You know, I can almost imagine Robin Williams playing a roll like Jack Torrance. I mean, let's face it, Robin had both the looks and expressions to make a perfect killer.
Robin Williams would have been a perfect Jack: While Nicholson's performance is one for the ages, you know from the very first shot that Jack appears in that he's halfway to crazytown (just look at those eyebrows at 0:23). Williams, however, really does look like an ordinary, middle-aged father who's just trying to do his best to hold on to his sanity, which would make his eventual snap and subsequent violence all the more frightening.
Robin Williams as this character definitely would've been scary in it's own unique way. We associate him with humor, nostalgia, and comfort. So seeing him as a crazed murderer definitely would've been a jarring & bewildering image, had it actually happened.
Pur apprezzando il lavoro di Jack N. penso che Robin W. (che era anch'esso OTTIMO attore) avrebbe interpretato magistralmente questo ruolo, soprattutto per il fatto che lui ai più è conosciuto come un 'dolce uomo' grazie alle sue commedie e con il suo volto vederlo pian piano trasformarlo in un 'mostro' avrebbe impressionato ancor di più i spettatori ... anche se in realtà lui ha fatto un pò di film più seri e cupi.
Anyone who think Robin Williams could never play a convincing killer has never seen ‘Insomnia’.
or One Hour Photo
You know, I can almost imagine Robin Williams playing a roll like Jack Torrance. I mean, let's face it, Robin had both the looks and expressions to make a perfect killer.
I love it, it looks so cool! 💪
One of the best df around, great work!
Thanks! 🙏
Gran bel lavoro !!! Anche se rivedere Robin Williams mi ha messo un po di tristezza.
Robin Williams would have been a perfect Jack: While Nicholson's performance is one for the ages, you know from the very first shot that Jack appears in that he's halfway to crazytown (just look at those eyebrows at 0:23). Williams, however, really does look like an ordinary, middle-aged father who's just trying to do his best to hold on to his sanity, which would make his eventual snap and subsequent violence all the more frightening.
Robin Williams as this character definitely would've been scary in it's own unique way. We associate him with humor, nostalgia, and comfort. So seeing him as a crazed murderer definitely would've been a jarring & bewildering image, had it actually happened.
This is why AI scares the hell out of me
Robin would've make a very good evil Jack Torrance.
All i did was look up robin williams ai, on suggestions.
This deepfake is crazier then I had imagined
Neat can you make another where Robin Williams says the lines or one with Jim Carrey? He and Jack have similar facial expressions.
This is one of the most convincing deepfakes I’ve seen.
Pur apprezzando il lavoro di Jack N. penso che Robin W. (che era anch'esso OTTIMO attore) avrebbe interpretato magistralmente questo ruolo, soprattutto per il fatto che lui ai più è conosciuto come un 'dolce uomo' grazie alle sue commedie e con il suo volto vederlo pian piano trasformarlo in un 'mostro' avrebbe impressionato ancor di più i spettatori ... anche se in realtà lui ha fatto un pò di film più seri e cupi.
Killer job man.
I love it! 288res AMP?
Yup 😁
0:30 creepy as fuck
TH-cam's algorithm sucks, why am I only seeing this a year later !?
Gives me a lot of Arthur Fleck vibes
What a loss 😢
Freakin crazy
wow I'm like sooo impressed haha cool.
1:27 that is Bill Murray