There are several channels I no longer subscribe to for this very reason, channels I watched for years and respected. They then do a one off reference that subtly disparages the KJV or even a whole video that basically says to abandon it for newer versions. I can tolerate someone saying the KJV is not their preference, but they usually go on to attack it. You are right Satan knows his days are numbered (literally) and we will continue to see these attacks escalate.
How come many respected leaders have so blatantly abandoned the King James Bible by publishing materials and even study Bibles available in NIV, NKJV, ASV, but NO KJV???
Being critical isn’t hate, claiming Perfection of a human work is insane, in my opinion. As a Christian, I do believe scripture is inspired but it still is a human made book.
I had no idea how to understand scripture when I began reading it I prayed every time for God to help me understand and to see Truth And He is most faithful!! Amen
Amen! The holy Spirit teaches us according to his Word! God shows us what we need at that time and allows us to understand nothing more or nothing less, God is the one to grow a real Christian. I don't need man's perverted "new translations"
John 14:26 (KJV) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
My brother I have read and studied the Bible my whole life or what I believed to be his word. After watching you years ago, thankful that I had collected many kjv bibles, some very old. The absolute certainty in which you articulate the truth and the absolute without question validity and power of the kjv bible, has changed my view on his word and changed my life. I have convinced many,many people of that truth through your ministry and have led some to belief in Jesus christ through your labors. I appreciate you, you are a champion of the truth, and you live by that high and noble name Christian. May the Lord continue to reveal the mysteries of his word and make them plain to you for our edification and instruction. And may he set shields around you and bless you in all you do and may your ministry produce even more fruit. Love ya man and truly appreciate you.
@@TruthisChrist Brother Brandon, Wow 😢 All I kept seeing was a snake in disguise spewing and weaving lies. Evil has found another way to harm and belittle our precious children. I rebuke what the so called scholar said in our Lord Jesus mighty name, may all Christians see what is really being said and promoted. ... Side note- If memory serves, Ben Franklin could read and knew Holy Scripture when he was 5yo. ❤❤❤ Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ I pray it's time to call us home for the sake of our children, weak, sick, homeless & persecuted. Lord thank You for all You are showing us to witness. By the power of Your Holy name strengthen us each day we are here to see. ✝️🩸🛐
Everyone who says they read KJV as a child… idk if I believe yall. It’s a 12th grade reading level and uses archaic language not used today. So either you are a genius or….
@@davidmalone3317 my unbelief? I only use KJV too, but it takes studying to actually understand some of the archaic words… a child will not interpret it correctly. So you gotta sit there and read it to them. Be careful who you say doesn’t believe because, you could very well be insulting someone within the body of Christ and I’m sure Christ doesn’t like that.
Last week I gave it to my 9 year old as she was here visiting from Australia. I prayed and anointed her with oil and asked GOD to lead her way to him in life because I won’t be there to. Please everyone pray that my daughters parents (my cousins who adopted her years ago before I was saved) would find salvation and raise her up right and salvation for her also!
I come into agreement as well that Holy Spirit minister & lead your daughter & cousin to our Lord Jesus Christ. Claiming their salvation in Jesus name amen. Covering them with His blood for safety & protection.
Amazing! Love how you’re exposing the corruption of the new translations, I had no idea about any of this until I came across your channel. Truly a blessing, I want to stick to the King James Version from now on, thank you for doing what you’re doing
1611 KJV 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. [25] But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is The Word by which the Gospel is preached unto you!
This is nonsense. How can you have faith in something you don't understand? If I give my child a Greek NT, can they be edified? Of course not. They have to understand what they are reading. Paul makes that exact point when he discourages excessive tongues speaking in church -- see 1 Cor 14:11.
@@TimWismer Surely, there has to be some level of intelligibility when we study God's Word and seek to be edified. But 1 Corinthians 14 cannot be taken out of context to defend the idea that the KJV is so out of date, with so many uncommon words, that we cannot sufficiently understand it. That's not what 1 Corinthians 14 is even saying. What is going on in 1 Corinthians 14 is that believers were speaking in tongues without an interpreter, and as a result, no words were understood at all. I am talking ZERO words were understood at this event that Paul was criticizing. The Corinthians misused the gift of tongues. Is Mark Ward saying that all of the words in the KJV are not understandable? No. So 1 Corinthians 14 does not apply because it is about not understanding any words of any kind. Paul was not talking about not understanding certain select words. Even Jesus said things that were veiled to others many times. Additionally, Peter himself acknowledged in 2 Peter 3:16 that Paul wrote things that were "hard to be understood."
@@TimWismer I think that a person can act in faith without having perfect knowledge or full knowledge. Peter stepped out into the water despite all logic and rational experience. But He trusted Jesus because who He was. Peter did not know how to explain how to walk on water. He merely took a step of faith in trust in Christ and what He said.
2 Timothy 3:15 KJB And that from a CHILD thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Timothy would have had the Old Testament~Law/Prophets/Writings. So yes, the point is well made and taken. Context often exposes these "scholars" as they isolate texts.
Psalm 119:99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. 119:100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
Man. Arguing perfection in KJV isn’t arguing God’s perfection… KJV is translation of men’s trying to transmit a message. Older versions of the text sometimes state different realities like Goliath Heights. It might be a detail but perfection is in details isn’t it? KJV versions of the Bible state Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:4 is 6 cubits (or almost 10 ft tall) instead of 4 cubits in older versions (more realistic 6ft6 tall) and you believe more recent version based on what argument ?
@@QuantumG432 god didn’t reveal the text in English, actually he didn’t reveal it at all… as Christian, we believe Bible is inspired and not revealed like Quran of the Muslims… so you didn’t prove anything. There are Bible in other languages, stating KJV is the only correct version is ignoring the good translation in other languages and even the languages it was translated from. Or are you saying KJV is superior to original Greek, or Aramaic text?
I have labored to tell people and it's as difficult to convince them than trying to convert an atheist. God is able though and hopefully they will stumble onto the truth eventually.
Our children learned to read the KJV and many people have been amazed at how well they read. I have an eighth grade education and reading the KJV has dramatically improved my ability to read. The snake says don't read the pure word...
I believe the KJB is the easily to read, and only requires a 6th grade reading level. People think it's harder, cause of the thy, thou, and thee..when the other bibles added harder words, removed verses, and completely changed the meaning of some meanings of the verses.
English is my second language but I prefer Kjv bible. I found it special and sounds great listening from the English reader, a pleasure to read it too. It's much easier to understand than some other versions I read/listened.
@@messaroundhandleit the thee, thou and thy's are actually very helpful, much more so than the you they use in the trashlations with whom you don't always know if it's one or more than one the you is talking about, which creates a need for scribes like Mark Ward to explain it to you, which means he makes money. It's always about money with these people. 1Timothy6:10
all of the words in the KJB Bible are intelligible. The style of language chosen by the translators, among many other things, demonstrates the purity and beauty of the English language. Because that style of speaking is not naturally exercised, it must be taught. This one verse completely debunks this “scholar:“ Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
People make excuses and are lazy to learn the few words you do need to look up to understand the KJV but nah they rather learn from these new corrupted versions
To take your argument to its logical end (reductio ad absurdum), you could say that the Greek NT is also intelligible -- you just need to learn Greek. You may be right that learning the old terms is worth the effort, and that parents should make the effort, but his point is that other versions (take NKJV for example) are more intelligible. He isn't wrong.
@@TimWismerthe video showed the corruption of the New King James Version. Brandon presented God's Word to you. If you reject it your blood is not own his hands. Repent and believe the gospel before it's eternally too late! Praise Jesus! ❤
That's because the "KJV reseach council" are merely TR men, who "prefer" the AV, but who do not believe it actually is God's words. They CANNOT speak with conviction, because they have none.
Quentin Road Baptist Church and the KJBRC should be ashamed of themselves. Mark Ward has openly stated that he will only debate at a KJV church or seminary. He clearly wants access to the members of the congregation and the seminary students to try and lead them away from the KJV-only position. Those are the tactics of a WOLF!!! The debate should have been held at a neutral location. But then again, Mark Ward would probably not have done it because his whole agenda is to try and steal away some of the flock in KJV churches.
@@sjurdurkjv yeah , that is something I did not like hearing , I believe the KJB is actually inspired by the power and sovereignty of God and not just the random work of men , I honestly don't think men could do the work of this book on their own , God would have to be moving in that operation and the entire book is inspired words from all of Gods prophets , apostles and such , how is that anything but inspired?
I’m always amazed when someone decides that they know better than God about his words. That is some dangerous territory to tread. I am sad that he doesn’t realize that God himself is giving us commands and we cannot obey men rather than God. Thank you for sharing this so we can put our armor on against those who bring confusion. For we know that God is not the author of confusion.
A person who is convinced of something untrue is not in a state of confusion. But if someone confronts him with the truth he might become confused, because it contradicts the lie he was convinced of. You are right that God is not the author of confusion, but this doesn't mean that God's truth can't produce confusion.
He was using the term "sin" in the soft sense, as in "if I know the goal is for my child to understand the Scripture, then KJB is a poor choice" (arguing from James 4:17). He wasn't saying it was evil to give a child a KJB, just that the right thing to do is give them a version which is easier to understand. If you believe the KJB is the only valid English translation, then of course you should give them a KJB.
@@TimWismer oh shut up Tim, let Mark defend himself, he can come here and explain himself. Send your blind guide and let him explain himself, no one want to hear you and your politician answer for the blind guide.
@karlbro7287 Maybe Mark IS a blind guide. I don't know him other than the specific point he made in the video, so I don't have an opinion either way. I'm defending Mark because Mark probably doesn't have the time to read every comment under this video. And if he is a blind guide, there may be many attack videos on him, in which case he has even less time. He probably has more of a life than I do 🙂 My comment wasn't intended to defend false teachings, but just to help us practice mercy by considering whether someone's "take" might not be quite as "crazy" as we think. Humblelamb might be right. I'm just trying to preserve some Christian unity outside the KJV only community, if possible.
Thank you so much for doing what you do, Brandon. Your biblical insight has transformed my walk with Christ and I am FOREVER GRATEFUL. I hope to meet you in person one day and can’t wait to feast with you in the upper room next to Christ when he returns!
Amen! Thank you brother! God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. Romans 3:4 KJV
I highly recommend to everyone the book: Your Life Your Game by keezano🙌🏼 I read it and it changed my life, it shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual growth and financial success. Amen
@Truth is Christ Indeed the King James Bible stands out in its Text(Manuscript), Translators(Men), Theology (Message) and Testimonies (Mighty impact). Thank you for your service to the body of Christ
I grew up with the KJV. I was aware of it at a very early age. It was quoted, taught and read all around me. It was one of the first books I learned to read from. It has many times seemed curious but never obscured. I am an old woman now. JESUS CHRIST, the same yesterday, today, and forever! ❤
Well he is from the heretickmill BJU so of course he's fake, anything coming out of BJU is fake. Goes for basically all the other "institutions" as well, they're all corrupt, some more than other but corruption and apostasy are the main characteristics of those places. It's all head knowledge with Mark, don't believe dude is even saved. Obvious enemy of the word is obvious. Only a goat falls for someone like Mark.
@k8aik8ai He's joined to a strange god: [Malachi 2:11] Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. [12] The LORD will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and *the scholar,* out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts.
“All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, And right to them that find knowledge.” Proverbs 8 vs 8-9
II Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
That particular verse is describing the state of the church before the Lords second coming. A few chapters before he describes the state of the world. Both verses are coming true as we watch.
I will honestly stand before Jesus Christ upon my death and say Lord I thought that was your words and I loved them, if they were not I am sorry. I believe the KJV is scripture.
Amen! Our desire to know and obey the truth is the heart of the issue. Whether you read KJV, NKJV, or ESV, your desire to know and obey will produce the same result. People in other countries who don't read English, but who have the Bible in their language, and seek to know it and obey it, will be blessed by God with closeness and fellowship with Him.
@@TimWismerto know and obey doesn't get you saved. Only Christ saves. The KJV is the translation that makes this crystal clear, and the others pervert it. Did you not even watch the video and look into the point made in it? Other translations make salvation a process, not a singular moment. Things that are different, are not the same.
@@TimWismer you know the truth and chose the wrong anyway, if you're even saved you will suffer terrible loss, but I don't think you are even saved, probably some pastor in the past told you were saved or you grew up in church and are a so call churchian, the fact you are here fighting with people over this tells your motivation. You're no different from a lost catholic. Watch out blind guy.
This is very subjective and depends on the person. I find the NIV far easier to memorize (it probably takes 3-4x longer for me to memorize in KJV). I don't memorize in NIV anymore because it is much less accurate than the KJV, but it's much easier. If you believe KJV is the only valid English translation, then you should only memorize in KJV. But for me, memorizing in NKJV or ESV is a better balance of accuracy and ease of memorization. I want to memorize accurately, but also to memorize as much as possible. But all of us are different. Blessings on your continued memorization of God's Word brother!
So glad someone is raising awareness about this brother!🙌Pray for this to spread across the globe! And for your divine protection! Love to all in Jesus Christ Holy name ❤!
Check out the book Brandon wrote “Sealed by the King “ he doesn’t advertise the book but it is awesome, I bought 2 of them and I hope he does a updated version.
I was saved at 7, given a KJV Bible, and led my two friends to Christ the next day. I have spent my life witnessing, teaching, and leading people to Christ. I had a NKJV for a while but it never seemed right. It was stolen and I went back to KJV. Then, I found Brandon Peterson's work. Praise God! I am convinced the KJV is the only true version for everyone.
Two premises and one conclusion. 1) God is perfect and pure. 2) The Bible is God’s word. Therefore, the Bible in my hand is perfect and pure. 100% God’s words, 0% man’s. I believe my King James Bible!
I can’t emphasise enough brother how important your work has been for the body of Christ I clearly see that there is a War going against this Holy book So happy that the Holy Spirit lead me to your work…. I have been trying to tell people that KJB is the One and Only book and people can’t have it ., they keep saying that KJames was a mason … soooo ??? Mosses killed an Egyptian, K David killed his competition to get to Betsheba God still used them to accomplish his Will …. Just like he used a King to bring fwd HIS WILL AND PERFECT WORLD I LOVE YOU FATHER GOD FORGIVE ME FOR ALL MY BAD SINS I DID IN THIS LIFE THANK YOU FOR THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL TIMEE JESUS CHRIST 🙏❤️❤️❤️
I've read the whole thing but have never read in KJV (I grew up with NIV but now mostly read NKJV). But your point is interesting, and it does seem to me like KJV readers usually do more Bible reading than those who prefer more "readable" versions. The versions which make readability a priority at the expense of accuracy lose some of God's Word in the process. True believers read the Bible mainly because they love to hear the truth, and less so because it is easy to read.
I truly love the revelations you make known through your ministry God has given you! I watched this earlier today and really desired to communicate with you more confidentially, but I could not find a more private link to reach you. In this video, the use of the 'scholar's' comment "does not mean, hit the books" hyper-repetitively (from 2:45 - 4:03, 5 times in 1 minute and 18 seconds), no matter how wrong his words, was a bit excessive to watch. Someone new to your videos could easily be turned off by this and miss the amazing content that you covered because later, the important verses you showed by contrast comparison were so fast that many were missed completely unless the video was paused to manually go slow enough to actually see them. The information you're sharing is so VITAL! The truth is powerful, and even more so when spoken or shared with humility even when we're right. ❤
Thank you for stopping that heresy, Brandon! I love the King James Bible and find it easy to memorize! Also, like you have shown us that others learn by repeatedly hearing it in church as we were growing up! With these simple language Bibles who could possibly memorize them; and actually few even try nowadays! Satan wants to water the word down to "Kumbaya"; instead of the powerful, perfect, saving, living word of the almighty God!✝♥
Brandon wrote a book “Sealed by the King “ and it is awesome, I bought 2 copies and I hope he comes up with a updated version. He doesn’t advertise it but it’s available on line
Proverbs 22:21 That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?
God is not the author of confusion 1 Corinthians 14:33. It’s all about satan distorting the truth and making money on the best selling book ever. Thank you Brandon for all you do and thank you for your book Sealed by the King, I’m looking forward for a updated version. 😉😉
I am glad that I gave the KJV to my mom as a gift and I immediately felt some kind of distrust for the NKJV and all the others before placing the order.
It’s very telling of Mark Ward to refuses to address textual criticism because it’s the very crux of the issue with modern bibles that are translated from the corrupt critical Greek text. Mark feigns concern over readability yet he does not care that the modern bibles are full of doctrinal errors. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Amen amen good video brother. I saw you at genes Kim blow out but didn’t get a chance to talk to you. Love these videos and you standing up for the sword of the Lord , the KJV. Keep on keeping on !!!
KJV was given to me by my Sunday School teacher when I was 5 years old when I started 1st grade. By grade 3-4+ I was reading that Bible. God let me understand what I needed for the time. As I got older, I understood more. God is in control and the Holy Spirit helps us. Our faith is in the Word. Children should not be given a wrong, weak or distorted Bible with parts deleted!!
I crossed pathes with this guy awhile back. Cast not pearls before swine, is where I got to. The only obstacle to the Truth, Believing you already have it. Glory to The Most High
Jesus said "I Am the way, the truth and the life. Those that have Jesus have the truth. To as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on His name.
the bible also tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it". the young absolutely need to be taught the ways of the lord and to study it daily.
Well Mark don't want them to have this foundation, he wants your children to have his modern slop as a foundation, to build their houses on sand instead of the rock Jesus Christ.
FANTASTIC TIMING! My ministry has been working on a KJV VS NEW series and has been going over a lot of differences, and yet praise the Lord this video came out to reveal even more. The word is God's truth, and we are sanctified by his truth. If we don't have his word, then the church can not be spiritually washed by it. Keep up the great work Brandon, always happy to see more of your content.
There are indeed many meaningful differences between KJV and other versions. But there are many reasons for this, not all of which are nefarious: 1) the underlying Greek text used -- e.g. Textus Receptus vs Critical Text 2) Different translation philosophies -- e.g. "word for word" vs "thought by thought". 3) Some words in Greek and Hebrew have multiple meanings, and it isn't always clear to them which word is best. In these cases they have to just do their best (hopefully led by the Spirit). 4) Modern publishers can't change just a few passages and then call something a new version -- they have to change a lot of words before they can copyright the new Bible. This forces changes where they aren't needed. 5) Requirements by the funder or publisher -- King James, for example, had certain requirements of the translators (some of which they ignored). When your ministry puts together your list of differences, I think it would be good to mention some of these things. The Enemy is definitely hard at work trying to water down God's Word, but I think it's helpful for people to understand that these changes aren't typically the result of malicious intent on the part of the scholars who are translating the Bible. May God bless your work!
@@TimWismer I am trying to respond but I think TH-cam deletes comments 20 seconds after someone posts... I wanted to respond, but I think TH-cam does this to avoid spam, yet they end up ruining potentially constructive conversations.
Excellent work brother. Your videos are so well done and clear. My prayer is that conviction will come upon the hearts of those christians that are sitting on the fence on this issue and that unbelievers will be unblinded through this awesome documentary.
I used to argue with people about the KJV. I tried to convince them. However I realized by studying the Word, that "man is decieved by his own desires". Mans wicked desires separate him from God's Truth. Save your persistance for your children. They require it.
Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding. 32:9 Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment. I Corinthians 1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
i grew up using the kjv and only would use it to memorize.... there is a great lecture series called "Battle of the bibles" by walter vieth and he shows you who and why they are changing the word from the glad your showing this up....good job
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
"Truth is CHRIST"...(Tic).... "Truth of CHRIST".....(Toc)....Brother..if you had another Channel with dat name....we could call them...obvious now...Tictoc,tictoc....times a closing world...Your CREATOR Approaches soon. But jokes aside....Even so, Come LORD JESUS ! Thank you ALWAYS...for all of your labour.....Champion, you are. it's much appreciated. HALLELUYAH !!! to the LORD for HIS Ministers. I have learned so, so much from HIS workers. PRAISE THE LORD GOD JESUS. Peace.
Where does it say in any bible it is a sin to give children the KJV bible?. Does this guy just make up sins to add to God's list? This is what is wrong with today' pastors. They twist & turn God's words to their belief or to fit their narrative, this is called teaching of false prophets. 1611 KJV Bible is 1 of 3 that haven't been rewrote & change from the original. I went to Sunday School from 1st grade to conformation, it was my teachers who explained words from the KJV Bible. This guy needs to be ignored that's spreading false words of God's. I'm glad you are exposing him.
I feel like alot of pride has crept into the Christian sphere lately. Especially those we are supposed to look toward as our teachers and fellow saints. I still cant get over the fact how little christianity agrees with itself on just about everything. Regardless of what people will say to this, it is without a doubt in my heart that Christianity went very wrong somewhere not long after the apostles were killed.
Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
John 17:17 KJV
Check out the beginning of The Gospel for Context…
into a book….?
@@P.H.888The Word was made flesh. and dwelt among us. ... John 1: 14.
Everytime i turn a corner the KJV is under attack… Satans hard at work in these last days!!!!
They hate the KJV for no reason.
There are several channels I no longer subscribe to for this very reason, channels I watched for years and respected. They then do a one off reference that subtly disparages the KJV or even a whole video that basically says to abandon it for newer versions. I can tolerate someone saying the KJV is not their preference, but they usually go on to attack it. You are right Satan knows his days are numbered (literally) and we will continue to see these attacks escalate.
How come many respected leaders have so blatantly abandoned the King James Bible by publishing materials and even study Bibles available in NIV, NKJV, ASV, but NO KJV???
Being critical isn’t hate, claiming Perfection of a human work is insane, in my opinion. As a Christian, I do believe scripture is inspired but it still is a human made book.
I couldn't understand the KJV until I became a Christian. It makes perfect sense now.
I had no idea how to understand scripture when I began reading it
I prayed every time for God to help me understand and to see Truth
And He is most faithful!!
Amazingly enough, under attack by people that call themselves Christians.
Amen! The holy Spirit teaches us according to his Word! God shows us what we need at that time and allows us to understand nothing more or nothing less, God is the one to grow a real Christian. I don't need man's perverted "new translations"
John 14:26 (KJV) But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
My brother I have read and studied the Bible my whole life or what I believed to be his word.
After watching you years ago, thankful that I had collected many kjv bibles, some very old.
The absolute certainty in which you articulate the truth and the absolute without question validity and power of the kjv bible, has changed my view on his word and changed my life.
I have convinced many,many people of that truth through your ministry and have led some to belief in Jesus christ through your labors.
I appreciate you, you are a champion of the truth, and you live by that high and noble name Christian.
May the Lord continue to reveal the mysteries of his word and make them plain to you for our edification and instruction. And may he set shields around you and bless you in all you do and may your ministry produce even more fruit.
Love ya man and truly appreciate you.
@@Justabattlereadyservant amen ❤️
Praise Jesus!!
All glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ the Righteous!
Brother Brandon,
Wow 😢
All I kept seeing was a snake in disguise spewing and weaving lies.
Evil has found another way to harm and belittle our precious children.
I rebuke what the so called scholar said in our Lord Jesus mighty name, may all Christians see what is really being said and promoted.
Side note-
If memory serves, Ben Franklin could read and knew Holy Scripture when he was 5yo.
Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ I pray it's time to call us home for the sake of our children, weak, sick, homeless & persecuted.
Lord thank You for all You are showing us to witness.
By the power of Your Holy name strengthen us each day we are here to see.
Thank you Bro. Brandon
My first response isn't here 😢
I really appreciate your dedicated to our Lord, His Word and sharing with us.
This is exactly why I have said for many years; there's no such thing as a Bible scholar, Only Bible students!
Yeah Jesus said go and make disciples not go and make scholars
They're scribes, these Mark Ward types, now go read about scribes in your King James Bible and you'll know why Mark Ward is just like he is.
academics with empty souls! Probably, freemasons?
Just finished reading THEEEEE KJV last week, and I am so glad I read it again!
What a blessing! How long did it take you to read?
On your next read through he will show you even more stuff :D
Amen ! ❤
Everyone who says they read KJV as a child… idk if I believe yall. It’s a 12th grade reading level and uses archaic language not used today. So either you are a genius or….
I didn't even know there was any other version than KJV until I was well into adulthood. So continue in your unbelief.
@@davidmalone3317 my unbelief? I only use KJV too, but it takes studying to actually understand some of the archaic words… a child will not interpret it correctly. So you gotta sit there and read it to them. Be careful who you say doesn’t believe because, you could very well be insulting someone within the body of Christ and I’m sure Christ doesn’t like that.
Last week I gave it to my 9 year old as she was here visiting from Australia. I prayed and anointed her with oil and asked GOD to lead her way to him in life because I won’t be there to. Please everyone pray that my daughters parents (my cousins who adopted her years ago before I was saved) would find salvation and raise her up right and salvation for her also!
So be it! In Christ's great name! Amen.
I have prayed for her and your cousins to come to Jesus and read his words.
I come into agreement as well that Holy Spirit minister & lead your daughter & cousin to our Lord Jesus Christ. Claiming their salvation in Jesus name amen. Covering them with His blood for safety & protection.
I literally just got 2 KJB for children. God never fails ❤
@@chasin8888 ❤️
Me too please pray as my wife who is Christian going against me giving my son a KJV kids baby by Arthur mee
Audio Bibles are great for children too. You've given them practically the greatest gift.
We have the perfect word of God in the King James Bible.
Praise the Lord!
God is awesome!
We really appreciate all the work Brandon Peterson puts into these great videos
Thank you, Brandon, for all of your hard work. Your channel is a blessing to many.
Amazing! Love how you’re exposing the corruption of the new translations, I had no idea about any of this until I came across your channel. Truly a blessing, I want to stick to the King James Version from now on, thank you for doing what you’re doing
1611 KJV
1 Peter 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.
[25] But the word of the Lord endureth forever. And this is The Word by which the Gospel is preached unto you!
Edification does not require intelligibility, edification requires FAITH (I Timothy 1:14) KJV.
And there is Jude.
Jude 1:20
"But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost."
Blessings to you, brother.
This is nonsense. How can you have faith in something you don't understand?
If I give my child a Greek NT, can they be edified? Of course not. They have to understand what they are reading. Paul makes that exact point when he discourages excessive tongues speaking in church -- see 1 Cor 14:11.
@@TimWismer Surely, there has to be some level of intelligibility when we study God's Word and seek to be edified. But 1 Corinthians 14 cannot be taken out of context to defend the idea that the KJV is so out of date, with so many uncommon words, that we cannot sufficiently understand it. That's not what 1 Corinthians 14 is even saying.
What is going on in 1 Corinthians 14 is that believers were speaking in tongues without an interpreter, and as a result, no words were understood at all. I am talking ZERO words were understood at this event that Paul was criticizing. The Corinthians misused the gift of tongues.
Is Mark Ward saying that all of the words in the KJV are not understandable? No. So 1 Corinthians 14 does not apply because it is about not understanding any words of any kind. Paul was not talking about not understanding certain select words. Even Jesus said things that were veiled to others many times.
Additionally, Peter himself acknowledged in 2 Peter 3:16 that Paul wrote things that were "hard to be understood."
@@TimWismer I think that a person can act in faith without having perfect knowledge or full knowledge. Peter stepped out into the water despite all logic and rational experience. But He trusted Jesus because who He was. Peter did not know how to explain how to walk on water. He merely took a step of faith in trust in Christ and what He said.
@@TimWismerAll wisdom and understanding comes from God. Ask and receive. All understanding comes thru Him, thru great faith.
2 Timothy 3:15 KJB And that from a CHILD thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Timothy didn't have the KJB, so this is irrelevant.
It's called the Recieved Text so yes he did.
Timothy would have had the Old Testament~Law/Prophets/Writings. So yes, the point is well made and taken. Context often exposes these "scholars" as they isolate texts.
@TimWismer The point is that it's so simple even a child can understand. God is not the author of confusion. Grace and Peace 🙏🏼😎
all i can say is wow , this is so sad my Lord help us please , pray this evil away
Psalm 119:99 I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.
119:100 I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
The problem these people have with GODS word (KJV), is they don’t believe GOD is perfect. His word is perfect. They need to accept it as truth.
Man. Arguing perfection in KJV isn’t arguing God’s perfection… KJV is translation of men’s trying to transmit a message. Older versions of the text sometimes state different realities like Goliath Heights. It might be a detail but perfection is in details isn’t it? KJV versions of the Bible state Goliath in 1 Samuel 17:4 is 6 cubits (or almost 10 ft tall) instead of 4 cubits in older versions (more realistic 6ft6 tall) and you believe more recent version based on what argument ?
@ You just proved my point. You know better than GOD with your arguement.
@@QuantumG432 god didn’t reveal the text in English, actually he didn’t reveal it at all… as Christian, we believe Bible is inspired and not revealed like Quran of the Muslims… so you didn’t prove anything. There are Bible in other languages, stating KJV is the only correct version is ignoring the good translation in other languages and even the languages it was translated from.
Or are you saying KJV is superior to original Greek, or Aramaic text?
I have labored to tell people and it's as difficult to convince them than trying to convert an atheist. God is able though and hopefully they will stumble onto the truth eventually.
Our children learned to read the KJV and many people have been amazed at how well they read. I have an eighth grade education and reading the KJV has dramatically improved my ability to read. The snake says don't read the pure word...
I believe the KJB is the easily to read, and only requires a 6th grade reading level. People think it's harder, cause of the thy, thou, and thee..when the other bibles added harder words, removed verses, and completely changed the meaning of some meanings of the verses.
Feel bad for non English speakers lol. You KJVO people crack me up man 😂
@@a.ihistory5879 KJV has been translated into many languages....
English is my second language but I prefer Kjv bible. I found it special and sounds great listening from the English reader, a pleasure to read it too. It's much easier to understand than some other versions I read/listened.
@@messaroundhandleit the thee, thou and thy's are actually very helpful, much more so than the you they use in the trashlations with whom you don't always know if it's one or more than one the you is talking about, which creates a need for scribes like Mark Ward to explain it to you, which means he makes money. It's always about money with these people. 1Timothy6:10
all of the words in the KJB Bible are intelligible. The style of language chosen by the translators, among many other things, demonstrates the purity and beauty of the English language. Because that style of speaking is not naturally exercised, it must be taught. This one verse completely debunks this “scholar:“
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
People make excuses and are lazy to learn the few words you do need to look up to understand the KJV but nah they rather learn from these new corrupted versions
To take your argument to its logical end (reductio ad absurdum), you could say that the Greek NT is also intelligible -- you just need to learn Greek.
You may be right that learning the old terms is worth the effort, and that parents should make the effort, but his point is that other versions (take NKJV for example) are more intelligible. He isn't wrong.
@TimWismer the nkjv is garbage, its another Catholic church freemasonic version.
@@TimWismerthe video showed the corruption of the New King James Version. Brandon presented God's Word to you. If you reject it your blood is not own his hands. Repent and believe the gospel before it's eternally too late! Praise Jesus! ❤
Archaic words are not initially intelligible and the KJV has a lot of them, if you say that…. then you haven’t read it.
All understanding comes from God The Father in Heaven
Thank you, Brother Brandon for getting the truth of God's words out to those who will listen and believe!!!! 🙏
That whole debate was horrible. The pro KJV pastor was lukewarm on the KJV. Thanks as always brother.
That's because the "KJV reseach council" are merely TR men, who "prefer" the AV, but who do not believe it actually is God's words. They CANNOT speak with conviction, because they have none.
Quentin Road Baptist Church and the KJBRC should be ashamed of themselves.
Mark Ward has openly stated that he will only debate at a KJV church or seminary. He clearly wants access to the members of the congregation and the seminary students to try and lead them away from the KJV-only position. Those are the tactics of a WOLF!!!
The debate should have been held at a neutral location. But then again, Mark Ward would probably not have done it because his whole agenda is to try and steal away some of the flock in KJV churches.
@@sjurdurkjv They want to be the authority over men and refuse to submit to the wisdom of God.
@@sjurdurkjv Aha, not going to listen to much of their stuff anymore as it's lukewarm, thanks for the heads up, God bless you richly.
@@sjurdurkjv yeah , that is something I did not like hearing , I believe the KJB is actually inspired by the power and sovereignty of God and not just the random work of men , I honestly don't think men could do the work of this book on their own , God would have to be moving in that operation and the entire book is inspired words from all of Gods prophets , apostles and such , how is that anything but inspired?
I’m always amazed when someone decides that they know better than God about his words. That is some dangerous territory to tread. I am sad that he doesn’t realize that God himself is giving us commands and we cannot obey men rather than God. Thank you for sharing this so we can put our armor on against those who bring confusion. For we know that God is not the author of confusion.
A person who is convinced of something untrue is not in a state of confusion. But if someone confronts him with the truth he might become confused, because it contradicts the lie he was convinced of.
You are right that God is not the author of confusion, but this doesn't mean that God's truth can't produce confusion.
Thank you Brandon for bringing the lies that matter to the light. You are doing blessed work! Praise God!!
Nah thats a crazy take. In my heart I know that it's not a sin to give a child the word of God through the KJB.
He was using the term "sin" in the soft sense, as in "if I know the goal is for my child to understand the Scripture, then KJB is a poor choice" (arguing from James 4:17). He wasn't saying it was evil to give a child a KJB, just that the right thing to do is give them a version which is easier to understand.
If you believe the KJB is the only valid English translation, then of course you should give them a KJB.
@@TimWismer oh shut up Tim, let Mark defend himself, he can come here and explain himself. Send your blind guide and let him explain himself, no one want to hear you and your politician answer for the blind guide.
Maybe Mark IS a blind guide. I don't know him other than the specific point he made in the video, so I don't have an opinion either way.
I'm defending Mark because Mark probably doesn't have the time to read every comment under this video. And if he is a blind guide, there may be many attack videos on him, in which case he has even less time. He probably has more of a life than I do 🙂
My comment wasn't intended to defend false teachings, but just to help us practice mercy by considering whether someone's "take" might not be quite as "crazy" as we think. Humblelamb might be right. I'm just trying to preserve some Christian unity outside the KJV only community, if possible.
Amen, amen, amen! To God be the Glory!
Thank you so much for doing what you do, Brandon. Your biblical insight has transformed my walk with Christ and I am FOREVER GRATEFUL. I hope to meet you in person one day and can’t wait to feast with you in the upper room next to Christ when he returns!
I've done nothing, except Christ working in me. All glory to the Lamb! Looking forward to that day as well!
Luke 24:45 Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
Thank you brother!
God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
Romans 3:4 KJV
Thank you very much Brandon. You are a blessing to the church. Hang in there bro
I highly recommend to everyone the book: Your Life Your Game by keezano🙌🏼 I read it and it changed my life, it shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual growth and financial success. Amen
thank you❤
l just found it 👍🏼
@Truth is Christ
Indeed the King James Bible stands out in its Text(Manuscript), Translators(Men), Theology (Message) and Testimonies (Mighty impact).
Thank you for your service to the body of Christ
These guys that attack the KJV sound so fruity... weird
Angelo, They sure do. They are completely deceived.
Even the wording in the false versions sounds effeminate.
They sound like homosexuals.
@@rd8370 Can you provide an example of this? Thanks.
@@SEL65545using the word "share" is one example of an effeminate sounding word
Amen brother, keep preaching and teaching.
I grew up with the KJV. I was aware of it at a very early age. It was quoted, taught and read all around me. It was one of the first books I learned to read from. It has many times seemed curious but never obscured. I am an old woman now. JESUS CHRIST, the same yesterday, today, and forever! ❤
Amen 🙏
@@KJVPictures ❤️
@KJVPictures I'm also subscribed to your channel ❤️🙏🙌
Thanks for addressing this important issue Brandon! So many are being misled by these modern scholars and pastors!
you mean these modern day sheep&goatthieves? That's all they really are, stealing the sheep&goats of the Lord.
That "scholar" is definitely a fake.
There are only three scholars I trust. The Apostles Luke, Paul, and John.
Well he is from the heretickmill BJU so of course he's fake, anything coming out of BJU is fake. Goes for basically all the other "institutions" as well, they're all corrupt, some more than other but corruption and apostasy are the main characteristics of those places.
It's all head knowledge with Mark, don't believe dude is even saved. Obvious enemy of the word is obvious. Only a goat falls for someone like Mark.
@@wendigos_eat_people7177 I think that Moses was a scholar. Fishermen probably weren't scholars.
"Scholar" only means he's a "student." But, there are students of worthy subjects and students of falsehoods.
@k8aik8ai He's joined to a strange god:
[Malachi 2:11] Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the LORD which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.
[12] The LORD will cut off the man that doeth this, the master and *the scholar,* out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the LORD of hosts.
“All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; There is nothing froward or perverse in them. They are all plain to him that understandeth, And right to them that find knowledge.”
Proverbs 8 vs 8-9
thank God for this man. Thank you for upholding this pure and perfect KJV. It is the greatest book in existence, now and forever.
Id rather a child read the KJV that was made by independent bible scholars than the newer catholic church freemasonic vatican versions.
Thank you Brother for all the work you put into your videos. They’ve grown my faith.
Long live the King James Bible. 👑
This man is Evil, I cannot stand Mark ward or any of these Guys
I agree with you about this man being evil 😈 his eyes reveal the state of his mind and heart.
O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
I fully agree
Are you referring to Brandon?
My son and I listen to KJV while we're getting ready for bed and it plays all night long until we wake up
I’ve got my dad’s KJV where he wrote his name inside, aged 7 in 1943
I got my Grandfather's giant print.
II Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
That particular verse is describing the state of the church before the Lords second coming. A few chapters before he describes the state of the world. Both verses are coming true as we watch.
I will honestly stand before Jesus Christ upon my death and say Lord I thought that was your words and I loved them, if they were not I am sorry. I believe the KJV is scripture.
Amen! Our desire to know and obey the truth is the heart of the issue. Whether you read KJV, NKJV, or ESV, your desire to know and obey will produce the same result. People in other countries who don't read English, but who have the Bible in their language, and seek to know it and obey it, will be blessed by God with closeness and fellowship with Him.
@@TimWismerto know and obey doesn't get you saved. Only Christ saves. The KJV is the translation that makes this crystal clear, and the others pervert it. Did you not even watch the video and look into the point made in it?
Other translations make salvation a process, not a singular moment. Things that are different, are not the same.
@@TimWismer you know the truth and chose the wrong anyway, if you're even saved you will suffer terrible loss, but I don't think you are even saved, probably some pastor in the past told you were saved or you grew up in church and are a so call churchian, the fact you are here fighting with people over this tells your motivation.
You're no different from a lost catholic. Watch out blind guy.
Kjv is the easiest to understand and memorize.
It is, and the more you use it the easier it gets.
This is very subjective and depends on the person. I find the NIV far easier to memorize (it probably takes 3-4x longer for me to memorize in KJV). I don't memorize in NIV anymore because it is much less accurate than the KJV, but it's much easier.
If you believe KJV is the only valid English translation, then you should only memorize in KJV. But for me, memorizing in NKJV or ESV is a better balance of accuracy and ease of memorization. I want to memorize accurately, but also to memorize as much as possible. But all of us are different. Blessings on your continued memorization of God's Word brother!
@@TimWismer please go back to Mark Ward and stay there with your poison Tim.
So glad someone is raising awareness about this brother!🙌Pray for this to spread across the globe! And for your divine protection!
Love to all in Jesus Christ Holy name ❤!
Check out the book Brandon wrote “Sealed by the King “ he doesn’t advertise the book but it is awesome, I bought 2 of them and I hope he does a updated version.
There are others too. Gail Riplinger,Daniel W. Daniels,Christopher Pinto,and many others.
Well done, Dear Brother! Silence the liars!!! 🕊✝️💯
I was saved at 7, given a KJV Bible, and led my two friends to Christ the next day. I have spent my life witnessing, teaching, and leading people to Christ. I had a NKJV for a while but it never seemed right. It was stolen and I went back to KJV. Then, I found Brandon Peterson's work. Praise God! I am convinced the KJV is the only true version for everyone.
@Brandon Peterson - Awesome. Thank you, Brandon.
On an unrelated note: When’s the new documentary coming out? I honestly can’t wait.
It's the largest project I've ever done: it's hard to pinpoint a date but sometime in 2025. Lord willing! Thank you for any prayers.
@@TruthisChrist Please don't repeat any information. We can watch older videos for that.
Two premises and one conclusion. 1) God is perfect and pure. 2) The Bible is God’s word. Therefore, the Bible in my hand is perfect and pure. 100% God’s words, 0% man’s. I believe my King James Bible!
Nothing less than demonic diception 😢
Thank you for being a powerful becon defending the word of truth brother. You're a warrior
Awesome work, Brother. I will add yet another of your videos to my public playlist, this one.
I can’t emphasise enough brother how important your work has been for the body of Christ
I clearly see that there is a War going against this Holy book
So happy that the Holy Spirit lead me to your work…. I have been trying to tell people that KJB is the One and Only book and people can’t have it ., they keep
saying that KJames was a mason … soooo ??? Mosses killed an Egyptian, K David killed his competition to get to Betsheba
God still used them to accomplish his Will …. Just like he used a King to bring fwd HIS WILL AND PERFECT WORLD
Amen for my Bible when I was child.i still have it
Every one I've ever met who did not recommend the KJV has never actually read the entire KJV cover to cover (nor any bible for that matter).
True dat. KJB folks actually read their Bibles.
I've read the whole thing but have never read in KJV (I grew up with NIV but now mostly read NKJV). But your point is interesting, and it does seem to me like KJV readers usually do more Bible reading than those who prefer more "readable" versions. The versions which make readability a priority at the expense of accuracy lose some of God's Word in the process. True believers read the Bible mainly because they love to hear the truth, and less so because it is easy to read.
I truly love the revelations you make known through your ministry God has given you!
I watched this earlier today and really desired to communicate with you more confidentially, but I could not find a more private link to reach you.
In this video, the use of the 'scholar's' comment "does not mean, hit the books" hyper-repetitively (from 2:45 - 4:03, 5 times in 1 minute and 18 seconds), no matter how wrong his words, was a bit excessive to watch. Someone new to your videos could easily be turned off by this and miss the amazing content that you covered because later, the important verses you showed by contrast comparison were so fast that many were missed completely unless the video was paused to manually go slow enough to actually see them.
The information you're sharing is so VITAL! The truth is powerful, and even more so when spoken or shared with humility even when we're right. ❤
Absolutely, may we keep the truth and especially for those yet to be born🙏✝️
Thank you for stopping that heresy, Brandon! I love the King James Bible and find it easy to memorize! Also, like you have shown us that others learn by repeatedly hearing it in church as we were growing up! With these simple language Bibles who could possibly memorize them; and actually few even try nowadays! Satan wants to water the word down to "Kumbaya"; instead of the powerful, perfect, saving, living word of the almighty God!✝♥
Brandon wrote a book “Sealed by the King “ and it is awesome, I bought 2 copies and I hope he comes up with a updated version. He doesn’t advertise it but it’s available on line
thank you so very much in showing us the truth , great video , will be showing this to many who think any Bible is ok Blessing s
Proverbs 22:21 That I might make thee know the certainty of the words of truth; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?
God is not the author of confusion 1 Corinthians 14:33. It’s all about satan distorting the truth and making money on the best selling book ever.
Thank you Brandon for all you do and thank you for your book Sealed by the King, I’m looking forward for a updated version. 😉😉
Amen. Lord-willing, I'll work on a new book after this documentary is finished in 2025.
Only the King James Bible for me.❤
I am glad that I gave the KJV to my mom as a gift and I immediately felt some kind of distrust for the NKJV and all the others before placing the order.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
Romans 1:22 KJB
It’s very telling of Mark Ward to refuses to address textual criticism because it’s the very crux of the issue with modern bibles that are translated from the corrupt critical Greek text. Mark feigns concern over readability yet he does not care that the modern bibles are full of doctrinal errors. He’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Some folks overthink they're selves right out of a relationship with the Lord!
Amen amen good video brother. I saw you at genes Kim blow out but didn’t get a chance to talk to you. Love these videos and you standing up for the sword of the Lord , the KJV. Keep on keeping on !!!
Brother Roy! 👋👍🏼🙏
Got my KJV today ♥️✨🙏
Awesome, congrats.
KJV was given to me by my Sunday School teacher when I was 5 years old when I started 1st grade. By grade 3-4+ I was reading that Bible. God let me understand what I needed for the time. As I got older, I understood more. God is in control and the Holy Spirit helps us. Our faith is in the Word. Children should not be given a wrong, weak or distorted Bible with parts deleted!!
I crossed pathes with this guy awhile back. Cast not pearls before swine, is where I got to.
The only obstacle to the Truth,
Believing you already have it.
Glory to The Most High
Jesus said "I Am the way, the truth and the life. Those that have Jesus have the truth.
To as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the sons of God; even to them that believe on His name.
1 Corinthians 3:20 And again,the Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain !
the bible also tells us to "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it". the young absolutely need to be taught the ways of the lord and to study it daily.
Well Mark don't want them to have this foundation, he wants your children to have his modern slop as a foundation, to build their houses on sand instead of the rock Jesus Christ.
America was built on God's word, the King James Bible.
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
Isaiah 40:8 KJB
FANTASTIC TIMING! My ministry has been working on a KJV VS NEW series and has been going over a lot of differences, and yet praise the Lord this video came out to reveal even more. The word is God's truth, and we are sanctified by his truth. If we don't have his word, then the church can not be spiritually washed by it. Keep up the great work Brandon, always happy to see more of your content.
There are indeed many meaningful differences between KJV and other versions. But there are many reasons for this, not all of which are nefarious:
1) the underlying Greek text used -- e.g. Textus Receptus vs Critical Text
2) Different translation philosophies -- e.g. "word for word" vs "thought by thought".
3) Some words in Greek and Hebrew have multiple meanings, and it isn't always clear to them which word is best. In these cases they have to just do their best (hopefully led by the Spirit).
4) Modern publishers can't change just a few passages and then call something a new version -- they have to change a lot of words before they can copyright the new Bible. This forces changes where they aren't needed.
5) Requirements by the funder or publisher -- King James, for example, had certain requirements of the translators (some of which they ignored).
When your ministry puts together your list of differences, I think it would be good to mention some of these things. The Enemy is definitely hard at work trying to water down God's Word, but I think it's helpful for people to understand that these changes aren't typically the result of malicious intent on the part of the scholars who are translating the Bible. May God bless your work!
@@TimWismer I am trying to respond but I think TH-cam deletes comments 20 seconds after someone posts... I wanted to respond, but I think TH-cam does this to avoid spam, yet they end up ruining potentially constructive conversations.
Excellent work brother. Your videos are so well done and clear. My prayer is that conviction will come upon the hearts of those christians that are sitting on the fence on this issue and that unbelievers will be unblinded through this awesome documentary.
This is one of my favorites: Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
one of the promises to Israel to keep them as a nation forever and a verse that is very hard for replacement theology to overcome.
Masterful presentation of a solid counter -- your videos are always edifying. God bless!
Unbelievable! …
Or not?!
It’s just a sign of the times that we are now living in.
I used to argue with people about the KJV.
I tried to convince them.
However I realized by studying the Word, that "man is decieved by his own desires". Mans wicked desires separate him from God's Truth.
Save your persistance for your children. They require it.
Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
32:9 Great men are not always wise: neither do the aged understand judgment.
I Corinthians 1:19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
i grew up using the kjv and only would use it to memorize.... there is a great lecture series called "Battle of the bibles" by walter vieth and he shows you who and why they are changing the word from the glad your showing this up....good job
be wary of Walter though as he's a Seventh Day Adventist, the false prophetss cult of Ellen White.
Luke 24:32 And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?
The Holy Spirit is a burning in our bosom.
"Truth is CHRIST"...(Tic).... "Truth of CHRIST".....(Toc)....Brother..if you had another Channel with dat name....we could call them...obvious now...Tictoc,tictoc....times a closing world...Your CREATOR Approaches soon. But jokes aside....Even so, Come LORD JESUS ! Thank you ALWAYS...for all of your labour.....Champion, you are. it's much appreciated. HALLELUYAH !!! to the LORD for HIS Ministers. I have learned so, so much from HIS workers. PRAISE THE LORD GOD JESUS. Peace.
I have absolutely no problem understanding the kjv Bible. I know i have Gods perfect word.
Thank you brother for all you do for the Kingdom of God, God bless and peace be with you ❤🕊👑
Where does it say in any bible it is a sin to give children the KJV bible?.
Does this guy just make up sins to add to God's list? This is what is wrong with today' pastors. They twist & turn God's words to their belief or to fit their narrative, this is called teaching of false prophets.
1611 KJV Bible is 1 of 3 that haven't been rewrote & change from the original.
I went to Sunday School from 1st grade to conformation, it was my teachers who explained words from the KJV Bible. This guy needs to be ignored that's spreading false words of God's. I'm glad you are exposing him.
I feel like alot of pride has crept into the Christian sphere lately. Especially those we are supposed to look toward as our teachers and fellow saints. I still cant get over the fact how little christianity agrees with itself on just about everything. Regardless of what people will say to this, it is without a doubt in my heart that Christianity went very wrong somewhere not long after the apostles were killed.
Excellent Brother Thank you
You helped me wake up to this❤