"I haven't bought the first egg or the first quail yet." I do not think of a business driven by enthusiasm. I watched a lot here on the internet and, regardless of who made the video and, for whatever reason, I confess, I like your calm and it inspires confidence ... (hj - 12.10.2019) ... I watched, I believe, since your first publication and I really appreciate it! ... - Said, you started with half a dozen of them, no certainty, a lot of faith and even thanked ... - So, I'm very comfortable to ask you a set of questions. - Not just one. - I noticed your concern or commitment to the truth (which does not prevent the business environment that you lend and which is healthy) ... - With the knowledge you have, I imagine, that a quail breeding is not just about collecting individuals let them give meat or eggs ... Imagine a safe, sanitized environment as a very natural recommendation, in principle ... - If you were to start today ... in a step by step, as I would assure you, without repeating the little mistakes with surely you came across to start a robust and profitable creation? "I see, you shoot in various directions (not bad), but in a straight line and arranging directions, how would you do this, Sampaio?" ... I think it yields some video! :) ... in a short time there will be a shortage of food in the world ... how would you establish a synthesis to ensure meat and eggs and what peripheral products (waste, etc.) would you benefit from commercially? "Without bothering you, I imagine the questions I asked you should be asked of the minister of agriculture." But, I don't want to risk being dumb! kkk
Boa noite, gostaria que vc me tirasse uma dúvida, comecei a criar codornas à alguns dias e a moça que me vendeu elas disse que era tudo fêmea, ai comprei ração de postura, mas ai agora vendo seus vídeos aprendia a diferencia macho e fêmea e tenho dois machos na criação, a pergunta é eu contínuo com a ração de postura mesmo tendo machos na mesma gaiola?
Olá amigo.... parabéns pelo canal....... vou começar criar em casa o Codornão para corte, cerca de 50 unidades...... qual raça devo adquirir?..... um abraço..... Ibitinga-SP
Muito bom Darlan meu patrão top D+
Obrigado camaradas pelas dicas
Ola amigo muito bom este ovoscopio meus Parabéns por este vídeo ok
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho
Muito obrigado pelas dicas, muito importante
Bem prático e fácil e econômico
Qual lâmpada consegue ver embrião em ovos azuis?
"I haven't bought the first egg or the first quail yet." I do not think of a business driven by enthusiasm. I watched a lot here on the internet and, regardless of who made the video and, for whatever reason, I confess, I like your calm and it inspires confidence ... (hj - 12.10.2019) ... I watched, I believe, since your first publication and I really appreciate it! ... - Said, you started with half a dozen of them, no certainty, a lot of faith and even thanked ... - So, I'm very comfortable to ask you a set of questions. - Not just one. - I noticed your concern or commitment to the truth (which does not prevent the business environment that you lend and which is healthy) ... - With the knowledge you have, I imagine, that a quail breeding is not just about collecting individuals let them give meat or eggs ... Imagine a safe, sanitized environment as a very natural recommendation, in principle ... - If you were to start today ... in a step by step, as I would assure you, without repeating the little mistakes with surely you came across to start a robust and profitable creation? "I see, you shoot in various directions (not bad), but in a straight line and arranging directions, how would you do this, Sampaio?" ... I think it yields some video! :) ... in a short time there will be a shortage of food in the world ... how would you establish a synthesis to ensure meat and eggs and what peripheral products (waste, etc.) would you benefit from commercially? "Without bothering you, I imagine the questions I asked you should be asked of the minister of agriculture." But, I don't want to risk being dumb! kkk
Boa noite, gostaria que vc me tirasse uma dúvida, comecei a criar codornas à alguns dias e a moça que me vendeu elas disse que era tudo fêmea, ai comprei ração de postura, mas ai agora vendo seus vídeos aprendia a diferencia macho e fêmea e tenho dois machos na criação, a pergunta é eu contínuo com a ração de postura mesmo tendo machos na mesma gaiola?
Olá amigo.... parabéns pelo canal....... vou começar criar em casa o Codornão para corte, cerca de 50 unidades...... qual raça devo adquirir?..... um abraço..... Ibitinga-SP
Quantas lâmpadas serve para dar uma temperatura Boa e de quantos watts cada lâmpada
dependerá do tamanho da caixa amigo
@@coturnixsampaiozap vou fazer a medida é te mando blz
opa blz! uma dúvida: ração postura pra galinhas ,posso da a mesma ração pra codornas?
António Batista da Silva Batista pode mas as codornas vao falhar
Qual o whats dessa lâmpada?
vc tem grupo de codornas??
Quanto custa esse seu ovoscopio?
Quanto custa este óvóscopio e qual estado ei moro em minas gerais e tenho entereso neste óvóscopio aqui meu fone e wat o3131996063151 é vivo
luz de celular pode?
algumas pessoas usam mais não é o ideal
você vende um desse ??
Quanto custa 5 dúzias de ovos de codornas pro CEP 07161550
vc te facebook