.bread/host verified no blood container verified no blood 4.priest verified no blood on his hands/garments during communion 5.separate 3 hosts and put in sealed bag verified no blood.6.send each host to 3 different labs for testing and exchange hosts between labs so that each host is test on 3 labs 7. 9 test results must show that there's blood sample, this is your chance to prove your literal teaching is correct. For simplicity you one can also take 3 hosts from 3 different churches then follows steps 5 to 7.
Eucharistic miracles are very rare. 99 percent of the time the host will appear to be the same to a scientist doing an investigation. The appearance will remain the same, the substance will change. That's why it's called transubstantiation. For example if a woman marries a man on her wedding day, she will look the same only now she is a married woman not an unmarried one. Not a very good analogy I know. Or when a person gets baptized, they are now a new person in Christ. They still look the same but they have been changed. We trust Jesus' words that's why we believe it. I don't know what religion you are but Protestants stopped believing it but the Catholic Church believed all along. True Christianity from the beginning believed this.
@@mariemunzar6474 "In 1551, the Council of Trent declared that the doctrine of transubstantiation is a dogma of faith[53] and stated that "by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation" ->change of the whole substance into the body of Christ.
I would just like to caution/remind everyone about the miracles Pharoah's magicians performed. They also performed in ways (likely with satanic powers) that tried to cheapen God's power. Ultimately, God's power conquered. But I don't think it's wise to jump for joy at every sight of "miracles".
What would be the greatest miracle ever would be if some of these priests went and gave some of their wealth and possessions to the poor instead of talking talking talking and more talking go and make some contribution to society
what wealth and possessions are you talking about? are you serious? do you even know where these priests live, for one? i'm not even catholic but this is insanity. priests are involved in all kinds of good deeds. it's a part of their calling. the Church is one of the leading organs involved in charity in the world. you should be commenting this under some evangelical prosperity gospel pastor's video. they be flying private jets.
There’s quite a few if you go by a quick search. Lourdes is pretty popular as a healing spot, so are some areas with famous Saints and relics. Part of the canonization process for Saints is the verification of at least 2 miracles, and there’s a lot of medical ones listed. As in cancers and tumors that doctors couldn’t take out, and then later testing reveals it’s completely gone. Just depends where ya look and if you’re actually open to evidence or not.
There would have been a very good reason why the findings were never peer reviewed before they were published. No reputable scientist would be prepared to validate such a load of total nonsense. You can bet that the Italian scientist who claimed it was an Eucharistic miracle also believes that talking snakes are real. The reason the church is reluctant to have it tested in a modern forensic laboratory by proper scientists is because they want to keep it a mystery, not because it's a precious holy relic.
Imagine mocking the Bible but pretending to be Catholic. Talk about "nonsense." Also, the 'scientific community' is not made of robots, but of humans. On top of that, it's self-curated. They don't allow some people in their community. Take evolution as a dividing line. If they concede that Jesus showed the reality of the Eucharist via a miracle whereby they could physically detect His blood therein, they would have to all become Catholics. You can't concede one without the other. Scientists are not bias-less. The 'scientific community' supports abortion and transgendering the children and the non-existence of male and female, and mothers (oh, sorry, birthing people). How 'objective' can they be. How open to the reality of Christianity/open to studies proving it, can they be? Which modern forensiv labratory with 'proper scientists' is fully ready to become Catholic and avoid whatever sins is stopping them from doing so? Name it, name those scientists who are willing to become Catholic please?
@@davidbeazley633 And the reports of the several Eucharistic miracles since then that have the same exact findings. It’s not my fault that you don’t want to believe the science.
If he saw the host made flesh and the wine made blood - it was demonic. Jesus was PRESENT when he said this is my flesh and this is my blood. They are symbols and that was clear in the upper room when he broke the bread and passed the wine. It is the Roman church that made it an object of idolatry, and it is convenient that only the priest may bring Christ down. This is heresy, idolatry, and makes a mockery of the Lord’s supper. Repent and return to primitive NT Christianity. Abandon papal heresies, myths and old wives tales. You need to return to the warnings of Timothy.
@@Spiritualwrestler thanks for calling Jesus Christ Belzebub, you have done wonderfully like your ancestors -the pharisees. Continue to grieve the Holy Spirit the best you can.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@@Christusvinci No, I am calling the sacrament of the Eucharist idolatry, not Christ. Jesus Christ is not present in the bread, but is Risen and seated at the right hand of the Father. Your priests make a mockery of His death by claiming to bring Him down in every mass. This is papal tradition and not biblical truth. Learn the difference or continue believing a lie. Your calls
@@Spiritualwrestler well just as this sign on the shroud is perplexing, so is the eucharist. You are dealing with God who took flesh, so put that in sight when making your conclusions. I can't wait for the day, a certain curious professional will test the blood for the two sources at the same time 😂😂😂😂😂
@@Christusvinci how can you put so much hope on the priesthood to offer you Christ’s body and blood? If their intention, be wrong, they worship a piece of bread and not the body of Christ and offer you and countless thousands idolatry and not Christ throughout their ministries. Your own traditions also kept millions of adherents to the faith from Christ’s blood, only allowing the wine to be shared after Vatican II. No. I prefer to practice NT discipleship, understanding that Christ cannot be sacrificed by a type of the OT priesthood in your priests, but trust in Jesus’ once for all sacrifice who alone stood in the order of Melchizedek. Oh that your eyes would be open to the truth and freeing gospel of Jesus and experience the grace of God in knowing you have been forgiven, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and even now seated in the heavens, secure in the knowledge of your salvation by faith- not by the Roman church. Repent. Romans 6:9. Christ being raised from the dead dies no more.
Brothers and sisters, please pray for me as I prepare to tell my very Protestant parents of my conversion to Roman Catholicism. I am seeing them on Wednesday and I’m going to finally break the news. Pray that the peace of God which surpassing all understanding will cover me, and please pray I remain faithful to this calling to come home to Christ’s holy Church. Thank you all.
“I have come not to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and he who does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. He who who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it.” -Matthew 10:34-39.
Be strong. I will include you in my Rosary intentions, and I will pray for the conversion of your parents.
Will say a prayer brother! 🙏🏼
May God bless you and courage brother!
Praying for ya, good luck
My prayers.
All these Eucharistic miracles are truly mind-blowing. They should be shouted from the rooftops of the faithful, and give us even more confidence that what we believe is true.
Negative. Unverifiable “miracles” will do nothing to convert a skeptic for the same reasons it should not bolster your confidence in Catholicism. You can just google “miracles for [random religion]”......the evidence is equal for other gods
You’ll only hear it if your ready
@@margaretmcgarry7796 what will I hear if I’m ready?
@@creatinechris I can assure you those miracles from other religions don't have the evidence we have. I do agree that this miracles won't necesarily convert skeptics but the evidence can't be denied.
Until recently when I began studying with a priest near me, I was completely unaware of the miracles that the Catholic church recognizes as verifiably from God. They are incredible proofs, and extreme faith builders. I know they are tremendously helping me in my walk as I look to converting to the One, Holy, Apostolic, Catholic Church.
A lot of us don't know about such miracles...I am Italian, so I heard of it, but being a "cradle" one at the same time I took a lot of stuff for granted.
To really validate this claim scientifically, we need to do a scientific method. And it's a challenge to any Catholic, 1. raw flour verified no blood sample 2.bread/host verified no blood container verified no blood 4.priest verified no blood on his hands/garments during communion 5.separate 3 hosts and put in sealed bag verified no blood.6.send each host to 3 different labs for testing and exchange hosts between labs so that each host is test on 3 labs 7. 9 test results must show that there's blood sample, this is your chance to prove your literal teaching is correct. For simplicity you one can also take 3 hosts from 3 different churches then follows steps 5 to 7.
@@jbangz2023 it is given to atheist scientists not any believers
@@jojojohn1452 you didn't get my point, regardless of whoever tested it. Don't rely on the past, since transubstantiation happens every mass you can ask for a consecrated and unconsecrated host sample and send for testing, only the consecrated one should show human genetic codes.
@@jbangz2023 do u think they never checked that? a r u saying the neurologist or a scientist doesn't have that basic common sense. then no problem 👍
Blessed Carlo Acutis was devoted to the Holy Eucharist. He built websites to inform others about Eucharistic miracles and Marian apparitions around the world.
he is not blessed. Demonic pagan worshipers wolfs in sheep clothing cannot make someone blessed
A website is not a miracle. People who make websites are not miracle workers.
He is a Saint 🙏🙏🙏 his body has not corrupt
Do you know the website?
@@TheworldhatesusnetworkJust Google Search Carlo Acutis Eucharist Website. I'm reading everyday.
@@mrcrux213His body is not incorrupt. Please don't spread false information.
It's always the heart of our Lord. We are so lucky He loves us!
Mom and I went to Lanciano four years ago. It was stunning. God left an "easter egg" for the 20th century.
Blessed Carlo Acutis, Pray for us! Before Carlo died (Oct. 12, 2,006), he put up his web-site, on all the different Eucharistic Miracles, which happened over the years!
Amen! He is my confirmation Saint
@@john45280 he is not a saint. Only popes can make saints. Not a son of Satan. Bergoglio is a child of darkness.
websites are not miracles. People who make websites are not saints. There is nothing magically delicious about a website of "Eucharist miracles" The wolf in sheep clothing heretic, apostate, anathema Earth worshiping pagan said "We need a saint with blue jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt" and Heeerre's Carlos
Praise God for such miracle to inspire faithfuls & those who are in doubts. JESUS CHRIST is REAL!
I find it interesting that these miracles date back to the 1500s maybe a little earlier. And to think the Protestant Reformation which occurred in the 1500s ...maybe God trying to show us where the true sacrifice really resides in mother Church.
Why no mention of "The Miracle Within The Miracle," as it has been called? That is, that the five fragments of solidified Sacred Blood each weigh exactly the same as the others, although they are of differing sizes and sonograms have proven them all to be solid. Not only this, but when they weigh them all at one time, the entire group of five weighs only exactly the same weight as any one of them.
This means that there is a Miraculous Character of the Species of Sacred Blood from the Eucharistic Miracle at Lanciano Italy that defies the laws of physics, and has done so in precisely the same way under repeated scientific testing.
Praised be Jesus in The Blessed Sacrament of The Altar....
Obviously the scales used are broken..
@@nonsuperstitiouscatholic6327 Actually, extensive scientific testing has been done on more than one occasion. All of the tissues respond as if just removed from the body, although the miracle occurred more than a thousand years ago! Scientific testing was even done by the World Health Organization who approached it from skeptical position, but could offer no scientific explanation for the miraculous preservation and the fact that unexplainable properties exist. And as stated in my original post, the miraculous weight phenomena is scientifically repeatable. Which reveals that science has no explanation. This is how the church is able to Define it as a miracle. Yes, Miracles still happen. This one happened in 750 ad, and the miraculous nature of Our Precious Lord's Body and Blood subsists.
When someone starts with alleged, what do you expect?
where can I read up more on this?
@@mnmmnm925 read Eucharistic Miracles by Joan Carroll Cruz.
In 1971, the specimens were analyzed by Odoardo Linoli, a professor in anatomy and pathological histology as well as chemistry and clinical microscopy, and former head of the Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy at the Hospital of Arezzo.[4] He published his results in Quaderni Sclavo di Diagnostica Clinica e di Laboratori in 1971.[5][4][6] Linoli's analysis was confirmed in 1981 by Ruggero Bertelli, a retired professor of human anatomy at the University of Siena.[2]
According to Linoli's study, the flesh is human cardiac tissue of type AB. He said he found proteins in the blood in the same proportions as are found in the sero-proteic make-up of normal blood. Linoli found no trace of preservatives.[6]
And the verified Eucharistic miracles after this have the same AB blood type and living cardiac tissue.
Miracle ,miracle ,miracle Jesus truly present in the bread and wine every time the priest consecrates the hosts into the body and blood of Jesus Christ !!!
If I remember well the blood type was AB+, which is the universal blood type receiver. Interesting symbolic element of the miracle!
O makes a lot more sense
@@jacobhilderman not so sure. Our father is not only giving us everything, he's also the one ou who welcomes everyone the exact same way; with pure Love. If we really want to let God enter in our lives, the very first step is to freely give ourselves to him. There would be no Love without that free choice we can make. And of course He will let everyone enter in His house, He's waiting for all of us.
These are just my thoughts. I know O is the type we would first expect but God is not at His first surprise haha!
I don't really get the symbolic part, souldn't it he O negative? Given to all freely?
@@albertbenny431 God has already given all of Himself to you and He always will, it's His very nature. The hard part is for the finite selfish being that were are, to completly give ourselves to Him. That's the condition if we really want to be united with Him, in flesh and blood.
@@infinitame0517 But the claim being made, since we are on the subject of the blood type being symbolic, is that which would be more symbolic of Jesus' blood?
Having the blood type of a universal donor or universal receiver?
I would say that it would be more symbollicalyy meaningful if Jesus had the blood of a universal donor, no?
John 6:53 In the words of Jesus " Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." John 6:60 His disciples murmured "This saying is hard, who can accept it"? And many of them no longer accompanied him. Then Jesus said to the Twelve "Do you also want to leave?"
"Where would we go?"
@@Strive1974 By his resurrection, Jesus has opened up the gates of heaven for us and this is where Jesus will take us when he raises us on our last day on earth, he has offered us eternal life, but yes, we also do need to keep each and every Commandment written on the stone tablet as well as the one given by Jesus of loving thy neighbour as one loves themselves. While on earth, during the Holy Mass when the Priest raises the Host and says this is the Body of Jesus which will be given up for you and does likewise with the Wine that turns into the real Blood of Jesus, and when you receive the Body and Blood of Jesus into your heart, and feel the presence and peace of Jesus penetrating deep within your soul, you know that at that moment your heart, your body, your mind and your blood are being cleansed of sin and you become stronger in the love and strength of Jesus and you tell Jesus that you will try not to hurt and offend him again, and then when you feel this overwhelming joy and peace in your heart, you know that you are home.
This one’s coming will be according to the working of Satan, with all power and miraculous signs and deceiving wonders, and with all the deception of unrighteousness among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, so that they will believe the lie, that they all might be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
@@Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz482 Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself: how then shall his kingdom stand?
@@olivetaelizabeth Now the Spirit clearly states that in later times some will depart from the faith, giving attention to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscience seared as with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.
1 Timothy 4:1-3
May God bless you. May God bless your parents. May the Word guide you.
The Holy Eucharist is the true worship and sacrifice to God, and now there are Catholics who say all religions worship the "same god" with different ways, I dare to know a person who is not a Catholic and wholeheartedly accept the true presence and divinity of God in the consecrated Bread and Wine and bow down in front of the Holy Eucharist. Rejecting the true presence of God in the Holy Eucharist is rejecting God, that means you do not know God, you do not follow His words and revelations.
The blood found on the Shroud of Turin was also found to be type AB
Loving the info in here 👌🏽
The language on the marble slab is definitely Italian, not Latin. :)
The blood type on the Shroud of Turin is AB.
Is that Jesus’ blood type?
@@creatinechris The veil of Veronica used to wipe the face of Jesus as he went to his crucifixion was also discovered to include type AB blood. Not a coincidence.
@@badmoon5249 interesting. I didn’t know that. How did you determine:
1) this rag wiped Jesus’ face
2) the blood on the rag was Jesus’ blood and not someone else’s (over the past 2000 yrs it wasn’t contaminated)
3) and who conducted this blood test and where did they publish these findings?
@@creatinechris You don’t have to believe. There is lots of studies on the interwebs, do some research and see what you think.
Well, the miracles pf lourdes have lots of doctors as witnesses, in case you don’t believe in the Lanciano one
Our God is amazing! He continues to make himself known in various ways. ❤
Thank you .. Eucharistic Presence in the Universal Catholic Church is the Dource and Summit of Spirituality God Calls not just Catholics but the Human Race.. Let's Pray the Holy Spirit leads the Bsptized to Higher mission of Evangelism. Like Saul to Paul. Amen
1:00 Italian: Fr. Donahue's translation is spot on.
I'm learning Italian (Spanish is my first language), and I was so happy when he read the translation because I got most of it right haha. Just a bit of encouragement for me to continue studying the language.
Thank you Matt, I am a little surprised at your skepticism though. The same proofs were shown in the Eucharistic miracles at Poland and Argentina when Frances was archbishop. There are so many proofs in the character of miracles. Yet many DO NOT recognise Jesus' presence after the consecration of the Eucharist. My favourite is that of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which occurred at the time of the reformation. It brought about the conversion of millions of people because of the presentation of the image; predominately the dress which She was clothed in. But what was not known until more recent times was that the "pregnant" image was of human temperature, has a heart beat and is not "fixed" to the tilma of Juan Diego but is FLOATING above it. As well, the cloak of Our Lady, has the star "layout" signs for the ACTUAL date of the apparition! P.S. I am also AB+ and understand that this type it is only around 800 years old!?
You're using the word proof there, pretty loosely. And the "evidence" was given by one single man(his word) because they don't want to retest it every so often. Skepticism is realistic. Until you are a biologist and investigate the specimen yourself, you can't call it proof.
@@adamhiggins2160but what you said makes even the events of your whole life that you based upon as questionable like i understand your point basically we take people s word for things all the time
@@adamhiggins2160 until i become a marine biologist i refuse to believe fish exist
@@Poggers7718 if god is real, he gave you the ability to think. You should try using it.
Ive just published a video on the Eucharist miracle housed in Orvieto. Part 1 of 3!! So excited to produce the other two videos!
Amazing 💟
Jesus Christ gives us his heart…it brings me to tears. I pray for to love Him with all of my heart.❤️✝️
INVITE DOCTOR Castanon TO THE SHOW! He was an atheist that was asked by the church to analyze a EUCHARISTIC MIRACLE and he became Catholic afterwards! Your lack of faith makes me cry 😭 MY GOD AND MY LORD 🙏🏼
I saw him live. Good man
It might be worth stating that faith in the Real Presence does not depend on these miracles.
Blessed are they that have not seen, but believe
@@josephtravers777 Indeed.
Faith is nothing more than an unsubstantiated gut-feeling...
@@nonsuperstitiouscatholic6327 If you actually would just admit that you are an atheist we would have more respect for you.
@@alecfoster5542 Why should a non-superstitious person have to wear a derogatory tag like heretic, apostate, atheist or infidel just because the superstitious majority say so...?
Could you do video on eucharistic miracle in 1996 Buenos Aires? Where Holy Eucharist turned into heart muscle?
Shroud of Turin had AB blood as well, a blood type that can give to everyone but receive from a few.
#2! Thanks for making these videos, Matt. If you haven't already, go sign up to be a Patreon ;)
Beato Carlos Acutis did reports on Eucharistic Miracles precisely because of the lack of the information.
"“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” (John 6:53-55)".
As a Catholic free from mortal sin - if you receive the Eucharist twice daily the effect on your soul is amazing. You become completely filled with grace and peace.
The face of Jesus appeared on a host, given to me by my priest.. It was the same face as on the Shroud of Turin.
Now we've this Miracle in our state Nagaland, India. I'm so happy and excited if it turns out to be true after investigation. ❤
Where can I read about this Miracle?
What app do you use for recording this? Because I want to know to make more videos about Our Lord
It wasn't for the people then, it is for us NOW!
Thank you, God bless
Thete have been contemporary eucharistic miracles that have produced even more astounding scientific results, because of advanced technology. In Buenos Aires, in Poland (twice). This story is a little out of date (but still true). There is no longer a reason to say, "alleged" miracle. The eucharistic host has all the elements of LIVING TISSUE.
I have seen this! I have seen Communion wine turn a dark red colour.
The miracle confuses me a bit. I’m hoping someone could explain instead of insulting me. If the miracles are indicative of the Catholic belief, would they not happen every time there was left over? Along with that, why have the accidentals?
Awesome video. What programs do you use
Miracles were never meant to hide away or be kept to only ONE group. God gives the world miracles to bring non belivers to Him and belivers belief stronger.
Nossa Senhora cubra com seu manto sagrado a Santa Igreja Católica 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🙏🙏🙏
Welcome, Home!
But we all take the communion every Sunday- so what are the miracles thru each of us every week?????
Why would it be that the Church saw it necessary to burn 'heretics' at the stake when it had these miracles to prove its case to represent God on Earth?
because the Church is true, its truth isn’t built upon its sinners but instead built upon Jesus Christ our Lord
A eucharistic miracle occurred on 25 February 1995 in the case of Fr Ronald John McKeirnan, Faith Education Coordinator of the roman catholic church role group, Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia, as documented with reference numbers at several of the Pope's Congregations and Councils and at several secular authorities.
This miracle was in the keeping or allowing in uncertainty of belief with no solely human agency of the inseparability and qualitative equality of marriage and eucharist by a valid and proper family member of a valid and proper marriage.
This keeping was in this family member exercising an absolute power of authorisation of applications of ensuring valid and proper reception of valid and proper eucharist and insuring valid and proper reception of valid and proper marriage.
This miracle without solely human agency was of a priest, Fr S. Alec Wagner, on 24 January 1995 at cost of certain loss of his status as a priest providing to me a copy of my witnessed by him statement supplied to him of which there were no other copies of information of complaints of abuse of marriage, dated 21 January 1995, enabling the withstanding of the extreme tensions caused by complaints of abuse of reception of eucharist.
The miracle is in uncertainty of belief with no other possible explanations this keeping or allowing as confirmed by being a reference point, through both advice and example, for Pope Francis by his associating together with this family member for his withstanding from six days after his election as documented the extreme tensions caused by abuse of these receptions of eucharist and marriage.
Withstanding these extreme tensions by Pope Francis was documented in particular from 10 June 2021 in the cases of alleged embezzlement of eucharistic gifts by Cardinal Angelo Becciu and nine others and a risk of fraud on marriage need by passing of the "Zan" anti-homophobia bill before the Italian Parliament in de facto abrogating this church group's teaching and law on these receptions.
That in uncertainty belief as a miracle and no human agency caused these valid receptions is the proof of the miracles both of eucharist and marriage and of their inseparability and qualitative equality and by this keeping of the inseparability and equality in quantity and quality of both ensuring helper of the family within the family gift roles and insuring of identities of valid and proper members of valid and proper marriages need of union.
What is and does the miracle of in uncertainty belief is this keeping or allowing without solely human agency in this proving of eucharist and marriage previously misrepresented by all.
Is it typical for a primary source to approximate the year of the event it's documenting? Sounds a lot more like secondary information.
Amazing. .
Thanks for this
Very interesting
Why do they keep saying allegedly, don’t they believe?
The most famous Eucharistic Miracle has not been verified by science , but is accepted in faith.
It's written in Italian. A bit old but Italian :-)
Multi nucleated . That’s specific to the heart tissue
And AB blood type is the universal plasma donor and universal recipient of all other types hmm
No it’s not, it is only the universal receiver, the universal donor is “O-“
@@bearistotle2820 yes but isnt it the universal “plasma” donor as ive heard
No, just the universal receiver.
AB+ blood does have universal plasma, but me, as a AB+ type, getting blood can only be from AB+ blood or O type which both are rare. That's why doctors are always asking for this type because it is rare. They especially like the plasma because not only is it universal but in my case, I have more plasma in my blood than other types.
So just a minor detail note. This kind of bugs me a little bit. The use of the word circa for approximately.
And this is totally not on point I know.
I don't think there's any reason to believe that someone would accidentally misplace the date of one of these Eucharistic miracles. This would be a foundational experience. It makes sense that personally I might lose track of the fact that somewhere within my four years at seminary (2013-2017) I encountered the Tridentine Traditional Latin Mass. And so I might say "about 2016..." And so on.
But to have misplaced the date of a Eucharistic miracle?! That seems a little far-fetched. So I wonder if the word circa, instead of approximately or about, might instead mean "within" as in, "within the year...."
4:14 The host speaks, and it sounds like Matt Fradd. It's as if, after the priest gave an account of the host, the host itself was bewildered about it's own alleged origin/history/nature. 😉
By Matt putting the image of the host over where he was, it's as if he's trying to send a symbolic message to the audience of this show, also. Namely, that he's the host of this show. 😉
Anyone else wondering why these “findings” didn’t make it into a peer reviewed journal?
It says more about academia than it does about Catholicism
@@Jordan22220 can you elaborate?
@@creatinechris academia won't touch something that would prove the miraculous nature of these events.
On the flip side, Catholicism doesn't need academia's approval
@@Jordan22220 how did you determine that academia wouldn’t touch something that advances our understanding of the world?
@@creatinechris because they're secular and liberal. This would be viewed as an attack on their world.
The days of scientists following the scientific method are long gone
Not to mention the heart tissue is multinuculated . Only heart tissue is like this for a special reason…
I don’t kno about eucarist but holy communion is symbolic in remembrance of Christ; also in John 6 were Jesus said eat my flesh and drink my blood, his very next sentence is ; the words I speak are Spirit and truth; He was talking about a spiritual thing not literally eating his body, this would b idolatry and canabalism! Not to mention millions of Eucharistic believers would consume him and there’d b no more physical Christ; Yeshuas words were spiritual and symbolic; do this in MEMORY of Me❤
Why is allegedly constantly thrown around?
Has anyone done a GENETIC Analysis???
The document is in Italiano
Watch Fr. Chris Alar’s, “Explaining The Faith” about Miracles of the Holy Eucharist, it’s more explained and believable.
Jayson .M. l shall surely pray 🙏 for your intention, remember you in my daily rosary .May God bless 🙌 and guide you to the best of His Holy Will with the Holy Spirit leading you. Pray to Mother Mary the blessed mother of Jesus for guidance 🙏.
10:33 "I can understand that there is this kind of picking and choosing going on, just like with the shroud."
In other words, "I can understand that people value investigation and verification over having blind faith."
I don't understand why Fr. Terry seems so uneasy with letting skeptics evaluate the Host as much as they like.
Doesn't Truth have nothing to fear?
Don’t really see how this would be blind faith at all. An expert determined it was just flesh and blood, and even regardless we can tell that the preservation is astounding for something that clearly couldn’t have any preservatives. And, not to mention, the improbability of a fraud in Medieval ages.
Even then, we know that the results were double-checked. So there you go.
@@jupiter2448 "improbability of a fraud in Medieval ages"
I would recommend you read up on the rampant fraudulent peddling of relics specifically during the Medieval ages because such relics could be manufactured cheaply but fetched a high price.
@@lucasprzybyla7084 By that I meant that it has been *demonstrated* that fraud was physically impossible.
@@lucasprzybyla7084 no. As in this particular case the scientists determined that fraud would be inexplicable for even a **skilled** 8th century surgeon.
I know that some even went as far as pretending to be monks and whatever, but in this case it just seems like a bridge too far. You’d seriously burn at the stake for this stuff.
@@lucasprzybyla7084 “oops, accidentally just made a surgically impossible cross section of human heart tissue”
And this miracle simply isn’t the same as the foreskin one. Unlike that one, nobody just “found” a randomly disk of human flesh and decided to claim it was from Jesus.
I read this long age , the host bled ending the debate as to if it was the body and blood of Christ.
Where is the proof that it was bread beforehand? How do you know it wasn't always a heart?
Thank you Doctor Praetorius.
Jesus warned against observing miracles, did he not? I have little doubt about the veracity of "wonders and signs" that religious people are claiming to have seen. But the words of Jesus keep coming to my mind. "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible." Matthew 24:24.
Please save your time and energy. Countless ones have already tried to educate me on the eucharist, all to no avail.
Rest it prot, miracles happen, not like anyone is going to mass looking for the Host to change it's nature.
You guys are so self righteous honestly it's tiring
You are talking about a verified miracle and yet you still doubt V. disappointed, Matt!
Other eucharistic miracles show blood type o not ab
Never heard of one with O blood. Which ones are you referring to?
Yeah me euther
U r wrong
I've heard the opposite, where AB+ has been the most common blood type to be found. What's interesting about that is AB+ is considered the universal receiver, with Christ being the "universal receiver" of mankind.
@@FULLAWESOMENESS12 No that's AB-. AB+ is the universal donor
@@ASRCFTAtheist The universal donor is O-
Ricardo Castañón
In the original interview, a person Cory Cook asked about Y chromosome in 1:21:30.
A male has a XY chromosome. The X comes from mum and Y comes from dad. Cory is saying Jesus should only one 1 X but no Y since He doesn't have a biological father.
On a separate note, a human has 46 chromosomes. 23 from mum and 23 from dad.
As Jesus is fully man and fully God, he should have only 23 chromosomes given by Mary. It would be amazing if DNA testing can be carries out to ascertain how many chromosomes there are. And if there is a Y chromosome.
I know Ron Wyatt claimed to have done something along these lines but he was a controversial figure and his sample of suspect. It is best to carry out any DNA analysis on credible sources of Eucharistic miracles.
I don’t know if the Church says anything on this, but in my personal opinion I don’t think any of Jesus’s DNA comes from Mary. God could have done anything he wanted. I think all that mattered was the He grew in her womb and was birthed by her. Either that or at the beginning the Trinity created the Holy Sperm that would fertilize Mary’s egg so as not to break the law Conversation of Mass. Or Jesus back to the original Jesus’ body is just composed of atoms around the world that was transported into Mary’s womb. We may just have to wait till we get to Heaven and ask.
As a Catholic from Latin America, there's a scientist called Ricardo Castañon who was previously atheist until he was given the task of studying an eucharistic miracle, which if I'm not mistaken happened in Argentina (being present the back then bishop I think, now Pope Francis). I can almost confirm (long time haven't watched the videos) that he has said that indeed, in the blood that he has studied (he has continued to study many other eucharistic miracles) the only Chromosome that's present is the one of the female/mother.
You can search for his talks here in TH-cam, they're only in spanish as far as I can tell, search "dr Ricardo Castañon milagros eucarísticos", they're quite interesting, and usually doesn´t only cover eucharistic miracles but other studies he has done or that he is doing.
@@NEGOX47 You mean that’s there’s no Y chromosome?
Wait guys, I've been searching for the part where he says it in one of the YT videos but haven't found it (I've only taken quick looks at the videos), he talks about the DNA being irretraceable but as I said, I haven't found the part where he mentions it, so please take this with a grain of salt, I'll keep searching. He came in 2019 to one of our local churches (most YT videos are 2015-2017), and some family of mine went to that talk, and in that talk he did say it.
I repeat, take this with a grain of salt, I'll keep searching, thank you.
DNA analysis is not permitted by the Church to be used on any Eucharistic miracle, because it requires the deliberate destruction of part of the sacred object, constituting a sacrilege. No doubt someday soon methods will have advanced to where analysis will be possible while allowing for complete conservation.
Why are people still doubting the real presence of Christ in the Host??? Your so called science and logic intelligence is insignificant against the Trinity... MD
How do u know the bread wasn't swaped for heart flesh? (As unsual as it would be for someone to get such a thing) it would be a more reasoable explanation?
For alive BEATING cardiac tissue? Lol
how the epitaph first that is the source right there. Put up the epitaph No one can read it But it is an authentic image of the real McCoy Take a deep breath everybody
How can anyone know what blood type Jesus had. No one can certainly say the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus.
Christ’s blood type is AB
It's Italian
Okay so how do u know someone didn't put a piece of heart flesh in the place of the bread?
Omg 🤦♀️
It's italian, not latin XD
... It is Italian 😉
To really validate this claim scientifically, we need to do a scientific method. And it's a challenge to any Catholic, 1. raw flour verified no blood sample 2.bread/host verified no blood container verified no blood 4.priest verified no blood on his hands/garments during communion 5.separate 3 hosts and put in sealed bag verified no blood.6.send each host to 3 different labs for testing and exchange hosts between labs so that each host is test on 3 labs 7. 9 test results must show that there's blood sample, this is your chance to prove your literal teaching is correct. For simplicity you one can also take 3 hosts from 3 different churches then follows steps 5 to 7.
Eucharistic miracles are very rare. 99 percent of the time the host will appear to be the same to a scientist doing an investigation. The appearance will remain the same, the substance will change. That's why it's called transubstantiation. For example if a woman marries a man on her wedding day, she will look the same only now she is a married woman not an unmarried one. Not a very good analogy I know. Or when a person gets baptized, they are now a new person in Christ. They still look the same but they have been changed. We trust Jesus' words that's why we believe it. I don't know what religion you are but Protestants stopped believing it but the Catholic Church believed all along. True Christianity from the beginning believed this.
@@mariemunzar6474 "In 1551, the Council of Trent declared that the doctrine of transubstantiation is a dogma of faith[53] and stated that "by the consecration of the bread and wine there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread into the substance of the body of Christ our Lord and of the whole substance of the wine into the substance of his blood. This change the holy Catholic Church has fittingly and properly called transubstantiation" ->change of the whole substance into the body of Christ.
I would just like to caution/remind everyone about the miracles Pharoah's magicians performed. They also performed in ways (likely with satanic powers) that tried to cheapen God's power. Ultimately, God's power conquered. But I don't think it's wise to jump for joy at every sight of "miracles".
For a pharisee the only way Jesus Christ could work miracles was by the power of belzebub , continue to grieve the Holy Spirit 👍👍👍👍
There are relics that are baddd. Scary spirits
Fake fiction nonsense
What would be the greatest miracle ever would be if some of these priests went and gave some of their wealth and possessions to the poor instead of talking talking talking and more talking go and make some contribution to society
They live in poverty Michael . They take an oath of poverty . Are you kidding right now ?
The Catholic Church helps the poor constantly . Go to one. Read the bulletin. Speak to a priest . They’re peaceful and pour Gods love out to you
@@katBerk ya right and im jack the rippers grandmother
what wealth and possessions are you talking about? are you serious? do you even know where these priests live, for one?
i'm not even catholic but this is insanity. priests are involved in all kinds of good deeds. it's a part of their calling. the Church is one of the leading organs involved in charity in the world.
you should be commenting this under some evangelical prosperity gospel pastor's video. they be flying private jets.
Im a devout Catholic. You’re off base about parish priests/religious, but spot on about bishops and cardinals
Why are all "miracles " super dumb and entirely unhelpful?
Where are the cured sick and helped poor?
There’s quite a few if you go by a quick search. Lourdes is pretty popular as a healing spot, so are some areas with famous Saints and relics.
Part of the canonization process for Saints is the verification of at least 2 miracles, and there’s a lot of medical ones listed. As in cancers and tumors that doctors couldn’t take out, and then later testing reveals it’s completely gone.
Just depends where ya look and if you’re actually open to evidence or not.
All over the place if you care to look.
Satan can produce 'miracles' when it suits him.
How could a miracle of the Eucharist "suits" satan?
Why would Satan produce a miracle that would only draw souls closer to his opponent? 😂
There would have been a very good reason why the findings were never peer reviewed before they were published. No reputable scientist would be prepared to validate such a load of total nonsense. You can bet that the Italian scientist who claimed it was an Eucharistic miracle also believes that talking snakes are real. The reason the church is reluctant to have it tested in a modern forensic laboratory by proper scientists is because they want to keep it a mystery, not because it's a precious holy relic.
Imagine mocking the Bible but pretending to be Catholic. Talk about "nonsense." Also, the 'scientific community' is not made of robots, but of humans. On top of that, it's self-curated. They don't allow some people in their community. Take evolution as a dividing line. If they concede that Jesus showed the reality of the Eucharist via a miracle whereby they could physically detect His blood therein, they would have to all become Catholics. You can't concede one without the other. Scientists are not bias-less.
The 'scientific community' supports abortion and transgendering the children and the non-existence of male and female, and mothers (oh, sorry, birthing people). How 'objective' can they be. How open to the reality of Christianity/open to studies proving it, can they be?
Which modern forensiv labratory with 'proper scientists' is fully ready to become Catholic and avoid whatever sins is stopping them from doing so?
Name it, name those scientists who are willing to become Catholic please?
I hope your employer isn't paying you more than a penny per post..troll. ..otherwise their getting ripped off!
Lol... how do people believe this?
I happen to believe the medical reports of a respected doctor.
@@DF_UniatePapist lol... non peer reviewed journal from 1970 was it? Pull the other one mate... it's got bells on it... 😂😂😂
@@davidbeazley633 And the reports of the several Eucharistic miracles since then that have the same exact findings. It’s not my fault that you don’t want to believe the science.
@@DF_UniatePapist "science"... 😂😂😂 too funny.
David Figueroa you're right
If he saw the host made flesh and the wine made blood - it was demonic. Jesus was PRESENT when he said this is my flesh and this is my blood. They are symbols and that was clear in the upper room when he broke the bread and passed the wine. It is the Roman church that made it an object of idolatry, and it is convenient that only the priest may bring Christ down. This is heresy, idolatry, and makes a mockery of the Lord’s supper. Repent and return to primitive NT Christianity. Abandon papal heresies, myths and old wives tales. You need to return to the warnings of Timothy.
@@Spiritualwrestler thanks for calling Jesus Christ Belzebub, you have done wonderfully like your ancestors -the pharisees.
Continue to grieve the Holy Spirit the best you can.👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@@Christusvinci No, I am calling the sacrament of the Eucharist idolatry, not Christ. Jesus Christ is not present in the bread, but is Risen and seated at the right hand of the Father. Your priests make a mockery of His death by claiming to bring Him down in every mass. This is papal tradition and not biblical truth. Learn the difference or continue believing a lie. Your calls
@@Spiritualwrestler well just as this sign on the shroud is perplexing, so is the eucharist. You are dealing with God who took flesh, so put that in sight when making your conclusions.
I can't wait for the day, a certain curious professional will test the blood for the two sources at the same time 😂😂😂😂😂
@@Christusvinci how can you put so much hope on the priesthood to offer you Christ’s body and blood? If their intention, be wrong, they worship a piece of bread and not the body of Christ and offer you and countless thousands idolatry and not Christ throughout their ministries. Your own traditions also kept millions of adherents to the faith from Christ’s blood, only allowing the wine to be shared after Vatican II. No. I prefer to practice NT discipleship, understanding that Christ cannot be sacrificed by a type of the OT priesthood in your priests, but trust in Jesus’ once for all sacrifice who alone stood in the order of Melchizedek. Oh that your eyes would be open to the truth and freeing gospel of Jesus and experience the grace of God in knowing you have been forgiven, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and even now seated in the heavens, secure in the knowledge of your salvation by faith- not by the Roman church. Repent. Romans 6:9. Christ being raised from the dead dies no more.
like your brain... your post.