Really poor service. A lot of people requesting a price to make an initial decision on whether this property may be for them and you have not bothered to respond to anyone? So many unanswered questions? Some people don’t want to make a phone call and waste your time as well as theirs to find out a price. Why not give a price so people can know whether they can afford it and make connection with you
Beautiful villa. What is the rough price guide per year please.
What is the aed price
must inform price?????
Put price information
Y there is no cielling fans
Is it freehold ?
Price details please
Really poor service. A lot of people requesting a price to make an initial decision on whether this property may be for them and you have not bothered to respond to anyone? So many unanswered questions? Some people don’t want to make a phone call and waste your time as well as theirs to find out a price. Why not give a price so people can know whether they can afford it and make connection with you