My God, that scream of fatal error scared me I really liked the video, if it's possible I would like to see Genshin Impact reacting to the fatal error vs nightmare, it would be awesome
hi FrazeTime I found this really cool error sans vs last breath sans vhs sans wiki sans collab video and was thinking it be fun for underfell & undertale to react to it 😊
Cirno vs Papyrus Sans vs Yukari
Full blast in my ear right now
I liked the ending
We can relate the Ending, when the first time we see the ending it's unexpected
Can you make hardcore sans fight but it and if
Worth it though since we don’t know who won so I’d say it’s worth
@@BridgettLuz-nd3cgfatal error won
My God, that scream of fatal error scared me
I really liked the video, if it's possible I would like to see Genshin Impact reacting to the fatal error vs nightmare, it would be awesome
Papyrus: I hope that sans is okay
Outer: Im dusting, im dustiiingg, I became dust
0:33 nah its the fact that error failed to kill him and fatal error is after his bum and scared him that one time
1:47 Great,if they want to know. Make them react to fatal error comic. Maybe if you want.
Nootmare be like: I fear noone but that thing
He look at fatal error
Nootmare: it's scare me
Give time Frazer more like and views
I be wating for it
1:28 I just realize outer is already dead from the hit from nightmare being push by fatal error blaster
Is video is sooo...
a FaTaL ErORr has occurred.
golly that joke was "cracking" me up wasnt it
Day 14 asking for player vs infected oh please
Well theres alot of requests to do so, I guess he gonna do it, but it's not the right time
wow still holding on? that is some good determination to be able to keep asking it
@@Deflamed_Sphereyeah im trying fr
@@Infected.0keep going my guy stay determined
tho fraze is probably busy with requests
@@Deflamed_Spherehe gotta take his time and i respect him for it. I hope i don't push him too much
1:00 yup its true
I dont know why but after wathcing both the green sans and sudden changes reaction vids I espected for this video to be funny.
hi FrazeTime I found this really cool error sans vs last breath sans vhs sans wiki sans collab video and was thinking it be fun for underfell & undertale to react to it 😊
Cool! I like it!
G.I. reaction to fatal error sans vs nightmare 🙏
Hey love your videos a lot I have a video request make undertale & underfell react to Undertales 8th anniversary (megalovaina)
Cirno vs Papyrus
Sans vs Yukari
Yeay he made it
Only water can kill nightmare
this boi different
I didn’t know I fought ink and someone reacted to it
My name even got said a few times
wait who are you?
When they react to more skibidi toilet
1hr late damn
Never jumpscare fatal error
Good very good
Day two of waiting for undertale ddd chara reaction
ep 2 😢😢😢
Bruh nightmare can live if you thro him to the sun he is mainly Mead of negative emotions
Gildedguy please
Nightmare is dumb he thinks he can kill fatal error.
Why he just run not attack..
"I wondr if nightmare's power is low rn"
Dude nm is just toying with fe
No he wasn't
@@WaspMan7130 i just saw that
Genshin impact please